Library /sys$common/syshlp/TCPIP$TELNET_HELP.HLB  —  SEND  EC
    SEND EC (Erase Character) deletes the last character you typed at
    the remote host.

    Use this command when the remote host does not recognize your
    Delete key.

    DCL Format

      SEND EC

    UNIX Format

      send ec

1  –  Example

  % mail <Ctrl/]> (characters not echoed)
  TELNET> SEND EC <Return>
  Mail $Revision $  Type ? for help.
  "/usr/spool/mail/debts": 1 message 1 new
  >N  1 debts  Tue Sep 15 13:39  8/161  "Team Building"

      This example:

      o  Misspells the UNIX mail command.

      o  Enters the TELNET escape sequence (not echoed to the screen)
         to return to the TELNET prompt.

      o  Enters the TELNET SEND EC command, which deletes the last
         character typed (l) and returns to the remote host.
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