1 SET 2 ARP Provides the dynamic mapping from an IP address to the corresponding physical network address (hardware address) on an FDDI, Ethernet, or Token Ring LAN segment. SET NOARP removes an address-mapping pair (IP address to physical network address). Related command: SHOW ARP Formats SET ARP mac_address host [ /[NO]PERMANENT ] [ /[NO]PUBLIC ] SET NOARP [host] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Parameters mac_address Required. Specifies the physical network adddress (the hardware address) on an FDDI, Ethernet, or Token Ring LAN segment to be mapped to an IP address. For mac_address, specify hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh, where hh are pairs of hexadecimal digits. host Required. Specifies the host on the targeted LAN segment. If you do not supply a host name, you must supply its corresponding IP address. 3 Qualifiers /PERMANENT /PERMANENT /NOPERMANENT Optional. Default: /PERMANENT. Specifies whether the mapping information is cached. /NOPERMANENT removes ARP mapping after the caching interval. Not valid with SET NOARP. /PUBLIC /PUBLIC /NOPUBLIC Optional. Default: /PUBLIC. Specifies whether the local ARP responds to ARP requests from other hosts to the specified host. /NOPUBLIC maps only for the local host. Not valid with SET NOARP. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET ARP AA-BB-04-05-06-07 CONDOR Permanently maps CONDOR's host name to FDDI address AA-BB-04-05-06-07. 2 BOOTP Creates client entries in the BOOTP database. SET NOBOOTP does not require any qualifiers. Related commands: CONVERT/VMS BOOTP, SHOW BOOTP Format SET [NO]BOOTP host [ /FILE=file] /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address [ /GATEWAYS=hosts ] [ /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ] [ /SERVERS=type=host ] [ /TIME_OFFSET=seconds ] 3 Restrictions Requires read, write, and delete access to the BOOTP database. 3 Parameters host Required. Specifies the client to which your system will download files upon request. Enter a host name or IP address. 3 Qualifiers /FILE /FILE=file Optional. Specifies the name of the client's system image or other file to download upon request. o By default, upon receiving a request, BOOTP looks for this file in TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[host], where host is the client's host name, excluding the domain. o If this directory does not exist, BOOTP uses: TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[000000]. o When the TCP/IP Services software receives a boot request, BOOTP verifies the existence and size of this file. /GATEWAYS /GATEWAYS=hosts /NOGATEWAYS=hosts Optional. Default: None. Specifies the gateways used for routing. /HARDWARE /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_addr Required. Specifies the client's hardware address. For hex_addr, specify: hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address Required if you use subnets; otherwise optional. Specifies the part of the host field of an IP address identified as the subnet. The software calculates the default by setting the following: o The bits representing the network field to 1 o The bits representing the host field to 0 You can divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and a host field. If you use subnets, you must specify a subnet field. /SERVERS /SERVERS=type=host Optional. Specifies other servers whose names BOOTP can supply to clients. Here, host specifies a host name or IP address and type can be one or more of the following: [NO]COOKIE Cookie server [NO]IEN_NAME IEN-116 name server [NO]IMPRESS Impress network image server (IMAGEN) [NO]LPR Berkeley 4BSD print server [NO]LOG MIT-LCS UDP logging server [NO]NAME BIND name server [NO]RESOURCE Resource Location Protocol (RLP) server (RFC-887) [NO]TIME Internet time server (RFC-868) /TIME_OFFSET /TIME_OFFSET=seconds Optional. Default: 0 seconds. Specifies the time difference, in seconds, between the client's time zone and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) expressed in seconds. This value is zero (0) in the British Isles and parts of Europe, a positive number for locations east of the zero meridian, and a negative number for locations west of the zero meridian. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /FILE=PLOVER.SYS Adds client host PLOVER, with hardware address 08-00-2D-20-23- 21 to the BOOTP database. BOOTP can respond to a remote boot request from client PLOVER with a reply packet containing the name of the file to down load and its IP address. 2.TCPIP> SET BOOTP ERN /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=98-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /SERVERS=COOKIE=(PLOVER,GULL) Adds client host ERN to the BOOTP database and specifies that ERN will use PLOVER AND GULL as cookie servers. 3.TCPIP> SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /SERVERS=(COOKIE=GULL,NAME=BIRDS) Adds client host PLOVER to the BOOTP database and specifies that PLOVER will use GULL as a COOKIE server and BIRDS as its name server. 2 COMMUNICATION Modifies the IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_ACP software on the running system. Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION, SHOW COMMUNICATION Format SET COMMUNICATION [ /ACCEPT=options ] [ /DOMAIN=domain ] [ /LOCAL_HOST=host ] [ /PROXIES=n ] [ /REJECT=options ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Qualifiers /ACCEPT /ACCEPT { =[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) } Optional. Default: All hosts and all networks. Accepts communication from the hosts and networks specified. Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT. To delete an /ACCEPT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts Hosts that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. For example: /ACCEPT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name, host3_address) o [NO]NETWORKS=networks Networks that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 16. Use the following syntax: NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],...) For each network, specify: network:[network_mask]. The network mask is optional. (Default: class number of your network. For example, the default for is For example: /ACCEPT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_addr,net3_addr:net3_mask) /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain Optional. Specifies your system's local domain. This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /LOCAL_HOST /LOCAL_HOST=host Optional. Defines the following logical names for the local host: o TCPIP$INET_HOST=host-name This logical is always set with the primary host name even if the alias name was specified as host. o TCPIP$INET_HOSTADDR=host-IP-address If the local host has multiple IP addresses, this logical name is set with a name for each address, called TCPIP$INET_ HOSTADDRn, where n is a number starting at 2. This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /PROXIES /PROXIES=n Optional. Default: Number of communication proxies plus 10, with a minimum of 20. Specifies the maximum size of the proxy cache. If you plan to add entries to the proxy database after you start the TCP/IP Services software, set /PROXIES to a value higher than the default. You cannot change this value if the TCP/IP Services software is running. /REJECT /REJECT {=[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) | =[NO]MESSAGE=(message) } Optional. Default: No rejections. Specifies the hosts or networks that cannot access the TCP/IP Services software, including the rejection message that TCP/IP might return. (For remote login, remote shell, and remote executive, the rejection message is preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and terminated by a byte with a value of zero.) Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT. To delete a /REJECT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts to list hosts that cannot access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. The syntax is: /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_address) o [NO]NETWORKS=networks to list networks that cannot access TCP/IP Services Maximum is 16. The syntax is: NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],... ) For each network, specify network:network_mask. The network mask is optional. Default: Class number of your network. For example, the default for is The syntax is: /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3_addr:net3_mask) 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET COMMUNICATION - _TCPIP> /REJECT=NETWORK=(, Sets all the services to be inaccessible to the two specified networks. 2 CONFIGURATION For some components, the TCP/IP Services management program includes two kinds of configuration commands, those that modify volatile memory, and those that modify the permanent database files. Commands that modify volatile memory take effect immediately, but may be overwritten when the TCP/IP Services software is restarted. Commands that modify the permanent database take effect after the TCP/IP Services software has been restarted. Those commands are listed in the following table. Commands that modify Commands that modify the permanent volatile memory database files Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION [NO]BIND SET COMMUNICATION SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION ENABLE [NO]SERVICE SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE [NO]SERVICE SET [NO]INTERFACE SET CONFIGURATION [NO]INTERFACE SET NAME_SERVICE SET CONFIGURATION [NO]NAME_SERVICE UNMAP SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP SET PROTOCOL SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION SMTP Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION SNMP START ROUTING SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTING Whether permanent or volatile, the configuration information for each pair of SET and SET CONFIGURATION commands is the same. 3 BIND Configures the BIND name server. Creates the BIND server configuration file, which holds the following information: o Cluster alias or aliases o Server type (primary, secondary, or forwarding) o Domains to be served o Location from which the BIND server gets initial information for lookups You can configure the BIND server as follows: o For one or more Internet domains o As one kind of BIND server (primary, secondary, or forwarding) o As multiple kinds of BIND servers o On TCP/IP clusters for cluster load balancing This command does not create a BIND 8.1 configuration. If you want to take full advantage of the new features available with the BIND 8.1 implementation, you should set up your BIND environment by editing the TCPIP$BIND.CONF configuration file. Refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for detailed instructions. If you choose to configure your BIND environment with the SET CONFIGURATION BIND command, you must enter the command CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BIND before running BIND. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION BIND, CONVERT /CONFIGURATION BIND Format SET CONFIGURATION [NO]BIND [ /CACHE=options ] [ /[NO]CLUSTER=names ] [ /FORWARDERS=options ] [ /PRIMARY=options ] [ /SECONDARY=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 4 Qualifiers /CACHE /CACHE=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file) Optional. Default: None. Specifies the cache server for the specified domain. Do not use with /FORWARDERS. Use with /PRIMARY and /SECONDARY. The cache tells the primary or secondary server how to use hints to find the file. These hints let a server find a root name server. With this ability, the server can answer requests even if it does not have the information. You can use the following options: o DOMAIN keys to a particular record within a type. NODOMAIN deletes the entry. o FILE specifies the name of the hints file. If you use /CACHE with no options: o DOMAIN defaults to "." ("root"). o FILE defaults to NAMED.CA. /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=name /NOCLUSTER=name Required to configure cluster load balancing. Identifies the name of a TCP/IP cluster as the first step to setting up cluster load balancing. For information about the remaining procedure, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. /NOCLUSTER=name deletes the specified name as a cluster load- balancing host. /FORWARDERS /FORWARDERS=([NO]HOST:host) Optional. Specifies the forwarding server. NOHOST deletes hosts. /PRIMARY /PRIMARY=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file) Optional. Default: None. Specifies the primary server for the specified zone. Multiple primary servers are allowed if each is associated with a different domain. o DOMAIN keys to a particular domain. NODOMAIN deletes the entry. o FILE specifies the domain to be served. If you do not specify a file, the default file name is created from the value that you supply with the DOMAIN option. NOFILE specifies that no file is created. /SECONDARY /SECONDARY=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file,[NO]HOST:host) Optional. Default: None. Specifies the secondary server for the specified zone. Multiple secondary servers are allowed if each is associated with a different domain. o DOMAIN keys to a particular record within a type. NODOMAIN deletes the entry. o FILE specifies the name of the boot file. If you do not specify a file, the default file name is created from the value that you supply with the DOMAIN option. NOFILE specifies that no file is created. o HOST is a list of hosts from which the secondary server copies the database file. NOHOST deletes hosts from the host list. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND - _TCPIP> /PRIMARY=(DOMAIN:RHEA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU) Configures the host as the primary server for domain RHEA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND - _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(DOMAIN:JACANA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU) - _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(FILE:JACANA.DB,HOST=MARSHY) Configures the host as a secondary server for domain JACANA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU and names the boot file JACANA.DB. Omitting the file name would default to file JACANA_LAB_UBIRD_ EDU.DB. 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND - _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(DOMAIN:0.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA,HOST:WEBBED) Configures the host as a secondary server for the reverse lookup domain for addresses that have the form 192.0.*.*. The boot file name defaults to 0_192_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB and the host copies this file from the host WEBBED. 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND /CACHE Points the server to the cache file (NAMED.CA), which contains hints about the root name servers. 3 COMMUNICATION Enters information into the configuration database to start the IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_ACP software when the system starts up. When TCP/IP Services starts up, this configuration overrides the default settings. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION, SET COMMUNICATION Format SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION [ /ACCEPT=options ] [ /DOMAIN=domain ] [ /LOCAL_HOST=host ] [ /PROXIES=n ] [ /REJECT=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 4 Qualifiers /ACCEPT /ACCEPT { =[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) } Optional. Default: All hosts and all networks. Accepts communication from the hosts and networks specified. Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT. To delete an /ACCEPT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts Hosts that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. For example: /ACCEPT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_address) o [NO]NETWORKS=networks Networks that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 16. The syntax is: NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],...) For each network, specify: network:[network_mask]. The network mask is optional. (Default: class number of your network. For example, the default for is For example: /ACCEPT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_addr,net3_addr:net3_mask) /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain Optional. Specifies your system's local domain. This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /LOCAL_HOST /LOCAL_HOST=host Optional. Defines the following logical names for the local host: o TCPIP$INET_HOST=host-name This logical is always set with the primary host name, even if the alias name was specified as host. o TCPIP$INET_HOSTADDR=host-IP-address If the local host has multiple IP addresses, this logical name is set with a name for each address, called TCPIP$INET_ HOSTADDRn, where n is a number starting at 2. This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /PROXIES /PROXIES=n Optional. Default: Number of communication proxies plus 10, with a minimum of 20. Specifies the maximum size of the proxy cache. If you plan to add entries to the proxy database after you start the TCP/IP Services software, set /PROXIES to a value higher than the default. You cannot change this value if the TCP/IP Services software is running. /REJECT /REJECT { =[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) | =[NO]MESSAGE=(message) } Optional. Default: No rejections. Specifies the hosts or networks that cannot access the TCP/IP Services software, including the rejection message that TCP/IP might return. (For remote login, remote shell, and remote executive, the rejection message is preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and terminated by a byte with a value of 0.) Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT. To delete a /REJECT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts to list hosts that cannot access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. The syntax is: /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name, host3_address) o [NO]NETWORKS=networks to list networks that cannot access TCP/IP Services Maximum is 16. The syntax is: NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],... ) For each network, specify network:network_mask. The network mask is optional. Default: Class number of your network. For example, the default for is The syntax is: /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3_addr:net3_mask) 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION - _TCPIP> /REJECT=NETWORK=(, In the configuration database, sets all the services to be inaccessible to the two specified networks. 3 ENABLE_SERVICE Note: Specify SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE without an underscore when entering this command. Modifies service-related information in the permanent configuration database that enables (or disables) services for startup. Allows you to specify that the service be enabled or disabled for startup on the current node only or on all nodes in the cluster. To specify clusterwide enabling or disabling of services, use the /COMMON qualifier. SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE adds an entry for a service to the list of enabled services in the configuration database. SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE NOSERVICE removes an entry for a service from the list of enabled services in the configuration database. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE, ENABLE SERVICE Format SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE [NO]SERVICE service [ /COMMON ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 4 Parameters service Required. Specifies the service to add or delete from the configuration database. To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service name, enclose it in quotation marks. Service names are limited to 16 characters. Use only the following characters in a service name: o Uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters o Numerals o Dollar sign ($) o Underscore (_) Do not define a service name equivalent to one of the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS components (for example, do not define a service name BIND or TCPIP$BIND, or FTP). In addition, the service name CUSTOMER_SERVICE is reserved by HP. 4 Qualifiers /COMMON Optional. Default (when /COMMON is not specified): node-specific enabling or disabling of services. Modifies service-related information in the configuration database for the clusterwide enabling or disabling of services. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use wildcards; otherwise, /NOCONFIRM. Use only with SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE NOSERVICE. Controls whether the software requests you to confirm before it deletes an entry. With /CONFIRM enabled, the software requests confirmation. At the CONFIRM: prompt, enter one of the following: o Y to delete the entry o N to retain the entry The /NOCONFIRM qualifier eliminates all user confirmation when deleting service entries. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE TELNET In the configuration database, enables the TELNET service for startup on this node. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE FTP /COMMON In the configuration database, enables the FTP service for startup on every node in the cluster. 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE NOSERVICE * Enable service TELNET Remove? [N]: Y In the configuration database, disables any service enabled for startup on this node, if confirmed by the user. 3 INTERFACE Enters information into the configuration database, which defines one of the following when TCP/IP Services starts up: o An Internet interface (hardware connection to the network) o A serial line Internet interface (a form of hardware connection to the network) o A pseudointerface (a data structure that extends subnet routing so that, on the same physical network, an interface acts as a gateway between multiple subnets) Related commands: SHOW INTERFACE, SET INTERFACE Applies to: Routing Format SET CONFIGURATION [NO]INTERFACE interface [/[NO]ARP ] [/[NO]AUTO_START ] [/BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ] [/C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address] [/C_NETWORK=IP_address ] [/[NO]CLUSTER=host ] [/COMPRESS=options ] [/DESTINATION=IP_address ] [/[NO]DHCP ] [/FLOWCONTROL ] [/HOST=host ] [/[NO]LOOPBACK ] [/NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ] [/[NO]PRIMARY ] [/SERIAL_DEVICE=device ] 4 Restrictions This command requires: o OPER privilege o Read access to the hosts database o Read access to the networks database o Read, write, and delete access to the routes database Every host on the same network must have the same network mask. 4 Parameters interface Required. Specifies an interface name for the communication controller, such as RF1, RT1, ZE0, XE0, SL0, SL1, SL2, PP0, PP1, PP2. Refer to the chapter on configuring network interfaces in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information. 4 Qualifiers /ARP /ARP /NOARP Optional. Default: /ARP. Enables IP address-to-hardware address (Ethernet or FDDI) mapping. /ARP is valid when you create an interface but not when you modify an existing interface. /AUTO_START /AUTO_START /NOAUTO_START Optional. Default: /AUTO_START. Valid for a SLIP or PPP interface. Automatically creates the interface when TCP/IP Services starts. /BROADCAST_MASK /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional. Sets the Internet interface to receive all broadcast messages. TCP/IP Services calculates the default by the following methods: o Using the network number o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_BROADCAST_MASK /C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional. Sets the cluster broadcast mask to receive all broadcast messages. The software calculates the default by the following methods: o Using the network number o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_NETWORK /C_NETWORK=IP_address Optional. Sets the network mask of the cluster network. This mask is specific to the cluster host network. The software calculates the default by using the following methods: o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 1 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=host /NOCLUSTER Optional. Default: None. Specifies the cluster host name (alias host identifier). Before using this qualifier, first define the same name in the hosts database. /CLUSTER=host associates the alias host identifier with each interface in a cluster. /NOCLUSTER disables Internet cluster processing on the specified interface. CAUTION When you specify /NOCLUSTER, active communication is aborted for applications bound to the cluster alias name. /COMPRESS /COMPRESS= {ON | OFF | AUTOMATIC} Optional. Defaults: For PPP interface, /COMPRESS=ON; for SLIP interface, /COMPRESS=OFF. Valid for SLIP and PPP interfaces. Enables or disables TCP header compression. /COMPRESS=AUTOMATIC turns off compression unless the remote end begins to use it. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=IP_address Optional. Valid for a PPP interface. Used on the local host to provide dialup access to remote systems. The value specified is the IP address to be given to remote clients for use while the PPP connection is active. If using /DESTINATION, you must provide the address of the local host by using the /HOST qualifier. /DHCP /DHCP /NODHCP Optional. Designates the interface as a DHCP-controlled interface in the permanent database. /FLOWCONTROL Optional. Default: No flow control. Valid for a SLIP interface. Enables the handling of XON and XOFF characters to interoperate properly with modems that are configured to interpret these characters locally. Specify /FLOWCONTROL only if the host at the other end of the line is running TCP/IP Services. /HOST /HOST=host Required when first setting the interface; optional if the interface is already defined. Always required for a SLIP interface. Optional for a PPP interface unless you are setting up the local host as a dialup provider by using the /DESTINATION qualifier. Local host name or IP address using the interface. If not specified for a PPP interface, PPP obtains the correct address from the remote host. If your host is multihomed, specify an address. /LOOPBACK /LOOPBACK /NOLOOPBACK Optional. Default: /NOLOOPBACK. Sets loopback mode. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address Required if you use subnets. The part of the host field of the IP address identified as the subnet. The software calculates the default by the following methods: o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 1 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 An IP address consists of a network number and a host number. You can also divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and host field. /PRIMARY /PRIMARY /NOPRIMARY Optional. For DHCP-controlled interfaces, designates the interface from which system-wide configuration options (such as the IP address of the BIND server) are used. /SERIAL_DEVICE /SERIAL_DEVICE=device Required for SLIP and PPP interfaces; otherwise, not used. Identifies the OpenVMS terminal device used as a serial device. Specify an arbitrary terminal device name. (Unlike Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring interface names, a serial interface name is not related to the OpenVMS device name.) 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE SL5 /HOST=LARK - _TCPIP> /NETWORK_MASK= /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA3: - _TCPIP> /COMPRESS=ON /FLOWCONTROL Configures SLIP interface SL5, using the local IP address assigned to host LARK, with a subnet mask of The interface uses the terminal device TTA3:. The /COMPRESS qualifier enables TCP header compression (CSLIP). The /FLOWCONTROL qualifier enables special handling of XON and XOFF characters for proper interoperation with modems that are configured to interpret these characters locally. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE FF0 /HOST=KESTREL - _TCPIP> /NETWORK_MASK= - _TCPIP> /BROADCAST_MASK= /ARP For new interface FF0 on host KESTREL, sets the network mask to, sets the broadcast mask to, enables ARP, and activates the interface. 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE PP0 /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA0: - _TCPIP> /HOST= /DESTINATION= Configures the interface as a PPP serial device. This command specifies that the local host is a dialup provider. The address specified with the /DESTINATION qualifier ( is the address assigned to the client system requesting an address. Refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information about setting up interfaces for SLIP and PPP communication. 3 MAP Adds information to the configuration database that maps (logically links) one of the following to the NFS server: o OpenVMS disk - Requires one execution of SET CONFIGURATION MAP to map the disk to a UNIX path name (logical file system). o Container file system - Requires two executions of SET CONFIGURATION MAP. The first maps the disk, and the second maps the file system. Mapping creates a logical file system, also called an NFS file system. When the NFS server starts up, it issues a GENERATE MAP command, which creates the mappings for disks and container file systems; these mappings are viewable with the SHOW MAP command. Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, UNMAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Format SET CONFIGURATION MAP "file system name" logical_file_system 4 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privileges. 4 Parameters "file system name" Required. Specifies the name for the file system or disk. When mapping a disk, the "/path" can be only one level from the root. This parameter specifies the name by which users access the file system. logical_file_system Required. Specifies the file system to make known to the NFS server. To map an OpenVMS file system, specify its disk as follows: $ SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/disk" disk: To map a container file system, specify the disk and the directory name as follows: TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/container_name" - _TCPIP> disk:[vms.directory.name] 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/usr" CANARY$DUA2: Maps local disk CANARY$DUA2: to /usr. This disk can be exported to users on remote NFS clients as /usr. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/remote" VERDIN$DUA3: - _TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/flyers" VERDIN$DUA3:[UNIX_BIRD_FILES] Maps [UNIX_BIRD_FILES], a container file system on disk VERDIN$DUA3:, to /flyers. This file system can be exported to NFS server users as /flyers. (The first MAP command maps the underlying OpenVMS file system.) 3 NAME_SERVICE When TCP/IP Services starts up, configures the BIND resolver and designates a BIND server. All settings are systemwide. Related commands: SET NAME_SERVICE, SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format SET CONFIG [NO]NAME_SERVICE [ /[NO]SERVER=host] [ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ] [ /[NO]PATH=domain ] [ /RETRY=number of retries ] [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ] [ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] 4 Qualifiers /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] Optional. Specifies the common BIND directory. By default, the clusterwide common database common-disk:[TCPIP$BIND_common] is used. This qualifier reloads the BIND database on every master BIND server running the OpenVMS cluster. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain /NODOMAIN Optional. Default: The local domain. Defines the default domain. /NODOMAIN deletes the definition of the domain. /PATH /PATH=domain /NOPATH=domain Optional. SYSNAM privilege is required for this command. Defines the BIND resolver domain search list. The /NOPATH qualifier removes domains from the list. To specify multiple domains, list them by search preference. The resolver starts with the first domain on the list, and continues to search each domain until the name is found (or until all domains have been exhausted and the lookup fails). If you define a domain list and then issue another SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /PATH command, TCP/IP Services appends the new domains to the end of the list. If a search list is not defined, the default behavior of the BIND resolver is to do a lookup on the name as you typed it. If that lookup fails, then the default domain is appended and the lookup is attempted again. /RETRY /RETRY=number of retries Optional. Default: Four retries. Number of times that the BIND resolver attempts to contact a BIND server if previous tries failed. /SERVER /SERVER=host /NOSERVER=host Optional. Host name or address of the BIND server or servers that the BIND resolver will query. To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. The resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list. /NOSERVER removes hosts from the list. If you define a server list and then issue another SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER command, TCP/IP Services appends the new servers to the end of the list. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=seconds Optional. Default: 4 seconds. Timeout interval for the BIND resolver's requests to a BIND server. Represents the length of time to wait for a reply after each retry attempt. The total timeout period will be: timeout_value * retry_value * number_servers /TRANSPORT /TRANSPORT=protocol Optional. Default: UDP. Protocol used for communicating with a BIND server. Specify one: o UDP o TCP o SCTP 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=(PARROT,SORA,JACANA) When TCP/IP Services starts, defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as BIND servers. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=OSPREY - _TCPIP> /PATH=(abc.dec.com,xyz.dec.com) When TCP/IP Services starts, defines host OSPREY as the BIND server. The BIND resolver searches the abc.dec.com domain first, and then searches the xyz.dec.com domain. 3 NOMAP Removes map records from the configuration database that were previously added with SET CONFIGURATION MAP. When the NFS server starts up, it issues a GENERATE MAP command that creates the mappings for disks and container file systems. Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP, ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, UNMAP, SHOW MAP Format SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 4 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privilege. 4 Parameters "/path/name" Required. UNIX name of the file system to unmap. You can use wildcards. 4 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. With /CONFIRM enabled, requests confirmation before unmapping each file system. If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP "/disk_host" Unmaps the NFS file system /remote, making it unavailable to client users when TCP/IP Services starts. 3 PROTOCOL Enters information into the configuration database that sets the parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP when TCP/IP Services starts up. Related commands: SET PROTOCOL, SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL Format SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL ICMP [ /[NO]REDIRECT ] SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL IP [ /[NO]FORWARD ] [ /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=seconds ] SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL TCP [ /[NO]MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE ] [ /[NO]DELAY_ACK ] [ /DROP_COUNT=n ] [ /PROBE_TIMER=seconds ] [ /QUOTA=[ SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes ] ] [ /[NO]WINDOW_SCALE ] SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL UDP [ /[NO]BROADCAST ] [ /[NO]FORWARD ] [ /QUOTA=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 4 Parameters {ICMP | IP | TCP | UDP} Required. Specifies the protocol software to configure. 4 ICMP_Qualifiers /REDIRECT /REDIRECT /NOREDIRECT Optional. Default: /NOREDIRECT. Sends ICMP_REDIRECT messages. 4 IP_Qualifiers /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD. Forwards IP messages to other hosts. /REASSEMBLY_TIMER /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 7 seconds. Valid range: 1 to 126. Sets the maximum time for trying to reassemble a received datagram. 4 TCP_Qualifiers /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Optional. Default: /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE. If a connection is more than one hop away, sets the segment size. Specify one of the following: /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to the maximum transfer unit (MTU) size. /NOMTU_SEGMENT_ Sets the segment size as close as possible to SIZE the standard 512 bytes. /DELAY_ACK /DELAY_ACK /NODELAY_ACK Optional. Default: /DELAY_ACK. Enables or disables a delay before sending acknowledgments: /DELAY_ACK ACKs are generated with a delay. /NODELAY_ACK ACKs are generated without any delay. /DROP_COUNT /DROP_COUNT=n Optional. Number of idle probes that can go unsatisfied before the software declares a TCP connection dead and closes it. /PROBE_TIMER /PROBE_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 75 seconds. Number of seconds between probes for idle TCP connections (when the SO_KEEPALIVE option is set). If the remote system fails to respond, the connection is removed. Also, when initiating a TCP connection request, indicates the maximum number of seconds that the software waits for a response from the remote system before the request times out. /QUOTA /QUOTA=[SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes] Optional. Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages. The options for setting TCP message queue size are: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. /WINDOW_SCALE /WINDOW_SCALE /NOWINDOW_SCALE Optional. Turns TCP window scaling on and off. Default is on. Scaling allows windows larger than 64 KB to be represented in the normal 16-bit TCP window field. Large windows allow improved throughput. Turning this option off may help troubleshoot communication problems with another TCP/IP implementation. 4 UDP_Qualifiers /BROADCAST /BROADCAST /NOBROADCAST Optional. Default: /NOBROADCAST. Enables privilege checking for broadcast messages. o /BROADCAST - Nonprivileged users can send broadcast messages. o /NOBROADCAST - To send broadcast messages, users need a privileged UIC or SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege. Sun RPC applications use broadcast messages and need privilege checking disabled. /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD. Forwards IP messages. /QUOTA /QUOTA=options Optional. Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages. The options for setting UDP message queue size are: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL IP /FORWARD Sets IP to forward messages to other hosts, including other Internet cluster nodes. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL TCP /PROBE_TIMER=50 Sets the TCP protocol probe timer parameter to 50 seconds. 3 SMTP This command is obsolete post the TCP/IP Version 5.7. Use the SMTP Configuration file TCPIP$SMTP.CONF to alter the SMTP parameters. Modifies the SMTP configuration in the configuration database. SET CONFIGURATION NOSMTP with no qualifiers deletes all SMTP records. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP Format SET CONFIGURATION [NO]SMTP [ /ADDRESS_RETRIES=n ] [ /GATEWAY=option=host ] [ /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM=n ] [ /INTERVAL=options ] [ /[NO]LOG=[file] ] [ /OPTIONS=options ] [ /QUEUES=n ] [ /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT=minutes ] [ /SEND_TIMEOUT=minutes ] [ /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=[NO]NAME=fully-qualified-name ] [ /[NO]ZONE[=domain] ] 4 Restrictions For clusters, issue this command only on the nodes where the SMTP queues reside - that is, on nodes that are not using clusterwide queues and are not managing clusterwide queues for other nodes. Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 4 Qualifiers /ADDRESS_RETRIES /ADDRESS_RETRIES=n Optional. Default: 16. Maximum number of different addresses to which SMTP will send as it tries to deliver mail. Beyond this number of attempts, the message is undeliverable. A message is also undeliverable if SMTP fails to deliver after it attempts all the possible addresses from an MX lookup. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=option=host Optional. Default: None. An alternate route through which SMTP sends mail if delivery fails. o [NO]ALTERNATE=host - Alternate host or domain to which delivery is attempted. - Used by ZONE, if a zone is defined, as the last chance for delivery (see the /ZONE qualifier). - NOALTERNATE deletes an existing alternate destination. o [NO]GENERAL_PURPOSE=host - Gateway to handle non-SMTP mail, for example, UUCP addresses. - NOGENERAL_PURPOSE deletes the specified destination for protocols other than SMTP. /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM=n Optional. Default: 16. Maximum number of relays (hops) between routers until SMTP considers the mail undeliverable. /INTERVAL /INTERVAL={ INITIAL="OpenVMS_delta_time" | RETRY="OpenVMS_ delta_time" | MAXIMUM="OpenVMS_delta_time" } Optional. Defaults: INITIAL=30 minutes, RETRY=60 minutes, MAXIMUM=3 days. Time intervals related to repeated attempts before delivery fails. Specify the value within quotation marks as follows: "dddd hh:mm:ss:cc." For example: dddd = days (0-9999) h = hours (0-24) m = minutes s = seconds cc = milliseconds You can modify the following options: o INITIAL="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the amount of time that SMTP waits before making a second attempt to deliver. o RETRY="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the time SMTP waits between retries, starting with the second attempt. (Recommended time: twice the initial interval.) o MAXIMUM="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the maximum elapsed time that SMTP retries delivery. /LOG /LOG=[file] /NOLOG=[file] Optional. Default: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP_SMTP]TCPIP$SMTP_ LOGFILE.LOG. File to which SMTP queue activity is logged. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=options Optional. Defaults: NOEIGHT_BIT, HEADERS, NORELAY. The following SMTP options are available: o [NO]EIGHT_BIT All characters must have the eighth bit clear. Allows the transmission of 8-bit characters. o Header control. Specify one of the following: HEADERS Headers are printed at bottom of messages. NOHEADERS Headers are omitted. TOP_HEADERS Headers are printed at top of messages. NOTOP_ Resets TOP_HEADERS to the default. HEADERS o [NO]RELAY Relays mail to other hosts by functioning as an end node. /QUEUES /QUEUES=n Optional. Default: 1. Number of execution queues for the specified nodes. Use this qualifier only on nodes that own the SMTP queues - that is, nodes not using clusterwide SMTP queues or managing SMTP clusterwide queues for other nodes. /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT=minutes Optional. Default: 5 minutes. Maximum time between socket receipts of a message for a particular dialog. If a message is not received within this interval, the connection is broken and the mail control file is deleted. /SEND_TIMEOUT /SEND_TIMEOUT=minutes Optional. Defaults: DATA - 3 minutes INITIAL - 5 minutes MAIL - 5 minutes RECEIPT - 5 minutes TERMINATION - 10 minutes Maximum time between remote host acknowledgments of a particular SMTP command. If an acknowledgment is not received within the specified time, it is assumed that there are communication problems with the remote host. If the next delivery attempt takes place before the mail's delivery date, the mail is rescheduled for later delivery. /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=[NO]NAME=fully-qualified-domain Optional. By default, the From: and Return-Path fields display the sender's name and fully qualified domain. NONAME causes the sender's domain name to be omitted from the Return-Path field. If you specify a fully qualified domain name (/SUBSTITUTE_ DOMAIN=NAME=fully-qualified-domain), that specified domain name is displayed as the sender's domain name. For example, suppose you specify the fully qualified domain name eagle for the sender's return path (/SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=NAME=eagle). When user magpie on host condor.hawk.eagle.org sends mail to daw on another host, user daw sees the return path as magpie@eagle rather than magpie@condor.hawk.eagle.org. This is what daw sees: #707 18-NOV-2002 14:02:02.71 MAIL From: SMTP%"magpie@eagle" To: SMTP%"daw@crow.ravin.rook.org" CC: Subj: Big sale today! NOTE For changes made with the /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN qualifier to take effect, you must stop and restart SMTP. For more information about stopping and starting SMTP, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. /ZONE /ZONE[=domain] /NOZONE[=domain] Optional. Default: /NOZONE (no gateway searching). Domain for your environment (probably a superset of your local domain). Mail sent to another network must be sent to this gateway. With no value, /ZONE defaults to one level higher than your local domain. For example, if your local domain is a.b.com, the default value of /ZONE is b.com because TCP/IP Services has been started; this assumes that the domain is known. Mail for delivery outside of your zone is sent to its destination by the alternate gateway (see the /GATEWAY qualifier). 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(INIT="0 00:10:00.00") The system waits 10 minutes before making its first attempt to deliver the message. 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(RETRY="0 00:20:00.00") Specifies the wait time between retries. 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(MAX="3 00:20:00.00") Specifies the maximum amount of time to retry before an error message is issued. 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /GATEWAY=(ALTERNATE:route_gateway) Specifies the alternate host or domain to which delivery is attempted if mail cannot be delivered to the primary destination. 5.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /GATEWAY=(GENERAL:uucp_gateway) Specifies a general-purpose gateway to handle non-SMTP mail. 6.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /ZONE=rsch.opt.com Specifies that rsch is a domain that can be used to divert messages to nodes outside the local domain. 3 SNMP Configures SNMP on an individual host. SET CONFIGURATION NOSNMP does not require any qualifiers. After making changes to the SNMP configuration, shut down and restart the master agent and any subagents. Issue the following commands: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN $ @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP Related command: SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP Format SET CONFIGURATION [NO]SNMP [ /[NO]ADDRESS=host ] [ /[NO]COMMUNITY="name" ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /CONTACT=name ] [ /FLAGS=options] [ /LOCATION=options ] [ /TYPE=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. If you add a new community and do not specify the /TYPE qualifier, the value of /TYPE defaults to read only. If you add a new community and do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the default address is 4 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=(IP_address) /NOADDRESS=(IP_address) Optional. Default: Specifies hosts that belong to a particular community. You can specify multiple addresses. This qualifier is meaningful only if you include the /COMMUNITY qualifier. A remote host cannot access information from this host unless its address appears in one or more communities of type READ or WRITE. For communities of type TRAP, the addresses specify the hosts that receive trap messages. For more information, see the /TYPE qualifier. If you add a new community and do not specify this qualifier, the new entry's address is If you use the /ADDRESS qualifier with a community that already exists, these addresses are added to the existing address list. /NOADDRESS deletes addresses from an existing list. If the deleted address is the only address listed for the community name, this qualifier also deletes the community. /COMMUNITY /COMMUNITY="name" /NOCOMMUNITY="name" Optional. Default: To enable the standard "public" community, you can run the TCPIP$CONFIG procedure. Used with the /ADDRESS qualifier. Name of the community that the SNMP agent recognizes. Optionally, specify a type of access and a list of host addresses. Enclose the name in quotation marks to preserve lowercase characters. See the /TYPE and /ADDRESS qualifiers for more information. [NO]COMMUNITY="name" removes a community name. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM with if you use a wildcard; otherwise, /NOCONFIRM When you delete communities (with the /NOCOMMUNITY qualifier), first asks for your confirmation. If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request. /CONTACT /CONTACT=name Optional. Default: None. Name of the system administrator (or other contact person) of the host on which the SNMP agent runs. The name field has a maximum length of 235. /FLAGS /FLAGS=options Optional. The options include: o SETS Lets the master agent process SET commands from SNMP clients. o AUTHEN_TRAPS Lets the master agent send trap messages in response to unauthorized community strings from SNMP clients. /LOCATION /LOCATION=options Optional. Default: None. Location of the system on which the SNMP agent runs. Maximum total length is 215 characters. The options include: o [NO]FIRST=text Specifies the first part of the location. Maximum length of text is 200 characters. o [NO]SECOND=text Specifies the last part of the location. Maximum length of text is 200 characters. If you specify two options, they are appended when sent to a client in response to an SNMP request for syslocation. For example, if FIRST is abc and SECOND is def, the value of the location is abcdef with no spaces. The total number of characters must not exceed 215. /TYPE /TYPE= {[NO]READ | [NO]TRAP | [NO]WRITE} Optional. Default: READ. Sets the type of access (to your local MIB data) to allow for a specified community. o Type READ allows the master agent to accept GET, GETNEXT, and GETBULK commands from clients (management stations). o Type TRAP allows the local master agent to issue traps to members of a specified community. Members of a trap community receive SNMP Trap-PDUs for significant events, including coldStart traps when the agent is initialized, and authenticationFailure traps when the agent receives an SNMP request that specifies an unauthorized community string. o Type WRITE allows the master agent to accept SET commands from clients (management stations). READ access is present by default when specifying TRAP or WRITE. Also, you can remove the read access without affecting the way the agent responds to a read request. For example: $ SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="name" /TYPE=NOREAD 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="public" - _TCPIP> /CONTACT="Sam Spade" - _TCPIP> /LOCATION=(FIRST="Falcon Building",SECOND="Los Angeles, California") Configures SNMP with the standard public community, taking the default type (READ) and address ( for that community. Both contact and location are specified. The first and second parts of the location text are concatenated when displayed by an SNMP client. For example: Falcon BuildingLos Angeles, California If no update to the location text is done by an SNMP client, the display produced by SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP is as follows: Location First: Falcon Building Second: Los Angeles, California If the text is updated by an SNMP client (for example, to change "Falcon" to "Falconi"), the original formatting is not preserved and the display produced by SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP is as follows: Location First: Falconi BuildingLos Angeles, California 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="rw" /TYPE=WRITE - _TCPIP> /ADDRESS= /FLAGS=SETS Configures a community with only read/write access to the host with the address specified. Other hosts still have read access through the public community. Also sets the SETS flag to enable the SNMP agents to process write requests from SNMP clients on host 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /NOCOMMUNITY="rw" Removes the rw (read/write) community (set in example 2.) 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="trapit" /TYPE=TRAP - _TCPIP> /ADDRESS= Configures SNMP so that agents can send trap messages to the well-known UDP port 162 on the host identified with the address 5.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /FLAGS=AUTHEN_TRAPS - _TCPIP> /COMMUNITY="trapit2" /TYPE=TRAP - _TCPIP> /ADDRESS=(, Configures SNMP with the AUTHEN_TRAPS flag so that the master agent sends trap messages when it detects a client request containing an invalid community name. Also configures an additional trap community. Trap messages, including authentication traps, go to all three addresses specified in the trap communities configured in this example and in example 4. 6.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="rw2" /TYPE=WRITE - _TCPIP> /ADDRESS=(, Configures community rw2, which gives read/write access to two hosts. Note that one address can appear for more than one community, although a given address cannot be specified more than once for a single community. 3 START_ROUTING Note: Specify START ROUTING without an underscore when entering this command. Enters information into the configuration database to start dynamic routing when TCP/IP Services starts. Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION START ROUTING, START ROUTING Format SET CONFIGURATION START [NO]ROUTING [ /GATED ] [ /LOG ] [ /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT] ] 4 Qualifiers /GATED Optional. Enables the gateway routing daemon (GATED). If you enable dynamic GATED routing, you will be able to configure this host to use any combination of the following routing protocols to exchange dynamic routing information with other hosts on the network: o RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Versions 1 and 2 o RDISC (Router Discovery Protocol) o OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) o EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol) o BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), BGP-4 o Static routes /LOG Optional. Default: No logging. Applies to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED. Logs routing activity to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$ROUTED]TCPIP$ROUTED.LOG. /SUPPLY /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT] Optional. Applies only to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED. Broadcasts routing information to other hosts in 30-second intervals. If you specify /SUPPLY=DEFAULT, the local host supplies the default network route. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTING /SUPPLY Starts ROUTED dynamic routing when TCP/IP Services is started. The local host both broadcasts and receives network routing information. 2 GATED Configures the Gateway Routing Daemon (GATED). GATED obtains information from several routing protocols and selects the best routes based on that information. These protocols are configured in the file TCPIP$GATED.CONF. Related commands: START ROUTING /GATED, STOP ROUTING /GATED Format SET GATED [ /CHECK_INTERFACES ] [ /FILE=file ] [ /SAVE_STATE ] [ /TOGGLE_TRACE ] 3 Qualifiers /CHECK_INTERFACES Optional. Instructs GATED to scan the kernel interface list for changes. /FILE /FILE=file Optional. Specifies the name of the GATED configuration file. Use with the /SAVE_STATE qualifier. /SAVE_STATE Optional. Causes GATED to save the current state of all tasks, timers, protocols, and tables to the file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$GATED]TCPIP$GATED.DMP (default). Use the /FILE qualifier to specify a file name other than the default. /TOGGLE_TRACE Optional. Use to close the trace file. A subsequent set GATED /TOGGLE_TRACE command reopens the trace file. This allows the file to be copied regularly. Valid only when a trace file is specified in the GATED configuration file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET GATED /SAVE_STATE This example causes GATED to save its current state to the file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$GATED]TCPIP$GATED.DMP. 2.TCPIP> SET GATED /SAVE_STATE /FILE=STATE.DMP This example causes GATED to save its current state to the file named STATE.DMP. 2 HOST Defines or deletes an entry in the hosts database. Equivalent to maintaining the /etc/hosts file on UNIX hosts. Related command: SHOW HOST, CONVERT/VMS HOST Format SET [NO]HOST host /ADDRESS=IP_address [ /[NO]ALIAS=alias ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 3 Restrictions Requires read, write, and delete access to the hosts database. 3 Parameters host Required. Name of a host that is a source or destination of Internet communications. NOTE If you define a mixed-case name, also define an alias in either all uppercase or all lowercase characters. You cannot delete a host by specifying its alias. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Required SET HOST. Host's IP address. /ALIAS /ALIAS=alias /NOALIAS=alias Optional. Add or remove an alternate name for a host. Do not use with SET NOHOST. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. Used with the SET NOHOST command, prompts you to confirm the delete request. For example: TCPIP> SET NOHOST MOA /ADDRESS= /CONFIRM LOCAL database Host address Host name MOA Remove? [N]: If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS= - _TCPIP> /ALIAS=("moa","bigbrd","nofly") Sets the IP address of host MOA to and establishes moa, bigbrd, and nofly as aliases for host MOA. 2.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ALIAS="MOA_2" Establishes MOA_2 as an alias for host MOA. 3.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS = Establishes a second IP address for host MOA. 4.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS = /ALIAS="MOA_3" Establishes MOA_3 as an alias for host MOA's second IP address 5.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /NOALIAS="MOA_2" Deletes MOA_2 as an alias for host MOA. 6.TCPIP> SET NOHOST MOA /NOCONFIRM Deletes MOA and all of its associated aliases. 2 INTERFACE Defines one of the following: o An Internet interface o A serial line IP (SLIP) or point-to-point (PPP) connection o A pseudointerface (a data structure that extends subnet routing) Before you issue SET INTERFACE, do the following to identify the name of an interface: o Issue the LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER command to find your system's controller. o Use the first character of the associated interface name. Refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information about specifying an interface name. SET NOINTERFACE deletes a record. No qualifiers are required. Related commands: SHOW INTERFACE, SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE Format SET [NO]INTERFACE interface [ /[NO]ARP ] [ /[NO]AUTO_START ] [ /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ] [ /C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ] [ /C_NETWORK=IP_address ] [ /CLUSTER=host ] [ /COMPRESS=options ] [ /DESTINATION=IP_address ] [ /DHCP ] [ /FLOWCONTROL ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /[NO]LOOPBACK ] [ /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ] [ /PRIMARY ] [ /SERIAL_DEVICE=device ] 3 Restrictions Before you issue the SET INTERFACE command, disable the interface by using the SET NOINTERFACE command. This command requires: o OPER privilege o Read access to the hosts database o Read access to the networks database o Read, write, and delete access to the routes database Every host on the same network must have the same network mask. 3 Parameters interface Required. Specifies an interface name for the communication controller, such as RF1, RT1, ZE0, XE0, SL0, SL1, SL2, PP0, PP1, PP2. 3 Qualifiers /ARP /ARP /NOARP Optional. Default: /ARP. Enables IP address-to-hardware address (Ethernet or FDDI) mapping. /ARP is valid when you create an interface but not when you modify an existing interface. /AUTO_START /AUTO_START /NOAUTO_START Optional. Default: /AUTO_START. Valid for a SLIP or PPP interface. Automatically creates the interface when TCP/IP Services starts. /BROADCAST_MASK /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional. Sets the Internet interface to receive all broadcast messages. TCP/IP Services calculates the default by: o Using the network number from the network mask o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_BROADCAST_MASK /C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional. Sets the cluster broadcast mask to receive all broadcast messages. The software calculates the default by: o Using the network number from the network mask o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_NETWORK /C_NETWORK=IP_address Optional. Sets the network mask of the cluster network. This mask is specific to the cluster host network. The software calculates the default by: o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 1 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=host Optional. Default: None. Specifies the cluster host name (alias host identifier) to be associated with each interface in a cluster. Before using this qualifier, first define the same name in the hosts database. /COMPRESS /COMPRESS= {ON | OFF | AUTOMATIC} Optional. Default: For PPP interface: /COMPRESS=ON; for SLIP interface: /COMPRESS=OFF Valid for SLIP and PPP interfaces. Enables or disables TCP header compression. /COMPRESS=AUTOMATIC turns off compression unless the remote end begins to use it. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=IP_address Optional. Valid for a PPP interface. Used on the local host to provide dialup access to remote systems. The value specified is the IP address to be given to remote clients for use while PPP connection is active. If you use /DESTINATION, you must provide the address of the local host with the /HOST qualifier. /DHCP Optional. Designates the interface as a DHCP-controlled interface in the volatile database. This qualifier affects only the currently running interface. Before you enter the SET INTERFACE command, be sure to enter the SET NOINTERFACE command first and specify the interface you are changing. /FLOWCONTROL Optional. Default: No flow control. Valid for a SLIP interface. Enables the handling of XON and XOFF characters to properly interoperate with modems that are configured to interpret these characters locally. Specify /FLOWCONTROL only if the host at the other end of the line is another host running TCP/IP Services. /HOST /HOST=host Required when first setting the interface; optional if the interface is already defined. Always required for a SLIP interface. Optional for a PPP interface unless you are setting up the local host as a dialup provider by using the /DESTINATION qualifier. Local host name or IP address using the interface. If this information is not specified for a PPP interface, PPP obtains the correct address from the remote host. If your host is multihomed, specify an address. /LOOPBACK /LOOPBACK /NOLOOPBACK Optional. Default: /NOLOOPBACK. Sets loopback mode. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address Required if you use subnets. The part of the host field of the IP address identified as the subnet. The software calculates the default by: o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 1 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 An IP address consists of a network number and a host number. You can also divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and host field. /PRIMARY Optional. For DHCP-controlled interfaces, designates the interface from which system-wide configuration options (such as the IP address of the BIND server) are used. /SERIAL_DEVICE /SERIAL_DEVICE=device Required for SLIP and PPP interfaces; otherwise not used. Identifies the OpenVMS terminal device used as a serial device. Specify an arbitrary terminal device name. (Unlike Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring interface names, a serial interface name is not related to the OpenVMS device name.) 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE SL5 /HOST=LARK /NETWORK_MASK= - _TCPIP> /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA3: /COMPRESS=ON /FLOWCONTROL Configures SLIP interface SL5, using the local IP address assigned to host LARK, with a subnet mask of The interface uses the terminal device TTA3:. The /COMPRESS qualifier enables TCP header compression (CSLIP). The /FLOWCONTROL qualifier enables special handling of XON and XOFF characters, to ensure proper interoperation with modems that are configured to interpret these characters locally. 2.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE FF0 /HOST=KESTREL /NETWORK_MASK= - _TCPIP> /BROADCAST_MASK= /ARP For new interface FF0 on host KESTREL, sets the network mask to, sets the broadcast mask to, enables ARP, and activates the interface. 3.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE PP0 /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA0: - _TCPIP> /HOST= /DESTINATION= Configures the interface as a PPP serial device. This command specifies that the local host is a dialup provider. The address specified with the /DESTINATION qualifier ( is the address assigned to the client system requesting an address. Refer to HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information on setting up interfaces for SLIP and PPP communication. 4.TCPIP> SET NOINTERFACE DE2 TCPIP> SET INTERFACE DE2 /LOOPBACK . . . TCPIP> SET INTERFACE DE2 Deletes interface DE2, sets loopback mode for testing this interface, and, after testing, reactivates it. 2 MX_RECORD For routing mail, adds routing information to the local Mail Exchanger (MX) database. Each entry contains a list of hosts that can accept mail for the specified destination. The list is in order of routing preference. The local MX information is stored in the routes database. The MX entry is one of the record types in the BIND database. In addition, a BIND server might provide an MX record. SMTP is designed to determine where the sending system should try to relay mail. It is also designed to identify where the sending system actually tries to relay mail. To find a destination address, the MX routing lookup process follows this sequence: 1. Local MX database 2. Remote MX database 3. BIND database 4. Local hosts database Related command: SHOW MX_RECORD Formats SET MX_RECORD destination /GATEWAY=host /PREFERENCE=n SET NOMX_RECORD destination [ /GATEWAY=host ] 3 Restrictions Requires read and write access to the routes database. 3 Parameters destination Required. Host name or domain name to which mail will be sent. 3 Qualifiers /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host Required with SET MX_RECORD. Optional with SET NOMX_RECORD. Gateway through which mail will be relayed. Must have an address in either the local hosts database or the BIND database. A destination can have multiple gateways, each with an associated preference value. /PREFERENCE /PREFERENCE=n Required. Arbitrary number for ranking multiple gateways for a destination. The smaller the number, the higher the preference in sending mail by way of that gateway. Do not use with SET NOMX_RECORD. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET MX_RECORD JUNO /GATEWAY=MARS /PREFERENCE=100 Assigns MARS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 100. 2.TCPIP> SET MX_RECORD JUNO /GATEWAY=VENUS /PREFERENCE=200 Assigns VENUS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 200. 2 NAME_SERVICE Configures the BIND resolver and designates a BIND server. By default, all settings are process specific. o To make modifications that are systemwide, use the /SYSTEM qualifier. o The local host's domain is used as the default domain unless you also specify /DOMAIN. o To reload the BIND server databases, use the /INITIALIZE qualifier. o /NOSERVER does not require any options. Related commands: SHOW NAME_SERVICE, SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format SET NAME_SERVICE [ /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] ] [ /DISABLE ] [ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ] [ /ENABLE ] [ /INITIALIZE ] [ /[NO]PATH=domain ] [ /RETRY=number of retries ] [ /[NO]SERVER=host ] [ /SYSTEM ] [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ] [ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] ) 3 Restrictions The /SYSTEM qualifier requires the the SYSPRV or BYPASS and SYSNAM privileges. The /INITIALIZE qualifier requires the BYPASS, READALL, or SYSPRV privileges. 3 Qualifiers /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] Optional. Specifies the common BIND directory. By default, the clusterwide common directory is common-disk:[TCPIP$BIND_COMMON]. This qualifier reloads the BIND database on every master BIND server running in the OpenVMS Cluster. This qualifier must be used with the /INITIALIZE qualifier. /DISABLE Optional. Disables the BIND resolver. All name and address lookups are now directed to the local hosts database. Use with /SYSTEM. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain /NODOMAIN=domain Optional. Defines the default domain. The default domain is appended to host name references made from the local process. /NODOMAIN deletes the process-specific definition of the domain. Do not use with /SYSTEM. /ENABLE Optional. Default: Not enabled. Enables the BIND resolver. Must be used with /SYSTEM. /INITIALIZE Optional. Default: No reloading. Reloads all BIND server databases and the BIND configuration file. Either TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.CONF or TCPIP$ETC:RNDC.KEY must be set up to allow for secure communication between the user and the BIND server. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. /PATH /PATH=domain /NOPATH=domain Optional. Requires the SYSNAM privilege. Defines the BIND resolver's domain search list. To specify multiple domains, list them by search preference. The resolver starts with the first domain on the list, and continues to search each domain until the name is found or until all domains have been exhausted and the lookup fails. /NOPATH removes domains from the list. If you define a domain list and then issue another SET NAME_ SERVICE /PATH command, TCP/IP Services appends the new domains to the end of the list. If no search list is defined, the default behavior of the BIND resolver is to do a lookup on the name as you typed it. If that lookup fails, then the default domain is appended and the lookup is attempted again. /RETRY /RETRY=number of retries Optional. Default: four retries. Specifies the number of times that the BIND resolver attempts to contact a BIND server if previous tries fail. /SERVER /SERVER=host /NOSERVER=host Optional. Specifies the host name or address of the BIND server or servers that the resolver will query. To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. The resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list. /NOSERVER removes hosts from the list. If you define a server list and then issue another SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER command, TCP/IP Services appends the new servers to the end of the list. Do not use /NOSERVER with /SYSTEM. /SYSTEM Optional. Default: Changes are process specific. Makes your settings systemwide. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=seconds Optional. Default: 4 seconds. Specifies the timeout interval for the BIND resolver's requests to a server. When the BIND resolver is used by the auxiliary server, the following conditions are true: o The number of retries is one. o The timeout interval is 1 second. o The timeout interval increases by the power of two for each retry, as shown in the following table: If Retries=4 Current settings: and Timeout=4 Retry Timeout interval is: First 4 seconds Second 8 seconds Third 16 seconds Last 32 seconds Total = 1 minute for one server If a second BIND server exists and both servers time out, total = 2 minutes /TRANSPORT /TRANSPORT=protocol Optional. Default: UDP. Protocol used for communicating with a BIND server. Specify one of the following: o UDP o TCP o SCTP 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=(PARROT,SORA,JACANA) /SYSTEM /ENABLE Defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as systemwide BIND servers. Also enables the BIND resolver. 2.TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=OSPREY For your process, defines host OSPREY as the BIND server. The servers that are defined systemwide will not be queried. 2 NETWORK Defines or deletes an entry in the networks database. Equivalent to maintaining the /etc/networks file on UNIX hosts. Related commands: SHOW NETWORK, CONVERT/VMS NETWORK Format SET [NO]NETWORK network [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ] [ /[NO]ALIAS=alias ] [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 3 Restrictions Requires read, write, and delete access to the networks database. 3 Parameters network Required. Name of the network. You cannot delete a network by specifying an alias name. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Required for a new entry. IP address of the network. /ALIAS /ALIAS=alias /NOALIAS=alias Optional. Alternate name for the network. o Do not use with SET NONETWORK. o /NOALIAS=alias deletes an alias. o /NOALIAS=* deletes all aliases. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. When used with SET NONETWORK, prompts you to confirm the delete request. If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /ADDRESS= /ALIAS=MYNA_1 Creates an entry for network MYNA at IP address, and its alias MYNA_1, to the networks database. 2.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /ALIAS=MYNA_2 Adds a second alias for network MYNA. 3.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /NOALIAS=MYNA_2 Deletes the alias MYNA_2 from the network MYNA entry in the networks database. 4.TCPIP> SET NETWORK "jungle" /ALIAS=("parrot","canary","motmot") For network jungle, creates the aliases parrot, canary, and motmot. 2 NFS_SERVER Modifies dynamic configuration parameters that control NFS server operation. To modify a dynamic configuration parameter, use one or more of the command qualifiers. Static configuration parameters can take effect only by restarting the NFS server. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. Edit the TCPIP$ETC:SYSCONFIGTAB.DAT file to modify static configuration parameters, as explained in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Tuning and Troubleshooting manual. Related commands: SHOW NFS_SERVER, ZERO NFS_SERVER Format SET NFS_SERVER [ /DISABLE=NOPROXY ] [ /ENABLE=NOPROXY ] [ /GID_DEFAULT=n ] [ /INACTIVITY_TIMER=n ] [ /UID_DEFAULT=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires the following privileges: o SYSNAM o WORLD o SYSPRV or BYPASS 3 Qualifiers /DISABLE /DISABLE=NOPROXY Optional. Default: If the SYSCONFIG attribute noproxy_enabled is set to 0, then proxies are required for server access. Otherwise, the values of noproxy_uid (for the user ID) and noproxy_gid (for the group ID) become the default for users who have no proxies defined. Disables the use of default UIDs and GIDs. /ENABLE /ENABLE=NOPROXY Optional. Enables the use of default UIDs and GIDs. /GID_DEFAULT /GID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2. Default GID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping. /INACTIVITY_TIMER /INACTIVITY_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 120 seconds. Maximum time period (in seconds) that unaccessed NFS files remain open. /UID_DEFAULT /UID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2. Default UID associated with files owned by a UIC that has no corresponding proxy mapping. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET NFS_SERVER /INACTIVITY_TIMER=180 Sets the time period that unaccessed NFS files remain open to 180 seconds. 2 PROTOCOL Sets parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP. Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL, SHOW PROTOCOL Format SET PROTOCOL ICMP [ /[NO]REDIRECT ] SET PROTOCOL IP [ /[NO]FORWARD ] [ /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=seconds ] SET PROTOCOL TCP [ /[NO]MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE ] [ /[NO]DELAY_ACK ] [ /DROP_COUNT=n ] [ /PROBE_TIMER=seconds ] [ /QUOTA=[ SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes ] [ /[NO]WINDOW_SCALE ] SET PROTOCOL UDP [ /[NO]BROADCAST ] [ /QUOTA=options ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Parameters {ICMP | IP | TCP | UDP} Required. Specifies the protocol software to configure. 3 Qualifiers_for_ICMP /REDIRECT /REDIRECT /NOREDIRECT Optional. Default: /NOREDIRECT. Sends ICMP_REDIRECT messages. 3 Qualifiers_for_IP /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD. Forwards IP messages to other hosts. /REASSEMBLY_TIMER /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 7 seconds. Valid range: 1 to 126. Maximum time for trying to reassemble a received datagram. 3 Qualifiers_for_TCP /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Optional. Default: /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE. If a connection is more than one hop away, sets the segment size. Specify one of the following: /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size. /NOMTU_SEGMENT_ Sets the segment size as close as possible to SIZE the standard 512 bytes. /DELAY_ACK /DELAY_ACK /NODELAY_ACK Optional. Default: /DELAY_ACK. Enables or disables a delay before sending the following acknowledgments: /DELAY_ACK ACKs are generated with a delay. /NODELAY_ACK ACKs are generated without any delay. /DROP_COUNT /DROP_COUNT=n Optional. Number of idle probes that can go unsatisfied before the software declares a TCP connection dead and closes it. /PROBE_TIMER /PROBE_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 75 seconds. Number of seconds between probes for idle TCP connections (when the SO_KEEPALIVE option is set). If the remote system fails to respond, the connection is removed. Also, when initiating a TCP connection request, indicates the maximum number of seconds that the software waits for a response from the remote system before the request times out. /QUOTA /QUOTA=[SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes] Optional. Queue size (in bytes) for messages. The options for setting TCP message queue size are: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. /WINDOW_SCALE /WINDOW_SCALE /NOWINDOW_SCALE Optional. Turns TCP window scaling on and off. Default is on. Scaling allows windows larger than 64 KB to be represented in the normal 16-bit TCP window field. Large windows allow improved throughput. Turning this option off may help you to troubleshoot communication problems with another TCP/IP implementation. 3 Qualifiers_for_UDP /BROADCAST /BROADCAST /[NO]BROADCAST Optional. Default: /NOBROADCAST. Enables privilege checking for broadcast messages. o /BROADCAST - Nonprivileged users can send broadcast messages. o /NOBROADCAST - To send broadcast messages, users need a privileged UIC or the SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege. ONC RPC applications use broadcast messages and need privilege checking disabled. /QUOTA /QUOTA=options Optional. Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages. The options for setting UDP message queue size are: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET PROTOCOL IP /FORWARD Sets IP to forward messages to other hosts, including other Internet cluster nodes. 2.TCPIP> SET PROTOCOL TCP /PROBE_TIMER=50 Sets the TCP probe timer parameter to 50 seconds. 2 ROUTE Defines a routing path in either the permanent or volatile routes database. Routes in the permanent, on-disk routes database are static. Static routes can be supplemented by routes that the dynamic routing server receives. Defaults are as follows: o If the network is not active, the command affects the permanent database. o If the network is active, the command affects the volatile database. (To modify the permanent database, use the /PERMANENT qualifier.) Note the following restrictions: o You can add routes. o You cannot use SET NOROUTE to remove a route that is maintained by the routing daemon. o To have full manual control over your routing table, first issue STOP ROUTING and then use SET NOROUTE. o SET NOROUTE does not require any qualifiers. Related commands: SHOW ROUTE, STOP ROUTING NOTE HP strongly recommends that you do not specify alias names with the destination parameter or with the /GATEWAY=host qualifier. Format SET [NO]ROUTE destination [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /DEFAULT_ROUTE ] [ /GATEWAY=host ] [ /MASK=mask_length ] [ /NETWORK ] [ /PERMANENT ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege if: o The TCP/IP Services product is running. o The routes database requires read and write access. 3 Parameters destination Required unless you specify the /DEFAULT_ROUTE qualifier. Host or network through which to route packets. Specify one of the following: o A host, as it is defined in the hosts database o A network, as it is defined in the networks database Not valid with /DEFAULT_ROUTE. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard. Prompts you to confirm the change. If you specify the /NOCONFIRM qualifier, the operation is performed without asking you to confirm the request. /DEFAULT_ROUTE Optional. Default: Defines a second route to use if the first try to route a packet fails. You must also specify a value for /GATEWAY. Not valid with the destination parameter. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host Optional. Default: None. Gateway for the route. Necessary to send packets to a host on another network. /MASK /MASK=mask_length Optional. Default: None. Defines the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) mask length. (The mask length is sometimes referred to as the prefix length.) CIDR is a method of associating blocks of Internet addresses through the use of a mask. With CIDR, a route is a combination of the IP address and a value describing the length of the leftmost contiguous set of bits. /NETWORK Optional. Defaults: o Destination is classified based on its Internet network class (A, B, or C). o If the address is clearly a network number, SET ROUTE interprets the number correctly. Defines the route as a network route. Use this qualifier if the network number could be misinterpreted as an IP host address; for example, if a network mask is nonstandard, or if the IP address is abbreviated. This qualifier is required if you are creating a network route that specifies a CIDR mask (for example, /MASK=mask_length). /PERMANENT Optional. Defaults: If the network is not active, the permanent routes database is changed. If the network is active, the volatile routes database is changed. Changes only the permanent routes database. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET ROUTE DODO /GATEWAY=RHEA Defines a route for local host DODO to send packets. 2.TCPIP> SET ROUTE 101.81 /GATEWAY=100.42 Defines a gateway for routing packets for the host with IP address 101.81. 3.TCPIP> SET ROUTE 100.45.0 /GATEWAY=REMOTE /NETWORK Sets a route through the network whose IP address is 100.45.0. 4.TCPIP> SET ROUTE /DEFAULT /GATEWAY=DEFGATE /PERMANENT Sets a default route with host DEFGATE as the default gateway. Adds the definition to the permanent routes database. 2 SERVICE Defines a new entry or modifies an existing entry in the services database. The /FILE, /PORT, /PROCESS_NAME, and /USER_NAME qualifiers are required when defining a new entry and optional when modifying an existing one. For changes to service parameters to take effect, you must disable and reenable the service. Related command: SHOW SERVICE Format SET [NO]SERVICE service { /FILE=startup_file /PORT=n /PROCESS_NAME=process /USER_NAME=vms_user_account } [ /ACCEPT=options ] [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ] [ /FLAGS=options ] [ /LIMIT=n ] [ /LOG_OPTIONS=options ] [ /PROTOCOL=protocol=options ] [ /REJECT=options ] [ /RPC=values ] [ /SEPARATOR=option ] [ /SOCKET_OPTIONS=options ] 3 Restrictions You cannot modify the following fields in an existing entry: o service o /ADDRESS o /PORT o /PROCESS_NAME o /PROTOCOL (except for the optional settings) To make changes to these fields, use SET NOSERVICE to delete the entry and then re-create the entry. NOTE There is no RCP service. RCP uses the RSH server process. HP strongly suggests that, for the services provided by TCP/IP Services, you do not use this command to reset the following: o The required qualifiers o The /FLAGS qualifier, except for the APPLICATION_PROXY and CASE_INSENSITIVE options Using SET NOSERVICE without either a specified service or specified qualifiers deletes all entries for all services. Requires write access to the directory with the services database. 3 Parameters service Required for SET SERVICE; optional for SET NOSERVICE. Service you want to modify or enter into the services database. To specify a lowercase or mixed-case service name, enclose it in quotation marks. Service names are limited to 16 characters. Use only the following characters in a service name: o Uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters o Numerals o Dollar sign ($) o Underscore (_) Do not define a service name equivalent to one of the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS components (for example, do not define a service name BIND or TCPIP$BIND, or FTP). In addition, the service name CUSTOMER_SERVICE is reserved by HP. 3 Qualifiers /ACCEPT /ACCEPT {=[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks)} Optional. Default: Offers the service to all hosts on all networks. o /ACCEPT=HOST=(host) - Grants host or hosts access to the service. - Denies access to all other hosts. o /ACCEPT=NOHOST=host removes access to the service for a host that previously gained access with /ACCEPT=HOST. The following options are available: Option Meaning HOSTS=hosts Makes the service available to the specified hosts. Denies all other hosts access to the service. Maximum is 32. NOHOSTS=hosts Removes the specified hosts from the accept list so they cannot gain access to the service. You can specify a wildcard character (*) in place of the hosts list to remove all hosts from the accept list. Maximum is 32. NETWORKS=networks Makes the service available to the specified networks. Denies access to the service to all other networks. Maximum is 16. For each network, you can optionally specify the network mask. The default network mask equals network's class number. For example, for the network, the default mask is NONETWORKS[=networks]moves the specified networks from the accept list so they cannot gain access to the service. You can specify a wildcard character (*) in place of the networks list to remove all networks from the accept list. Maximum is 16. For each network, you can optionally specify the network mask. The default net mask equals network's class number. For example, for network, the default mask is /ACCEPT=NONETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3:net3mask) /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Optional. Default: (all local interfaces receive incoming requests for the service). If you have multiple Internet interfaces and, therefore, more than one IP address, /ADDRESS specifies the particular address on which incoming requests are received. To define a service name more than once, use /ADDRESS with different values for each instance. A reason to duplicate a service name, for example, is that your local host has three interfaces and you want to make a service available on two of them. Each service/interface pair must be unique. /FILE /FILE=startup_file Required if defining a new service entry; optional if modifying an existing one. Name of the service's startup command file. /FLAGS /FLAGS= {[NO]APPLICATION_PROXY | [NO]MULTITHREAD | [NO]PROXY | [NO]CASE_INSENSITIVE} Optional. The flag options are: o [NO]APPLICATION_PROXY. Default: NOAPPLICATION_PROXY. The service does its own proxy checking. This allows connections based on defined proxies. Applies to: remote shell (RSH) and line printer daemon (LPD). NOTE The ROOT account does not require a communication proxy in the proxy database. The setting of /FLAGS=APPLICATION_ PROXY flag is not relevant. o [NO]MULTITHREAD. Default: NOMULTITHREAD. While connecting a socket to a remote host and passing the socket to the requested server, the auxiliary server continues to listen for incoming requests. o [NO]PROXY. Default: NOPROXY. User account information is from the proxy database. o [NO]CASE_INSENSITIVE. Default: CASE_INSENSITIVE. Case sensitivity of the remote user name in the proxy database. Use with /PROXY. /LIMIT /LIMIT=n Optional. Maximum number of copies of the requested service allowed to run on the system. If the maximum number is reached, any additional requests for the service are rejected. /LOG_OPTIONS /LOG_OPTIONS= [ [NO]ACCEPT ] [ [NO]ACTIVATE ] [ [NO]ADDRESS ] [ [NO]ALL ] [ [NO]CONNECT ] [ [NO]DEACTIVATE ] [ [NO]ERROR ] [ [NO]EXIT_CLEANUP ] [ [NO]LOGIN ] [ [NO]LOGOUT ] [ [NO]MODIFY ] [ [NO]REJECT ] Sets the specified logging options for the service you are configuring. The logging options have the following meanings: Option Meaning [NO]ACCEPT Message is logged when a request is accepted. [NO]ACTIVATE Message is logged when the service is activated. [NO]ADDRESS For auxiliary server messages and OpenVMS security events, the message displays the IP address as a host name. If host names are not relevant, HP recommends that you specify [NO]ADDRESS. [NO]ALL Messages are logged for all events. [NO]CONNECT Message is logged when the auxiliary server issues a connect request back to the client. The services that usually make this request (on a second socket) are remote shell and remote execute. [NO]DEACTIVATE Message is logged when the service is being deactivated. [NO]ERROR Message is logged when an error is detected while processing a request to the service. [NO]EXIT_ Message is logged when the service fails to CLEANUP complete startup (that is, the server did not assign the BG device, with logical name SYS$NET, or did not issue a C socket before exiting). [NO]LOGIN Message is logged when a connected terminal server accepts a remote login request. [NO]LOGOUT Message is logged when a connected terminal server terminates a connection. [NO]MODIFY Message is logged when the active service is being modified. [NO]REJECT Message is logged when a request is rejected. /PORT /PORT=n Required if defining a new service entry. Cannot be modified; use SET NOSERVICE to delete the entry and then re-create the entry with the modification you want to make. Port number that the service will use. Specify a number from 1 to 65535. /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=process Required if defining a new service entry. Cannot be modified (use SET NOSERVICE to delete the entry and then re-create the entry with the modification you want to make). Name of the service's process. Specify a character string up to 15 characters long. The name is truncated to 15 characters if it exceeds that limit. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocol [=options] Optional. Default: TCP. Protocol, and its parameters, that the service will use. To set these parameters, use the following options: Protocol Option Meaning IP TYPE_OF_SERVICE=n Type of service, expressed as a value between 0 and 255. TIME_TO_LIVE=n Maximum number of hops that packets can traverse before being dropped. TCP [NO]DELAY Delays sending packets, allowing (stream multiple packets to be combined socket into a single larger packet before type) transmission. Default: DELAY. DROP_COUNT=n TCP connection-request timeout interval for the service. Maximum number of seconds to probe for idle TCP connections before such a connection times out and closes. PROBE_ Number of seconds between probes TIMER=seconds for idle connections. UDP None Datagram socket type. /REJECT /REJECT {=[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) |=[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) |=[NO]MESSAGE="text"] } Optional. Default: No rejections if /ACCEPT is set to its default (service all hosts). o /REJECT=HOST=host denies host access to the service. o /REJECT=NOHOST=host regrants host access to the service. The following options are available. Option Meaning HOSTS=hosts Makes the service unavailable to the specified hosts. Maximum is 32. Examples: /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name, host3_ address) /REJECT=HOSTS=* NOHOSTS=hosts Removes the specified hosts from the reject list. You can use the wildcard character (*) in place of the hosts list to remove all hosts from the reject list. Maximum is 32. Examples: /REJECT=NOHOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_ address) /REJECT=NOHOSTS=* NETWORKS=networks Makes the service unavailable to the hosts on the specified networks. Maximum is 16. For each network, you can optionally specify the network mask. The default net mask equals network's class number. For example, for network, the default mask is Example: /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address, net3:net3mask) NONETWORKS[=networks]moves the specified networks from the reject list. You can use the wildcard character (*) in place of the networks list to remove all networks from the reject list. Maximum is 16. For each network, you can optionally specify the network mask. The default net mask equals network's class number. For example, for network, the default mask is Example: /REJECT=NONETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address, net3:net3mask) [NO]MESSAGE=text Message sent to "reject-list" clients when NOMESSAGE TCP/IP Services rejects their request for the service. Optional. Specify a character string up to 63 characters. Enclose the string in quotation marks. Use this option only for a service whose clients require and support reject messages. Messages are sent with a carriage return/line feed at the end. For RLOGIN, RSH, and REXEC, this message is preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and is terminated with a byte with a value of 0. /REJECT=NOMESSAGE deletes the stored message text. /RPC /RPC=(PROGRAM_NUMBER=n, VERSION_NUMBER=(LOW=n, HIGH=n)) Required for services that use the Portmapper; otherwise, not valid. Defaults: Program Highest Service Number Version Lowest Version MOUNT 100005 1 1 NFS server 100003 2 2 PCNFS 150001 1 2 PORTMAPPER 100000 1 1 Information that identifies the service to the Portmapper. Use this qualifier for all applications that use RPCs. /SEPARATOR /SEPARATOR=option=character Optional. Default: 0 (null). Character that separates the following fields in received packets: o PORT=character o USER_NAME=character o PASSWORD=character o COMMAND=character /SOCKET_OPTIONS /SOCKET_OPTIONS=(options) Optional. The following socket options are available. Option Description Default BROADCAST Sockets Null character (hexadecimal 00) are UDP NOBROADCAST broadcast. Sockets are not UDP broadcast. KEEPALIVE Sockets Null character (hexadecimal 00) are TCP NOKEEPALIVE keepalive. Sockets are not TCP keepalive. RECEIVE Receive Null character (hexadecimal 00) socket quota. SEND Send socket Null character (hexadecimal 00) quota. /USER_NAME /USER_NAME=vms_user_account Required if defining a new service entry; optional if modifying an existing service. OpenVMS account information for users working on client systems. Required for a user to access the service. The user must also be defined in the system user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT). 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET SERVICE TOE /USER_NAME=LITTLE_PIGGY - _TCPIP> /PROCESS_NAME=TOEd /PORT=1050 /PROTOCOL=UDP - _TCPIP> /FILE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]TOE_STARTUP.COM Modifies the service TOE to implement UDP on port 1050. This service has the OpenVMS process context of user LITTLE_PIGGY. After you issue a SET SERVICE TOE command, the auxiliary server executes TOE_STARTUP.COM when a request arrives for service TOE. 2.TCPIP> SET SERVICE LPD - _TCPIP> /REJECT=NETWORK=(, Sets the LPD service to be inaccessible to the two specified networks. 3.TCPIP> SET SERVICE RSH /FLAGS=(PROXY,CASE_INSENSITIVE) Sets the proxy and case-sensitivity flags for the RSH service.