1 CONFIGURATION There are several CONFIGURATION subcommands. Select the one you want from the choices below. 2 SET 3 CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION Modifies security data in a local area cluster. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION 4 Qualifiers /GROUP_NUMBER /GROUP_NUMBER=[n] Specifies the cluster group number that is recorded in SYS$SYSTEM:CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT. A group number uniquely identifies each local area cluster on a single Ethernet. This number must be in the range from 1 to 4095 or 61440 to 65535. /PASSWORD /PASSWORD=password Specifies a password for cluster access. A password consists of 1 to 31 characters, including alphanumeric characters, dollar signs, and underscores. A password provides a second level of validation to ensure the integrity of individual clusters on the same Ethernet that accidentally use identical group numbers. A password also prevents an intruder who discovers the group number from joining the cluster. 4 Description The CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command modifies the group number and password of a local area cluster, as recorded in SYS$SYSTEM:CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT. If your configuration has multiple system disks, SYSMAN automatically updates each copy of CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT, provided the environment is defined as a cluster (SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER). For more information about CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT, see VSI OpenVMS Cluster Systems. CAUTION If you change either the group number or the password, you must reboot the entire cluster. The file CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT is initialized during execution of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM and maintained through SYSMAN. Under normal conditions, altering records in the CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT file interactively is not necessary. To protect the integrity of the cluster membership use the CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_ AUTHORIZATION command. 4 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER/NODE=NODE21 SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGES=SYSPRV SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION/PASSWORD=GILLIAN %SYSMAN-I-CAFOLDGROUP, existing group will not be changed %SYSMAN-I-GRPNOCHG, Group number not changed SYSMAN-I-CAFREBOOT, cluster authorization file updated. The entire cluster should be rebooted. The CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command in this example sequence modifies the cluster password. Note that the environment is defined to be a cluster, and the SYSPRV privilege is established before entering the CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command. 3 TIME Modifies the current system time. Requires OPER, LOG_IO, and SYSPRV privileges, and, in a cluster environment, SYSLCK privilege. Format CONFIGURATION SET TIME [time] 4 Description The CONFIGURATION SET TIME command enables you to reset the system time. Specify a time value using the following format: [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc] You can also enter a delta time value. For more information about time formats, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. In an environment of individual nodes, SYSMAN sets the time to the specified value on each node. Without a time specification, SYSMAN sets the time according to the time-of-year clock on each node. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSMAN sets the time to the specified value on each node. If you do not specify a value, SYSMAN uses the time-of-year clock. In a local cluster, SYSMAN reads the clock on the node from which you are executing SYSMAN and assigns this value to all nodes in the cluster. In a remote OpenVMS Cluster, SYSMAN reads the clock on the target node in the cluster and assigns that value to all nodes. Note that the time-of-year clock is optional for some processors; for more information, see your processor handbook. SYSMAN uses special processing in an OpenVMS Cluster environment to ensure that all processors in the cluster are set to the same time. Because of communication and processing delays, it is not possible to synchronize clocks exactly. However, the variation is typically less than a few hundredths of a second. If SYSMAN cannot set the time to within one half second of the specified time, you receive a warning message that names the node that failed to respond quickly enough. As a result of slight inaccuracies in each processor clock, times on various members of a cluster tend to drift apart. The following procedure synchronizes system times in a cluster environment: $ SYNCH_CLOCKS: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER CONFIGURATION SET TIME EXIT $ WAIT 6:00:00 $ GOTO SYNCH_CLOCKS The procedure sets the time on all cluster nodes to the value obtained from the local time-of-year clock, waits 6 hours, then resets the time for the cluster. 4 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/NODE=(NODE21,NODE22,NODE23) SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGE=LOG_IO SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SET TIME 12:38:00 The CONFIGURATION SET TIME command in this example sequence modifies the system time on NODE21, NODE22, and NODE23. 2 SHOW 3 CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION Displays the group number and multicast address of a local area cluster. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION 4 Qualifier /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=filespec] Redirects output from SYS$OUTPUT to the specified file. If no file specification is provided, SYSMAN writes the output to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory. 4 Description The CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command displays the group number and multicast address, and Ethernet address used to send a message to all nodes in the cluster. The group number and multicast address are recorded in SYS$SYSTEM:CLUSTER_ AUTHORIZE.DAT during the CLUSTER_CONFIG dialog. In a cluster or multinode environment, SYSMAN displays the group number of the first node and then displays the names of any nodes in the cluster whose group numbers, passwords, or both, are different. 4 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER/NODE=NODE21 . . . SYSMAN> SET PROFILE /PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION Node NODE23: Cluster group number 65240 Multicast address: AB-00-04-01-F2-FF The CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command in this example displays the group number and multicast address of NODE21. Because the group number and password on other nodes in the cluster are identical, no further information is displayed. 3 TIME Displays the current date and system time to the nearest hundredth of a second. Format CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME 4 Qualifier /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=filespec] Redirects output from SYS$OUTPUT to the specified file. If no file specification is provided, SYSMAN writes the output to SYSMAN.LIS in the current directory. 4 Example SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER/NODE=NODE21 . . . SYSMAN> CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME System time on node NODE21: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:19.45 System time on node NODE22: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:27.79 System time on node NODE23: 19-JUN-2002 13:32:58.66 The CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME command in this example displays the system times for all nodes in the cluster.