Library /sys$common/syshlp/TCPIP$UCP_HELP.HLB  —  Entering Commands, Management Command Guidelines
    Table 1 Management Command Guidelines

    Element            Guideline

    Address formats    Some commands require that you specify one of
                       the following kinds of addresses:

                       o  IP

                       o  Ethernet

                       o  FDDI

                       o  Token Ring

                       o  Hardware

                       Be sure to use the appropriate format. The
                       following examples illustrate an IP address,
                       an Ethernet address, and a hardware address,

                       TCPIP> SET HOST CROW /ADDRESS=

                       TCPIP> SET ARP AA-BB-04-05-06-07 CONDOR

                       TCPIP> SET BOOTP MACAW /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-dd-ff-2a-23-21

    Default            Refers to the command's behavior if optional
                       qualifiers are omitted.

    File and           When you specify OpenVMS files, follow all
    directory names    OpenVMS file specification rules. Likewise,
                       when you specify UNIX files, follow all UNIX
                       file specification rules.

    Service names      To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service
                       name, enclose it in quotation marks. Service
                       names are limited to 16 characters. Use only
                       the following characters in a service name:

                       o  Uppercase and lowercase alphabetic

                       o  Numerals

                       o  Dollar sign ($)

                       o  Underscore (_)

                       Do not define a service name equivalent to one
                       of the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS components
                       (for example, do not define a service name
                       BIND or TCPIP$BIND). In addition, the service
                       name CUSTOMER_SERVICE is reserved by HP.

    Host names and IP  To specify a host or network name on a command
    addresses          line, you can enter either the host's name or
                       the host's IP address.
    Keywords           You can abbreviate commands to the fewest
                       number of characters, usually four, that
                       identify the command. The following command
                       lines, for example, have identical meanings:

                       TCPIP> SH SE NFS/FU/PER


                       Command examples shown in this manual are
                       expressed using full command and qualifier
                       names for clarity.

    Multiple values    To specify multiple host names, addresses, or
                       options for parameters and qualifiers, be sure
                       to separate elements with commas and enclose
                       the entire list in parentheses. Wildcards are
                       valid unless otherwise stated. A space between
                       multiple elements is optional unless otherwise
                       stated. For example, the following qualifiers
                       are the same:



                       Wildcards are valid unless otherwise stated.
                       A space between multiple elements is optional
                       unless otherwise stated.

    Numeric values     Unless otherwise stated, all numeric values
                       are decimal. Values are indicated by either a
                       preceding equals sign (=) or a colon (:). For


                       _TCPIP> /ACCEPT:(HOSTS:JACANA,JAY,JUNCO,999.20.40.3)

    Quotation marks    In command lines, enclose the following in
                       quotation marks:

                       o  Lowercase and mixed-case names to be stored
                          in a database with the exact case preserved

                       o  Directory and file specifications
                          containing a slash (/)

                       o  Uppercase options specified with UNIX

                       Consider these examples:

                       1. To specify a path, enclose it in quotation

                       TCPIP> MAP "/usr/songbirds/canary" CANARY$DUA2:

                       2. To specify host names using lowercase
                          letters when you create a proxy entry in
                          the database:

                       TCPIP> ADD PROXY COUSINS /GID=10 /UID=40 -
                       _TCPIP> /HOST=("raven","crow","rook","daw")

                          Note the use of the DCL command-line
                          continuation character ( - ) that allows
                          you to continue a long command on the next

                       3. To specify a lowercase host name when
                          adding the host to the hosts database,
                          use these commands:

                       TCPIP> SET HOST "eaglet" /ADDRESS =

                       TCPIP> SHOW HOST EAGLET

                          Note that DCL interprets all input as
                          uppercase unless you enclose it in
                          quotation marks. Therefore, you must use
                          quotation marks to enter the host name in
                          lowercase in the hosts database. To display
                          information about a host, you can enter
                          either uppercase or lowercase characters.

                       4. When entering a lowercase or mixed-case
                          service name in a command, enclose it in
                          quotations marks. For example:

                       TCPIP> SET SERVICE "hello" ...

                       5. When entering an option in uppercase in
                          a UNIX command, enclose the option in
                          quotation marks. For example:

                       TCPIP> sysconfig "-Q" inet

    UNIX commands      Follow UNIX syntax and case rules when
                       entering UNIX commands at the DCL and TCPIP>
                       prompts. For example, enter the ifconfig
                       command in lowercase letters:

                       TCPIP> ifconfig options

                       When entering UNIX commands at the DCL or
                       TCPIP> prompt, enclose uppercase options in
                       quotation marks. For example:

                       $ TCPIP> sysconfig "-Q" inet

                       You can abbreviate commands, as shown in the
                       following example. The abbreviation must be
                       unique through the first four characters.

                       TCPIP> ifco options

                       If the abbreviation entered is not unique,
                       an error message will advise you to supply
                       more characters. In the following example,
                       the SYSCONFIG command cannot be abbreviated
                       because of the SYSCONFIGDB command.

                       TCPIP> sysc -q
                        %CLI-W-ABVERB, ambiguous command verb -
                       supply more characters

    Wildcards          If you specify a wildcard (an asterisk [*]) on
                       a command line, you are asked for confirmation
                       before the command executes. For example:

                       TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY *

                       VMS User_name  Type   User_ID  Group_ID  Host_name

                       GRACKLE          N       269       48      MAPLE

                       Remove? [N]:

                       To change this default behavior (so that you
                       are not asked to confirm), use the /NOCONFIRM
                       qualifier with the command.
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