Library /sys$common/syshlp/SDA.HLB  —  Symbols
    An SDA symbol can represent several value types. It can represent
    a constant, a data address, a procedure or function descriptor
    address, or a routine address. Constants are usually offsets of
    a particular field in a data structure; however, they can also
    represent constant values such as the BUG$_xxx symbols.

    Symbols are composed of up to 31 letters and numbers, and can
    include the dollar sign ($) and underscore (_) characters. When
    you invoke SDA, it reads in the global symbols from the symbols
    table section of SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE, and from REQSYSDEF.STB, a
    required subset of the symbols in the file SYSDEF.STB. You can
    add other symbols to SDA's symbol table by using the DEFINE and
    READ commands.

    All address symbols identify memory locations. SDA generally
    does not distinguish among different types of address symbols.
    However, for a symbol identified as the name of a procedure
    descriptor, SDA takes an additional step of creating an
    associated symbol to name the code entry point address of the
    procedure. It forms the code entry point symbol name by appending
    _C to the name of the procedure descriptor.

    Also, SDA substitutes the code entry point symbol name for the
    procedure descriptor symbol when you enter the following command:

    SDA> EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION procedure-descriptor

    For example, enter the following command:


    SDA displays the following information:

    SCH$QAST_C:     SUBQ    SP,#X40,SP

    Now enter the EXAMINE command but do not specify the /INSTRUCTION
    qualifier, as follows:


    SDA displays the following information:

    SCH$QAST:  0000002C.00003009   ".0..,..."

    This display shows the contents of the first two longwords of the
    procedure descriptor.

    Note that there are no routine address symbols on Alpha systems,
    except for those in MACRO-64 assembly language modules.
    Therefore, SDA creates a routine address symbol for every
    procedure descriptor it has in its symbol table. The new symbol
    name is the same as for the procedure descriptor except that it
    has an _C appended to the end of the name.

1  –  Sources of Symbols

    SDA obtains its information from the following:

    o  Images (.EXE files)

    o  Image symbol table files (.STB files)

    o  Object files

    SDA also defines symbols to access registers and to access common
    data structures.

    The only images with symbols are shareable images and executive
    images. These images contain only universal symbols, such as
    constants and addresses.

    The image symbol table files are produced by the linker with the
    /SYMBOLS qualifier. These files normally contain only universal
    symbols, as do the executable images. However, if the SYMBOL_
    TABLE=GLOBALS linker option is specified, the .STB file also
    contains all global symbols defined in the image. See the OpenVMS
    Linker Utility Manual for more information.

    Symbols can include lowercase letters. Commands that manipulate
    symbols (such as DEFINE, SHOW SYMBOL, and UNDEFINE) require these
    symbols to be enclosed within quotation marks ("symbol" ).

    Some SDA commands predefine additional symbols. This includes
    SET CPU and SET PROCESS (as shown in the following subtopics) and

1.1  –  Modules Containing Symbols

    Object files can contain global constant values. An object
    file used with SDA typically contains symbol definitions for
    data structure fields. Such an object file can be generated by
    compiling a MACRO-32 source module that invokes specific macros.
    The macros, which are typically defined in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB
    or STARLET.MLB, define symbols that correspond to data structure
    field offsets. The macro $UCBDEF, for example, defines offsets
    for fields within a unit control block (UCB). OpenVMS Alpha
    and Integrity servers provide several such object modules in
    SDA$READ_DIR, as listed in the following table. For compatibility
    with OpenVMS VAX, the modules' file types have been renamed to

    File                      Contents

    DCLDEF.STB                Symbols for the DCL interpreter
    DECDTMDEF.STB             Symbols for transaction processing
    GLXDEF.STB                Symbols for OpenVMS Galaxy data
    IMGDEF.STB                Symbols for the image activator
    IODEF.STB                 I/O database structure symbols
    NETDEF.STB                Symbols for DECnet data structures
    REQSYSDEF.STB             Required symbols for SDA
    RMSDEF.STB                Symbols that define RMS internal and
                              user data structures and RMS$_xxx
                              completion codes
    SCSDEF.STB                Symbols that define data structures for
                              system communications services
    SYSDEF.STB                Symbols that define system data
                              structures, including the I/O database
    TCPIP$NET_GLOBALS.STB*    Data structure definitions for TCP/IP
                              internet driver, execlet, and ACP data
    TCPIP$NFS_GLOBALS.STB*    Data structure definitions for TCP/IP
                              NFS server
    TCPIP$PROXY_GLOBALS.STB*  Data structure definitions for TCP/IP
                              proxy execlet
    TCPIP$PWIP_GLOBALS.STB*   Data structure definitions for TCP/IP
                              PWIP driver, and ACP data structures
    TCPIP$TN_GLOBALS.STB*     Data structure definitions for TCP/IP
                              TELNET/RLOGIN server driver data

    * The TCPIP$*.STB files are available only if TCP/IP has been
    installed. These files are found in SYS$SYSTEM, so that all files
    are not automatically read in when you issue a READ/EXEC command.

1.2  –  Symbols Defined on Initialization

    The following table lists symbols that SDA defines automatically
    on initialization.

    ASN                Address space number
    AST                Both the asynchronous system trap status
                       and enable registers: AST<3:0> = AST enable;
                       AST<7:4> = AST status
    BR0 through BR7    Branch registers (Integrity servers only)
    CYCLE_COUNTER      Process cycle counter
    ESP                Executive stack pointer
    EBSP               Executive register stack pointer (Integrity
                       servers only)
    FEN                Floating-point enable
    FP                 Frame pointer (R29)
    FP0 through FP31   Floating-point registers (Alpha only)
    FP0 through FP127  Floating point registers (Integrity servers
    FPCR               Floating-point control register (Alpha only)
    FPSR               Floating-point status register (Integrity
                       servers only)
    GP                 Global pointer (R1) (Integrity servers only)
    G                  FFFFFFFF.80000000(16), the base address of
                       system space
    H                  00000000.7FFE0000(16), a base address in P1
    I                  FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF(16), also fills the leading
                       digits of a hexadecimal number with the value
                       of F
    KSP                Kernel stack pointer
    KBSP               Kernel register stack pointer (Integrity
                       servers only)
    PAL_RSVD           PAL reserved area in process HWPCB
    PC                 Program counter
    PCC                Process cycle counter
    PS                 Processor status
    PTBR               Page table base register
    R0 through R31     Integer registers (Alpha only)
    R0 through R127    Integer registers (Integrity servers only)
    SCC                System cycle counter
    SP                 Current stack pointer of a process
    SSP                Supervisor stack pointer
    SBSP               Supervisor register stack pointer (Integrity
                       servers only)
    SYSPTBR            Page table base register for system space
    USP                User stack pointer
    UBSP               User register stack pointer (Integrity servers
    VIRBND             Virtual Address Boundary for RADs (Alpha only)

1.3  –  Symbols Defined by SET CPU

    After a SET CPU command is issued (for analyzing a crash dump
    only), the symbols defined in the following table are set for
    that CPU.

    CPUDB      Address of CPU database
    IPL        Interrupt priority level register
    MCES       Machine check error summary register
    PCBB       Process context block base register
    PRBR       Processor base register (CPU database address)
    RAD        Address of RAD database
    SCBB       System control block base register
    SISR       Software interrupt status register
    VPTB       Virtual Page Table Base register

1.4  –  Symbols Defined by SET PROCESS

    After a SET PROCESS command is issued, the symbols listed in the
    following table are defined for that process.

    ARB        Address of access rights block
    FRED       Address of floating-point register and execution data
    JIB        Address of job information block
    KTB        Address of the kernel thread block
    ORB        Address of object rights block
    PCB        Address of process control block
    PHD        Address of process header
    PSB        Address of persona security block

2  –  Initialization of Symbols

    On initialization, SDA reads the universal symbols defined by
    SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE. For every procedure descriptor address symbol
    found, a routine address symbol is created (with _C appended to
    the symbol name).

    SDA then reads the object file REQSYSDEF.STB. This file contains
    data structure definitions that are required for SDA to run
    correctly. It uses these symbols to access some of the data
    structures in the crash dump file or on the running system.

    Finally, SDA initializes the process registers defined in the
    SET PROCESS command and executes a SET CPU command, defining the
    symbols as well.

3  –  Using Symbols

    There are two major uses of the address type symbols. First,
    the EXAMINE command employs them to find the value of a known
    symbol. For example, EXAMINE CTL$GL_PCB finds the PCB for the
    current process. Then, certain SDA commands (such as EXAMINE,
    SHOW STACK, and FORMAT) use them to symbolize addresses when
    generating output.

    When the code for one of these commands needs a symbol for an
    address, it calls the SDA symbolize routine. The symbolize
    routine tries to find the symbol in the symbol table whose
    address is closest to, but not greater than the requested
    address. This means, for any given address, the routine may
    return a symbol of the form symbol_name+offset. If, however,
    the offset is greater than 0FFF(16), it fails to find a symbol
    for the address.

    As a last resort, the symbolize routine checks to see if this
    address falls within a known memory range. Currently, the only
    known memory ranges are those used by the OpenVMS executive
    images and those used by active images in a process. SDA searches
    through the executive loaded image list (LDRIMG data structure)
    and activated image list (IMCB data structures) to see if the
    address falls within any of the image sections. If SDA does find
    a match, it returns one of the following types of symbols:


    The offset is the same as the image offset as defined in the map

    The constants in the SDA symbol table are usually used to display
    a data structure with the FORMAT command. For example, the PHD
    offsets are defined in SYSDEF.STB; you can display all the fields
    of the PHD by entering the following commands:


    SDA> FORMAT/TYPE=PHD phd_address

4  –  Address Resolution with Symbols

    In OpenVMS, executive and user images are loaded into dynamically
    assigned address space. To help you associate a particular
    virtual address with the image whose code has been loaded at
    that address, SDA provides several features:

    o  The SHOW EXECUTIVE command

    o  The symbolization of addresses, described in the Using_Symbols
       help topic

    o  The READ command

    o  The SHOW PROCESS command with the /IMAGES qualifier

    o  The MAP command

    The OpenVMS executive consists of two base images, SYS$BASE_
    IMAGE.EXE and SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE, and a number of other
    separately loadable images. Some of these images are loaded on
    all systems, while others support features unique to particular
    system configurations. Executive images are mapped into system
    space during system initialization.

    By default, a typical executive image is not mapped at contiguous
    virtual addresses. Instead, its nonpageable image sections
    are loaded into a reserved set of pages with other executive
    images' nonpageable sections. The pageable sections of a typical
    executive image are mapped contiguously into a different part
    of system space. An image mapped in this manner is said to be
    sliced. A particular system may have system parameters defined
    that disable executive image slicing altogether.

    Each executive image is described by a data structure called a
    loadable image data block (LDRIMG). The LDRIMG specifies whether
    the image has been sliced. If the image is sliced, the LDRIMG
    indicates the beginning of each image section and the size of
    each section. All the LDRIMGs are linked together in a list that
    SDA scans to determine what images have been loaded and into
    what addresses they have been mapped. The SHOW EXECUTIVE command
    displays a list of all images that are included in the OpenVMS

    Each executive image is a shareable image whose universal
    symbols are defined in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector.
    On initialization, SDA reads this symbol vector and adds its
    universal symbols to the SDA symbol table.

    Executive image .STB files define additional symbols within
    an executive image that are not defined as universal symbols
    and thus are not in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector. You
    can enter a READ/EXECUTIVE command to read symbols defined in
    all executive image .STB files into the SDA symbol table, or a
    READ/IMAGE filespec command to read the .STB for a specified
    image only.

    To obtain a display of all images mapped within a process,
    execute a SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE command. See the description of the
    SHOW PROCESS command for additional information about displaying
    the hardware and software context of a process.

    You can also identify the image name and offset that correspond
    to a specified address with the MAP command. With the information
    obtained from the MAP command, you can then examine the image
    map to locate the source module and program section offset
    corresponding to an address.
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