1 DUMP Displays the contents of a range of memory formatted as a comma- separated variable (CSV) list, suitable for inclusion in a spreadsheet. Format DUMP range [/BYTE | /WORD | /LONGWORD (default) | /QUADWORD] [/DECIMAL | /HEXADECIMAL (default)] [/FORWARD (default) | /REVERSE] [/RECORD_SIZE=size] (default = 512) [/INDEX_ARRAY [= {LONGWORD (default) | QUADWORD} ] ] [/INITIAL_POSITION = {ADDRESS=address | RECORD=number} ] [/COUNT = {ALL | records} ] (default = all records) [/PHYSICAL] [/BYTE | /WORD |/NOSUPPRESS] 2 Parameter range The range of locations to be displayed. The range is specified in one of the following formats: m:n Range from address m to address n inclusive m;n Range from address m for n bytes The length of the range must be an exact multiple of the data item size - or of the index array size if /INDEX_ARRAY is specified. 2 Qualifiers /BYTE Outputs each data item as a byte. /COUNT /COUNT = [ {ALL | records} ] Gives the number of records to be displayed. The default is to display all records. /DECIMAL Outputs data as decimal values. /FORWARD Causes SDA to display the records in the history buffer in ascending address order. This is the default. /HEXADECIMAL Outputs data as hexadecimal values. This is the default. /INDEX_ARRAY /INDEX_ARRAY [= {LONGWORD (default) | QUADWORD} ] Indicates to SDA that the range of addresses given is a vector of pointers to the records to be displayed. The vector can be a list of longwords (default) or quadwords. The size of the range must be an exact number of longwords or quadwords as appropriate. /INITIAL_POSITION /INITIAL_POSITION = {ADDRESS=address | RECORD=number} Indicates to SDA which record is to be displayed first. The default is the lowest addressed record if /FORWARD is used, and the highest addressed record if /REVERSE is used. The initial position may be given as a record number within the range, or the address at which the record is located. /LONGWORD Outputs each data item as a longword. This is the default. /NOSUPPRESS Indicates that SDA should not suppress leading zeroes when displaying data in hexadecimal format. /PHYSICAL Indicates to SDA that all addresses (range and/or start position) are physical addresses. By default, virtual addresses are assumed. /QUADWORD Outputs each data item as a quadword. /RECORD_SIZE /RECORD_SIZE=size Indicates the size of each record within the history buffer, the default being 512 bytes. This size must exactly divide into the total size of the address range to be displayed, unless you specify /INDEX_ARRAY. If no record size is given, and the length of the range is not more than 512 bytes, a single record is output containing the range specified, with no record number field. The length of the range must be an exact multiple of the data item size - or of the index array size if /INDEX_ARRAY is specified. /REVERSE Causes SDA to display the records in the history buffer in descending address order. /WORD Outputs each data item as a word.