/sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(UID)

  Sets the User Interface Definition (UID) file or files to be used with
  TPU.  A UID file contains widget definitions that are used by the
  Resource Manager.


     SET (UID, filespec, [filespec...])


     filespec             A string that is the name of a UID file to be used
                          with TPU.  You must specify at least one file
                          name, and you may specify more than one.  No
                          default file specification is applied to the
                          string you specify.


     The following statement designates the User Interface Definition (UID)
     file MYNODE$DUA0:[SMITH]EXAMPLE.UID as a file to be used with TPU to
     create widgets needed by the layered application:

     example_hierarchy := SET (UID,
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