1 SHOW 2 ARP Displays ARP information. Related command: SET ARP Format SHOW ARP [host] [/[NO]LOCAL] 3 Parameters host Optional. Default: All hosts; same as specifying /NOLOCAL. Specifies the host about which you want information. 3 Qualifiers /LOCAL /LOCAL /[NO]LOCAL Optional. Default: /NOLOCAL. If you either omit this qualifier or specify /NOLOCAL, the software checks the hosts database. If a lookup fails, it also checks the BIND resolver. Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW ARP Cnt Flags Timer Host Phys Addr 1: UC 425 * 00-00-f8-40-ad-91 2: UC 60 08-00-2b-39-4b-40 3: UC 438 00-00-f8-8d-24-d4 4: UCS 878 00-00-f8-4f-f1-63 5: UCS 426 08-00-2b-a1-b1-93 7: UC 104 aa-00-04-00-6d-10 Displays the contents of the ARP table. The flags have the following meanings: Flag Meaning U Up, or in use C Complete S Stale P Permanent D Dead 2.TCPIP> SHOW ARP PARROT parrot ( at O8-CC-2B-12-C2-BB Displays IP address-to-hardware address mapping for host PARROT. 2 BOOTP Displays client entries in the BOOTP database. Related command: SET BOOTP Format SHOW BOOTP [ host ] [ /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address ] [ /LOCAL ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Parameters host Optional. Default: Displays all entries. Host entry you want to display. 3 Qualifiers /HARDWARE /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address Optional. Default: None. Identifies the entry by hardware address. Specify the address as hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh. /LOCAL Optional. Default: The command checks the hosts database; if a lookup fails, it also checks the BIND resolver. To display hardware-address/IP-identification matches, limits host-name-to-IP-address lookup for each entry in the BOOTP database to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Output is directed to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW BOOTP MYNA /FULL Host: myna Hardware Address: 07-06-2B-05-04-03 Network mask: Type: Ethernet File: MYNA.SYS Time offset: 0 Vendor: Birds, Inc. Gateways: not defined Servers: Cookie: not defined IEN: not defined Impress: not defined Log: not defined LPR: not defined Name: owl.wise.mouser.edu Resource: not defined Time: not defined TCPIP> Displays the entry for client myna in the BOOTP database. When myna requests a download, TCP/IP Services sends system image MYNA.SYS. 2 COMMUNICATION Displays the settings and status for the IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_ ACP software, including routing, buffers, sockets, and memory on the running system. Related commands: SET COMMUNICATION Format SHOW COMMUNICATION [ /MEMORY ] [ /ROUTE ] [ /SECURITY ] 3 Qualifiers /MEMORY Optional. Displays information about memory allocated to data structures associated with network operations. /ROUTE Optional. Displays routing statistics. /SECURITY Optional. Displays the security settings specified with the following SET COMMUNICATION qualifiers: o /ACCEPT o /REJECT 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION/ROUTE Route statistics Created by redirects 0 Modified by redirects 0 Wildcarded lookups 6 Invalid redirect calls 0 Failed lookups 0 Displays routing statistics. 2.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION /MEMORY 1585 mbufs in use: 490 mbufs allocated to data 221 mbufs allocated to ancillary data 2 mbufs allocated to packet headers 131 mbufs allocated to socket structures 198 mbufs allocated to protocol control blocks 180 mbufs allocated to routing table entries 246 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses 21 mbufs allocated to socket options 76 mbufs allocated to interface addresses 1 mbufs allocated to kernel table 2 mbufs allocated to ip multicast options 7 mbufs allocated to ip multicast address 10 mbufs allocated to interface multicast addess 1 mbufs allocated to 1 mbufs allocated to 3 mbufs allocated to 7 mbufs allocated to 28 mbufs allocated to 28 mbufs allocated to 3 mbufs allocated to 3 mbufs allocated to 5 mbufs allocated to Displays information about memory usage. 3.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION /SECURITY Communication Security Parameters Allow Log: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Logo Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr Force Log: None Security device: disabled Access lists Accept host: Accept netw: Displays information about security parameters that were specified with the SET COMMUNICATION command. 2 CONFIGURATION Displays the information in the configuration database. This database, read by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure, holds information to: o Configure the lower-layer protocols, including dynamic routing. o Configure and enable the Internet interfaces. o Configure the services you want enabled when TCP/IP Services starts up. o Configure the BIND resolver. o Configure the BIND server, including the default domain. o Configure SMTP. o Configure SNMP. o Configure TIME. o Map file systems. Because the SET CONFIGURATION commands do not take effect until the next time TCP/IP Services starts up, the SHOW CONFIGURATION command might not display the current settings for the running software. For example, the information you see from SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL might differ from the SHOW PROTOCOL /PARAMETERS output. Related commands: All SET CONFIGURATION commands Format SHOW CONFIGURATION { component | ENABLE SERVICE [service] | START ROUTING } [ /COMMON ] [ /FULL ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Parameters component Required if you do not specify ENABLE SERVICE or START ROUTING. Component, defined in the configuration database, whose configuration you want to display. ENABLE_SERVICE [service] Note: Specify ENABLE SERVICE without an underscore when entering this command. Required if you do not specify the component parameter or START ROUTING. Displays either the specified component or all the components that are enabled by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure. To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service name, enclose it in quotation marks. START_ROUTING Note: Specify START ROUTING without an underscore when entering this command. Required if you do not specify component or ENABLE SERVICE. Shows whether or not routing is configured to start running by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure. 3 Qualifiers /COMMON Optional. Default: Node specific. Valid only with SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE. Displays the information in the configuration database for the clusterwide enabling or disabling of services. /FULL Optional. The default is to give a brief listing of the information. Displays complete information. Use with the component parameter. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Writes output to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE Enable service FTP, FTP_CLIENT, LPD, MOUNT, NFS, NFS_CLIENT, PCNFS, PORTMAPPER, REXEC, RSH, SMTP, SNMP Displays the services configured in the services database that will be enabled by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure. 2.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP SNMP Configuration Flags: AuthenTraps Sets Contact: Sam Spade Location First: Falcon Building Second: Los Angeles, California Community Type Address_list public Read trapit Read Trap trapit2 Read Trap, rw2 Read Write, Displays the SNMP configuration. 3.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE BIND Resolver Configuration Transport: UDP Domain: fred.parrot.brd.com Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers:, Path: No values defined TCPIP> Displays, from the configuration database, the BIND resolver configuration. 4.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION INTERFACE Displays the permanent definition of Internet interfaces DE1 and LO0. 5.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP This command is obsolete post the TCPIP version 5.7. It displays the SMTP configuration prior to version 5.7. Refer to the SMTP configuration file TCPIP$SMTP.CONF, for the configuration changes made post the version 5.7. 3 PROTOCOL Displays information in the configuration database which sets the parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP when TCP/IP Services starts up. Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL, SET PROTOCOL Format SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL [ protocol ] [ /PARAMETERS ] 4 Parameters protocol Optional. Default: All protocols. Specify one of the following: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP. 4 Qualifiers /PARAMETERS Optional. Shows parameter settings. You can specify any protocol. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL ICMP Redirect: enabled Unreachable: disabled IP Forward: disabled Reassembly timer: 0 TCP Delay ACK: enabled Window scale: enabled Drop count: 0 Probe timer: 0 Receive Send Push: disabled disabled Quota: 0 0 UDP Unpriv. broadcast: disabled Receive Send Checksum: enabled enabled Quota: 0 0 Displays information in the configuration database. 2 DEVICE_SOCKET Displays: o Device socket counters o Current settings from the running communications software (A device socket is composed of two parts: the Internet device (interface) and the socket.) Format SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET [ device_socket ] [ /CONTINUOUS[=n] ] [ /FULL ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /[NO]LOCAL ] [ /PORT=n ] [ /SERVICE=service ] [ /TYPE=socket_type ] 3 Parameters device_socket Optional. Default: All device sockets. Device socket for which you want information. Specify the characters BG and the device's unit number, for example, BG3, BG17. 3 Qualifiers /CONTINUOUS /CONTINUOUS[=n] Optional. Default: Static display; /CONTINUOUS=4. Automatically updates the display. Screen update interval in seconds. Valid only for a specific device socket. To terminate the display, press Ctrl/C. /FULL Optional. The default is to give a brief listing of the information. Displays complete information, including: o Application option settings, for example, ACCEPT or FULL_ DUPLEX_CLOSE o State of the service o Counters for receiving and sending buffers /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: All hosts. Displays information for device sockets bound to the specified host. This does not include device sockets bound to the "ANY host" (address /LOCAL /LOCAL /NOLOCAL Optional. Default: /LOCAL. Displays information for device sockets bound to hosts in the local hosts database. /NOLOCAL: Displays information for device sockets bound to hosts in the hosts database and hosts known by the BIND resolver. /PORT /PORT=n Optional. Default: All local ports. Displays information for device sockets bound to the specified local port. /SERVICE /SERVICE=service Optional. Default: All services. Displays information for device sockets used for the specified service. To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service name, enclose it in quotation marks. /TYPE /TYPE=socket_type Optional. Default: /TYPE=ALL. Displays information for the specified type of device socket. Specify one of the following: o STREAM o DGRAM 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG21 /FULL Displays complete information about device socket BG21, including the options that are set, for example, the FULL_ DUPLEX_CLOSE option. (With the FULL_DUPLEX_CLOSE option set, the first data transmission on a TCP connection that has been closed by the remote application returns an EPIPE error. Subsequent send operations on the half-closed socket proceed normally.) The following table describes the counters in the first column of the display. Counter Meaning Q0LEN Number of sockets that are about to be connected to the specified socket QLEN Number of sockets that have established a connection but have not yet been accepted by the specified socket QLIMIT Number of sockets for the Q0LEN and QLEN sockets TIMEO Not used ERROR Error code temporarily stored on the socket OOBMARK Out-of-band mark 2.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG75 /CONTINUOUS=10 Displays information about device socket BG75 every 10 seconds. 3.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET /HOST="lark" Displays information about all device sockets for remote host lark. 4.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG1898 Port Remote Device_socket Type Local Remote Service Host bg1898 STREAM 23 2568 TELNET Displays socket type, service, and host information for device BG1898. 2 EXPORT Displays disks/directories available for mounting by NFS clients, in the form of UNIX path names. It also displays the clients allowed to mount these path names. Related commands: ADD EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Format SHOW EXPORT [ "/path/name" ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /OUTPUT=file] ] 3 Restrictions Requires read access to the export database. 3 Parameters "/path/name" Optional. Default: All exported file systems. Exported files for which to show access rights. To specify multiple directory names, separate them with slashes. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST="host_name" Optional. Default: All hosts. NFS client hosts for which you want to display access rights. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Sends output to the specified file. 2 HOST Displays information from the hosts database. If the BIND resolver is enabled, information from the BIND database is also displayed. Related commands: SET HOST Format SHOW HOST [ host ] [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ] [ /DOMAIN=domain ] [ /LOCAL ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] [ /SERVER=server ] 3 Restrictions Requires read access to the hosts database. 3 Parameters host Optional. Default: All hosts. All alias names for the specified host are displayed. o If a host has more than one IP address and you specify the name, all its addresses and aliases are displayed. o If a host has multiple IP addresses and you specify an alias that is defined on multiple IP addresses, only the first IP address and aliases are displayed. o If you do not specifiy the host parameter or if you use a wildcard, all hosts from the local and BIND databases are displayed. o If you use a wildcard to complete a host name, no BIND information is displayed. o If you specify a host, entries are displayed first from the local hosts database, if they exist; otherwise, entries from the BIND database are displayed, if they exist. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Optional. Default: None. Allows you to select a host by IP address. o If a host has more than one IP address and you specify the name, all IP addresses and aliases for the host are displayed. o If a host has multiple IP addresses and you specify an alias that is defined on multiple IP addresses, only the first IP address and aliases are displayed. o Recommended: Use the host parameter instead of this qualifier. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain Optional. Default: Name service domain. Domain to be used by the local host. However, the definition of the domain name is valid only during the execution of the current SHOW HOST command. The BIND request is sent to the specified domain. /LOCAL Optional. Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Specifies a file for the output of the SHOW HOST command. /SERVER /SERVER=server Optional. Default: Name server list. BIND servers to be used. The definition of the server name list is valid only during the execution of the current SHOW HOST command. The request is sent to the specified server. The list is ordered by request preference. For example, the initial request is sent to the first host in the list. If that host is unavailable, the request is sent to the second host in the list, and so on. You can specify a maximum of three servers. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW HOST /LOCAL The /LOCAL qualifier displays only the hosts in the local database. 2.TCPIP> SHOW HOST ABCXYZ Displays information about a host found in the BIND database. Note that the display includes the name and address of the BIND server that supplied the information. 3.TCPIP> SHOW HOST * Displays the entire hosts database and BIND database (if the resolver is enabled). In the following examples, host heron has the following IP addresses and aliases: IP AddressHost Aliases 100.1 heron HOST_1A HOST_1B HOST_ALIAS 100.2 heron HOST_2A HOST_2B HOST_ALIAS 4.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HERON Shows all the IP addresses and aliases for the host HERON. 5.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HOST_1A Shows IP address 100.1 and the aliases HOST_1A, HOST_1B, and HOST_ALIAS. 6.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HOST_ALIAS Shows the host and all aliases for addresses 100.1 and 100.2. Shows all the IP addresses and aliases for host heron. 2 INTERFACE Displays information from the running system for Internet interfaces and pseudointerfaces. The flags that can appear in the display include: o AMCST-The interface will receive multicast packets. o BRDCAST-Indicates the interface supports broadcast messages. o LOOP-The interface is a loopback mode. Packets transmitted on this interface will be looped back in the driver and not be transmitted out on the network. o MCAST-The interface supports multicast packets. However, this does not mean that a multicast address is configured for the interface. o NOARP-The interface is not using address resolution protocol (ARP). It will neither transmit nor respond to ARP requests. o PFCPY-All packets transmitted on this interface are copied and passed to the packet filter program. o PTP- The interface is point-to-point link. This is a read-only flag that is set by the driver. o RUN-Indicates the interface is operational. The driver has allocated resources for the interface and is ready to transmit and receive packets. This option is not applicable to loopback devices, for example, LO0. o SMPX-The interface cannot hear its own transmissions. o UP-Indicates the interface is enabled for use. o VMTU-The interface supports variable maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION INTERFACE, SET INTERFACE Format SHOW INTERFACE [ interface ] [ /FULL ] 3 Parameters interface Optional. Default: All interfaces. Specifies the name of an Internet interface or pseudointerface. Examples include ZE0, LO0, QE2, QE3. 3 Qualifiers /FULL Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Displays full information. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW INTERFACE WE0 /FULL Interface: WE0 IP_Addr: NETWRK: BRDCST: Ethernet_Addr:AA-00-05-CC-2D-2B MTU: 65535 Flags: UP BRDCST RUN RECEIVE SEND Packets 3817269 595744 Errors 0 Collisions: 0 Displays information about interface WE0. 2 MAIL Displays SMTP queue information. Related commands: REMOVE MAIL, SEND MAIL Format SHOW MAIL [ user ] [ /FULL ] [ /RECIPIENT[=options] ] [ /ENTRY=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to display information for other users. 3 Parameters user Optional. Default: All users. Displays SMTP process information of the specified user. 3 Qualifiers /FULL Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Displays detailed information. /RECIPIENT /RECIPIENT[=options] Optional. Default: ALL. Used with /FULL, displays selected recipient classes. Available options include the following: ALL Shows failed, sent, and unsent mail messages. FAILED Shows messages that could not be read for a particular recipient. SENT Shows successful deliveries to a particular recipient. UNSENT Shows messages that are as yet unsent. /ENTRY /ENTRY=n Optional. Default: Your queue entries. Displays information about the specified queue entry number. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL Displays information about mail messages queued to your process's user name. 2.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL /ENTRY=1234 Displays information about the mail message 1234 in the queue. 3.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL /FULL /RECIPIENT=ALL Displays detailed information about all mail messages sent by the user of your process's user name. 2 MAP Displays the names of mapped (logically linked) file systems, also called NFS file systems. Applies to: NFS server Related commands: MAP, UNMAP, ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Format SHOW MAP [ /path/name ] 3 Parameters /path/name Optional. Name of the file system (the first element of the UNIX file specification). 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MAP Dynamic Filesystem Map Pathname Logical File System /water USER$DKC100: /water USER$DKC100:[WATER] /duck/pond USER$DKC100:[DUCK.POND.TEAL] TCPIP> Displays all mapped file systems. 2.TCPIP> SHOW MAP "/bird" Dynamic Filesystem Map Pathname Logical File System /bird $1$DUA7: TCPIP> Lists mapped file system /bird. 2 MOUNT Displays a list of mounted directories at all mount points or at a particular mount point. Related commands: MOUNT, DISMOUNT Format SHOW MOUNT [ device ] [ /ALL ] [ /FULL ] [ /HOST=host ] 3 Parameters device Optional. Default: All mounted file systems. Local device for which to display mount information. Specify one of the following: o DNFSn: - the full NFS device name and directory tree, for example, DNFS3:[USER.NOTES] o Volume label o Logical name for the device You can use abbreviations and wildcards. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Optional. If you also specify device, displays information for all NFS server hosts with mounted file systems on this device. If you do not specify device, displays information for all NFS server hosts with mounted file systems on any device. Not valid with /HOST. /FULL Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Displays the full, current operating parameters related to each mount. /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: All NFS servers with file systems currently mounted. NFS server on which the physical files reside. Not valid with /ALL. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MOUNT _DNFS1:[000000] automount (inactivity timer 0 00:23:00.00), mounted SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/usr _DNFS2:[000000] mounted IRIS.PROCESS.COM:/usr/users Shows the characteristics of all mounted file systems on all local NFS devices. 2.TCPIP> SHOW MOUNT DNFS3: /ALL _DNFS3:[A.B] mounted SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/usr _DNFS3:[A.C] mounted SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/work Shows the characteristics of all mounted file systems on local device DNFS3:. 2 MX_RECORD Displays SMTP routing information. If you omit destination, you see the entries in the local Mail Exchange (MX) database. If you specify destination, you see all the entries in all the databases that TCP/IP Services would look at, if necessary, to resolve the address. To send mail, SMTP looks up addresses in one or more databases (if necessary) in the following order: 1. Local MX databse 2. Remote MX database 3. BIND server database 4. Local hosts database Related command: SET MX_RECORD Format SHOW MX_RECORD [ destination ] [ /GATEWAY=host ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Parameters destination Optional. Default: All entries in the local MX database. Final destination host name. 3 Qualifiers /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host Optional. Default: All destinations. Displays the destinations that are accessed through the specified gateway. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Sends the output to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MX_RECORD SWAN BIND MX database Server: GREAT.HORNED.OWL.COM Gate address Preference Gate name 50 WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM 100 bd-gw.purple.martin.com 200 great.horned.owl.com 300 bird.food.seeds.worms.com BIND database Server: WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM Host address Host name SWAN.WEBBED.FEET.COM Displays, in order of preference, the routing hops to reach host SWAN if an attempt fails. The local host tries to route through: 1. WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM 2. bd-gw.purple.martin.com 3. great.horned.owl.com 4. bird.food.seeds.worms.com Both the alternate gateway and the zone affect how SMTP determines where to relay nonlocal mail. MX records tell mailers where to relay mail that is destined for a given host. In the display: o The Gate name field tells where to relay the mail. o The Gate address field gives the gateway's IP address. o The Preference field gives each MX record a precedence. A lower preference number means a higher precedence. 2.TCPIP> SHOW MX_RECORD CROW.COM BIND MX database Server: WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM Gate address Preference Gate name 1 cawcaw.crow.com 2 scare.crow.com TCPIP> Displays the MX record for destination host crow.com. In the display: o The Gate name field tells where to relay the mail. o The Gate address field gives the gateway's IP address. o The Preference field gives each MX record a precedence. A lower preference number means higher precedence. In this example, the local host name is WATER, the alternate gateway is scare.crow.com, and the zone is crow.com. The first preference for delivering mail to crow.com is to send to cawcaw.crow.com. If you have not defined an alternate gateway, SMTP tries to relay the mail to scare.crow at IP address It uses the MX records to determine the host to which to relay mail. SMTP tries to relay the mail to each gateway host, in order of preference, until it either successfully transfers the mail or runs out of MX records to try. If there is no alternate gateway, the zone is not used. If you have defined an alternate gateway, SMTP goes through the list of MX records, but it does not automatically try to relay the mail directly to the gateway. SMTP checks whether the gateway host name is outside or inside the SMTP zone (as defined with SET SMTP CONFIGURATION). If the gateway is inside the SMTP zone, SMTP tries to relay the mail directly to the gateway host. If the gateway is outside the zone, SMTP sends the mail to the alternate gateway. 2 NAME_SERVICE Logs information about the BIND resolver. Related commands: SET NAME_SERVICE, SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format SHOW NAME_SERVICE [ /STATISTICS ] 3 Restrictions The /STATISTICS qualifier requires BYPASS, READALL, or SYSPRV privilege. 3 Qualifiers /STATISTICS Optional. Dumps statistics to SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]TCPIP$BIND.STATS. Either TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.CONF or TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.KEY must be set up to allow for secure communication between the user and the BIND server. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW NAME_SERVICE BIND Resolver Parameters Local domain: TCPIP.OWL.ROC.COM System State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: tcpip.owl.roc.com Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: LOCALHOST, tcpip.owl.roc.com Process State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 4 Servers: LOCALHOST, lark, crow.moa.awk.com TCPIP> Shows systemwide and process-specific parameter settings for the BIND resolver. 2.TCPIP> SHOW NAME_SERVICE /STATISTICS Logs current BIND server statistics to the file TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_STATISTICS.LOG. The following sample shows such a log file. +++ Statistics Dump +++ (922292822) Wed Mar 24 11:27:02 34250 time since boot (secs) 15670 time since reset (secs) 12 Unknown query types 20000 A queries 540 SOA queries 2399 MX queries 867 ANY queries 3 AXFR queries ++ Name Server Statistics ++ (Legend) RR RNXD RFwdR RDupR RFail RFErr RErr RAXFR RLame ROpts SSysQ SAns SFwdQ SDupQ SErr RQ RIQ RFwdQ RDupQ RTCP SFwdR SFail SFErr SNaAns SNXD (Global) 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 -- Name Server Statistics -- ++ Memory Statistics ++ 3: 9 gets, 2 rem 4: 7 gets, 0 rem (1 bl, 1022 5: 16 gets, 1 rem 6: 7 gets, 5 rem 7: 10 gets, 5 rem 8: 97 gets, 16 rem (1 bl, 485 ff) 13: 6 gets, 4 rem . . . 664: 5 gets, 1 rem (1 bl, 5 ff) 732: 2 gets, 0 rem (1 bl, 5 ff) 1040: 1 gets, 1 rem (1 bl, 2 ff) >= 1100: 23 gets, 9 rem -- Memory Statistics -- --- Statistics Dump --- (907337687) Fri Jan 2 10:14:47 2003 2 NETWORK Displays information about the networks database. Related command: SET NETWORK Format SHOW NETWORK [ network ] [ /ADDRESS=address ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Restrictions Requires read access to the networks database. 3 Parameters network Optional. Default: All known networks. Network about which to display information. o Displays all alias names of the specified network. o If you specify an alias, the network name and all its alias names are displayed. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=address Optional. Default: None. Selects networks by address. Not valid with the network parameter. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Output is written to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW NETWORK COBNET Network address Network name COBNET Displays the entry for COBNET in the networks database. 2.TCPIP> SHOW NETWORK Z* Network address Network name zznet, ZZNET zzo-net, ZZO-NET, zz01-net From the networks database, displays the entries for all the networks with names or aliases beginning with the letter Z. 2 NFS_SERVER Displays NFS server performance counters and statistics. Related commands: SET NFS_SERVER, ZERO NFS_SERVER Format SHOW NFS_SERVER [ /CONTINUOUS[=seconds] ] [ /RPC] [ /SERVER ] [ /VERSION=versions ] 3 Restrictions Requires SYSNAM and WORLD privilege. 3 Qualifiers /CONTINUOUS /CONTINUOUS[=seconds] Optional. Defaults: Static display; if you specify /CONTINUOUS without a value, the default is 4 seconds. Provides a dynamic display with optional screen-update interval. To terminate the display, press Ctrl/Y. /RPC Optional. Displays only RPC-related performance counters and statistics. /SERVER Optional. Displays NFS server-related performance counters and statistics. /VERSION /VERSION=versions Optional. Default: Displays both Version 2 and Version 3. Displays version-specific NFS server performance counters and statistics. You can specify versions as follows: Qualifier Displays /VERSION=V2 Only Version 2 /VERSION=V3 Only Version 3 /VERSION=(V2,V3) Both Version 2 and Version 3 2 PORTMAPPER Displays a list of all registered remote procedure call (RPC) programs. The Portmapper running on the specified host gets this list. Format SHOW PORTMAPPER [ host ] 3 Parameters host Optional. Default: Local host. Host with the Portmapper you want to query. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PORTMAPPER Program Number Version Protocol Port-number Process Service-name --------------------- ------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------ 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 TCP 111 56E0021D PORTMAPPER 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 UDP 111 56E0021D PORTMAPPER 000186A3 ( 100003) 3 UDP 2049 56E0021F NFS 000186A5 ( 100005) 1 UDP 10 56E00220 MOUNT 000249F1 ( 150001) 1 UDP 5151 56E00222 PCNFS Lists information about all of the currently registered applications. 2.TCPIP> SHOW PORTMAPPER PARROT Program Number Version Protocol Port-number Process Service-name --------------------- ------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------ 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 TCP 111 24800126 PORTMAPPER 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 UDP 111 24800126 PORTMAPPER Queries host PARROT for a list of registered applications. 2 PROTOCOL Displays statistics and configuration information for the specified protocol. Related commands: SET PROTOCOL SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL Format SHOW PROTOCOL [ protocol ] [ /PARAMETERS ] 3 Parameters protocol Optional. Default: All protocols. Specify one of the following: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP. 3 Qualifiers /PARAMETERS Optional. Shows parameter settings. You can specify any protocol. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PROTOCOL TCP tcp: 64213 packets sent 56262 data packets (44164814 bytes) 49 data packets (39372 bytes) retransmitted 7792 ack-only packets (7923 delayed) 0 URG only packets 0 window probe packets 10 window update packets 100 control packets 50000 packets received 37102 acks (for 44165036 bytes) 381 duplicate acks 0 acks for unsent data 23176 packets (194520 bytes) received in-sequence 233 completely duplicate packets (290 bytes) 50 packets with some dup. data (65 bytes duped) 57 out-of-order packets (43 bytes) 4 packets (4294967292 bytes) of data after window 0 window probes 916 window update packets 0 packets received after close 0 discarded for bad checksums 0 discarded for bad header offset fields 0 discarded because packet too short 54 connection requests 35 connection accepts 89 connections established (including accepts) 91 connections closed (including 3 drops) 1 embryonic connection dropped 30253 segments updated rtt (of 30286 attempts) 14 retransmit timeouts 0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout 1 persist timeout 2 keepalive timeouts 2 keepalive probes sent 0 connections dropped by keepalive Displays the TCP statistics. The following abbreviations are used for the TCP counters display: ack - acknowledge URG - urgent dup. - duplicate embryonic connections-connections not yet established rtt - retries rexmt - retransmit 2.TCPIP> SHOW PROTOCOL TCP /PARAMETERS TCP Delay ACK: enabled Window scale: enabled Drop count: 8 Probe timer: 150 Receive Send Push: disabled disabled Quota: 32768 32768 Displays the TCP parameters. 2 PROXY Displays entries in the proxy database. Related commands: ADD PROXY, REMOVE PROXY Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, remote shell, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services Format SHOW PROXY [ user_name ] [ /COMMUNICATION ] [ /GID=n ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /NFS =[options] ] [ /UID=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires read access to the proxy database. 3 Parameters user_name Optional. Default: SHOW PROXY * (all entries). Specifies the local OpenVMS identity for the user of the NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, remote shell, or LPR/LPD. 3 Qualifiers /COMMUNICATION Optional. Default: Displays both communication and NFS proxies. Displays communication proxies. /GID /GID=n Optional. Default: Displays all NFS proxies. Displays the database entries for all clients with the specified GID. /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: Displays information for all hosts (same as /HOST=*). Specifies the remote host from which information is to be displayed. /NFS /NFS=option Optional. Default: o If you omit this qualifier, displays both communication and NFS proxies. o If you omit option, displays both incoming and outgoing proxies. Displays NFS proxies. These entries might be for local clients, remote clients, or PC-NFS clients. You can include the following options: /NFS=OUTGOING Proxy to use NFS client /NFS=INCOMING Proxy to use NFS server /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMIProxy to use both the NFS client and the NFS server /UID /UID=n Optional. Default: All NFS proxies. Displays the database entry for the client with the specified UID. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PROXY /NFS VMS User_name Type User_ID Group_ID Host_name WEBSTER OD 311 10 * SHERMAN ND 115 10 * COHEN OND 115 10 * SILK ON 115 10 * Shows the NFS entries in the proxy database: o WEBSTER has authorization to use the local NFS client (outgoing rights). o SHERMAN can use the local NFS server (incoming rights). o COHEN can use both the NFS server and client. o SILK can use both the NFS server and client. This information is not currently known to NFS because SILK is not loaded in the dynamic database. In the display, the values in the Type field mean: N NFS server O NFS client ON NFS server and client C Communication OD, Loaded in the NFS cache ND, OND CD Loaded in the communication cache To set up N, O, or ON proxies, see ADD PROXY /NFS=INCOMING=OUTGOING. 2.TCPIP> SHOW PROXY /COMMUNICATION VMS User_name Type Remote User_name Host_name BLUEJAY CD JAY * QUETZAL CD quetzal central.america.com FALCON CD FALCON HAWK MYNA C MYNA PARROT,parrot CANVASBACK CD CBACK DUCK,duck Shows all the communication proxies. 2 ROUTE Displays the permanent or volatile routes database. To display the permanent database, use the /PERMANENT qualifier. Looks up the destination you specify first in the hosts database and then, if this lookup fails, in the networks database. Displays the following routes and their types: o A - Active route (created manually or associated with an interface) o D - Dynamic route (created by ROUTED or GATED routing daemon) o H - Host route (a route to a host) o N - Network route (a route to a network) o P - Permanent (from the routes database) Related command: SET ROUTE Format SHOW ROUTE [ destination ] [ /FULL ] [ /GATEWAY=host ] [ /LOCAL ] [ /OUTPUT=file ] [ /PERMANENT ] 3 Restrictions Requires read access to the routes database. 3 Parameters destination Optional. Default: Displays all routes. Destination host. 3 Qualifiers /FULL Optional. Default: Displays routes as specified in the routes database. Displays mapping between destination addresses and names and gateway addresses and names. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host Optional. Default: All gateways. Displays information for the specified host that performs as a gateway. /LOCAL Optional. Default: The command checks the hosts database; if a lookup fails, it checks the BIND resolver. Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file Optional. Default: Screen display. Sends output to the specified file. /PERMANENT Optional. Displays only the permanent routes database. o If TCP/IP Services is running and you omit /PERMANENT, the volatile database is displayed. o If TCP/IP Services is not running, the permanent database is displayed. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW ROUTE DYNAMIC Type Destination Gateway AN AN AH AH Displays all defined routes. 2.TCPIP> SHOW ROUTE "robin" Displays the network route to host robin. 2 SERVICE Displays the following information about configured services: Service name Port for listening Protocol Process name IP address State RPC information Related commands: SET SERVICE, DISABLE SERVICE, ENABLE SERVICE Format SHOW SERVICE [ service ] [ /ADDRESS=address ] [ /FULL ] [ /PERMANENT ] [ /PORT=n ] [ /PROCESS=process ] [ /PROTOCOL=protocol ] [ /RPC ] 3 Parameters service Optional. Default: All services. Service for which you want information. To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service name, enclose it in quotation marks. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=address Optional. Default: All services. Displays information for only the services that use the specified address. /FULL Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Provides a full display. /PERMANENT Optional. Defaults: o If TCP/IP Services is running and you omit the /PERMANENT qualifier, the volatile database is displayed. o If TCP/IP Services is not running, the permanent database is displayed. You must include the /PERMANENT qualifier when you specify the /RPC qualifier. /PORT /PORT=n Optional. Default: All services. Displays information only for services that use the specified port. /PROCESS /PROCESS=process Optional. Default: All services. Displays information for only the services that use the specified process. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocol Optional. Default: All services. Displays information only for services that use the specified protocol. /RPC Optional. Default: No RPC information is displayed. Displays a brief summary of the services that are configured with RPC information. You must include the /PERMANENT qualifier when you specify the /RPC qualifier. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE /RPC /PERMANENT RPC Protocol Versions Service Program Number Lowest / Highest MOUNT 100005 1 1 NFS 100003 2 2 PCNFS 150001 1 2 PORTMAPPER 100000 2 2 TCPIP> Displays all previously set RPC information. 2.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE NFS /FULL /PERMANENT Service: NFS Port: 2049 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 0 User_name: TCPIP$NFS Process: TCPIP$NFS Limit: 1 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$NFS_RUN.COM Flags: TCPIP Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck Receive: 64000 Send: 64000 Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr File: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$NFS]TCPIP$NFS_RUN.LOG RPC Opts Program number: 100003 Lowest version: 2 Highest version: 2 Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: TCPIP> The /FULL and /PERMANENT qualifiers display RPC information for the NFS server, whose program number is 100003, lowest version is 2, and highest version is 2. This information is required for the NFS server to run. 3.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE PCNFS /FULL /PERMANENT Shows the full configuration in the permanent database for PC-NFS. The RPC information shows that PC-NFS runs as program 150001; its lowest version number is 1 and its highest version number is 2. 4.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE PORTMAPPER Service Port Protocol Process Address State PORTMAPPER 111 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PORTM Enabled Monitors the Portmapper service process, showing that the service is enabled. 5.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE LBROKER /FULL /PERMANENT Service: LBROKER Port: 6570 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 0 User_name: TCPIP$LD_BKR Process: TCPIP$LBROKER Limit: 1 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$LBROKER_RUN.COM Flags: None Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck Receive: 0 Send: 0 Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Logo Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr File: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$LD_BKR]TCPIP$LBROKER_RUN.LOG Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: Displays the settings for cluster load balancing. 6.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE REXEC /FULL /PERMANENT Service: REXEC Port: 512 Protocol: TCP Address: Inactivity: 5 User_name: not defined Process: TCPIP$REXECD Limit: 3 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$REXEC_RUN.COM Flags: Case Listen Rexe TCPIP Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck Receive: 0 Send: 0 Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Error Exit Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr File: TCPIP$REXEC.LOG Separators: Port: 0 User_name: 0 Password: 0 Command: 0 Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: Shows the full configuration in the permanent database for REXEC. 2 VERSION Displays the version of the TCP/IP Services software that is currently running, including individual components. Format SHOW VERSION [ /ALL ] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Optional. Default: TCP/IP Services version. Displays the version of all running TCP/IP Services components. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW VERSION HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version 5.4 on an AlphaServer 1000 4/200 running OpenVMS V7.3-1 Displays the following information: o Version of TCP/IP Services that is running. o Model of hardware platform. o Version of OpenVMS that is running.