1 DISKQUOTA There are several DISKQUOTA subcommands. Select the one you want from the choices below. 2 ADD Adds an entry to a disk quota file and initializes the usage count to zero. Requires write (W) access to the quota file. Format DISKQUOTA ADD owner 3 Parameter owner Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights identifier for which the quota entry is added. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format. For complete information about UIC specification, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use an ID format rather than a UIC format. For a complete description of rights identifiers, see the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. When working in nonlocal environments, be careful that the alphanumeric UIC or rights identifiers that you use are valid for the environment. 3 Qualifiers /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the location of the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification. You can specify a logical name for device- spec. If you do, the logical name is translated in the target environment. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. /OVERDRAFT /OVERDRAFT=value Specifies a positive integer that provides an overdraft value for the specified UIC. If omitted, the overdraft value defaults to the overdraft value in the entry for [0,0]. /PERMQUOTA /PERMQUOTA=value Specifies a positive integer that provides the quota for the specified UIC. If omitted, the permanent quota defaults to the value of the quota in the entry for [0,0]. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA ADD command appends individual entries to a quota file on the specified disk. Note that the quota file must already exist and be enabled. Unless you specify the permanent quota and overdraft values, SYSMAN applies the default values from the UIC entry [0,0]. You adjust UIC [0,0] with the DISKQUOTA MODIFY command. 3 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(NODE21,NODE22) %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE21,NODE22 Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes. SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA ADD [MKT,MORSE] /DEVICE=WORK1 - _SYSMAN> /PERMQUOTA=200 /OVERDRAFT=50 SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA ADD PAYROLL /DEVICE=WORK1 /PERMQUOTA=1000 This command sequence performs the following tasks: o Defines the management environment to be NODE21 and NODE22. o Adds SYSPRV privilege to the user's current privileges in order to write to the quota file. o Adds UIC [MKT,MORSE] to the quota file on the device named WORK1 on both NODE21 and NODE22, setting the permanent quota to 200 disk blocks and the overdraft limit to 50 disk blocks, for an absolute limit of 250 blocks. If the user name MORSE has a unique UIC on the system, you can enter the following command: SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA ADD MORSE o Adds an entry for the rights identifier PAYROLL. Any user holding the PAYROLL identifier can use this disk space. 2 CREATE Creates and enables a quota file for a disk volume that does not currently contain one. Requires write (W) access to the volume's master file directory (MFD), plus one of the following items: SYSPRV privilege, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume. Format DISKQUOTA CREATE 3 Qualifier /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume on which to create a quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification. A logical name may be specified for device-spec. If so, it is translated in the target environment. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA CREATE command creates a quota file for a volume that does not currently have one. Only one quota file, [000000]QUOTA.SYS, can be present on any volume or volume set. As soon as you create a quota file, establish default values for quotas and overdrafts by adjusting UIC [0,0] with the DISKQUOTA MODIFY command. When a disk has existing files, use the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command to have SYSMAN update the quota file to contain current usage values. NOTE VSI recommends that you do not create and enable a quota file on the system disk unless users are allowed to create files on that disk. 3 Example SYSMAN> SHOW ENVIRONMENT %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Node NODE24 of local cluster Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes SYSMAN> DO SHOW DEVICES . . . SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA CREATE /DEVICE=DJA31: SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA MODIFY /DEVICE=DJA31: [0,0] - _SYSMAN> /PERMQUOTA=10000 /OVERDRAFT=100 The commands in this example sequence display the characteristics of the current management environment and verify the device name. Then they create a quota file on the disk DJA31 and set up default quota values. 2 DELETE Removes an entry from a quota file. See the command DISKQUOTA REMOVE for more information. The DISKQUOTA REMOVE and DISKQUOTA DELETE commands perform the same function. 2 DISABLE Suspends the maintenance and enforcement of disk quotas on a volume in the current management environment; this applies to each node that has the disk mounted. CAUTION To use the DISKQUOTA DISABLE command on a disk that has been mounted on multiple nodes in a cluster, you must first specify the nodes in the SET ENVIRONMENT command. Requires SYSPRV privilege, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume. Format DISKQUOTA DISABLE 3 Qualifier /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies a disk volume on which to disable a quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification. A logical name may be specified for device-spec. If so, it is translated in the target environment. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA DISABLE command suspends quota operations on a volume. To permanently disable quotas on a device, disable the quotas with the DISKQUOTA DISABLE command and delete the file [000000]QUOTA.SYS. Otherwise, the system implicitly enables quotas when the disk is mounted, leaving invalid quota information. If you enable the quota file later, enter the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command to update UIC entries and usage counts. 2 ENABLE Resumes quota enforcement on a disk volume in the current management environment; this applies to each node that has the disk mounted. CAUTION To use the DISKQUOTA ENABLE command on a disk that has been mounted on multiple nodes in a cluster, you must first specify the nodes in the SET ENVIRONMENT command. Requires SYSPRV privilege, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume. Format DISKQUOTA ENABLE 3 Qualifier /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies a disk volume on which to enable the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification. A logical name may be specified for device-spec. If so, it is translated in the target environment. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA ENABLE command reinstates the enforcement of quotas on a volume that had been suspended with the DISKQUOTA DISABLE command. Whenever you enable quotas on a volume, use the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command to update UIC entries and usage counts. 2 MODIFY Changes an entry in a quota file or adjusts default values for quotas and overdrafts. If a new quota limit is less than the current usage count, SYSMAN issues a warning message before it implements the new quota. Requires write (W) access to the quota file. Format DISKQUOTA MODIFY owner 3 Parameter owner Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights identifier. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format. For complete information about UIC specification, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use an ID format rather than a UIC format. For a complete description of rights identifiers, see the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. When working in nonlocal environments, make sure that the alphanumeric UIC or rights identifiers that you use are valid for the environment. 3 Qualifiers /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume that contains the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification. A logical name may be specified for device-spec. If so, it is translated in the target environment. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. /OVERDRAFT /OVERDRAFT=value Specifies a positive integer that provides an overdraft value for the specified UIC. If you omit a value, the overdraft value defaults to the overdraft value in the entry for [0,0]. /PERMQUOTA /PERMQUOTA=value Specifies a positive integer that provides the quota for the specified UIC. If you omit a value, the permanent quota defaults to the value of the quota in the entry for [0,0]. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA MODIFY command changes values in a quota file for the disk named in the device specification. If you establish a quota limit that is less than the current usage count, a user can still log in and out, but cannot create files. After creating a quota file, use the DISKQUOTA MODIFY command to set default values for quotas and overdrafts. UIC [0,0] sets the default permanent quota and overdraft values for a quota file, so you must change the entry [0,0] to values appropriate for your installation. Unless you specify quota and overdraft values when adding a file entry, SYSMAN applies these defaults to UIC entries. 3 Examples 1.SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=NODE21 SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA MODIFY /DEVICE=DUA12: [0,0] - _SYSMAN> /PERMQUOTA=3000 /OVERDRAFT=300 The commands in this example edit the entry for UIC [0,0] in the quota file on DUA12, which is located on NODE21. 2.SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA MODIFY /DEVICE=SYS$DISK1 [TTD,DAVIS] - _SYSMAN> /PERMQUOTA=900 This command sets the permanent quota for UIC [TTD,DAVIS] to 900 blocks, while making no change to the overdraft limit. SYSMAN modifies the quota file that is located on disk SYS$DISK1 in the current environment. If the user name DAVIS has a unique UIC on the system, you can enter the following command: SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA MODIFY DAVIS/PERMQUOTA=900 2 REBUILD Updates a quota file, adding new UICs and correcting usage counts for each user on the volume. Requires write (W) access to the quota file, plus one of the following items: SYSPRV privilege, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume. Format DISKQUOTA REBUILD 3 Qualifier /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume that contains the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification and translates any logical name in the target environment before rebuilding the file. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA REBUILD command reads the disk, recalculates usage counts for all existing entries in QUOTA.SYS, and adds new entries. It sets quota and overdraft values to the defaults set in UIC [0,0] if the entry did not previously exist. While the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command is executing, file activity on the volume is frozen. No files can be created, deleted, extended, or truncated. Use the DISKQUOTA REBUILD command in the following circumstances: o After creating a quota file on a volume with existing files. o When the quota file has been enabled after a period of being disabled. The command corrects the usage counts and adds any new UICs. 3 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT /NODE=NODE21 SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA ENABLE /DEVICE=DUA226: SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA REBUILD /DEVICE=DUA226: These commands enable the quota file and reconstruct the usage counts for all entries on disk DUA226, which is located on node NODE21. 2 REMOVE Removes an entry from a quota file. Requires write (W) access to the quota file. Format DISKQUOTA REMOVE owner 3 Parameter owner Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights identifier. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format. For complete information about UIC specification, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use an ID format rather than a UIC format. For more information about rights identifiers, see the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. When working in nonlocal environments, be careful that the alphanumeric UIC or rights identifiers that you use are valid for the environment. 3 Qualifier /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume containing the quota file. SYSMAN validates the device specification and translates any logical name in the target environment before deleting the UIC entry. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. 3 Description The DISKQUOTA REMOVE command eliminates the specified UIC from the quota file on the named device. If the usage count for the UIC is not zero, files remain on disk and the user can still log in, but any attempt to create or extend files will fail. The UIC [0,0] entry cannot be removed. 3 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=MARS SYSMAN> SHOW PROFILE %SYSMAN-I-DEFDIR, Default directory on node MARS -- WORK2:[CASEY] %SYSMAN-I-DEFPRIV, Process privileges on node MARS -- TMPMGX OPER NETMBX SYSPRV SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA REMOVE /DEVICE=DUA45: [TTD,DAVIS] These commands remove UIC [TTD,DAVIS] from the quota file for disk DUA45, which is located on node MARS. 2 SHOW Displays quotas, overdrafts, and usage counts. Requires no additional privileges to display your own quota, overdraft, and usage count, but otherwise requires read (R) access to the quota file. Format DISKQUOTA SHOW owner 3 Parameter owner Specifies the user identification code (UIC) or rights identifier. You can specify the UIC in numeric or alphanumeric format. For complete information about UIC specification, see the VSI OpenVMS Guide to System Security. Rights identifiers are granted with the Authorize utility and use an ID format rather than a UIC format. For a complete description of rights identifiers, see the VSI OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual. You can use an asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify the quota entry as follows: Command Description DISQUOTA SHOW CJ Show user CJ (if CJ has a unique UIC on the system) DISKQUOTA SHOW Show user CJ in group TTD [TTD,CJ] DISKQUOTA SHOW Show all users in group TTD [TTD,*] DISKQUOTA SHOW * Show all entries 3 Qualifiers /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-spec Specifies the disk volume containing the quota file. DISKQUOTA validates device specification and translates any logical name in the target environment before displaying UIC entries. Without a device specification, SYSMAN uses the default disk on the target node. Unless you have set a default device with the SET PROFILE command, the default disk is the current device on the local node or the login default device on another node, depending on the established environment. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=filespec] Directs output to the specified file. Without a file specification, /OUTPUT defaults to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory on the local node where you are running SYSMAN. 3 Example SYSMAN> DISKQUOTA SHOW [ACCT,*] This command displays quotas, overdrafts, and usage counts for all users in group ACCT on the default disk.