Library /sys$common/syshlp/SDA.HLB  —  SHOW  PROCESS  Qualifiers



    Specifies the process control block (PCB) address of a process in
    order to display information about the process.

2    /ALL

    Displays all information shown by the following qualifiers:

       /UNWIND_TABLE (Integrity servers only.)


    Used with the /PERSONA/RIGHTS qualifiers. See the
    /PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED description for the use of the
    /AUTHORIZED qualifier.

4    /BRIEF

    When used with the /LOCKS qualifier, causes SDA to display each
    lock owned by the current process in brief format, that is, one
    line for each lock. When used with the /POOL qualifier, causes
    SDA to display only general information about process pool and
    its addresses.


    Displays all the buffer objects that a process has created.


    Displays information about the I/O channels assigned to the

7    /CHECK

    Checks all free process pool packets for POOLCHECK-style
    corruption in exactly the same way that the system does when
    generating a POOLCHECK crash dump.


    Displays the data on the process' fast I/O handles.

9    /FID_ONLY

    When used with /CHANNEL or /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE (/PST), causes
    SDA to not attempt to translate the FID (File ID) to a file name
    when invoked with ANALYZE/SYSTEM.

10    /FREE

    When used with /POOL, displays the entire contents, both
    allocated and free, of the specified region or regions of pool.
    Use the /FREE qualifier with a range to show all of the used and
    free pool in the given range.

11    /GSTX


    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays only page
    table entries for the specific global section.

12    /HEADER

    When used with /POOL, displays only the first 16 bytes of each
    data packet found within the specified region or regions of pool.

13    /IMAGES

       /IMAGES [= {name|ALL} ]

    For all images in use by this process, displays the address of
    the image control block, the start and end addresses of the
    image, the activation code, the protected and shareable flags,
    the image name, and the major and minor IDs of the image. The
    /IMAGES=ALL qualifier also displays the base, end, image offset,
    section type, and global pointer for all images (Integrity
    servers) or for all installed resident images (Alpha) in use by
    this process. The /IMAGE=name qualifier displays this information
    for just the specified images; name may contain wildcards.

    See the OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual and the Install utility
    chapter in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
    Manual for more information on images installed using the
    /RESIDENT qualifier.

14    /ID

    See the /INDEX qualifier, which is functionally equivalent to

15    /INDEX

    Specifies the process for which information is to be displayed
    by its index into the system's list of software process control
    blocks (PCBs), or by its process identification (ID). /ID and
    /INDEX can be used interchangeably. You can supply the following
    values for nn:

    o  The process index itself.

    o  The process identification (PID) or extended PID longword,
       from which SDA extracts the correct index. You can specify the
       PID or extended PID of any thread of a process with multiple
       kernel threads. Any thread-specific data displayed by SHOW
       PROCESS will be for the given thread.

    To obtain these values for any given process, issue the SDA


       /INVALID_PFN [=option]

    The /INVALID_PFN qualifier, which is valid only on platforms that
    supply an I/O memory map, causes SDA to display only page table
    entries that map to PFNs that are not in the system's private
    memory or in Galaxy-shared memory, and which are not I/O access
    pages. Use of /INVALID_PFN implies /PAGE_TABLES.

    The /INVALID_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords, READONLY
    and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant pages
    are displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked for no
    write access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only pages
    that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW PROCESS
    ALL/PAGE_TABLE=ALL/INVALID_PFN=WRITABLE would display all process
    pages (for all processes) whose protection allows write, but
    which map to PFNs that do not belong to this system.

17    /L1

       /L3 (D)

    Used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier to specify the level for
    which page table entries are to be displayed. You can specify
    only one level. /L3 is the default.

18    /L2

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that only
    the the Level 2 page table entries are to be displayed. Level 3
    is the default.

19    /L3

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that only
    the the Level 3 page table entries are to be displayed. This is
    the default.

20    /LOCKS

       /LOCKS [/BRIEF]

    Displays the lock management locks owned by the current process.

    When specified with /BRIEF, produces a display similar in format
    to that produced by the SHOW LOCKS command; that is, it causes
    SDA to display each lock owned by the current process in brief
    format with one line for each lock.


       /MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n]

    When used with /POOL, displays only the first n bytes of a
    pool packet; if you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the
    default is 64 bytes.

22    /NEXT

    Locates the next valid process in the system's process list and
    selects that process. If there are no further valid processes in
    the system's process list, SDA returns an error.


       /NONMEMORY_PFN [=option]

    The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier causes SDA to display only page
    table entries that are in neither the system's private memory
    nor in Galaxy-shared memory. Use of /NONMEMORY_PFN implies

    The /NONMEMORY_PFN qualifier allows two optional keywords,
    READONLY and WRITABLE. If neither keyword is given, all relevant
    pages are displayed. If you specify READONLY, only pages marked
    for no write access are displayed. If you specify WRITABLE, only
    pages that allow write access are displayed. For example, SHOW
    all process pages (for all processes) whose protection allows
    write, but which map to PFNs that are in neither the system's
    private memory nor Galaxy-shared memory.

24    /P0

       /P0 (D)

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P0, /P1, /P2, and /PT
    specify one or more regions for which page table entries should
    be displayed. You can specify any or none of these values. The
    default is /P0.

25    /P1

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P1 displays the
    page table entries for P1 space. By default, only P0 space is

26    /P2

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, /P2 displays the
    page table entries for P2 space. By default, only P0 space is


    Displays the page tables of the process P0 (process), P1
    (control), P2, or PT (page table) region, or, optionally, page
    table entries for a range of addresses. You can use /PAGE_
    TABLES=ALL to display page tables of all four regions. With /Ln,
    the page table entries at the level specified by /L1, /L2, or /L3
    (the default) are displayed.

    With /RDE=id or /REGIONS=id, SDA displays the page tables for
    the address range of the specified address region. When you do
    not specify an ID, the page tables are displayed for all the
    process-permanent and user-defined regions.

    If /PTE_ADDRESS is given, the range is expressed using the
    following syntax:

    m    Displays the single page table entry at address m
    m:n  Displays the page table entries from address m to address n
    m;n  Displays n bytes of page table entries starting at address m

    If /PTE_ADDRESS is not given, then range is expressed using the
    following syntax:

    m    Displays the single page table entry that corresponds to
         virtual address m
    m:n  Displays the page table entries that correspond to the range
         of virtual addresses from m to n
    m;n  Displays the page table entries that correspond to a range of
         n bytes starting at virtual address m

    The /GSTX=index qualifier causes SDA to display only the page
    table entries for the pages in the specified global section.

    The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier causes SDA to display only
    the page table entries for the pages in the specified process

28    /PCB

    Displays the information contained in the process control block
    (PCB). This is the default behavior of the SHOW PROCESS command.

29    /PERSONA

       /PERSONA [=address]

    Displays all persona security blocks (PSBs) held in the PERSONA
    ARRAY of the process, and then lists selected information
    contained in each initially listed PSB. The selected information
    includes the contents of the following cells inside the PSB:

       Reference count
       Execution mode
       Audit status
       Account name
       Rights enabled mask

    If you specify a PSB address, this information is provided for
    that specific PSB only.

    If you also specify /RIGHTS, SDA expands the display to provide
    additional selected information, including all the rights and
    their attributes currently held and active for each persona
    security block (PSB) specified with the /PERSONA qualifier.

    If you specify /RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED, SDA also displays additional
    selected information, including all the rights and their
    attributes authorized for each persona security block (PSB)
    specified with the /PERSONA qualifier.

30    /PHD

    Lists the information included in the process header (PHD).

31    /POOL

       /POOL [= {P0 | P1 | IMGACT | ALL (D)} | range]

    Displays the dynamic storage pool in the process' P0 (process)
    region, the P1 (control) region, or the image activator's
    reserved pages, or optionally, a range of addresses. The default
    action is to display all dynamic storage pools.

    You can express a range using the following syntax:

    m:n  Displays the process pool in the range of virtual addresses
         from m to n.
    m;n  Displays process pool in a range of n bytes, starting at
         virtual address m.

32    /PPT

    See the description of /PAGE_TABLES, which is functionally
    equivalent to /PPT.


    Lists the information contained in the process section table
    (PST). The /SECTION_INDEX=id qualifier used with /PROCESS_
    SECTION_TABLE displays the process section table entry for the
    specified section.



34    /PST

    Is a synonym for /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE.

35    /PT

    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page
    table entries for the page table space of the process. By
    default, P0 space is displayed.


    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, specifies that the
    range is of PTE addresses instead of the virtual addresses mapped
    by the PTE.

37    /RDE

       /RDE [=id]

    See the description of the /REGIONS qualifier, which is
    functionally equivalent to /RDE.

38    /REGIONS

       /REGIONS [=id]

    Lists the information contained in the process region table for
    the specified region. If you do not specify a region, the entire
    table is displayed, including the process-permanent regions. /RDE
    and /REGIONS are functionally equivalent. When used with /PAGE_
    TABLES, this qualifier causes SDA to display the page tables for
    only the specified region or, by default, for all regions.


    Lists the hardware context of the process, as reflected in the
    process registers stored in the hardware privileged context block
    (HWPCB), in its kernel stack, and possibly, in its PHD.

40    /RIGHTS

    Used with the /PERSONA qualifier. See the /PERSONA/RIGHTS
    description for use of the /RIGHTS qualifier.


       /RING_BUFFER [={ALL | address}]

    Displays the contents of the process-pool history ring buffer.
    Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order (most
    recent to least recent). If you specify /RING_BUFFER without
    the ALL keyword or an address, SDA displays all unmatched current
    allocations and deallocations. Use /RING_BUFFER=ALL to display
    matched allocations and deallocations and any non-current entries
    not yet overwritten. Use /RING_BUFFER=address to limit the
    display to only allocations and deallocations of blocks that
    contain the given address (including matched allocations and

42    /RMS

       /RMS [= (option[,...]) ]

    Displays certain specified RMS data structures for each image I/O
    or process-permanent I/O file the process has open. To display
    RMS data structures for process-permanent files, specify the PIO
    option to this qualifier. Other guidelines for specifying this
    qualifier include the following:

    o  If you specify only one option, you can omit the parentheses.

    o  You can add additional structures to those already set by
       the SET RMS command by beginning the list of options with an
       asterisk (*).

    o  You can exclude a structure from those set by the SET RMS
       command by specifying its keyword option preceded by NO (for
       example, NOPIO).

    SDA determines the structures to be displayed according to either
    of the following methods:

    o  If you provide the name of a structure or structures in the
       option parameter, SHOW PROCESS/RMS displays information from
       only the specified structures. Type HELP SET RMS for a list of
       keywords that can be supplied as options.

    o  If you do not specify an option, SHOW PROCESS/RMS displays the
       current list of options as shown by the SHOW RMS command and
       set by the SET RMS command.



    When used with the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, displays the page
    table for the range of pages in the specified process section.
    You can also specify one of the qualifiers /L1, /L2, or /L3.

    When used with the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier, displays the
    PST for the specified process section.

    The /SECTION_INDEX=n qualifier is ignored if you do not specify
    either the /PAGE_TABLES or the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE qualifier.


    Displays the Inner Mode Semaphore for a multithreaded process.


    When used with /POOL, displays statistics on the free list(s) in
    process pool.

46    /SUBTYPE


    When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified
    subtype. Pool packet types found in the process pool can include
    logical names (LNM) and image control blocks (IMCB). /SUBTYPE is
    functionally equivalent to /TYPE.

47    /SUMMARY

    When used with /POOL, displays only an allocation summary for
    each packet type.

48    /SYSTEM

    Displays the system's process control block. The system PCB and
    process header (PHD) parallel the data structures that describe
    processes. They contain the system working set, global section
    table, global page table, and other systemwide data.

49    /THREADS

    Displays the software and hardware context of all the threads
    associated with the current process.

50    /TQE

       /TQE [=ALL]

    Displays all timer queue entries associated with the current
    process. If specified as /TQE, a one-line summary is output for
    each TQE. If specified as /TQE=ALL, a detailed display of each
    TQE is output.

51    /TYPE


    When used with /POOL, displays only packets of the specified
    type. Pool packet types found in the process pool can include
    logical names (LNM) and image control blocks (IMCB). /TYPE is
    functionally equivalent to /SUBTYPE.

52    /UNUSED

    When used with /POOL, displays only free packets.


       /UNWIND_TABLE [= {ALL | name} ]

    Valid for Intergrity server systems only.

    If specified without a keyword, displays the master unwind table
    for the process. SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND=ALL displays the details
    of every process unwind descriptor. SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND=name
    displays the details of every unwind descriptor for the named
    image or images implied by a wildcard. To look at unwind data for
    a specific PC in process space, use SHOW UNWIND address.

    If some or all unwind data for an image is not included in the
    system dump (for example, if it was not in the working set of the
    process at the time of the system crash), a SHOW PROCESS/UNWIND
    command can fail with a %SDA-W-NOREAD error because the unwind
    data is inaccessible. Collecting unwind data using the SDA
    commands COLLECT and COPY/COLLECT will not correct this because
    the collected unwind data is used only by SHOW UNWIND address and



    Displays the contents of the requested entries of the working
    set list for the process. If you do not specify an option,
    all working set list entries are displayed. This qualifier is
    functionally equivalent to /WSL.

    The following table shows the options available with SHOW

    Options    Results

    PPT        Displays process page table pages
    PROCESS    Displays process-private pages
    LOCKED     Displays pages locked into the process' working set
    GLOBAL     Displays global pages currently in the working set of
               the process
    MODIFIED   Displays working set list entries marked modified
    n          Displays a specific working set list entry, where n
               is the working set list index (WSLX) of the entry of

55    /WSL

    See /WORKING_SET_LIST, which is functionally equivalent to /WSL.
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