1 SHOW Displays requested data or information. 2 ACPI 3 servers Displays the contents of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) tables and namespace structures. Format SHOW ACPI {/NAMESPACE |/TABLE} [/ADDRESS = address | /ALL | /CHILDREN] [ident] 4 Parameter ident The name of the table or the namespace structure to be displayed. If an ident is given, /ADDRESS cannot be specified. 4 Qualifier /ADDRESS /ADDRESS = address The physical address of the table entry or virtual address of a namespace structure to be displayed. If /ADDRESS is used, no ident may be specified. /ALL Specifies that detailed information on each entity is to be displayed. By default, only a brief summary of each entity is given, except when a specific table is displayed. /CHILDREN Specifies that all the child namespace structures for a specified namespace entry are to be displayed. /CHILDREN cannot be used with /TABLES. /NAMESPACE Specifies that ACPI namespace structures are to be displayed. Either /NAMESPACE or /TABLES must be specified. /TABLES Specifies that ACPI tables are to be displayed. Either /NAMESPACE or /TABLES must be specified. 2 ADDRESS Displays the page table related information about a memory address. Format SHOW ADDRESS address [/PHYSICAL] 3 Parameter address The requested address. 3 Qualifier /PHYSICAL Indicates that a physical address has been given. The SHOW ADDRESS command displays the virtual address that maps to the given physical address. 2 BUGCHECK Displays the value, name, and text associated with one or all bugcheck codes. Format SHOW BUGCHECK {/ALL (d) | name | number} 3 Parameters name The name of the requested bugcheck code. number The value of the requested bugcheck code. The severity bits in the value are ignored. The parameters name and number and the qualifier /ALL are all mutually exclusive. 3 Qualifier /ALL Displays complete list of all the bugcheck codes, giving their value, name, and text. It is the default. 2 CALL_FRAME Displays the locations and contents of the quadwords representing a procedure call frame. Format SHOW CALL_FRAME { [starting-address] | /EXCEPTION_FRAME = intstk-address | /NEXT_FRAME | /SUMMARY | /ALL} 3 Parameter starting-address For Alpha, an expression representing the starting address of the procedure call frame to be displayed. If no starting-address is given, the default starting address is the contents of the frame pointer (FP) register of the SDA current process. For a process that uses pthreads, the following SDA command can be used to display the starting addresses for all pthreads: SDA> pthread thread -o u For Integrity servers, the starting address is an expression representing one of the following: o The invocation context handle of a frame. o The address of an exception frame. This is equivalent to the following SDA command: SDA> SHOW CALL_FRAME /EXCEPTION_FRAME=intstk-address o The address of a Thread Environment Block (TEB). For a list of all TEBs for the process, use the following SDA command: SDA> pthread thread -o u If no starting address is given, the default starting address is the invocation context handle of the current procedure in the SDA current process. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays details of all call frames beginning at the current frame and continuing until bottom of stack (equivalent to SHOW CALL and repeated execution of a SHOW CALL/NEXT command). /EXCEPTION_FRAME /EXCEPTION_FRAME=intstk-address (Integrity servers only) Provides an alternate starting address for SHOW CALL_FRAME. intstk-address is the address of an exception frame from which SDA creates an initial invocation context and displays the procedure call frame. /NEXT_FRAME Displays the procedure call frame starting at the address stored in the frame longword of the last call frame displayed by this command. You must have issued a SHOW CALL_FRAME command previously in the current SDA session in order to use the /NEXT_ FRAME qualifier to the command. /SUMMARY Provides a one-line summary for each call frame, including exception frames, system-service entry frames, ASTs, KPBs, and so on, until reaching the bottom of the stack. 2 CBB Displays contents of a Common Bitmask Block. Format SHOW CBB address 3 Parameters address The address of the Common Bitmask Block. This is required. 2 CEB Displays information about Common Event flag Blocks, also known as Common Event flag clusters. Format SHOW CEB [address | /ALL] 3 Parameters address The address of a common event flag block. Detailed information is displayed for the specified common event flag block. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Specifies that detailed information is to be displayed for each common event flag block. By default, a one-line summary is output for each common event flag block. 2 CLASS Displays information about scheduling classes that are active in the system or dump being analyzed. Format SHOW CLASS [class-name | /ALL] 3 Parameters class-name Name of the class to be displayed. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Indicates that details of all active classes are to be displayed. 2 CLUSTER Displays connection manager and system communications services (SCS) information for all nodes in a cluster. Format SHOW CLUSTER { [{/ADDRESS=n | /CIRCUIT=pb-addr | /CSID=csid | /NODE=name}] | /SCS } 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific OpenVMS Cluster member node, given the address of the cluster system block (CSB) for the node. This is mutually exclusive with the /CIRCUIT=pb-addr, /CSID=csid, and /NODE=name qualifiers. /CIRCUIT /CIRCUIT=pb-addr Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific path, where pb-addr is the address of its path block. This qualifier is mutually exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n, /CSID=csid, and /NODE=name qualifiers. /CSID /CSID=csid Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific OpenVMS Cluster member node. The value csid is the cluster system identification number (CSID) of the node to be displayed. You can find the CSID for a specific node in a cluster by examining the CSB list display of the SHOW CLUSTER command. Other SDA displays refer to a system's CSID. For instance, the SHOW LOCKS command indicates where a lock is mastered or held by CSID. This is mutually exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n, /CIRCUIT=pb-addr, and /NODE=name qualifiers. /NODE /NODE=name Displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific OpenVMS Cluster member node, given its SCS node name. This is mutually exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n, /CIRCUIT=pb-addr, and /CSID=csid qualifiers. /SCS Displays a view of the cluster as seen by SCS. 2 CONNECTIONS Displays information about all active connections between System Communications Services (SCS) processes or a single connection. Format SHOW CONNECTIONS [ {/ADDRESS=cdt-address | /NODE=name | /SYSAP=name} ] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=cdt-address Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT) for a specific connection. You can find the cdt-address for any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. In addition, CDT addresses are stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections. These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS, and cluster system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager. /NODE /NODE=name Displays all CDTs associated with the specified remote SCS node name. /SYSAP /SYSAP=name Displays all CDTs associated with the specified local SYSAP. 2 CPU When analyzing a dump, displays information about the state of a CPU at the time of the system failure. SHOW CPU is only valid when you are analyzing a crash dump. It is not a valid command when you are analyzing the running system, because all the CPU-specific information may not be available. If invoked when you are analyzing a running system, SHOW CPU will only list the CPU database address(es) for the specified CPU or all CPUs. Format SHOW CPU [cpu-id | /FIRST | /NEXT | /PRIMARY] 3 Parameter cpu-id Numeric value indicating the identity of the CPU for which context information is to be displayed. If you specify the cpu- id parameter, the SHOW CPU command performs an implicit SET CPU command, making the CPU indicated by cpu-id the current CPU for subsequent SDA commands. If you do not specify a cpu-id, the state of the SDA current CPU is displayed. If you specify the cpu-id of a CPU that was not active at the time of the system failure, SDA displays the following message: %SDA-E-CPUNOTVLD, CPU not booted or CPU number out of range Type HELP SET CPU command and HELP CPU_CONTEXT for information on how this can affect the CPU context (and process context) in which SDA commands execute. 3 Qualifiers /FIRST The state of the lowest numbered CPU (not necessarily the primary CPU) is displayed. /NEXT The state of the next higher numbered CPU is displayed. SDA skips CPUs not in the configuration at the time of the system failure. If there are no further CPUs, SDA returns an error. /PRIMARY The state of the primary CPU is displayed. 2 CRASH Provides system information identifying a running system, or displays information about the state of the system at the time of a system failure. Format SHOW CRASH [/ALL | /CPU=n] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays exception data for all CPUs. By default, the registers (on Alpha) or exception frame contents (on Integrity servers) are omitted from the display for any CPUs with CPUEXIT or DBGCPUEXIT bugchecks. /CPU /CPU=n Allows exception data to be displayed from CPUs other than the one considered as the crash CPU when more than one CPU crashes simultaneously. 3 Description In the case of a system failure, the output display would include: o The time of the system failure o The version of the operating system that was running o The CPUs that were active and available in the system o A summary of the BUGCHECK exception messages for all CPUs in the system o CPU-specific information about each active CPU in the system, including: - The reason for the BUGCHECK exception - Additional exception-specific information - The currently executing process - The current IPL - The contents of all the CPU registers - Any spinlocks that the CPU owns 2 DEVICE Displays a list of all devices in the system and their associated data structures, or displays the data structures associated with a given device or devices. Format SHOW DEVICE [ device-name[:] | /ADDRESS=ucb-address | /BITMAP | /CDT=cdt_address | /CHANNELS | /HOMEPAGE | /PDT | /UCB=ucb-address] 3 Parameter device-name Device or devices for which data structures are to be displayed. The following table lists several uses of the device-name parameter: To display the structures for: Take the following action: All devices in the Do not specify a device-name (for example, system SHOW DEVICE). A single device Specify an entire device-name (for example, SHOW DEVICE VTA20). All devices of a Specify only the device type and certain type on a controller designation (for example, SHOW single controller DEVICE RTA or SHOW DEVICE RTB). All devices of a Specify only the devicetype (for example, certain type on any SHOW DEVICE RT). controller All devices whose Specify the character or character string names begin with a (for example, SHOW DEVICE D). certain character or character string All devices on a Specify only the node name or HSC name single node or HSC (for example, SHOW DEVICE GREEN$). All devices with a Specify the allocation class including certain allocation leading and trailing $, for example, SHOW class DEVICE $63$. A colon (:) at the end of a device name is optional. NOTE All qualifiers specific to Memory Channel (CHANNELS, HOMEPAGE, and PDT) are disabled for OpenVMS Integrity server systems. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=ucb-address Indicates the device for which data structure information is to be displayed by the address of its unit control block (UCB). The /ADDRESS qualifier is an alternate method of supplying a device name to the SHOW DEVICE command. If both the device-name parameter and the /ADDRESS qualifier appear in a single SHOW DEVICE command, SDA responds only to the parameter or qualifier that appears first. /ADDRESS is functionally equivalent to /UCB. /BITMAP Displays information about data structures related to Write Bitmap (WBM). Bitmaps are used by Host-Base Volume Shadowing (HBVS) for the implementation of Mini Copy and Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM). If the /BITMAP qualifier is specified with a device that is not an HBVS virtual unit, the error NOSUCHDEV is returned. A device name must be specified. If SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP DS is entered, bitmaps for all HBVS virtual units are displayed. /CDT /CDT=cdt_address Identifies the device by the address of its Connector Descriptor Table (CDT). This applies to cluster port devices only. /CHANNELS Displays information on active Memory Channel channel blocks. This qualifier is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel. /HOMEPAGE Displays fields from the Memory Channel Home Page. This qualifier is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel. /PDT Displays the Memory Channel Port Descriptor Table. This qualifier is ignored for devices other than Memory Channel. /UCB /UCB=ucb-address See the description of /ADDRESS, which is functionally equivalent to /UCB. 2 DUMP Displays formatted information from the header, error log buffers, logical memory blocks (LMBs), memory map, compression data, and a summary of the dump. Also displays hexadecimal information of individual blocks. Format SHOW DUMP [/ALL | /BLOCK[=m [{:|;}n] ] | /COLLECTION [= {ALL|n} ] | /COMPRESSION_MAP [=m [:n[:p[{:|;}q]]]] | /ERROR_LOGS | /FILE = {COLLECTION | DUMP [=n]} | /HEADER | /LMB [= {ALL|n} ] | /MEMORY_MAP | /SUMMARY] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays the equivalent to specifying all the /SUMMARY, /HEADER, /ERROR_LOGS, /COMPRESSION_MAP, /LMB=ALL, /MEMORY_MAP, and /COLLECTION qualifiers. /BLOCK /BLOCK [=m [{:|;}n] ] Displays a hexadecimal dump of one or more blocks. You can specify ranges by using the following syntax: no value Displays next block m Displays single block m:n Displays a range of blocks from m to n, inclusive m;n Displays a range of blocks starting at m and continuing for n blocks /COLLECTION /COLLECTION [= {ALL|n} ] Displays the contents of the file identification or unwind data collection (on Integrity servers only) appended to a copy of the dump using COPY/COLLECT or written to a separate collection file using COLLECT/SAVE. By default, a summary of the collection is displayed. You can specify that the details of a single entry or all entries are to be displayed. n is the start block number of the collection entry, as displayed in the collection summary. /COMPRESSION_MAP /COMPRESSION_MAP [=m [:n[:p[{:|;}q]]] ] In a compressed dump, displays details of the compression data. You can specify levels of detail by using the following syntax, where m,n,p,q may each be wildcarded (*): no value Displays a summary of all compression map blocks. m Displays contents of a single compression map block. m:n Displays details of single compression map entry. m:n:p Displays compressed and raw data for the specified compression section (item p in section m:n). Note that m:n:p may contain wildcards (*). m:n:p:q Displays compressed and raw data for the specified range of compression sections (items p to q inclusive in section m:n). m:n:p;q Displays compressed and raw data for the specified range of compression sections (q items starting from item p in section m:n) . /ERROR_LOGS Displays a summary of the error log buffers. /FILE /FILE = {COLLECTION | DUMP [=n]} If analyzing multiple dump files from a partial dump copy, or if a separate collection file is in use, the /FILE qualifier indicates whether the SHOW DUMP command applies to one of the dump files or to the collection file. If /FILE is not specified, by default, the SHOW DUMP/SUMMARY, SHOW DUMP/HEADER, SHOW DUMP/COLLECTION, and SHOW DUMP/ALL commands apply to all open files, and the SHOW DUMP/LMB=ALL and SHOW DUMP/COMPRESSION commands apply to all open dump files. If /FILE=DUMP is specified without a file number, then these commands apply to the primary dump file. By default, SHOW DUMP/BLOCK applies to the primary dump file. By default, SHOW DUMP/LMB=n and SHOW DUMP/COMPRESSION=n apply to the primary dump file or to the dump file for which the command was last used. All other qualifiers are applicable only to the primary dump file. /HEADER Displays the formatted contents of the dump header. /LMB /LMB[= {ALL|n} ] In a selective dump, displays the formatted contents of logical memory block (LMB) headers and the virtual address (VA) ranges within the LMB. You can specify the LMBs to be displayed by using the following syntax: no value Displays next LMB n Displays LMB at block n of the dump ALL Displays all LMBs /MEMORY_MAP In a full dump, displays the contents of the memory map. /SUMMARY Displays a summary of the dump. This is the default. 2 EFI This command is for Integrtiy servers only. Displays information from the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) data structures. Currently, the only display provided by SDA is the EFI memory map. Format SHOW EFI /MEMMAP [=ALL] [range] 3 Parameters range The entry or range of entries to be displayed, expressed using the following syntax: m Displays entry m m:n Displays the entries from m to n m;n Displays n entries starting at m You cannot specify a range with /MEMMAP=ALL. 3 Qualifiers /MEMMAP /MEMMAP [=ALL] Displays the EFI memory map. This qualifier is required. By default, only entries in the EFI memory map with the RUNTIME attribute are displayed. If /MEMMAP=ALL is specified, all entries are displayed. You cannot specify /MEMMAP=ALL and also supply a range of entries to be displayed. 2 EXCEPTION_FRAME Displays the contents of the exception frame at the given address or searches to display a one-line summary of all exception frames found on all applicable stacks. Format SHOW EXCEPTION_FRAME {address | [/SUMMARY] [range]} 3 Parameter address Address of the exception frame. range Range of addresses specifiable as start:end or start;length. 3 Qualifier /SUMMARY /SUMMARY (D) o The /SUMMARY qualifier is the default. o SHOW EXCEPTION and SHOW EXCEPTION range imply /SUMMARY. o If a range, either start:end or start;length, is given, then that range is searched instead of the stacks. 2 EXECUTIVE Displays the location and size of each loadable image that makes up the executive. Format SHOW EXECUTIVE [execlet-name | /ALL | /SUMMARY (D)] 3 Parameter execlet-name Displays detailed data for the specified loadable image only. If you use wildcards in execlet-name, SDA displays detailed data for all matching loadable images. If the command is specified with no parameter or qualifier, the default is to display one line of data for each loadable image. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays detailed data for all loadable images. /SUMMARY Displays a single line of data for all loadable images. This is the default. 3 Description This command displays the executive loaded images. On OpenVMS Alpha the execlets may be sliced; on OpenVMS Integrity servers all execlets are sliced. This means each different psect can be relocated in system memory so that they are no longer contiguous. The SHOW EXECUTIVE display contains information on where the psect resides. The difference between a sliced image and a non-sliced image in the display is that the base, the end, and the length of a sliced image are blank. Only the image section base, end, and length are valid. On OpenVMS Alpha, there are six different psect types: non- paged read only, non-paged read-write, paged read only, paged read-write, init and fixup. On OpenVMS Integrity servers, the number and types of psects varies from execlet to execlet. On both platforms, only the psects loaded into system memory are displayed. The MAP command makes it easier to find out in which execlet an address resides. See HELP MAP for details. 2 GALAXY Displays a brief one-page summary of the state of the Galaxy and all the instances in the Galaxy. Format SHOW GALAXY 2 GCT Displays the contents of the Galaxy configuration tree either in summary (hierarchical format) or in detail, node by node. Format SHOW GCT [/ADDRESS=n | /ALL | /HANDLE | /OWNER=n | /SUMMARY (D) | /TYPE=type] [/CHILDREN] | [/FULL] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays the Galaxy configuration tree (GCT) node at the given address. /ALL Provides a detailed display of all nodes in the tree. /CHILDREN When used with /ADDRESS=n or /HANDLE=n, the /CHILDREN qualifier causes SDA to display all nodes in the configuration tree that are children of the specified node. /FULL When used with /CHILDREN, /OWNER=n, or /TYPE=type, the /FULL qualifier causes SDA to provide a detailed display of each node. /HANDLE /HANDLE=n Provides a detailed display of the Galaxy configuration tree (GCT) node with the given handle. /OWNER /OWNER=n Displays all nodes in the tree currently owned by the node with the given handle. /SUMMARY Provides a summary display of the Galaxy configuration tree (GCT) in hierarchical form. This qualifier is the default. /TYPE /TYPE=type Displays all nodes in the tree of the given type, which can be one of the following: BUS CAB COMMUNITY CORE CPU CPU_MODULE EXP_CHASSIS FRU_DESC FRU_ROOT HARD_PARTITION HOSE HW_ROOT IO_CTRL IOP MEMORY_CTRL MEMORY_DESC MEMORY_SUB PARTITION POWER_ENVIR PSEUDO RISER ROOT SBB SLOT SMB SOC SOCKET SW_ROOT SYS_CHASSIS SYS_INTER_SWITCH TEMPLATE_ROOT THREAD The type given may be an exact match, in which case just that type is displayed (for example, a CPU); or a partial match, in which case all matching types are displayed (for example, /TYPE=CP displays both CPU and CPU_MODULE nodes). 2 GLOBAL_SECTION_TABLE Displays information contained in the global section table, including pageable sections of loadable images. Functionally equivalent to SHOW GST. Format SHOW GLOBAL_SECTION_TABLE [/SECTION_INDEX=n] SHOW GST [/SECTION_INDEX=n] 3 Qualifiers /SECTION_INDEX /SECTION_INDEX=n Displays only the global section table entry for the specified section. 2 GLOCK Displays the Galaxy locks for the Galaxy Management Database (GMDB), process tables, and/or system tables. Format SHOW GLOCK [/ADDRESS=n [/PHYSICAL] | /ALL | /GMDB_TABLE | /HANDLE=n [/LINKED] | /PROCESS_TABLE [=n] | /SYSTEM_TABLE [=n]] [/BRIEF] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays information provided by the /GMDB_TABLE, /PROCESS_TABLE, and /SYSTEM_TABLE qualifiers. The /ALL qualifier also displays information from the base GMDB Galaxy lock. /BRIEF Displays a single line for each Galaxy lock, regardless of any other qualifiers. /GMDB_TABLE Displays the Galaxy lock table for the Galaxy Management Database (GMDB) including the embedded and attached Galaxy locks. /PROCESS_TABLE /PROCESS_TABLE [=n] Displays all the process Galaxy lock tables with the embedded and attached Galaxy locks, as well as a summary table. The /PROCESS_ TABLE=n qualifier displays the single Galaxy lock table without a summary page. /SYSTEM_TABLE /SYSTEM_TABLE [=n] Displays all the system Galaxy lock tables with the embedded and attached Galaxy locks, as well as a summary table. The /SYSTEM_ TABLE=n qualifier displays the single Galaxy lock table without a summary page. /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n [/PHYSICAL] Displays the single Galaxy lock at address n. Because process Galaxy locks are located by their physical address, you must use the /PHYSICAL qualifier to enter such an address. /HANDLE /HANDLE=n [/LINKED] Displays the single Galaxy lock whose handle is n. The optional qualifier /LINKED causes SDA to display all Galaxy locks linked to the one specified. 2 GMDB Displays the contents of the Galaxy Management Database (GMDB) and/or the node blocks of the instances in the Galaxy system. Format SHOW GMDB [/ALL] [/NODE [=name | =n | /ADDRESS=n] [/SUMMARY] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS Specifies the address of a single node block to be displayed when used with the /NODE qualifier. See the description of the /NODE qualifier. /ALL Displays the contents of the Galaxy Management Database and all node blocks that have ever been used (contents nonzero). /NODE /NODE [=name | =n | /ADDRESS=n] Displays the contents of the specified node block, given by either the name of the instance, the partition number, or the address of the node block. If you specify only the /NODE qualifier, the node block for the current instance is displayed. /SUMMARY Displays a one-page summary of the GMDB and all node blocks. NOTE The default action displays the contents of the Galaxy Management Database. 2 GSD Displays information contained in the global section descriptors. Format SHOW GSD [/ADDRESS=n | /ALL | /DELETED | /GLXGRP | /GLXSYS | /GROUP | /SYSTEM] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays a specific global section descriptor entry, given its address. /ALL Displays information in all the global section descriptors, that is, the system, group, and deleted global section descriptors, plus the Galaxy group and Galaxy system global section descriptors, if the system or dump being analyzed is a member of an OpenVMS Galaxy system. This qualifier is the default. /DELETED Displays information in the deleted (that is, delete pending) global section descriptors. /GLXGRP Displays information in the group global section descriptors of a Galaxy system. /GLXSYS Displays information in the system global section descriptors of a Galaxy system. /GROUP Displays information in the group global section descriptors. /SYSTEM Displays information in the system global section descriptors. 2 GST See SHOW GLOBAL_SECTION_TABLE. 2 HEADER Displays the header of the dump file. Format SHOW HEADER 2 IMAGE Displays information about an image, regardless of the type of image (executive, activated, or installed). Format SHOW IMAGE image-name 3 Parameters image-name Name of the image to be displayed. This is a required parameter that may include wildcards. 2 KFE Displays information about known file entries (installed images). Format SHOW KFE [image_name | /ADDRESS=kfe_address | /ALL] SHOW KNOWN_FILE_ENTRY [image_name | /ADDRESS=kfe_address | /ALL] 3 Parameters image-name Name of the image to be displayed. This may include wildcards, but cannot include device or directory information. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=kfe_address Specifies the address of a single KFE of interest. The details are displayed for this KFE with device/directory information from the corresponding KFD (Known File Directory). /ALL Displays details for all KFEs, including device/directory information from the corresponding KFDs, with the contents of the Known File Pointer Block (KFPB). 2 KNOWN_FILE_ENTRY See SHOW KFE. 2 LAN Displays information contained in various local area network (LAN) data structures. Format SHOW LAN [/qualifier[,...]] 3 Qualifiers /ATM Specifies that asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) information for the LAN be displayed. /CLIENT /CLIENT=name Specifies that information be displayed for the specified client. Valid client designators are AMDS, ARP, BIOS, BRIDGE, DECNET, DECNETV, DIAG, DNAME, DTIME, ELN, ENCRY, IP, IPV6, LAST, LAT, LOOP, LTM, MOPDL, MOPRC, PATHWRK, RARP, SCA, USER. The /CLIENT, /DEVICE, and /UNIT qualifiers are synonymous and mutually exclusive. /COUNTERS Specifies that the LAN station block (LSB) and unit control block (UCB) counters be displayed. /CSMACD Specifies that Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) information for the LAN be displayed. By default, both CSMA/CD and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) information is displayed. /DEVICE /DEVICE=name Specifies that information be displayed for the specified device, unit, or client. For each LAN adapter on the system, there is one device and multiple users of that device called, units or clients. Device designators are specified in the format XXdn, where XX is the type of device, d is the device letter, and n is the unit number. The device letter and unit number are optional. The first unit, which is always present, is the template unit. These are specified as indicated in this example for a DEMNA called EX: /DEVICE=EX-display all EX devices on the system /DEVICE=EXA-display the first EX device only /DEVICE=EXA0-display the first EXA unit /DEVICE=SCA-display SCA unit /DEVICE=LAT-display LAT units Valid client names are listed in the /CLIENT=name qualifier. The /CLIENT, /DEVICE, and /UNIT qualifiers are synonymous and mutually exclusive. /ELAN Specifies information from an Emulated LAN (ELAN) that runs over an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) network. The /ELAN qualifier displays the LAN Station Block (LSB) address, device state, and the LSB fields pertinent to an ELAN for both the parent ATM device and the ELAN pseudo-device drivers. It also specifies the name, description, parent device, state, and LAN emulation client (LEC) attributes of the ELAN. The qualifier /ELAN used with the device qualifier (/ELAN/DEVICE=ELA) will only display information for the specified device or pseudo-device. /ERRORS Specifies that the LSB and UCB error counters be displayed. /FDDI Specifies that Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) information for the LAN be displayed. By default, both CSMA/CD and FDDI information is displayed. /FULL Specifies that all information from the LAN, LSB, and UCB data structures be displayed. /INTERNAL Specifies internal counters of the drivers by displaying the internal counters. If the /INTERNAL qualifier is used with the /DEVICE qualifier, the /INTERNAL specifies the internal counters of a specific driver. /QUEUES Specifies a listing of all queues, whether their status is valid or invalid, and all elements of the queues. If the /QUEUES qualifier is used with the /DEVICE qualifier, the /QUEUES specifies a specific queue. /SOURCEROUTING Specifies that the information in the source routing table maintained by the Token Ring driver be displayed. /SUMMARY Specifies that only a summary of LAN information (a list of flags, LSBs, UCBs, and base addresses) be printed. This is the default. /TIMESTAMPS Specifies that time information (such as start and stop times and error times) from the device and unit data structures be printed. SDA displays the data in chronological order. /TR Specifies that Token Ring information for the LAN be displayed. /UNIT /UNIT=name Specifies that information be displayed for the specified unit. See the descriptions for /CLIENT=name and /DEVICE=name qualifiers. /VCI Specifies that information be displayed for the VMS Communication Interface Block (VCIB) for each LAN device with an active VCI user. If you use the /VCI qualifier with the /DEVICE qualifier, the VCIB is only displayed for the specified device. 2 LOCKS Displays information about all lock management locks in the system, or about a specified lock. Format SHOW LOCKS [ lock-id | /ADDRESS=n | /ALL (d) | /BRIEF | /BLOCKING | /CACHED | /CONVERT | /GRANTED | /NAME=name | /STATUS=(keyword[,...]) | /WAITING ] or SHOW LOCKS {/POOL | /SUMMARY} 3 Parameter lock-id Name of a specific lock. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays a specific lock, given the address of the lock block. /ALL Lists all locks that exist in the system. This is the default behavior of the SHOW LOCKS command. /BLOCKING Displays only the locks that have a blocking AST specified or attached. /BRIEF Displays a single line of information for each lock. /CACHED Displays locks that are no longer valid. The memory for these locks is saved so that later requests for locks can use them. Cached locks are not displayed in the other SHOW LOCKS commands. /CONVERT Displays only the locks that are on the conversion queue. /GRANTED Displays only the locks that are on the granted queue. /NAME /NAME=name Displays all locks on the specified resource. Name can be the actual name of the resource, if it only contains uppercase letters, numerals, the underscore (_), dollar sign, colon (:), and some other printable characters, as for example, /NAME=MY_ LOCK. If it contains other printable characters (including lowercase letters), you may need to enclose the name in quotation marks (""), as for example, /NAME="My_Lock/47". If it contains nonprintable characters, you can specify the name as a comma- separated list comprised of strings and hexadecimal numbers. For example, /NAME=("My_Lock",0C00,"/47") would specify the name "My_ Lock/47". The hexadecimal number can be no more than 8 digits (4 bytes) in length. Nonprintable sequences of more than 4 bytes must be split into multiple hexadecimal numbers. The maximum length of a resource name is 32 characters. /POOL Displays the lock manager's poolzone information, which contains the lock blocks (LKB) and resource blocks (RSB). /STATUS /STATUS=(keyword[,...]) Displays only the locks that have the specified status bits set in the LKB$L_STATUS field. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. Status keywords are as follows: Keyword Meaning 2PC_IP Indicates a two-phase operation in progress 2PC_PEND Indicates a two-phase operation pending ASYNC Completes request asynchronously BLKASTFLG Specifies a blocking AST BLKASTQED Indicates a blocking AST is queued BRL Indicates a byte range lock CACHED Indicates a lock block in cache CVTSUBRNG Indicates a sub-range convert request CVTTOSYS Converts back to system-owned lock DBLKAST Delivers a blocking AST DCPLAST Delivers a completion AST DPC Indicates a delete pending cache lock FLOCK Indicates a fork lock GRSUBRNG Grants sub-range lock IP Indicates operation in process MSTCPY Indicates a lock block is a master copy NEWSUBRNG Indicates a new sub-range request NOQUOTA Does not charge quota PCACHED Indicates lock block needs to be cached PROTECT Indicates a protected lock RESEND Resends during failover RM_RBRQD Requires remaster rebuild RNGBLK Specifies a range block RNGCHG Indicates a changing range TIMOUTQ Indicates lock block is on timeout queue VALBLKRD Indicates read access to lock value block VALBLKWRT Indicates write access to lock value block WASSYSOWN Indicates was system-owned lock /SUMMARY Displays summary data and performance counters. /WAITING Displays only the waiting locks. 2 MACHINE_CHECK Displays the contents of the stored machine check frame. This command is valid for the DEC 4000 Alpha, DEC 7000 Alpha, and DEC 10000 Alpha computers only. Format SHOW MACHINE_CHECK [/FULL] [cpu-id] 3 Parameter cpu-id Numeric value indicating the identity of the CPU for which context information is to be displayed. This parameter changes the SDA current CPU (the default) to the CPU specified with cpu- id. If you specify the cpu-id of a processor that was not active at the time of the system failure, SDA displays the following message: %SDA-E-CPUNOTVLD, CPU not booted or CPU number out of range If you use the cpu-id parameter, the SHOW MACHINE_CHECK command performs an implicit SET CPU command, making the CPU indicated by cpu-id the current CPU for subsequent SDA commands. 3 Qualifier /FULL Specifies that a detailed version of the machine check information be displayed. This is currently identical to the default summary display. 2 MEMORY Displays the availability and usage of memory resources. Format SHOW MEMORY [/ALL][/BUFFER_OBJECTS][/CACHE][/FILES] [/FULL][/GH_REGIONS][/PHYSICAL_PAGES][/POOL] [/RESERVED][/SLOTS] 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays all available information, that is, information displayed by the following qualifiers: /BUFFER_OBJECTS /CACHE /FILES /GH_REGIONS /PHYSICAL_PAGES /POOL /RESERVED /SLOTS This is the default display. /BUFFER_OBJECTS Displays information about system resources used by buffer objects. /CACHE Displays information about either the Virtual I/O Cache facility or the Extended File Cache facility. The system parameter VCC_ FLAGS determines which is used. The cache facility information is displayed as part of the SHOW MEMORY and SHOW MEMORY/CACHE/FULL commands. /FILES Displays information about the use of each paging and swapping file currently installed. /FULL When used with the /POOL and /CACHE qualifiers, displays additional information. This qualifier is ignored otherwise. For /CACHE, the additional information is only displayed when the Virtual I/O Cache facility is in use (Alpha only); /FULL is ignored if the Extended File Cache facility is in use. Additional information on how memory is being used by the Extended File Cache facility can be obtained using the XFC extension described in Chapter 9. /GH_REGIONS Displays information about the granularity hint regions (GHR) that have been established. For each of these regions, information is displayed about the size of the region, the amount of free memory, the amount of memory in use, and the amount of memory released to OpenVMS from the region. The granularity hint regions information is also displayed as part of SHOW MEMORY and SHOW MEMORY/ALL commands. /PHYSICAL_PAGES Displays information about the amount of physical memory and the number of free and modified pages. /POOL Displays information about the usage of each dynamic memory (pool) area, including the amount of free space and the size of the largest contiguous block in each area. /RESERVED Displays information about memory reservations. /SLOTS Displays information about the availability of process control block (PCB) vector slots and balance slots. 2 PAGE_TABLE Displays a range of system page table entries, the entire system page table, or the entire global page table. Format SHOW PAGE_TABLE [range | /FREE [/HEADER=address] | /GLOBAL | /GPT | /PT | /INVALID_PFN [=option] | /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option] | /PTE_ADDRESS | /SECTION_INDEX=n | /S0S1 (d) | /S2 | /SPTW | /ALL] [/L1 | /L2 | /L3 (d)] 3 Parameter range Range of virtual addresses or PTE addresses for which SDA displays page table entries. If the qualifier /PTE_ADDRESS is given, then the range is of PTE addresses; otherwise, the range is of virtual addresses. The range given can be of process-space addresses. If /PTE_ADDRESS is given, the range is expressed using the following syntax: m Displays the single page table entry at address m m:n Displays the page table entries from address m to address n m;n Displays n bytes of page table entries starting at address m If /PTE_ADDRESS is not given, then range is expressed using the following syntax: m Displays the single page table entry that corresponds to virtual address m m:n Displays the page table entries that correspond to the range of virtual addresses from m to n m;n Displays the page table entries that correspond to a range of n bytes starting at virtual address m Note that OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers page protections are slightly different. 3 Qualifiers /FREE Causes the starting addresses and sizes of blocks of pages in the free PTE list to be displayed. The qualifiers /S0S1 (default), /S2, /GLOBAL, and /HEADER determine which free PTE list is to be displayed. A range cannot be specified, and no other qualifiers can be combined with /FREE. /GLOBAL Lists the global page table. When used with the /FREE qualifier, /GLOBAL indicates the free PTE list to be displayed. /HEADER /HEADER=address When used with the /FREE qualifier, the /HEADER=address qualifier displays the free PTE list for the specified private page table. /GPT Specifies the portion of page table space that maps the global page table as the address range. /INVALID_PFN /INVALID_PFN [=option] The /INVALID_PFN qualifier, which is valid only on platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory or in Galaxy-shared memory, and which are not I/O access pages. /INVALID_PFN has two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is specified, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is specified, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is specified, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PAGE_ TABLE/ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all system pages whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. /L1 /L1 /L2 /L3 (D) Specifies the level for which page table entries are to be displayed for the specified portion of memory. You can specify only one level. /L3 is the default. /L2 Displays only the Level 2 page table entries for the specified portion of memory. /L3 is the default. /L3 Displays only the Level 3 page table entries for the specified portion of memory. /L3 is the default. /NONMEMORY_PFN /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option] The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier causes SDA to display only page table entries that are not in the system's private memory or in Galaxy-shared memory. /NONMEMORY_PFN has two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is specified, all relevant pages are displayed. If READONLY is specified, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If WRITABLE is specified, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PAGE_ TABLE/ALL/NONMEMORY_PFN=WRITABLE would display all system pages whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. /PT Specifies that the page table entries for the page table region of system space are to be displayed. /PTE_ADDRESS Specifies that the range given is of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped by the PTEs. /SECTION_INDEX /SECTION_INDEX=n Displays the page table for the range of pages in the global section or pageable part of a loaded image. For pageable portions of loaded images, one of the qualifiers /L1, /L2, or /L3 can also be specified. /S0S1 /S0S1 (D) /S2 Specifies the region whose page table entries are to be displayed. When used with the /FREE qualifier, indicates the free PTE list to be displayed. By default, the page table entries or the free list for S0 & S1 space is displayed. /S2 Specifies S2 space as the address range. When used with the /FREE qualifier, /S2 indicates the free PTE list to be displayed. /SPTW Displays the contents of the system page table window. /ALL Displays the page table entries for all shared (system) addresses. It is equivalent to specifying all of /S0S1, /S2, and /PT. 2 PARAMETER Displays the name, location, and value of one or more SYSGEN parameters currently in use or at the time that the system dump was taken. Format SHOW PARAMETER [sysgen_parameter] [/ACP] [/ALL] [/CLUSTER] [/DYNAMIC] [/GALAXY] [/GEN] [/JOB] [/LGI] [/MAJOR] [/MULTIPROCESSING] [/OBSOLETE] [/PQL] [/RMS] [/SCS] [/SPECIAL] [/SYS] [/STARTUP] [/TTY] 3 Parameter sysgen_parameter The name of a specific parameter to be displayed. The name can include wildcards. However, a truncated name is not recognized, unlike with the equivalent SYSGEN and SYSMAN commands. 3 Qualifiers /ACP Displays all Files-11 ACP parameters. /ALL Displays the values of all parameters except the special control parameters. /CLUSTER Displays all parameters specific to clusters. /DYNAMIC Displays all parameters that can be changed on a running system. /GALAXY Displays all parameters specific to Galaxy systems. /GEN Displays all general parameters. /JOB Displays all Job Controller parameters. /LGI Displays all LOGIN security control parameters. /MAJOR Displays the most important parameters. /MULTIPROCESSING Displays parameters specific to multiprocessing. /OBSOLETE Displays all obsolete system parameters. SDA displays obsolete parameters only if they are named explicitly (no wildcards) or if /OBSOLETE is given. /PQL Displays the parameters for all default and minimum process quotas. /RMS Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Record Management Services (RMS). /SCS Displays all parameters specific to OpenVMS Cluster System Communications Services. /SPECIAL Displays all special control parameters. /STARTUP Displays the name of the site-independent startup procedure. /SYS Displays all active system parameters. /TTY Displays all parameters for terminal drivers. 2 PFN_DATA Displays information that is contained in the page lists and PFN database. Format SHOW PFN_DATA { [/qualifier] | pfn [{:end-pfn|;length}] } or SHOW PFN_DATA/MAP 3 Parameters pfn Page frame number (PFN) of the physical page for which information is to be displayed. end-pfn Last PFN to be displayed. When you specify the end-pfn parameter, a range of PFNs is displayed. This range starts at the PFN specified by the pfn parameter and ends with the PFN specified by the end-pfn parameter. length Length of the PFN list to be displayed. When you specify the length parameter, a range of PFNs is displayed. This range starts at the PFN specified by the pfn parameter and contains the number of entries specified by the length parameter. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=PFN-entry-address Displays the PFN database entry at the address specified. The address specified is rounded to the nearest entry address, so if you have an address that points to one of the fields of the entry, the correct database entry will still be found. /ALL Displays the following lists: Free page list Zeroed free page list Modified page list Bad page list Untested page list Private page lists, if any Per-color or per-RAD free and zeroed free page lists Entire database in order by page frame number This is the default behavior of the SHOW PFN_DATA command. SDA precedes each list with a count of the pages it contains and its low and high limits. /BAD Displays the bad page list. SDA precedes the list with a count of the pages it contains, its low limit, and its high limit. /COLOR /COLOR [= {n|ALL} ] Displays data on page coloring. The following table shows the command options available with the COLOR and RAD qualifiers, which are functionally equivalent. Options Meaning /COLOR with no Displays a summary of the lengths of the color value page lists for both free pages and zeroed pages. /COLOR=n where n Displays the data in the PFN lists (for the is a color number specified color) for both free and zeroed pages. /COLOR=ALL Displays the data in the PFN lists (for all colors), for both free and zeroed free pages. /COLOR=n or Displays only the data in the PFN list (for /COLOR=ALL with the specified color or all colors), for either /FREE or /ZERO free or zeroed free pages as appropriate. The qualifiers /BAD and /MODIFIED are ignored with /COLOR=n and /COLOR=ALL. /COLOR without an Displays the color summary in addition to the option specified display of the requested list. together with one or more of /FREE, /ZERO, /BAD, or /MODIFIED For more information on page coloring, see OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M-Z. /FREE Displays the free page list. SDA precedes the list with a count of the pages it contains, its low limit, and its high limit. /MAP Displays the contents of the PFN memory map. On platforms that support it, the I/O space map is also displayed. You cannot combine the /MAP qualifier with any parameters or other qualifiers. /MODIFIED Displays the modified page list. SDA precedes the list with a count of the pages it contains, its low limit, and its high limit. /PRIVATE /PRIVATE [=address] Displays private PFN lists. If no address is given, all private PFN lists are displayed; if an address is given, only the PFN list whose head is at the given address is displayed. /RAD /RAD [= {n|ALL} ] Displays data on the disposition of pages among the Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) on applicable systems. /RAD is functionally equivalent to /COLOR. See the table in the /COLOR qualifier description for the command options available with /RAD. /SUMMARY /SUMMARY[=(option,...)] By default, displays a summary of all pages in the system, totaling pages by page location (Free List, Modified List, Active, and so on) and by page type (Process, System, Global, and so on). Also, provides a breakdown of active system pages by their virtual address (S0/S1, S2, and so on). Additional information is displayed if one or more options are given. If multiple options are given, they must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. Available options are: o /SUMMARY=PROCESS Displays a breakdown of active process pages for each process by virtual address (P0, P1, and so on), and of non-active process pages by page location. o /SUMMARY=GLOBAL Displays a breakdown for each global section of its in-memory pages by page location. o /SUMMARY=RAD If RADs are enabled on the system, displays a breakdown for each RAD of its in-memory pages by location and type. o /SUMMARY=ALL Equivalent to /SUMMARY=(PROCESS,GLOBAL,RAD) You cannot combine the /SUMMARY qualifier with any other qualifiers, but you can specify a range. /SYSTEM Displays the entire PFN database in order by page frame number, starting at PFN 0000. /UNTESTED Displays the state of the untested PFN list that was set up for deferred memory testing. /ZERO Displays the contents of the zeroed free page list. 2 POOL Displays the contents of the nonpaged dynamic storage pool, the bus-addressable pool, and the paged dynamic storage pool. You can display part or all of each pool. If you do not specify a range or qualifiers, the default is SHOW POOL/ALL. Format SHOW POOL [range | /ALL (d)| /BAP (not X86) | /NONPAGED | /PAGED | /S2_NPP (X86 only) | /USB (X86 only)] [ /BRIEF | /CHECK | /FREE | /HEADER | /MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n] | /SUMMARY | /TYPE=packet-type | /SUBTYPE=packet-type | /UNUSED ] [/RING_BUFFER[=address] | [(d)(S0 and Poolzone) | /ALL(merged) | /S2_NPP (x86 only)]] [/STATISTICS [=ALL] [/NONPAGED | /BAP (not X86) | /PAGED | /S2_NPP (X86 only) | /USB (X86 only)]] 3 Parameter range Range of virtual addresses in pool that SDA is to examine. You can express a range using the following syntax: m:n Range of virtual addresses in pool from m to n m;n Range of virtual addresses in pool starting at m and continuing for n bytes 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays the entire contents of the dynamic storage pool, except for those portions that are free (available). This is the default behavior of the SHOW POOL command. /BAP Displays the contents of the bus-addressable dynamic storage pool currently in use. (Alpha and IA64 only) /BRIEF Displays only general information about the dynamic storage pool and its addresses. /CHECK Checks all free packets for POOLCHECK-style corruption, in exactly the same way that the system does when generating a POOLCHECK crash dump. /FREE Displays the entire contents, both allocated and free, of the specified region or regions of pool. Use the /FREE qualifier with a range to show all of the used and free pool in the given range. /HEADER Displays only the first 16 bytes of each data packet found within the specified region or regions of pool. /MAXIMUM_BYTES /MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n] Displays only the first n bytes of a pool packet; if you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the default is 64 bytes. /NONPAGED Displays the contents of the nonpaged dynamic storage pool currently in use. /PAGED Displays the contents of the paged dynamic storage pool currently in use. /S2_NPP Displays the contents of the S2 nonpaged dynamic storage pool - X86 only /RING_BUFFER /RING_BUFFER [=address | [(d) (S0 and Poolzone) | =ALL (merged) | =S2_NPP (x86 only)]] Displays the contents of the pool history ring buffer if pool checking has been enabled. Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order, that is, most to least recent. If address is specified, the only entries in the ring buffer displayed are for pool blocks that address lies within. On X86, qualifier ALL, S2_NPP and NPP entries will be displayed in chronological order also. The default -no qualifier behavior will only display NPP entries /STATISTICS /STATISTICS [= ALL] Displays usage statistics about each lookaside list and the variable free list. For each lookaside list, its queue header address, packet size, the number of packets, attempts, fails, and deallocations are displayed. (If pool checking is disabled, the attempts, fails, and deallocations are not displayed.) For the variable free list, its queue header address, the number of packets and the size of the smallest and largest packets are displayed. You can further qualify /STATISTICS by using one of /NONPAGED, /BAP (Alpha and IA64 only), /PAGED, or /USB (X86 only), to display statistics for a specified pool area. Paged pool only has lookaside lists if the system parameter PAGED_LAL_SIZE has been set to a nonzero value; therefore paged pool lookaside list statistics are only displayed if there has been activity on a list. If you specify /STATISTICS without the ALL keyword, only active lookaside lists are displayed. Use /STATISTICS = ALL to display all lookaside lists. /SUBTYPE /SUBTYPE=packet-type Displays the packets within the specified region or regions of pool that are of the indicated packet-type. /SUMMARY Displays only an allocation summary for each specified region of pool. /TYPE /TYPE=packet-type Displays the packets within the specified region or regions of pool that are of the indicated packet-type. /UNUSED Displays only variable free packets and lookaside list packets, not used packets. /USB Displays the contents of the USB-addressable dynamic storage pool currently in use. (X86 only) 2 PORTS Displays those portions of the port descriptor table (PDT) that are port independent. Format SHOW PORTS [/qualifier[,...]] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=pdt-address Displays the specified port descriptor table (PDT). You can find the pdt-address for any active connection on the system in the PDT summary page display of the SHOW PORTS command. This command also defines the symbol PE_PDT. The connection descriptor table (CDT) addresses are also stored in many individual data structures related to System Communications Services (SCS) connections, for instance, in the path block displays of the SHOW CLUSTER/SCS command. /BUS /BUS=bus-address Displays bus (LAN device) structure data. /CHANNEL /CHANNEL=channel-address Displays channel (CH) data. /DEVICE Displays the network path description for a channel. /MESSAGE Displays the message data associated with a virtual circuit (VC). /NODE /NODE=node Shows only the virtual circuit block associated with the specific node. When you use the /NODE qualifier, you must also specify the address of the PDT using the /ADDRESS qualifier. /VC /VC=vc-address Displays the virtual circuit data. 2 PROCESS Displays the software and hardware context of any process in the system. If the process is suspended (ANALYZE/SYSTEM), then some displays may be incomplete or unavailable. If the process was outswapped at the time of the system crash, or not included in a selective dump (ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP), then some displays may be incomplete or unavailable. Please see descriptions of the individual qualifiers for details not included in the syntax definition. NOTE The format of this command is included in online help for completeness, but it is highly recommended that you view this complex command construction in the VSI OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual. Format SHOW PROCESS Select which process to show: [process-name | ALL | /ADDRESS=pcb_address | /ID=nn | /INDEX=nn | /NEXT | /SYSTEM] Select what to show about a process: Entries in braces that are followed by a * are functionally equivalent. See the individual qualifier descriptions for more information.) [ [/ALL] | [/BUFFER_OBJECTS] | [/CHANNELS [/FID_ONLY]] | [/FANDLES] | [/IMAGES [= {name|ALL} ]] | [/LOCKS [/BRIEF]] | [{/PAGE_TABLES | /PPT} * [=ALL | range [/PTE_ADDRESS] | [[/P0 (D)] | [/P1] | [/P2] | [/PT]] | /GSTX=index | [/INVALID_PFN [=option]] | [/NONMEMORY_PFN [=option]] | /SECTION_INDEX=n | {/RDE [=id] | /REGIONS [=id]} * | [/L1 | /L2 | /L3 (D)] ] | [/PCB] | [/PERSONA [=address][/RIGHTS [/AUTHORIZED]]] | [/PHD] | [/POOL[{=P0 | =P1 | =IMGACT | =ALL (D)}] | [range] [/BRIEF] | [/CHECK] | [{/FREE | /UNUSED}] | [/HEADER] | [/MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n]] | [/RING_BUFFER[={ALL | address}]] | [/STATISTICS] | [{/SUBTYPE=packet-type | /TYPE=packet-type} ] | [/SUMMARY] ] | [{/PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE | /PST} * [/FID_ONLY] [SECTION_INDEX=n]] | [{/RDE [=id] | /REGIONS [=id]}] * | [/REGISTERS] | [/RMS [=(option[,...])]] | [/SEMAPHORE] | [/THREADS] | [/TQE [=ALL]] | [/UNWIND_TABLE [= {name | ALL}]] | [{/WORKING_SET_LIST | /WSL}]* [=option] ] 3 Parameters ALL Information is to be displayed about all processes that exist in the system. process-name Name of the process for which information is to be displayed. Use of the process-name parameter or one of the /ADDRESS, /ID, /INDEX, /NEXT, or /SYSTEM qualifiers causes the SHOW PROCESS command to perform an implicit SET PROCESS command, making the indicated process the current process for subsequent SDA commands. When you analyze a crash dump from a multiprocessing system, changing process context may require a switch of CPU context as well. When you issue a SET PROCESS command, SDA automatically changes its CPU context to that of the CPU on which that process is, or was most recently, current. You can determine the names of the processes in the system by issuing a SHOW SUMMARY command. The process-name can contain up to 15 uppercase letters, numerals, the underscore (_), dollar sign, colon (:), and some other printable characters. If it contains any other characters (including lowercase letters), you may need to enclose the process-name in quotation marks (" "). 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=pcb-address Specifies the process control block (PCB) address of a process in order to display information about the process. /ALL Displays all information shown by the following qualifiers: /BUFFER_OBJECTS /CHANNELS /FANDLES /IMAGES=ALL /LOCKS /PAGE_TABLES=ALL /PCB /PERSONA/RIGHTS /PHD /POOL/HEADER/RING_BUFFER/STATISTICS /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE /REGIONS /REGISTERS /RMS /SEMAPHORE /THREADS /TQE /UNWIND_TABLE (Integrity servers only.) /WORKING_SET_LIST /AUTHORIZED Used with the /PERSONA/RIGHTS qualifiers. See the /PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED description for the use of the /AUTHORIZED qualifier. /BRIEF When used with the /LOCKS qualifier, causes SDA to display each lock owned by the current process in brief format, that is, one line for each lock. When used with the /POOL qualifier, causes SDA to display only general information about process pool and its addresses. /BUFFER_OBJECTS Displays all the buffer objects that a process has created. /CHANNELS Displays information about the I/O channels assigned to the process. /CHECK Checks all free process pool packets for POOLCHECK-style corruption in exactly the same way that the system does when generating a POOLCHECK crash dump. /FANDLES Displays the data on the process' fast I/O handles. /FID_ONLY When used with /CHANNEL or /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE (/PST), causes SDA to not attempt to translate the FID (File ID) to a file name when invoked with ANALYZE/SYSTEM. /FREE When used with /POOL, displays the entire contents, both allocated and free, of the specified region or regions of pool. Use the /FREE qualifier with a range to show all of the used and free pool in the given range. /GSTX /GSTX=index When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays only page table entries for the specific global section. /HEADER When used with /POOL, displays only the first 16 bytes of each data packet found within the specified region or regions of pool. /IMAGES /IMAGES [= {name|ALL} ] For all images in use by this process, displays the address of the image control block, the start and end addresses of the image, the activation code, the protected and shareable flags, the image name, and the major and minor IDs of the image. The /IMAGES=ALL qualifier also displays the base, end, image offset, section type, and global pointer for all images (Integrity servers) or for all installed resident images (Alpha) in use by this process. The /IMAGE=name qualifier displays this information for just the specified images; name may contain wildcards. See the OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual and the Install utility chapter in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information on images installed using the /RESIDENT qualifier. /ID See the /INDEX qualifier, which is functionally equivalent to /ID. /INDEX Specifies the process for which information is to be displayed by its index into the system's list of software process control blocks (PCBs), or by its process identification (ID). /ID and /INDEX can be used interchangeably. You can supply the following values for nn: o The process index itself. o The process identification (PID) or extended PID longword, from which SDA extracts the correct index. You can specify the PID or extended PID of any thread of a process with multiple kernel threads. Any thread-specific data displayed by SHOW PROCESS will be for the given thread. To obtain these values for any given process, issue the SDA command SHOW SUMMARY/THREADS. /INVALID_PFN /INVALID_PFN [=option] The /INVALID_PFN qualifier, which is valid only on platforms that supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private memory or in Galaxy-shared memory, and which are not I/O access pages. Use of /INVALID_PFN implies /PAGE_TABLES. The /INVALID_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all process pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system. /L1 /L1 /L2 /L3 (D) Used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier to specify the level for which page table entries are to be displayed. You can specify only one level. /L3 is the default. /L2 When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that only the the Level 2 page table entries are to be displayed. Level 3 is the default. /L3 When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that only the the Level 3 page table entries are to be displayed. This is the default. /LOCKS /LOCKS [/BRIEF] Displays the lock management locks owned by the current process. When specified with /BRIEF, produces a display similar in format to that produced by the SHOW LOCKS command; that is, it causes SDA to display each lock owned by the current process in brief format with one line for each lock. /MAXIMUM_BYTES /MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n] When used with /POOL, displays only the first n bytes of a pool packet; if you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the default is 64 bytes. /NEXT Locates the next valid process in the system's process list and selects that process. If there are no further valid processes in the system's process list, SDA returns an error. /NONMEMORY_PFN /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option] The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier causes SDA to display only page table entries that are in neither the system's private memory nor in Galaxy-shared memory. Use of /NONMEMORY_PFN implies /PAGE_TABLES. The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords, READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages are displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked for no write access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/NONMEMORY_PFN=WRITABLE would display all process pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but which map to PFNs that are in neither the system's private memory nor Galaxy-shared memory. /P0 /P0 (D) /P1 /P2 /PT When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P0, /P1, /P2, and /PT specify one or more regions for which page table entries should be displayed. You can specify any or none of these values. The default is /P0. /P1 When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P1 displays the page table entries for P1 space. By default, only P0 space is displayed. /P2 When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P2 displays the page table entries for P2 space. By default, only P0 space is displayed. /PAGE_TABLES Displays the page tables of the process P0 (process), P1 (control), P2, or PT (page table) region, or, optionally, page table entries for a range of addresses. You can use /PAGE_ TABLES=ALL to display page tables of all four regions. With /Ln, the page table entries at the level specified by /L1, /L2, or /L3 (the default) are displayed. With /RDE=id or /REGIONS=id, SDA displays the page tables for the address range of the specified address region. When you do not specify an ID, the page tables are displayed for all the process-permanent and user-defined regions. If /PTE_ADDRESS is given, the range is expressed using the following syntax: m Displays the single page table entry at address m m:n Displays the page table entries from address m to address n m;n Displays n bytes of page table entries starting at address m If /PTE_ADDRESS is not given, then range is expressed using the following syntax: m Displays the single page table entry that corresponds to virtual address m m:n Displays the page table entries that correspond to the range of virtual addresses from m to n m;n Displays the page table entries that correspond to a range of n bytes starting at virtual address m The /GSTX=index qualifier causes SDA to display only the page table entries for the pages in the specified global section. The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier causes SDA to display only the page table entries for the pages in the specified process section. /PCB Displays the information contained in the process control block (PCB). This is the default behavior of the SHOW PROCESS command. /PERSONA /PERSONA [=address] Displays all persona security blocks (PSBs) held in the PERSONA ARRAY of the process, and then lists selected information contained in each initially listed PSB. The selected information includes the contents of the following cells inside the PSB: Flags Reference count Execution mode Audit status Account name UIC Privileges Rights enabled mask If you specify a PSB address, this information is provided for that specific PSB only. If you also specify /RIGHTS, SDA expands the display to provide additional selected information, including all the rights and their attributes currently held and active for each persona security block (PSB) specified with the /PERSONA qualifier. If you specify /RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED, SDA also displays additional selected information, including all the rights and their attributes authorized for each persona security block (PSB) specified with the /PERSONA qualifier. /PHD Lists the information included in the process header (PHD). /POOL /POOL [= {P0 | P1 | IMGACT | ALL (D)} | range] Displays the dynamic storage pool in the process' P0 (process) region, the P1 (control) region, or the image activator's reserved pages, or optionally, a range of addresses. The default action is to display all dynamic storage pools. You can express a range using the following syntax: m:n Displays the process pool in the range of virtual addresses from m to n. m;n Displays process pool in a range of n bytes, starting at virtual address m. /PPT See the description of /PAGE_TABLES, which is functionally equivalent to /PPT. /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE Lists the information contained in the process section table (PST). The /SECTION_INDEX=id qualifier used with /PROCESS_ SECTION_TABLE displays the process section table entry for the specified section. Format /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE [/SECTION_INDEX=id][/FID_ONLY] /PST Is a synonym for /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE. /PT When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page table entries for the page table space of the process. By default, P0 space is displayed. /PTE_ADDRESS When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that the range is of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped by the PTE. /RDE /RDE [=id] See the description of the /REGIONS qualifier, which is functionally equivalent to /RDE. /REGIONS /REGIONS [=id] Lists the information contained in the process region table for the specified region. If you do not specify a region, the entire table is displayed, including the process-permanent regions. /RDE and /REGIONS are functionally equivalent. When used with /PAGE_ TABLES, this qualifier causes SDA to display the page tables for only the specified region or, by default, for all regions. /REGISTERS Lists the hardware context of the process, as reflected in the process registers stored in the hardware privileged context block (HWPCB), in its kernel stack, and possibly, in its PHD. /RIGHTS Used with the /PERSONA qualifier. See the /PERSONA/RIGHTS description for use of the /RIGHTS qualifier. /RING_BUFFER /RING_BUFFER [={ALL | address}] Displays the contents of the process-pool history ring buffer. Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent to least recent). If you specify /RING_BUFFER without the ALL keyword or an address, SDA displays all unmatched current allocations and deallocations. Use /RING_BUFFER=ALL to display matched allocations and deallocations and any non-current entries not yet overwritten. Use /RING_BUFFER=address to limit the display to only allocations and deallocations of blocks that contain the given address (including matched allocations and deallocations). /RMS /RMS [= (option[,...]) ] Displays certain specified RMS data structures for each image I/O or process-permanent I/O file the process has open. To display RMS data structures for process-permanent files, specify the PIO option to this qualifier. Other guidelines for specifying this qualifier include the following: o If you specify only one option, you can omit the parentheses. o You can add additional structures to those already set by the SET RMS command by beginning the list of options with an asterisk (*). o You can exclude a structure from those set by the SET RMS command by specifying its keyword option preceded by NO (for example, NOPIO). SDA determines the structures to be displayed according to either of the following methods: o If you provide the name of a structure or structures in the option parameter, SHOW PROCESS/RMS displays information from only the specified structures. Type HELP SET RMS for a list of keywords that can be supplied as options. o If you do not specify an option, SHOW PROCESS/RMS displays the current list of options as shown by the SHOW RMS command and set by the SET RMS command. /SECTION_INDEX /SECTION_INDEX=n When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page table for the range of pages in the specified process section. You can also specify one of the qualifiers /L1, /L2, or /L3. When used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier, displays the PST for the specified process section. The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier is ignored if you do not specify either the /PAGE_TABLES or the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier. /SEMAPHORE Displays the Inner Mode Semaphore for a multithreaded process. /STATISTICS When used with /POOL, displays statistics on the free list(s) in process pool. /SUBTYPE /SUBTYPE=packet-type When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified subtype. Pool packet types found in the process pool can include logical names (LNM) and image control blocks (IMCB). /SUBTYPE is functionally equivalent to /TYPE. /SUMMARY When used with /POOL, displays only an allocation summary for each packet type. /SYSTEM Displays the system's process control block. The system PCB and process header (PHD) parallel the data structures that describe processes. They contain the system working set, global section table, global page table, and other systemwide data. /THREADS Displays the software and hardware context of all the threads associated with the current process. /TQE /TQE [=ALL] Displays all timer queue entries associated with the current process. If specified as /TQE, a one-line summary is output for each TQE. If specified as /TQE=ALL, a detailed display of each TQE is output. /TYPE /TYPE=packet-type When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified type. Pool packet types found in the process pool can include logical names (LNM) and image control blocks (IMCB). /TYPE is functionally equivalent to /SUBTYPE. /UNUSED When used with /POOL, displays only free packets. /UNWIND_TABLE /UNWIND_TABLE [= {ALL | name} ] Valid for Intergrity server systems only. If specified without a keyword, displays the master unwind table for the process. SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND=ALL displays the details of every process unwind descriptor. SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND=name displays the details of every unwind descriptor for the named image or images implied by a wildcard. To look at unwind data for a specific PC in process space, use SHOW UNWIND address. If some or all unwind data for an image is not included in the system dump (for example, if it was not in the working set of the process at the time of the system crash), a SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND command can fail with a %SDA-W-NOREAD error because the unwind data is inaccessible. Collecting unwind data using the SDA commands COLLECT and COPY/COLLECT will not correct this because the collected unwind data is used only by SHOW UNWIND address and SHOW CALL. /WORKING_SET_LIST /WORKING_SET_LIST [={PPT|PROCESS|LOCKED|GLOBAL|MODIFIED|n}] Displays the contents of the requested entries of the working set list for the process. If you do not specify an option, all working set list entries are displayed. This qualifier is functionally equivalent to /WSL. The following table shows the options available with SHOW PROCESS/WORKING_SET_LIST. Options Results PPT Displays process page table pages PROCESS Displays process-private pages LOCKED Displays pages locked into the process' working set GLOBAL Displays global pages currently in the working set of the process MODIFIED Displays working set list entries marked modified n Displays a specific working set list entry, where n is the working set list index (WSLX) of the entry of interest /WSL See /WORKING_SET_LIST, which is functionally equivalent to /WSL. 2 RAD Displays the settings and explanations of the RAD_SUPPORT system parameter fields, and the assignment of CPUs and memory to the Resource Affinity Domains (RADs). This command is only useful on platforms that support RADs. By default, the SHOW RAD command displays the settings of the RAD_SUPPORT system parameter fields. Format SHOW RAD [number | /ALL | /PXML] 3 Parameter number Displays information on CPUs and memory for the specified RAD. 3 Qualifier /ALL Displays settings of the RAD_SUPPORT parameter fields and the CPU and memory assignments for all RADs. /PXML /PXML (Integrity servers only) SDA displays the proximity database derived from the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) tables. The proximity database is used to set up the RAD data structures. 2 RESOURCES Displays information about all resources in the system or about a resource associated with a specific lock. Format SHOW RESOURCES [ /ADDRESS=n | /ALL (d) | /BRIEF | /CACHED | /CONTENTION [=ALL][/FULL] | /LOCKID=lock-id | /LIST | /NAME=name | /OWNED | /STATUS=(keyword[,...]) ] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays information from the resource block at the specified address. /ALL Displays information from all resource blocks (RSBs) in the system. This is the default behavior of the SHOW RESOURCES command. /BRIEF Displays a single line of information for each resource. /CACHED Displays resource blocks that are no longer valid. The memory for these resources is saved so that later requests for resources can use them. /CONTENTION /CONTENTION [=ALL] Displays only resources that have at least one lock on either the waiting or conversion queue. Unless you specify the ALL keyword, resources with locks on the waiting or conversion queues that are not participating in deadlock searches are ignored. (Locks not participating in deadlock searches are requested with either the LCK$M_NODLCKWT or LCK$M_NODLCKBLK flags.) By default, a single line summary is displayed for each resource, followed by a single line summary for each lock on the resource. Use /FULL to obtain a detailed display for each resource that is in contention. /FULL When used with /CONTENTION [=ALL], causes SDA to display details of each resource that is in contention instead of a single line summary. /LIST Displays summary information for each resource, followed by a list of all locks associated with the resource. /LOCKID /LOCKID=lock-id Displays information on the resource associated with the lock with the specified lock-id. /NAME /NAME=name Displays information about the specific resource. Name may be the actual name of the resource, if it only contains uppercase letters, numerals, the underscore (_), dollar sign, colon (:), and some other printable characters, as for example, /NAME=MY_ LOCK. If it contains other printable characters (including lowercase letters), you may need to enclose the name in quotation marks (""), as for example, /NAME="My_Lock/47". If it contains nonprintable characters, the name may be specified as a comma- separated list comprised of strings and hexadecimal numbers, as for example, /NAME=("My_Lock",0C00,"/47") would specify the name "My_Lock/47". The hexadecimal number can be no more than 8 digits (4 bytes) in length. Nonprintable sequences or more than 4 bytes must be split into multiple hexadecimal numbers. The maximum length of a resource name is 32 characters. /OWNED Displays only owned resources. /STATUS /STATUS=(keyword[,...]) Displays only resources that have the specified status bits set in the RSB$L_STATUS field. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. Status keywords are as follows: Keyword Meaning 2PC_IP Indicates a two-phase convert operation in progress BRL Indicates byte range resource CHK_BTR Checks for better master CVTFULRNG Indicates full-range requests in convert queue CVTSUBRNG Indicates sub-range requests in convert queue DIRENTRY Indicates directory entry during failover DIR_IP Creates directory entry DIR_RQD Indicates directory entry required INVPEND Checks for value block invalidation RBLD_ACT Indicates lock rebuild active for this tree RBLD_IP Indicates rebuild operation in progress RBLD_RQD Indicates rebuild required for this resource tree RM_ACCEPT Accepts new master RM_DEFLECT Deflects remote interest RM_FORCE Forces tree move RM_FREEZE Freeze resource tree on this node RM_INTEREST Remaster due to master having no interest RM_IP Indicates resource remaster in progress RM_PEND Indicates a pending resource remaster operation RM_RBLD Indicates to always rebuild resource tree RM_WAIT Blocks local activity VALCUR Indicates value block is current VALINVLD Indicates value block invalid WTFULRNG Indicates full-range requests in wait queue WTSUBRNG Indicates a sub-range requests in wait queue XVAL_VALID Indicates last value block was long block 2 RMD Displays information contained in the reserved memory descriptors. Reserved memory is used within the system by memory- resident global sections. Format SHOW RMD [/qualifiers] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays a specific reserved memory descriptor entry, given its address. /ALL Displays information in all the reserved memory descriptors. This qualifier is the default. 2 RMS Displays the RMS data structures selected by the SET RMS command to be included in the default display of the SHOW PROCESS/RMS command. Format SHOW RMS 2 RSPID Displays information about response IDs (RSPIDs) of all System Communications Services (SCS) connections or, optionally, about a specific SCS connection. Format SHOW RSPID [/CONNECTION=cdt-address] 3 Qualifier /CONNECTION /CONNECTION=cdt-address Displays RSPID information for the specific SCS connection whose connection descriptor table (CDT) address is provided in cdt-address. You can find the cdt-address for any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. CDT addresses are also stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections. These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS and cluster system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager. 2 SHM_CPP Displays information about the shared memory common property partitions (CPPs). The default display shows a single-page summary that includes a single line for each CPP. Format SHOW SHM_CPP [/qualifiers] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays a detailed page of information about an individual shared memory CPP given the address of the SHM_CPP structure. /ALL Displays a detailed page of information about each shared memory CPP. /IDENT /IDENT=n Displays a detailed page of information about an individual shared memory CPP. /PFN /PFN [=(option[,option,...])] Displays PFN data in addition to the basic SHM_CPP. The default is to display all lists (free, bad, untested), plus the PFN database pages and the complete range of PFNs in the CPP. You can limit which lists are displayed by specifying one or more keywords from the following table. If you specify multiple keywords, enclose them in parentheses and separate keywords with a comma. ALL_FRAGMENTS Displays the complete range of PFNs in the CPP. BAD Displays only the bad page list. FREE Displays only the free page list. PFNDB Displays the PFNs containing the PFN database. UNTESTED Displays only the untested page list. If you specify /PFN without /ALL, /IDENT, or /ADDRESS, the system displays the PFN lists from the last shared memory CPP accessed. 2 SHM_REG Displays information about shared memory regions. The default display shows a single page summary that includes a single line for each region. Format SHOW SHM_REG [/qualifiers] [name] 3 Parameter name Detailed page of information about the named region. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Displays a detailed page of information about an individual region given the address of the SHM_REG structure. /ALL Displays a detailed page of information about each region. /IDENT /IDENT=n Displays a detailed page of information about the specified region. 2 SPINLOCKS Displays the multiprocessing synchronization data structures. Format SHOW SPINLOCKS {[name]|/ADDRESS=expression|/INDEX=expression} [{/BRIEF | /COUNTS | /FULL}] [/CACHED_PCB | /DEVICE | /DYNAMIC | /MAILBOX | /MISCELLANEOUS | /OWNED | /PCB | /PORT | /PSHARED | /STATIC] 3 Parameter name Name of the spinlock to be displayed. Device spinlock names are of the form node$lock, where node indicates the OpenVMS Cluster node name and lock indicates the device and controller identification (for example, HAETAR$DUA). If there is no OpenVMS Cluster node name, the dollar sign ($) is also skipped (for example, DUA). 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=expression Displays the spinlock at the address specified in expression. You can use the /ADDRESS qualifier to display a specific device, mailbox, PCB, cached PCB, or process-shared spinlock; however, the name of the spinlock may be listed as "Unknown" in the display. /BRIEF Produces a condensed display of the spinlock information displayed by default by the SHOW SPINLOCKS command, including the following: address, spinlock name or device name, IPL or device IPL, rank, ownership depth, and CPU ID of the owner CPU. If the system under analysis was executing with full- checking multiprocessing enabled (according to the setting of the MULTIPROCESSING or SYSTEM_CHECK system parameter), then the number of waiting CPUs and interlock status are also displayed. /CACHED_PCB Displays all PCB-specific spinlocks associated with PCBs of deleted processes. /COUNTS Produces a display of Spin, Wait, and Acquire counts for each spinlock (only if full-checking multiprocessing is enabled). /DEVICE Displays information for all device spinlocks. /DYNAMIC Displays information for all dynamic spinlocks in the system (device, port, mailbox, PCB, cached PCB, process-shared, and miscellaneous spinlocks). /FULL Displays full descriptive and diagnostic information for each displayed spinlock. /INDEX /INDEX=expression Displays the static spinlock whose index is specified in expression. You can only use the /INDEX qualifier to display a named static spinlock. /MAILBOX Displays all mailbox-specific spinlocks. /MISCELLANEOUS Display all spinlocks that are not included in existing groups such as mailbox and PCB spinlocks. Miscellaneous spinlocks include the XFC, PEDRIVER, TCP/IP, and various other spinlocks. The list of miscellaneous spinlocks varies from system to system. /OWNED Displays information for all spinlocks owned by a CPU. If no processors own any spinlocks, SDA displays the following message: %SDA-I-NOSPLOWNED, all requested spinlocks are unowned /PCB Displays all PCB-specific spinlocks. /PORT Displays all port spinlocks. /PSHARED Displays all process-shared (Pthreads) spinlocks. /STATIC Displays information for all static spinlocks in the system. 2 STACK Displays the location and contents of the process stacks (of the SDA current process) and the system stack. Format SHOW STACK {range | /ALL | [/EXECUTIVE | /INTERRUPT | /KERNEL | /PHYSICAL | /SUMMARY | /SUPERVISOR | /SYSTEM | /USER]} {/LONG | /QUAD (d)} 3 Parameter range Range of memory locations you want to display in stack format. You can express a range using the following syntax: m:n Range of addresses from m to n m;n Range of addresses starting at m and continuing for n bytes 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays the locations and contents of the four process stacks for the SDA current process and the system stack. /EXECUTIVE Shows the executive stack for the SDA current process. /INTERRUPT Shows the system stack and is retained for compatibility with OpenVMS VAX. The interrupt stack does not exist on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS Integrity servers. /KERNEL Shows the kernel stack for the SDA current process. /LONG Displays longword width stacks. If you do not specify this qualifier, SDA by default displays quadword width stacks. /PHYSICAL Treats the start and end addresses in the given range as physical addresses. This qualifier is only relevant when a range is specified. By default, SDA treats range addresses as virtual addresses. /QUAD Displays quadword width stacks. This is the default. /SUMMARY Displays a list of all known stack ranges and the current stack pointer for each range. /SUPERVISOR Shows the supervisor stack for the SDA current process. /SYSTEM Shows the system stack. /USER Shows the user stack for the SDA current process. 2 SUMMARY Displays a list of all active processes and the values of the parameters used in swapping and scheduling these processes. Format SHOW SUMMARY [/IMAGE | /PAGES | /PROCESS_NAME=process_name | /TOTALS | /THREAD | /USER=username] 3 Qualifiers /IMAGE Causes SDA to display, if possible, the name of the image being executed within each process. /PAGES Outputs an additional line for each process, displaying the number of process-private pages and the number of global pages in the process's working set. /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=process_name Displays only processes with the specified process name. You can use wildcards in process_name, in which case SDA displays all matching processes. The default action is for SDA to display data for all processes, regardless of process name. /TOTALS At the end of the list of active processes, SDA will output two sets of totals: o The total number of process-private and global pages in the working sets of all processes. The totals for resident and non-resident processes are displayed separately. o The total number of processes (or, if /THREADS was also specified, the total number of kernel threads) in each scheduling state. The totals for resident and non-resident processes or kernel threads are displayed separately. /THREAD Displays information on all the kernel threads associated with the current process. /USER /USER=username Displays only the processes of the specified user. You can use wildcards in username, in which case SDA displays processes of all matching users. The default action is for SDA to display data for all processes, regardless of user name. 2 SWIS This command is for Integrity servers only. Displays the SWIS (SoftWare Interrupt Services) data structure addresses or the SWIS ring buffer. Format SHOW SWIS [/RING_BUFFER [/CPU=(m,n,...)]] 3 Qualifiers /CPU /CPU=(m,n,...) When used with /RING_BUFFER, displays only the entries for the specified CPUs. If you specify only one CPU, you can omit the parentheses. /RING_BUFFER Displays the SWIS ring buffer (also known as the SWIS log), with the most recent entry first, and assigns meaning to certain values, such as trap type and system service invoked. For best results, execute READ/EXEC or READ/IMAGE SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS first so that the system service codes are recognized. 2 SYMBOL Displays the hexadecimal value of a symbol and, if the value is equal to an address location, the contents of that location. Format SHOW SYMBOL [/ALL [/ALPHA|/VALUE]] [/BASE_ADDRESS=n] symbol-name 3 Parameter symbol-name Name of the symbol to be displayed. You must provide a symbol- name, unless you specify the /ALL qualifier. Symbols that include lowercase letters must be enclosed in quotation marks. symbol- name may include wildcards unless /ALL is also specified. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays information on all symbols whose names begin with the characters specified in symbol-name. If no symbol name is given, all symbols are displayed. /ALPHA When used with the /ALL qualifier, displays the symbols sorted only in alphabetical order. The default is to display the symbols twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value. When used with a wildcard symbol name, displays the symbols in alphabetical order. This is the default action. /BASE_ADDRESS /BASE_ADDRESS=n The given address is added to the value of each matching symbol to construct the address used when obtaining the contents of the symbol's location. By default, SDA uses the actual value of the symbol as the address to be used. See the description of SHOW SYMBOL for more information. /VALUE When used with the /ALL qualifier, displays the symbols sorted only in value order. The default is to display the symbols twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value. When used with a wildcard symbol name, displays the symbols in value order. 2 TQE Displays the entries in the timer queue. The default output is a summary display of all timer queue entries (TQEs) in chronological order. Format SHOW TQE [/ADDRESS=n] [/ALL] [/BACKLINK] [/PID=n] [/ROUTINE=n] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=n Outputs a detailed display of the TQE at the specified address. /ALL Outputs a detailed display of all TQEs. /BACKLINK Outputs the display of TQEs, either detailed (/ALL) or brief (default), in reverse order, starting at the entry furthest into the future. /PID /PID=n Limits the display to the TQEs that affect the process with the specified internal PID. The PID format required is the entire internal PID, including both the process index and the sequence number, and not the extended PID or process index alone, as used elsewhere in SDA. You can also display TQEs specific to a process using SHOW PROCESS/TQE. /ROUTINE /ROUTINE=n Limits the display to the TQEs for which the specified address is the fork PC. 2 TQEIDX Displays the contents of the timer queue entry index (TQEIDX) structures. The default display is a summary of all TQEIDX structures. Format SHOW TQEIDX [/ADDRESS=address | /ALL] 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=address Causes SDA to output a detailed display of the contents of the TQEIDX at the specified address. Cannot be specified with /ALL. /ALL Causes SDA to output a detailed display of the contents of all TQEIDX structures. Cannot be specified with /ADDRESS. 2 UNWIND This command is for Integrity servers only. Displays the master unwind table for system space (by default) or for a specified target. Format SHOW UNWIND [address | /ALL | /IMAGE=name] 3 Parameter address Address of the program counter (PC) (IIP) whose unwind data is to be displayed. The address can be in system space or process space. 3 Qualifier /ALL Displays the details of every system unwind descriptor. /IMAGE Displays the details of every unwind descriptor for the specified system images (wildcards allowed). 2 VHPT This command is for Integrity servers only. Displays data from the Virtual Hash Page Table. Format SHOW VHPT [ /CPU = {n|*} [/ALL] [range] ] 3 Parameters range The entry or range of entries to be displayed, expressed using the following syntax: m Displays the VHPT entry m m:n Displays the VHPT entries from m to n m;n Displays n VHPT entries starting at m A range can be provided only if a single CPU is specified with the /CPU qualifier. 3 Qualifiers /CPU /CPU = {n|*} Indicates that the detailed contents of the VHPT for one or all CPUs is to be displayed. The default action is for a summary of VHPT information to be displayed. /ALL Displays all VHPTs for the specified CPUs. Without /ALL, only entries that have a valid tag are displayed. 2 WORKING_SET_LIST Displays the system working set list without changing the current process context. You can specify SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST or SHOW WSL. The two commands are equivalent. Format SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST [/ALL (d) | /ENTRY=n | /GPT | /LOCKED | /MODIFIED | /SYSTEM] SHOW WSL [/ALL (d) | /ENTRY=n | /GPT | /LOCKED | /MODIFIED | /SYSTEM] 2 WSL See SHOW WORKING_SET_LIST.