1 ADD Modifies the current display by including the specified field or class in the display. The ADD command can also be used to include the following in the display: circuits that are in a particular state, connections that are in a particular state or of a particular name, or systems of a particular node name, system ID, or hardware type. Format: ADD class[,...] [/qualifier...] [field[,...]] [/qualifier...] Examples: ADD CIRCUITS,CONNECTIONS,LOC_CONID,REM_CONID ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=ALL, CONNECTIONS/TYPE=NOOPEN 2 Qualifiers Qualifiers apply only to class names. The /ALL qualifier can be used to add all the fields in a particular class to the display. Additional qualifiers apply only to the SYSTEMS, CIRCUITS and CONNECTIONS classes. For additional information, see help on ADD examples and ADD class. 2 Field Specifies the field or fields to be added to the current display. Format: ADD field[,...] NOTE: For a complete list of field names, type HELP FIELDS from the command prompt. If the list of fields scrolls off your terminal, enter SET SCREEN=132 or refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. For a list of field names in a particular class, type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt. 2 Class Specifies the class or classes to be added to the current display. Format: ADD class[,...] [/qualifier,...] NOTE: For a description of each class and the field names within each class, type HELP CLASSES from the command prompt. 3 CLUSTER Adds the Cluster class to the display. 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Cluster class to the display. Format: ADD CLUSTER/ALL 3 SYSTEMS Adds the Systems class to the display. Optionally, specific systems can be added to the display. The systems to be added can be specified by type, system ID number, or node name. By default all systems are displayed. Format: ADD SYSTEMS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Systems class to the display. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/ALL /ID Specifies the system ID number of the system to be added to the display. The system is assumed to be removed from the display via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. To specify a hexadecimal value as the ID number, precede the value with %X. Optionally, ALL can be specified to restore all SYSTEMS that were previously removed via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(system-ID[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/ID=ALL If only one system ID is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/ID=101 ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(206,%XF2A) /NODE Specifies the node name of the system(s) to be added to the display. The system is assumed to be removed from the display via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Optionally, ALL can be specified to restore all SYSTEMS that were previously removed via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=(node-name[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("node-name"[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=ALL If only one node name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. Quotation marks are optional except when specifying a system with a node name of "ALL." Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=DARBY ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("DARBY","DOOLEY","ALICAT","ALL") /TYPE Specifies the type of system to be added to the display. Systems of the specified type are assumed to be removed from the display via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE command. The type can be any of the valid system types as displayed in the HW_TYPE field prior to their removal. If the string which specifies the system type contains spaces, slashes or hyphens, then the string must be delimited by double quotation marks. If /TYPE=ALL is specified, then all nodes are added to the display. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(system-type,"system-type"[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALL If only one system type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE="VAX 8650" ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(HS90,"VAX 8800") 3 MEMBERS Adds the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS/ALL 3 CIRCUITS Adds the Circuits class to the display. Optionally, circuits which are in a particular state can be added to the display. By default all circuits are displayed. Format: ADD CIRCUITS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Circuits class to the display. Format: ADD CIRCUITS/ALL /TYPE Specifies the type of circuits to add to the display. Valid circuit types are: OPEN - Circuits in the open state. NOOPEN - Circuits in the closed state or any of the open-in-progress or close-in progress states. ALL - All types of circuits. Format: ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=(type[,...]) If only one type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. 3 CONNECTIONS Adds the Connections class to the display. Optionally, connections in a particular state, or connections of a particular name can be added to the display. By default, all connections are displayed. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Connections class to the display. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/ALL /NAME Specifies the local process names of connections that are to be added to the display. /NAME can specify the local process name of a connection that was previously removed from the display via the REMOVE CONNECTION/NAME command or ALL to restore all connections. Up to 16 characters of the local process name can be specified. If abbreviated, all connections with local process names matching the characters specified will be added to the display. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(local-process-name[,...]) ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL If only one name is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. Examples: ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR,VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR) ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$ /TYPE Specifies the type of connections to add to the display. Valid connection types are: OPEN - Connections in the open state. NOOPEN - Connections in the closed state, listen states, or any of the connect, disconnect, accept, reject, or failed states. ALL - All types of connections. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/TYPE=(type[,...]) If only one type is specified, the parenthesis can be omitted. 3 COUNTERS Adds the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS/ALL 3 CREDITS Adds the Credits class to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Credits class to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS/ALL 3 LOCAL_PORTS Adds the Local Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Local_Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS/ALL 3 ERRORS Adds the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS 4 Qualifiers /ALL Adds all the fields in the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS/ALL