Library /sys$common/syshlp/TCPIP$UCP_HELP.HLB  —  traceroute

     traceroute [-A] [-a] [-c stoptime] [-f] [-g gateway] [-h server]
      [-i initial_ttl] [-k] [-l] [-m max_ttl] [-N] [-n] [-p port] [-Q maxquit]
      [-q nqueries] [-r] [-S] [-s source_addr] [-t tos] [-v] [-w waittime] host

    The traceroute command displays the route that packets take to a
    network host.

1  –  FLAGS

    -A                   Looks up the AS-number (Autonomous System)
                         for each hop's network address at the whois
                         server specified by the -h option.

    -a                   If the destination host has multiple
                         addresses, traceroute probes all addresses
                         if this option is set. Normally only the
                         first address as returned by the resolver is

    -c stoptime          Specifies a delay (in seconds) to pause
                         between probe packets. This may be necessary
                         if the final destination is a router that
                         does not accept undeliverable packets in

    -f                   Disables IP fragmentation. If the given
                         packetsize is too big to be handled
                         unfragmented by a machine along the route,
                         a "fragmentation needed" status is returned
                         and the indicator !F is printed. If a gate-
                         way returns the value of the proper MTU size
                         to be used, traceroute decreases the packet
                         size automatically to this new value. If the
                         proper MTU size is not returned, traceroute
                         chooses a shorter packet size.

    -g gateway           Enables the IP LSRR (Loose Source Record
                         Route) option. This is useful for asking
                         how somebody else, at the specified gateway,
                         reaches a particular target.

    -h server            Specifies the name or IP address of the
                         whois server that is contacted for the AS-
                         number lookup, if the -A option is given.

    -i initial_ttl       Sets the starting time-to-live value to
                         initial_ttl, to override the default value
                         of 1. Effectively this skips processing for
                         those intermediate hosts that are less than
                         initial_ttl hops away.

    -k                   Keeps the connection to the whois server
                         permanently open. This makes lookups
                         considerably quicker, because connection
                         setup for each individual lookup is not
                         necessary. However, all whois servers do not
                         support this feature.

    -l                   Prints the value of the ttl field in each
                         received packet (this can be used to help
                         detect asymmetric routing).

    -m max_ttl           Sets the max time-to-live (max number of
                         hops) used in outgoing probe packets.
                         The default is 30 hops, which is the same
                         default used for TCP connections.

    -N                   Displays the network name for each hop.
                         If a BIND resolver cannot be reached,
                         network names are retrieved just from the
                         /etc/networks file.

    -n                   Prints hop IP addresses numerically rather
                         than both symbolically and numerically. This
                         saves a nameserver address-to-name lookup
                         for each gateway found on the path. It also
                         prevents a reverse lookup for numeric dotted
                         quad addresses given on the command line
                         (destination host, or -g gateway addresses).

    -p port              Sets the base UDP port number used in
                         probes (default is 33434). The traceroute
                         command presumes that nothing is listening
                         on UDP ports base to base+nhops-1 at
                         the destination host (so an ICMP "port
                         unreachable" message is returned to
                         terminate the route tracing). If another
                         process is listening on a port in the
                         default range, use this option to pick an
                         unused port range.

    -Q maxquit           Stops probing this hop after maxquit
                         consecutive timeouts are detected. The
                         default value is 5. Useful in combination
                         with -S if you have specified a big nqueries
                         probe count.

    -q nqueries          Sets the number of probes launched at each
                         ttl setting (default is 3).

    -r                   Bypasses the normal routing tables and sends
                         directly to a host on an attached network.
                         If the host is not on a directly-attached
                         network, an error is returned. This option
                         can be used to ping a local host through an
                         interface that has no route through it (for
                         example, after the interface was dropped by
                         routed(8) or gated(8)).

    -S                   Prints a per-hop minimum/average/maximum
                         rtt (round-trip time) statistics summary.
                         This suppresses the per-probe rtt and ttl
                         reporting. For better statistics you need to
                         increase the default nqueries probe count.
                         See also the -Q option.

    -s source_addr       Uses the following IP address (which must
                         be given as an IP number, not a hostname)
                         as the source address in outgoing probe
                         packets. On hosts with more than one IP
                         address, use this option to force the source
                         address to be something other than the IP
                         address of the interface on which the probe
                         packet is sent. If the IP address is not one
                         of this machine's interface addresses, an
                         error is returned and nothing is sent.

    -t tos               Sets the type-of-service in probe packets
                         to the following value (default zero).
                         The value must be a decimal integer in
                         the range 0 to 255. Use this option to
                         determine if different types-of-service
                         result in different paths. Not all values
                         of TOS are legal or meaningful. See the IP
                         specification for definitions. Useful values
                         are probably -t 16 (low delay) and -t 8
                         (high throughput).

    -v                   Produces verbose output. Lists any received
                         ICMP packets other than "time exceeded" and

    -w waittime          Sets the time (in seconds) to wait for
                         a response to a probe. The default is 3


    The Internet is a large and complex aggregation of network
    hardware, connected together by gateways. The traceroute command
    tracks the route packets follow from gateway to gateway. The
    command uses the IP protocol `time to live' field and attempts to
    elicit an ICMP "time exceeded" response from each gateway along
    the path to a particular host.

    The only mandatory parameter is the destination host name or IP
    number. The default probe datagram length is 38 bytes, but you
    can increase this by specifying a packet size (in bytes) after
    the destination host name. This is useful when the -f option is
    given for MTU discovery along the route. You should start with
    the maximum packet size for your own network interface (if the
    given value is even bigger, traceroute attempts to select a more
    appropriate value). If no packet size is given when using the -f
    option, traceroute determines the initial MTU automatically.

    To track the route of an IP packet, traceroute launches UDP probe
    packets with a small ttl (time to live) and then listens for an
    ICMP "time exceeded" reply from a gateway. Probes start with
    a ttl of one and increase by one until either an ICMP "port
    unreachable" is returned (indicating that the packet reached
    the host) or the maximum number of hops is exceeded (the default
    is 30 hops and can be changed with the -m option). At each ttl
    setting, traceroute launches three probes (you can change the
    number with the -q option) and prints a line showing the ttl,
    address of the gateway, and round trip time of each probe. If the
    probe answers come from different gateways, traceroute prints the
    address of each responding system. If there is no response within
    a 3 second timeout interval (which you can change with the -w
    option), an asterisk (*) is printed for that probe.

    To prevent the destination host from processing the UDP probe
    packets, the destination port is set to an unlikely value. You
    can change the destination port value with the -p option, if


       This program is intended for use in network testing,
       measurement and management. It should be used primarily
       for manual fault isolation. Because of the load it could
       impose on the network, do not use traceroute during normal
       operations or from automated scripts.


    Other possible annotations displayed after the time are:

    !H    Host is unreachable.
    !N    Network is unreachable.
    !P    Protocol is unreachable.
    !F    Fragmentation needed.

          This indicator may show up if the -f command line option
          is being used, and the associated gateway requires further
          fragmentation. In case the desired new MTU size is known,
          it is indicated.
    !S    Source route failed.

          This should not occur under normal circumstances and the
          associated gateway might be broken if you see one.
    !T    Host or network is unreachable for the given tos.
    !U    Destination is unreachable.

          This indicator is printed for some of the new unreachable
          subcodes as defined in RFC 1812.
    !A    Some routers fail to generate an ICMP "port unreachable"
          message, but send an ICMP "time exceeded" message instead
          if they are the target host. The indicator is printed if
          this is detected.
    !G    Some routers erroneously generate ICMP "port unreachable"
          instead of "time exceeded" if they are specified as loose
          source route gateway hosts. The indicator is printed if
          this is detected.

          If all the probes result in an unreachable status,
          traceroute stops sending probes and exits.



    This indicates that the ttl value in the ICMP "time exceeded"
    packet that we received was unexpected. We expected some initial
    value, for example, the number of routers between our system and
    another system. In other words, if the path from hop 5 to us is
    the same as the path from us to hop 5, we expect to receive a ttl
    value of 4.

    There are several common initial values for ICMP ttls: 255,
    60, 59, 30 and 29. 4.3 tahoe BSD and Cisco routers use 255,
    Proteon routers use either 59 or 29 depending on software
    release, several other implementations use 60 and 30. This
    software uses an initial ttl of 64. The traceroute command
    checks against all of these, making it hard to detect some small
    routing asymmetries. If you want to see the ttl values in all the
    packets, use the -l option.


    host               Specifies the name or IP address of the
                       destination host. This parameter is required.

    packetsize         Specifies the default probe datagram length.
                       This parameter is optional. The default is 38


    1. The following command traces the route a packet takes from
       localhost to the host

       localhost> traceroute

       traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 56 byte packet

        1 (  19 ms  19 ms  0 ms
        2  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  39 ms 19 ms
        3  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  39 ms 19 ms
        4  ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  40 ms  39 ms
        5  ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  39 ms  39 ms
        6 (  40 ms  59 ms  59 ms
        7 (  59 ms  59 ms  59 ms
        8 (  99 ms  99 ms  80 ms
        9 (  139 ms  239 ms  319 ms
       10 (  220 ms  199 ms  199 ms
       11 (  239 ms  239 ms  239 ms

       Note that lines 2 and 3 are identical. This is due to a bug in
       the kernel on the 2nd hop system,, that forwards
       packets with a zero ttl (a bug in the distributed version of
       4.3BSD). The NSFNet (129.140) does not supply address-to-name
       translations for its NSSes. Therefore, you cannot be certain
       of the path the packets take cross-country.

    2. The following is another example of output from the
       traceroute com mand. Packets from localhost to the host are being traced:

       localhost> traceroute

       traceroute to (, 30 hops max

        1 (  0 ms  0 ms  0 ms
        2  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  19 ms  19 ms 19 ms
        3  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  19 ms 19 ms
        4  ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU (  19 ms  39 ms  39 ms
        5  ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU (  20 ms  39 ms  39 ms
        6 (  59 ms  119 ms  39 ms
        7 (  59 ms  59 ms  39 ms
        8 (  80 ms  79 ms  99 ms
        9 (  139 ms  139 ms  159 ms
       10 (  199 ms  180 ms  300 ms
       11 (  300 ms  239 ms  239 ms
       12  * * *
       13 (  259 ms  499 ms  279 ms
       14  * * *
       15  * * *
       16  * * *
       17  * * *
       18  ALLSPICE.LCS.MIT.EDU (  339 ms  279 ms 279 ms

       Note that the gateways 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 hops away either
       do not send ICMP "time exceeded" messages or send them with
       a ttl too small to reach localhost. Further investigation is
       required to determine the cause. For example, by contacting
       the system administrators for gateways 14 through 17, you
       could discover that these gateways are running the MIT C
       Gateway code that does not send "time exceeded" messages.

       The silent gateway 12 in the example may be the result of
       a bug in the 4.[23]BSD network code (and its derivatives):
       4.x (x <= 3) sends an unreachable message using whatever ttl
       remains in the original datagram. Since, for gateways, the
       remaining ttl is zero, the ICMP "time exceeded" is guaranteed
       to not make it back to us.

       When this bug appears on the destination system it behaves as

        1 (  0 ms  0 ms  0 ms
        2  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  19 ms 39 ms
        3  lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU (  19 ms  39 ms 19 ms
        4  ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  40 ms  19 ms
        5  ccn-nerif35.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  39 ms  39 ms
        6  csgw.Berkeley.EDU (  39 ms  59 ms  39 ms
        7  * * *
        8  * * *
        9  * * *
       10  * * *
       11  * * *
       12  * * *
       13  rip.Berkeley.EDU (  59 ms !  39 ms ! 39 ms !

       Note that there are 12 gateways (13 is the final destination
       and the last half of them are missing. What is happening is
       that the host rip (a Sun-3 running Sun OS3.5) is using the ttl
       from our arriving datagram as the ttl in its ICMP reply. The
       reply will time out on the return path (with no notice sent to
       anyone since ICMPs are not sent for ICMPs) until we probe with
       a ttl that is at least twice the path length. This means that
       the host rip is really only 7 hops away. A reply that returns
       with a ttl of 1 is a clue this problem exists. The traceroute
       command prints a ! after the time if the ttl is less than or
       equal to 1. Since many systems continue to run obsolete or
       non-standard software, expect to see this problem frequently.
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