/sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  GET_INFO(SYSTEM)

  For an overview of the GET_INFO built-in, see the HELP topic GET_INFO.

  The following strings can be used for parameter2 when parameter1 is the
  keyword SYSTEM:

  Parameter 2     | Return Value (Parameter 1 is keyword SYSTEM)
  "bell"          | Keyword  - Indicates whether SET(BELL) is on for either
                  | or 0       ALL or BROADCAST. Returns 0 if SET (BELL)
                  |            is OFF.
  "column_move_   | (1 or 0)   Returns 0 if the MOVE_VERTICAL built-in is set
   vertical"      |            to preserve the offset from line to line;
                  |            returns 1 if it is set to keep the cursor in
                  |            the same column from line to line.
  "default_       | String   - Returns the name of the current default
   directory"     |            directory.
  "display"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the input is from
                  |            a terminal; returns 0 if the TPU session is
                  |            running in batch mode.
  "enable_resize" | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether screen resizing is
                  |            enabled.  By default, screen resizing
                  |            is turned off and this call returns 0.
  "facility_name" | String   - Returns the current facility name.
  "informational" | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether informational messages
                  |            are displayed.
  "journaling_    | Integer  - Number indicating how frequently records are
   frequency"     |            written to the journal file.
  "journal_file"  | String   - Name of the journal file.
  "line_number"   | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether TPU displays the line
                  |            number at which an error occurs.
  "message_       | Integer  - Completion status severity level at which
   action_level"  |            TPU performs a message action you specify.
                  |            Valid values are (in ascending order of
                  |            severity): 1 (success), 3 (informational),
                  |            0 (warning), and 2 (error).
  "message_       | Keyword  - Keyword describing the action to be taken when
   action_type"   |            TPU generates a completion status whose
                  |            severity level is greater than or equal to
                  |            the level set by SET(MESSAGE_ACTION_LEVEL...).
                  |            Possible keywords are NONE, BELL, and REVERSE.
  "message_flags" | Integer  - Current value of message flag setting if
                  |            changed using SET built-in.
  "operating_     | Keyword  - Keyword for the operating system.
   system"        |
                  |            Keyword              Operating System
                  |            -------------------------------------
                  |            VMS                  OpenVMS VAX
                  |            OPEN_VMS_AXP         OpenVMS AXP
                  |            ULTRIX               RISC/ULTRIX
  "pad_           | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether TPU preserves a tab char-
   overstruck_    |            acter if the user puts text in a tabbed area
   tabs"          |            while the buffer is in overstrike mode.
  "record_mode"   | Keyword  - Keyword for the default record format and
                  |            attributes for all files written from buffers
                  |            having no input file.  Initially the default
                  |            record mode for the operating system,
                  |            VARIABLE_CR for VMS or STREAM_LF for ULTRIX.
                  |            Can be changed with SET(RECORD_MODE, SYSTEM).
                  |            Keyword        Record Format   Record Attributes
                  |            ------------------------------------------------
                  |            VARIABLE_NONE  fab$c_var       0
                  |            VARIABLE_FTN   fab$c_var       fab$m_ftn
                  |            VARIABLE_CR    fab$c_var       fab$m_cr
                  |            STREAM         fab$c_stm       fab$m_cr
                  |            STREAM_LF      fab$c_stmlf     fab$m_cr
                  |            STREAM_CR      fab$c_stmcr     fab$m_cr
  "recover"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether or not TPU is currently
                  |            performing a recovery using a keystroke
                  |            journal file.
  "resize_action" | Program  - The current resize action routine
                  | or         if one is present, otherwise 0.
                  | Learn
                  | or 0
  "section_file"  | String   - Section file name used when TPU was invoked.
  "shift_key"     | Keyword  - Value of the key set with SET(SHIFT_KEY) for
                  |            the current buffer.
  "success"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether success messages are displayed.
  "system_default"| Keyword  - Keyword for the operating system's default record
                  |            format and attributes for all files written from
                  |            buffers having no input file: VARIABLE_CR for
                  |            VMS, or STREAM_LF for ULTRIX.
  "timed_message" | String   - Text TPU displays at one-second intervals
                  |            in the prompt area if the SET(TIMER) is ON.
  "timer"         | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the built-in SET (TIMER)
                  |            has been set to ON.
  "traceback"     | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether TPU displays the calling
                  |            sequence for TPU procedures when an error
                  |            occurs.
  "update"        | Integer  - Update number of this version of TPU.
  "version"       | Integer  - Version number of the version TPU
                  |            that is presently in use.
  "work_file"     | String   - The fully qualified file name of the work
                  |            file opened by TPU during startup.
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