Library /sys$common/syshlp/SCACP$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW


    Displays PEdriver channel information for specific nodes. Each
    channel is a single NISCA communications path between a LAN
    device on a local system and a LAN device on a remote system.

    Use the SHOW CHANNEL command to display node names and local and
    remote device names.


      SHOW CHANNEL  nodename

1.1  –  Parameter


    Includes channels to specific nodes, which you can use wildcards
    to specify. Each node name can be accompanied by optional
    qualifiers to specify local and remote device names. If no local
    or remote device name is specified, all channels associated with
    the specified node name are included.

1.2  –  Qualifiers

1.2.1    /ALL

    Includes all channel data.

1.2.2    /COUNTERS

    Includes channel counters data.

1.2.3    /ECS


    Includes only channels that are (or are not) members of the ECS.

1.2.4    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes channels to specific nodes, which you can use wildcards
    to specify. Each node name can be accompanied by optional
    qualifiers to specify local and remote device names. If no local
    or remote device name is specified, all channels associated with
    the specified node are included.

1.2.5    /INTERVAL

    For the /COUNTERS display, marks the beginning of a counters
    interval. The next SHOW command will show counters since then.
    See the /RESTORE command.

1.2.6    /RESTORE

    For the /COUNTERS display, clears the interval marker so that
    subsequent counters commands show the counters since PEDRIVER
    See the /INTERVAL command.

1.2.7    /LOCAL_DEVICE


    Includes specific LAN devices that identify the local end of the
    channel; you can use wildcards to specify LAN devices.

    Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

1.2.8    /n

    Displays the nth page. To select a particular page of a multipage
    display, specify the number of the page you want to display.

1.2.9    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs output to it.

1.2.10    /REMOTE_DEVICE


    Includes specific LAN devices/IP interfaces that identify the
    remote end of the channel; you can use wildcards to specify LAN
    devices/IP interfaces.

    Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

1.2.11    /SDA

    Includes channel data displayed in SDA format, with all the data
    collected in one display for one channel.

1.2.12    /SUMMARY

    Includes channel summary data. This is the default if /ALL,
    /COUNTERS, and /SDA qualifiers are not specified.

1.2.13    /BYTE

    Displays counters values in bytes, rather than abbreviating
    using k, m, g, t, when the field length is exceeded.

1.3  –  Examples


      The command in this example displays channel definition data
      for all nodes defined with local device EWA and any remote
      device and remote node name starting with NODE20.

      SCACP> SPAWN WAIT 0:0:10

      The first command in this example displays channel counters
      since the last SHOW command. The SPAWN command tells the DCL
      WAIT command to insert a 10-second delay. The second SHOW
      CHANNEL command displays counters after the 10-second period.


      The command in this example displays the first and third pages
      of data for all channels. The first page contains Channel
      Summary data, and the third page contains Channel Equivalent
      Channel Set (ECS) data.


      The following is a snapshot of the output for SHOW CHANNEL/ALL

      Channel Error Data describes the channel error data.

      Table 1  Channel Error Data

      Data           Description

      Seq            Number of times a sequenced VC packet sent on
      Retransmit     this channel was retransmitted, and the channel
                     was penalized for the lost packet.
                     Note that the sequential retransmit is not
                     necessarily a reflection of lost packet. It
                     is possible that there can be a PE which could
                     have triggered a retransmitted and results in a
                     duplicate packet to be sent. This is reflected
                     in the number of duplicate packets received in
                     the remote node. The XMIT:REXMT ratio is also
                     a measure of for how many transmitted packet,
                     a packet was retransmitted. A very low value
                     (less than 1000) reflects a possible network
      LAN Transmit   Number of times the local LAN device reported
      Failures       a failure to transmit a packet, and channel was
                     penalized for the lost packet.
      Restart        Close or restart because channel control packet
      Channel        received indicating that the other end closed
                     the channel and is restarting the channel
      Channel Init   Channel initialization handshake timeout.
      Listen         No packets of any kind, including HELLOs, were
      Timeouts       received in LISTEN_TIMEOUT seconds.
      Bad            Received a Channel Control (CC) packet with a
      Authorization  bad authorization field.
      Bad ECO CC     Received a CC packet with an incompatible NISCA
      Msg            protocol ECO rev. field value.
      Bad            Received a bad multicast CC packet.
      CC Short       Received a CC packet that was short.
      CC             Received a CC packet that was incompatible with
      Incompatible   existing channels for this virtual circuit.
      Rcv Old        Received a packet from an old instance of a
      Channel        channel.
      No MSCP        No MSCP server available to respond to a
      Server         received channel control solicit service packet
                     asking this node to boot serve another node.
      Disk Not       Disk is not served by this system.
      Buffer Size    Change in buffer size.


      The following is a snapshot of the output for SHOW CHANNEL/ECS

      ECS State Channel ECS Membership Information

      OpenVMS uses multiple interfaces to communicate with any other
      node in order to do load balancing of communication. However,
      at a given time not all interfaces that link the remote node
      are used to transmit datagrams. OpenVMS maintains a set of
      equivalent channels ECS (Equivalent Channel Set) within a VC.
      These channels have approximately equivalent transmission
      quality at a given time. Only the channels within the ECS
      are used to transmit datagrams to the given node. "A" is the
      generic format above may be "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) stating
      whether the channel is in the ECS or not. The remaining
      characters specify the quality of the channel as they are
      derived from the channel performance data. The characters are:

      o  A: T or L for Tight or Lossy

      o  B: P, S, I, U for Peer, Superior, Inferior or Ungraded

      o  C: F or S for Fast or Slow

      For more details about ECS, see the section NISCA Transport
      Protocol Channel Selection and Congestion Control in the VSI
      OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual.


       From OpenVMS Version 8.3 onwards, Topology change column
       from SHOW CHANNEL/FULL or /5 has been removed. This is
       because you must not consider this as an 'error' instead
       it is the count of failovers from one interconnect to the
       other interconnect. Whenever failover occurs to another
       interconnect the buffer size changes. Hence this topology
       change is counted under "Buffer SizeDecr" column in SHOW
       VC/FULL output.

      You can view the IP channel data summary by using the
      /IPCHANNEL qualifier, for example:

        $ SHOW CHANNEL <nodename>/IPCHANNEL

      You can view the LAN channel data summary by using the
      /LANCHANNEL qualifier, for example:



    Displays SCA circuit information. You can further qualify each
    node name you specify with additional parameters to uniquely
    identify a single circuit.


      SHOW CIRCUIT  nodename

2.1  –  Parameter


    Includes specific circuits to individual nodes, which you can use
    wildcards to specify.

2.2  –  Qualifiers

2.2.1    /EXCLUDE


    Allows you to exclude a specific circuit to a node. If multiple
    circuits to the same node exist, you can use the /PORT and
    /RSTATION qualifiers to uniquely identify the circuit.

2.2.2    /PORT


    If multiple circuits to the same node exist, you can use the
    /PORT and /RSTATION qualifiers to uniquely identify the circuit.
    You can use the /RSTATION qualifier only in conjunction with the
    /PORT qualifier.

2.3  –  Example


      The command in this example displays all circuits to nodes over
      port PEA0.

         Circuit data for CLUIO2 at 07-DEC 11:55:31.80

          Node     Port   Priority   Load               Remote  Remote
          Name     Name   Cur   Mgt  Class    State     Station  Type
         -------- -------- ---- ---- -------- --------  -------  --------
         LYNX03   PEA0        0    0       10     Open      dc       NI
         CLUIO1   PEA0        0    0       10     Open      dd       NI
         PRMMC2   PEA0        0    0       10     Open      de       NI
         RXBOT1   PIB0        5    0       48     Open       4     RF72
         RXTOP1   PIB0        5    0       48     Open       1     RF73
         RXTOP0   PIB0        5    0       48     Open       0     RF73
         CLUIO1   PIB0        5    0       48     Open       7     N710
         R4JC3I   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       7     RF73
         R4HLEK   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       5     RF73
         R4XEWM   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       3     RF73
         R4A1FN   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       2     RF73
         R4XSVE   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       4     RF73
         R4VLNI   PIC0        5    0       48     Open       1     RF73


      This SHOW CIRCUIT command displays all circuits to all nodes.

         Circuit data for CLUIO2 at 07-DEC 12:42:23.03

           Node     Port              Priority    Load    Remote_Port
           Name     Name     State    Cur  Mgt    Class   Number  Type
         -------- -------- --------   ---- ---- -------- ------- --------
         LYNX03   PEA0       Open      0    0      100      dc       NI
         CLUIO1   PEA0       Open      0    0       10      dd       NI
         PRMMC2   PEA0       Open      0    0       10      de       NI


    Displays the PEdriver device IP interface data. Each device
    is an IP interface on the system, which can be used for NISCA


      SHOW IP_INTERFACE  ipinterface

3.1  –  Parameter


    Includes one of more specific IP interface which you can use
    wildcards to specify.

    o  Use the /EXCLUDE qualifier to exclude IP interfaces.

    o  Use the SHOW IP_INTERFACE command to display device names.

3.2  –  Qualifiers

3.2.1    /ALL

    Includes all IP interface data.

3.2.2    /COUNTERS

    Includes device counter data maintained by PEdriver and counters.

3.2.3    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes specific IP devices, which you can use wildcards to

3.2.4    /INTERVAL

    For the /COUNTERS display, marks the beginning of a counters
    interval. The next SHOW command will show counters since then.
    See the /RESTORE command.

3.2.5    /RESTORE

    For the /COUNTERS display, clears the interval marker so that
    subsequent counters commands show the counters since PEDRIVER
    See the /INTERVAL command.

3.2.6    /n

    Displays the nth page. To select a particular page of a multipage
    display, specify the number of the page you want to display.

3.2.7    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs output to it.

3.2.8    /SDA

    Includes IP interface data displayed in the SDA format with all
    the data collected in one display for an IP interface.

3.2.9    /SUMMARY

    Includes IP interface summary data. This is the default if /ALL,
    /COUNTERS, and /SDA qualifiers are not specified.

3.2.10    /BYTE

    Displays counters values in bytes, rather than abbreviating
    using k, m, g, t, when the field length is exceeded.

3.3  –  Example


      The following is a snapshot of the output for SHOW IP_
      INTERFACE/ALL command.


      Displays IP interface counters.

    IP or LAN Device Error Data describes the IP/LAN device error

    Table 2 IP or LAN Device Error Data

    Data               Description

    Bad SCSSYSTEM ID   Received a packet with the wrong SCSSYSTEM ID
                       in it.
    MC Msgs Directed   Number of multicast packets directed to the
    to TR Layer        NISCA Transport layer.
    Short CC Messages  Number of packets received were short to
    Received           contain a NISCA channel control header.
    Short DX Messages  Number of packets received were short to
    Received           contain a NISCA DX header for a LAN device.
    CH Allocation      Number of times the system failed to allocate
    Failures           memory for use as a channel structure in
                       response to a packet received by this LAN
    VC Allocation      Number of times the system failed to allocate
    Failures           memory for use as a VC structure in response
                       to a packet received by this LAN or IP device.
    Wrong Port         Number of packets addressed to the wrong NISCA
                       address (Invalid cluster group number).
    Port Disabled      Number of packets discarded because the LAN or
                       IP device was disabled.
    H/W Transmit       Number of local hardware transmit errors.
    Hello Transmit     Number of transmit errors during HELLOs.
    Last Transmit      Reason for last transmit error.
    Error Reason
    Time of Last       Time of last transmit error:date and time.
    Transmit Error

    For IP interfaces, the error count can increase for the following
    reasons. These errors will be displayed with any of the error

    o  The interface is unable to send data (SS$_SUSPENDED)

    o  Link is disconnected (SS$_LINKDISCON)


    Displays PEdriver device data. Each device is a local LAN device
    on the system, which can be used for NISCA communications.


      SHOW LAN_DEVICE  landevicename

4.1  –  Parameter


    Includes specific LAN devices, which you can use wildcards to

    Use the /EXCLUDE qualifier to exclude LAN devices.

    Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

4.2  –  Qualifiers

4.2.1    /ALL

    Includes all device data.

4.2.2    /COUNTERS

    Includes device counters data maintained by PEdriver and counters
    data maintained by the LAN drivers.

4.2.3    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes specific LAN devices, which you can use wildcards to

4.2.4    /INTERVAL

    For the /COUNTERS display, marks the beginning of a counters
    interval. The next SHOW command will show counters since then.
    See the /RESTORE command.

4.2.5    /RESTORE

    For the /COUNTERS display, clears the interval marker so that
    subsequent counters commands show the counters since PEDRIVER
    See the /INTERVAL command.

4.2.6    /n

    Displays the nth page. To select a particular page of a multipage
    display, specify the number of the page you want to display.

4.2.7    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs output to it.

4.2.8    /SDA

    Includes LAN device data displayed in SDA format, with all the
    data collected in one display for one LAN device.

4.2.9    /SUMMARY

    Includes device summary data. This is the default if /ALL,
    /COUNTERS, and /SDA qualifiers are not specified.

4.2.10    /BYTE

    Displays counters values in bytes, rather than abbreviating
    using k, m, g, t, when the field length is exceeded.

4.3  –  Example


      The command in this example displays device counters.


      The first command in this example displays device counters
      since the last SHOW command. The SPAWN command tells the DCL
      WAIT command to insert a 10-second delay. The second SHOW
      command displays counters after the 10-second period.


      The following is a snapshot of the output for SHOW LAN/ALL

    For list of all LAN errors, see IP or LAN Device Error Data.

5  –  PORT

    Displays information about selected SCA ports.


      SHOW PORT  portname

5.1  –  Parameter


    Displays information about specific SCA ports, which you can use
    wildcards to specify. If no portname is specified, all ports on
    the node are displayed.

5.2  –  Qualifiers

5.2.1    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes specific port names from the display. You cannot use
    wildcards to specify port names.

5.2.2    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs the output of the command
    to this file.

5.3  –  Example


      The command in this example produces output similar to the

          Port data for CLUIO2 at 06-DEC 15:01:25.82

            Port   Mgt       Msgs       Msgs     Dgrams     Dgrams
            Name   Prio      Sent       Rcvd       Sent       Rcvd
            ------ ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
            PEA0     0      64582      92237          0          0
            PIB0     0      95276     148937          0          0
            PIA0     0          0          0          0          0
            PIC0     0      62030     115148          0          0

6  –  TRACE

    Displays PEdriver tracing data and parameters.


       This command is reserved for use by VSI Services and OpenVMS
       Engineering only. Trace commands and output are subject to
       change from release to release.


      SHOW TRACE  nodename

6.1  –  Parameter


    Includes channels to specific nodes, which you can use wildcards
    to specify.

    Each node name can be accompanied by optional qualifiers to
    specify local and remote device names. If no local or remote
    device name is specified, all channels associated with the
    specified node are included.

    Use the SHOW CHANNEL command to display node names and local and
    remote device names.

6.2  –  Qualifiers

6.2.1    /CONTEXT

    Displays only PEdriver trace settings and the event definition.
    If this qualifier is not included, trace event data is displayed.

6.2.2    /EVENT


    Enables tracing on specific events, which you can use wildcards
    to specify. The default is all of the events that are in the
    trace buffer.

    Use the SHOW TRACE/CONTEXT command to display event names.

6.2.3    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes channels to specific nodes, which you can use wildcards
    to specify. Each node name can be accompanied by optional
    qualifiers to specify local and remote device names.

    If no local or remote device name is specified, all channels
    associated with the specified node are included.

6.2.4    /GLOBAL

       /GLOBAL (default when no nodes are specified)
       /NOGLOBAL (default when nodes are specified)

    Specifies whether or not global trace data is to be returned.

6.2.5    /INPUT


    Reads trace data from the specified file and displays it.

6.2.6    /LOCAL_DEVICE


    Includes specific LAN devices that identify the local end of the
    channel. You can use wildcards to specify LAN devices.

    Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

6.2.7    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs output to it. If the
    filename extension is .DMP, the trace data is written to a
    dump file so that you can use the /INPUT qualifier to display
    it later.



    Includes specific LAN devices which identify the remote end of
    the channel, which you can use wildcards to specify.

    Use the SHOW LAN_DEVICE command to display device names.

6.2.9    /SORT

       /NOSORT (default)

    Returns trace data sorted across channels, VCs, and the global
    trace buffer by sequence number. The default is trace data
    returned for channels and VCs one at a time, in order, for the
    channel or VC, but not across channels and VCs.

6.3  –  Examples


      The command in this example displays trace settings and


      The command in this example displays trace data and writes it
      to the specified file.

      An example of the screen output of a SHOW TRACE/CONTEXT command

        SYS999 Trace Context 31-JAN-2001 10:59:28.25:

          Trace buffer size requested 2048 bytes
          Trace buffer total allocated 92160 bytes
          Trace buffer allocations 45 successful
          Trace buffer allocations 0 failed
          Current trace sequence number 812286047
          System cycle counter 404196 cps
          Stop tracing 0 events after stop event

          Trace  Stop  Default  Event
          -----  ----  -------  -----
          Active          Y     Error
          Active                Penalize_ch
          Active                Timer
          Active                Listen_timr
          Active                Handsh_timr
          Active                Size_probe
          Active                Delay_msmt
          Active                Verf_vack
          Active          Y     CC_event
          Active          Y     CC_state
          Active          Y     Path_state
          Active          Y     ECS_state
          Active                ACK_process
          Active          Y     Chan_update
          Active                Rcvd_CC_msg
          Active                Rcvd_TR_msg
          Active                Send_TR_msg
          Active                Xmt_failed
          Active          Y     VC_state
          Active                ACK_timeout
          Active          Y     TMO_listen
                          Y     No_path

            Channel Selection:
            Local Dev  Remote Dev  Remote Node Name    Selection
            ---------  ----------  ----------------    ---------
            All channels and VCs selected

7  –  VC

    Displays PEdriver virtual circuit data. Each VC is an SCACP
    communications path between the local system and a remote system
    comprised of a set of channels.

    Use the SHOW CHANNEL or SHOW VC commands to display node names,
    which are simply the names of the remote nodes.


      SHOW VC  nodename

7.1  –  Parameter


    Includes specific nodes, which you can use wildcards to specify.

7.2  –  Qualifiers

7.2.1    /ALL

    Includes all VC data.

7.2.2    /COUNTERS

    Includes VC counter data.

7.2.3    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes specific nodes, which you can use wildcards to specify.

    Use the SHOW CHANNEL or SHOW VC commands to display VC names,
    which are simply the names of the remote nodes.

7.2.4    /INTERVAL

    For the /COUNTERS display, marks the beginning of a counters
    interval. The next SHOW command will show counters since then.
    See the /RESTORE command.

7.2.5    /RESTORE

    For the /COUNTERS display, clears the interval marker so that
    subsequent counters commands show the counters since PEDRIVER
    See the /INTERVAL command.

7.2.6    /n

    Displays the nth page. To select a particular page of a multipage
    display, specify the number of the page you want to display.

7.2.7    /OUTPUT


    Creates the specified file and directs output to it.

7.2.8    /SDA

    Includes VC data displayed in SDA format.

7.2.9    /SUMMARY

    Includes VC summary data. This is the default if /ALL, /COUNTERS,
    and /SDA qualifiers are not specified.

7.2.10    /BYTE

    Displays counters values in bytes, rather than abbreviating
    using k, m, g, t, when the field length is exceeded.

7.3  –  Examples


      The command in this example displays VC counters for all VCs
      whose name (that is, remote node name) starts with NODE10.

      SCACP> SPAWN WAIT 0:0:10

      The first command in this example displays VC counters since
      the last SHOW command. The SPAWN command tells the DCL WAIT
      command to insert a 10-second delay. The second SHOW VC command
      displays counters after the 10-second period.

7.4  –  SPAWN

    Creates a subprocess of the current process. The SPAWN command
    copies the context of the subprocess from the current process.


      SPAWN  [command-string]

8  –  Parameter


    A string of commands to be executed in the context of the created
    subprocess. After the command string is executed, control returns
    to SCACP.

9  –  Qualifiers


10  –  Example

  24-AUG-2005 15:22:39

      The command in this example creates a subprocess of the current
      process and displays the time.
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