1 UNMAP Makes unknown to the NFS server either a mapped (logically linked) OpenVMS disk or a container file system. Unmapping removes a logical file system, also called Network File System (NFS). Unmapped file systems are not accessible to remote users working on NFS clients. Related commands: MAP, SHOW MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, UNMAP, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Applies to: NFS server Format UNMAP "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 2 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privilege. 2 Parameters "/path/name" Required. UNIX name of the file system to unmap. You can use wildcards. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. Requests confirmation before unmapping each file system. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> UNMAP "/disk_host" Unmaps the NFS file system /remote, making it unavailable to client users.