1 mms =TITLE MMS This is the primary help frame for the incredible MMS application. 2 About_frame =TITLE Module Management System for OpenVMS HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of HP. © 2022 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of VMS Software, Inc. © 2022 Copyright VMS Software, Inc. Software Version: Module Management System for OpenVMS, version V4.0-4 For more information about the Module Management System for OpenVMS (MMS), double click on Overview of MMS from the additional topics below. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms Glossary_frame 2 Overview_frame =TITLE Overview of MMS The Module Management System for OpenVMS (MMS) automates and simplifies the building of software systems. MMS serves the following functions: o You can specify exactly how a software system is to be built and rebuilt. o System rebuilds can be done quickly when parts of the system change. o Modules can be built and tested locally before building or testing the modules in the source directory or library. For more information about using MMS, managing windows, or using the mouse, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below. For information about using help, choose Help from the Help menu above. =INCLUDE mms DECbasics_frame =INCLUDE mms About_frame =INCLUDE mms Glossary_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind help_HelpBox 2 DECbasics_frame =TITLE OpenVMS DECwindows Basics Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows terms is also available. To get Session Manager help: 1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the icon with your user name and the name of your system) in the Icon Box. 2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display the Session Manager window. 3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu. 4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows. =INCLUDE mms About_frame =INCLUDE mms Glossary_frame 2 Glossary_frame =TITLE Glossary action A command-language command that MMS executes to update a target. (See also action line.) action line The part of the dependency rule that contains the commands that tell MMS how to use the source or sources to update the target. (See also dependency rule.) action line prefix A special character placed at the beginning of an action line that influences how MMS executes the action. (See also action line.) built-in rule A command that MMS uses when the description file does not explicitly describe the processing needed to update a target. default macro A name that represents a character string that defines commonly used operations. MMS built-in rules are expressed in terms of default macros. (See also built-in rule and macro.) dependency rule The description of a relationship between a target and one or more sources, and the action or actions required to update the target. Dependency rules are contained in the description file. (See also description file.) description file A text file that contains the dependency rules, comments, macros, and directives that MMS uses to build your system. (See also dependency rule, directive, and macro.) directive A word that specifies an action for the processing of the description file. included file A shared file used during software development that contains code or constant declarations. library module specification An OpenVMS file specification for a module in a library. macro A name that represents a character string. The string is substituted for the name in a dependency rule. macro invocation The execution of the macro that replaces the macro name with its definition. mnemonic name A name that identifies the purpose of a sequence of related actions. It can be used as either a source or a target in the description file. (See also source and target.) object library A single file that contains multiple object files. (See also object module.) object module One or more object files that comprise an object library. source In a dependency rule, an entity that is used to create or to update the target. A source can be an OpenVMS file specification or a mnemonic name. (See also dependency rule and mnemonic name.) special macro A name that represents a character string that expands to source or target names in the dependency currently being processed. A special macro is used instead of a target or source file specification when writing general user-defined rules. (See also dependency rule, macro, and target.) suffixes precedence list A list of file types to which MMS refers when it needs to know which source file can update the specified target. target In a description file, the entity that is to be updated. A target can be an OpenVMS file specification or a mnemonic name. (See also mnemonic name.) user-defined rule A rule that the user specifies in the description file to add to and/or replace MMS built-in rules. (See also built-in rule.) =INCLUDE mms About_frame =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 main_MnWind =TITLE MMS main window The main window consists of two panes. The top pane displays the description file. The bottom pane displays the log from the build. The main window also contains a set of menus, in the menu bar across the top, that let you set the description file and review the build diagnostics files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 help_HelpBox =TITLE MMS Online Help Menu The Help pull-down menu contains the following information: o On Context --- provides a way to get access to context-sensitive help. o On Window --- provides a brief description of the MMS main window. o On Help --- describes how to get access to the context-sensitive help. o On Version --- identifies the product name, version number, and copyright information. You can get help in two ways: o To get help about MMS tasks, choose Overview from the Help menu. The Overview describes MMS and lists additional topics that explain how to do common tasks when using MMS. Double click on an additional topic for more information. o To get help about screen objects, such as data types, dialog boxes, and buttons, press and hold the HELP key while you click on the screen object in which you're interested in getting help. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin 3 menu_bar_MenuBar =TITLE MMS Menu Bar The MMS menu bar contains the following menus: o File --- for opening a description file, for fetching a description file, and for exiting from MMS o Review --- for reviewing the compilation diagnostics o Options --- for specifying options for a build, and for displaying (or not displaying) the description file o Help --- for obtaining help on MMS and any of the objects in the MMS window =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 4 file_Casc =TITLE Using the File Pull-Down Menu You can choose one of the following menu items from the File pull-down menu: o Open Description file... --- opens an existing MMS description file o Fetch Description file...--- fetches an existing MMS description file from CMS o Exit --- terminates the MMS session =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar 5 open_Btn =TITLE Open Description file menu item Choose the Open Description file... menu item from the File pull-down menu to specify the name of a MMS description file to display the contents of in the MMS main window. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar file_Casc 5 fetch_Btn =TITLE Fetch Description file menu item Choose the Fetch Description file... menu item from the File pull-down menu to specify the name of a MMS description file to fetch from CMS and to display the contents of in the MMS main window. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar file_Casc 5 exit_Btn =TITLE Exit menu item Choose Exit to terminate the current MMS session. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar file_Casc 4 review_Casc =TITLE Using the Review Pull-Down Menu The Review menu is used to review compiled modules' diagnostics files from the most recent build. You can choose one of the following menu items from the Review pull-down menu: o Next Module --- to review the next module's diagnostics file o Previous Module --- to review the previous module's diagnostics file o First Module --- to review the first module's diagnostics file o Last Module --- to review the last module's diagnostics file =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar 5 next_Btn =TITLE Next Module menu item Choose the Next Module menu item from the Review pull-down menu to review the diagnostic file from the next module's compilation =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc previous_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc first_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc last_Btn 5 previous_Btn =TITLE Previous Module menu item Choose the Previous Module menu item from the Review pull-down menu to review the diagnostic file from the previous module's compilation =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc next_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc first_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc last_Btn 5 first_Btn =TITLE First Module menu item Choose the First Module menu item from the Review pull-down menu to review the diagnostic file from the first module's compilation =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc next_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc previous_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc last_Btn 5 last_Btn =TITLE Last Module menu item Choose the Last Module menu item from the Review pull-down menu to review the diagnostic file from the last module's compilation =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc next_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc previous_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar review_Casc first_Btn 4 options_Casc =TITLE Using the Options Pull-Down Menu You can choose one of the following menu items from the Options pull-down menu: o Input/Output... --- to specify input/output options for any subsequent build o Definitions/Directives file...--- to specify definitions and directives for any subsequent build o Show Description file --- to specify whether the description file should be shown or not =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar 5 io_options_Btn =TITLE Input/Output menu item Choose the Input/Output ... menu item from the Options pull-down menu to specify input/output options for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar options_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar options_Casc dd_options_Btn 5 dd_options_Btn =TITLE Definitions/Directives menu item Choose the Definitions/Directives ... menu item from the Options pull-down menu to specify definitions and directives for any subsequent build =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar options_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar options_Casc io_options_Btn 5 show_desc_Tgl =TITLE Show Description File menu item Choose the Show Description file menu item from the Options pull-down menu to display the MMS description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar options_Casc 4 help_Casc =TITLE Using the Help Pull-Down Menu The Help menu contains the following entries: o On Context --- Converts the mouse pointer to a question mark, allowing you to obtain help on any object in the MMS window you click on. When you click on an object, MMS displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing help specific to the object you clicked on. o On Help --- Displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing a list of topics you can obtain help on. o On Window --- Displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing a list of topics you can obtain help on. o On Version --- Displays the DECwindows Help Widget, containing the version identifier of MMS software you are running and a copyright notice. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar 5 On_Context_Btn =TITLE Obtaining Context-Sensitive Help When you click on 'On Context' in the Help menu, MMS provides a fast way to obtain context-sensitive help on any object you click on in the MMS window. Note that when you click on 'On Context', the arrow pointer converts to a question mark, indicating you are in Context-Sensitive Help mode. After the Help Widget is displayed for the window object you clicked on, the arrow pointer reappears. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Help_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Window_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Version_Btn 5 On_Help_Btn =TITLE Help on Using the Module Management System To get help on using MMS, you can use one of two methods: o Choose On Context from the Help menu. Then click on any object in the MMS window on which you want help. o Press and hold MB1 on any object in the MMS main window on which you want help, and press the Help key on your keyboard. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Context_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Window_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Version_Btn 5 On_Window_Btn =TITLE Module Management System Main Window MMS automates and simplifies the building of software systems. MMS serves the following functions: o you can specify exactly how a software system is to be build and rebuilt. o system rebuilds can be done quickly when parts of the system change. o modules can be built and tested locally before building or testing the modules in the source directory or library. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Context_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Help_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Version_Btn 5 On_Version_Btn =TITLE Module Management System for OpenVMS HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of HP. © 2022 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of VMS Software, Inc. © 2022 Copyright VMS Software, Inc. Software Version: Module Management System for OpenVMS, version V4.0-4 For more information about the Module Management System for OpenVMS (MMS), double click on Overview of MMS from the additional topics below. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Context_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Help_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind menu_bar_MenuBar help_Casc On_Window_Btn 3 work_area_PaneWin =TITLE MMS Main Window The MMS Main Window is divided into 3 panes - the Build activation area, the MMS Description File area, and the Build log area. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind 4 build_form =TITLE Build activation area The Build activation area can be used to: o display the current description file name o create a description file o specify a possible build target o to start or stop a build =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin descfile_Txt =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin target_Txt =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin start_build_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin stop_build_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin stop_gen_Btn =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin create_mmsfile_Btn 4 descfile_Txt =TITLE Description file Text Field The file specification of the description file which is displayed in the MMS description file area and which will be used by MMS. It cannot be set by the user. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin build_form 4 target_Txt =TITLE Target Text Field The target for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin build_form 4 start_build_Btn =TITLE Start Build push button Click on Start Build to start an MMS build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin build_form =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin stop_build_Btn 4 stop_build_Btn =TITLE Stop Build push button Click on Stop Build to terminate an MMS build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin build_form =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin start_build_Btn 4 stop_gen_Btn =TITLE Stop Generate push button Click on Stop Generate to terminate a description file generation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 4 create_mmsfile_Btn =TITLE Create MMS File... push button Click on Create MMS File... to open a dialog box for specifying input for the automatic description file generator =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin build_form =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 4 desc_pane =TITLE MMS description file area The MMS description file area is used to display the current MMS description file. The contents of the MMS description file area may be specified by the following methods: o with the description file qualifier on the MMS command line. o with the File pull-down menu options Open Description File... or Fetch Description File... o created by the Create MMS File... button =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin 5 desc_disp =TITLE MMS description file area The MMS description file area is used to display the current MMS description file. The contents of the MMS description file area may be specified by the following methods: o with the description file qualifier on the MMS command line. o with the File pull-down menu options Open Description File... or Fetch Description File... o created by the Create MMS File... button =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 4 log_pane =TITLE Build log area The Build log area is used to display the output from the most recent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms main_MnWind work_area_PaneWin 5 log_disp =TITLE Build log area The Build log area is used to display the output from the most recent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 open_PopForm =TITLE Select Description File dialog box Use the Select Description File box to select the MMS description file to be used for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 open_FilSelB =TITLE Description File Selection Box Enter the name of the description file to be used in any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms open_PopForm 2 fetch_PopForm =TITLE Select Description File from CMS library dialog box Use the Select Description File from CMS library box to select the MMS description file to be used for any subsequent build. If a CMS library is not defined, the Fetch Description file... menu option will not be enabled. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 fetch_FilSelB =TITLE Description File selection box Enter the name of the description file to be used in any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms fetch_PopForm 2 io_options_PopForm =TITLE Input/Output Options dialog box Use the Input/Output Options box to specify input or output options for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 input_label_Lab =TITLE Input label The buttons and text fields following this label are used for specifying input files for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Txt 3 desc_Tgl =TITLE Description file toggle button Click on the button to specify an MMS description file for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Txt 3 desc_file_Btn =TITLE Description File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the MMS description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Txt 3 desc_file_Txt =TITLE Description file text field Enter the file specification of the MMS description file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Btn 3 changed_Tgl =TITLE Regard as Changed toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to treat only the specified sources as having been changed, regardless of their actual modification times. No date checking is performed at all; MMS simply rebuilds any targets that depend on one or more of the specified sources. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Txt 3 changed_sources_Btn =TITLE Regard as Changed Source push button Click on this button to bring up the Changed Sources dialog box to specify the source files to be regarded as changed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Txt 3 changed_sources_Txt =TITLE Regard as Changed Sources text field Enter the file specifications of the source files to be regarded as changed. If more than one source is indicated, use comma-separated list. If the Changed Sources dialog box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Btn 3 output_label_Lab =TITLE Output label The buttons and text fields following this label are for specifying output files for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm log_Tgl 3 list_Tgl =TITLE List toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to write dependencies and action lines to an output file as it processes the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Txt 3 list_file_Btn =TITLE List File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the list file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Txt 3 list_file_Txt =TITLE List File text field Enter the file specification of the List file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Btn 3 output_Tgl =TITLE Output toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to write action lines and output to the specified file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Txt 3 output_file_Btn =TITLE Output File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Output file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Txt 3 output_file_Txt =TITLE Output File text field Enter the file specification of the Output file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Btn 3 log_Tgl =TITLE Log Informational Messages toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to display informational messages as it processes the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm 3 io_options_ok_Button =TITLE Input/Output Options dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Input/Output Options settings for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_can_Button =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_help_Button 3 io_options_can_Button =TITLE Input/Output Options dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Input/Output Options settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_help_Button 3 io_options_help_Button =TITLE Input/Output Options dialog box Use the Input/Output Options dialog box to define options for any subsequent build. The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes up. If there are Input/Output Options settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default settings. If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the Input/Output Options settings will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm desc_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm changed_sources_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm list_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm output_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm log_Tgl =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms io_options_PopForm io_options_can_Button 2 chngsrc_PopForm =TITLE Select Changed Sources dialog box Use the Select Changed Sources dialog box to specify files that are to be regarded as changed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 add_chg_Lst =TITLE Changed Sources list box The Changed Sources list box specifies the possible list of those files to be regarded as changed. The OK button must be clicked for the list to be saved. Files are added to the list from the right-hand list box. Files can be removed from the list by means of the arrow button (which is displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio 3 chg_all_Btn =TITLE All push button Click on this button to move all the files listed in the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm add_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst 3 chg_left_arrow_Btn =TITLE Left Arrow Button Click on this button to move the highlighted file from the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm add_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst 3 chg_up_arrow_Btn =TITLE Up Arrow Button Click this button to move the highlighted file to the top of the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst 3 chg_right_arrow_Btn =TITLE Right Arrow Button Click this button to remove the highlighted file from the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst 3 sel_chg_Lst =TITLE Changed Sources Selection list box The Changed Sources Selection list box specifies the list of sources to choose from to add to the left-hand list box. Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways: o double-click on a file specification o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the right-hand box to the left-hand box =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm add_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio 3 chg_filter_Txt =TITLE Filter text field The filter is used to specify a mask to filter which file names are listed. Click on the Filter button to filter the selection box list. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio 3 chg_Radio =TITLE Source area radio box Click on one of the sources areas in the Source radio box to specify where the files listed in the selection list box should come from. You can go from directory to directory to list selection files from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Txt 3 chg_context_dir_Tgl =TITLE Context directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the default directory specified for the current context. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Tgl 3 chg_curr_dir_Tgl =TITLE Current directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the current default directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Tgl 3 chg_other_dir_Tgl =TITLE Other directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from a specified directory. The field to the right is used to specify the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Txt 3 chg_other_dir_Btn =TITLE Other Directory... push button Click on Other Directory... to open a dialog box for specifying the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Txt 3 chg_other_dir_Txt =TITLE Other Directory text field Use this field to specify the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Btn 3 chngsrc_ok_Button =TITLE Changed Sources dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Changed Sources List. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_help_Button 3 chngsrc_cancel_Button =TITLE Changed Sources dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Changed Sources List settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_help_Button 3 chngsrc_reset_Button =TITLE Changed Sources dialog box Reset push button Click on the button to reset the dialog box settings to the way they were when the box was entered. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_help_Button 3 chngsrc_filter_Button =TITLE Changed Sources dialog box Filter push button Click on the button to apply the filter mask defined in the Filter field to the specified directory, and the appropriate source files are listed in the Selection list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_help_Button 3 chngsrc_help_Button =TITLE Changed Sources dialog box Use the Changed Sources dialog box to specify those files which are to be regarded as changed. The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible source files to choose from to insert into the Changed Sources List. Initially, the selection list box lists all the source files in the current default directory. But, there is the option of picking a different directory to list the files from. These options are available by clicking the corresponding radio button. Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted into the left-hand list box. The left arrow button can also be used for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Clicking the All button will move all the files listed in the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Source files can be removed from or up in the left-hand list by means of arrow buttons (which are displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm add_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm sel_chg_Lst =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_Radio =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chg_other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms chngsrc_PopForm chngsrc_filter_Button 2 chg_other_dir_PopForm =TITLE Other Directory dialog box Use the Other Directory Selection box to specify the other directory from which changed source files should be listed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 chg_other_dir_FilSelB =TITLE Other Directory Selection Box Enter the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms chg_other_dir_PopForm 2 dd_options_PopForm =TITLE Definition/Directives Options dialog box Use the Definitions/Directives Options box to specify options for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 definitions_label_Lab =TITLE Definitions label The buttons and text fields following this label are used for specifying definition files for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm override_Tgl 3 macro_Tgl =TITLE Macro Definitions toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to add to or override the macro definitions in the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Txt 3 macro_file_Btn =TITLE Macro Definitions file push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Macro definitions file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Txt 3 macro_file_Txt =TITLE Macro Definitions file text field Enter the file specification of the Macro definitions file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Btn 3 rules_Tgl =TITLE Rules toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to apply user-defined built-in rules and a suffixes precedence list when it builds a system. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Txt 3 rules_file_Btn =TITLE Rules file push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Rules file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Txt 3 rules_file_Txt =TITLE Rules file text field Enter the file specification of the Rules file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Btn 3 override_Tgl =TITLE Override Macros toggle button Click on the button to control the order in which MMS applies definitions when it process macros. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 _directives_label_Lab =TITLE Directives label The buttons and text fields following this label are used for specifying directives for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm ignore_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm cms_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm cms_class_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm display_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm execute_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm fromsources_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm force_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm check_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm revise_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm skip_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm compa_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm list_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm debug_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm diag_switch_Tgl 3 sca_Tgl =TITLE Generate SCA Library toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to generate an SCA library during the build process. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sca_PopForm 3 sca_library_Btn =TITLE SCA Library push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the SCA library directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Txt =INCLUDE mms sca_PopForm 3 sca_library_Txt =TITLE SCA Library text field Enter the directory specification of the SCA Library. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen directory. When you specify a library name, MMS defines the macro $(SCA_LIBRARY) to be that library name. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Btn =INCLUDE mms sca_PopForm 3 ignore_Tgl =TITLE Ignore Severity Level toggle button Click on the button to indicate that MMS should ignore certain severity levels of errors when it executes action lines. The radio buttons to the right correspond to the DCL severity levels W, E, and F. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio 3 severity_Radio =TITLE Severity Level radio box Click on one of the severity levels in the Severity radio box to specify the severity levels of errors that MMS should ignore when it executes action lines. The radio buttons correspond to the DCL severity levels W, E, and F. You cannot click on more than one severity level at a time. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm ignore_Tgl 4 warning_Tgl =TITLE Warning toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning level should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio error_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio fatal_Tgl 4 error_Tgl =TITLE Error toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning and error levels should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio warning_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio fatal_Tgl 4 fatal_Tgl =TITLE Fatal toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning, error and fatal levels should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio warning_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio error_Tgl 3 cms_Tgl =TITLE Use CMS toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to look for source files, description files and included files in the current default CMS library as well as the specified directories. When you specify Use CMS, and the source in the CMS library is newer, MMS fetches it from the CMS library. If the source in the CMS library is older, MMS instead used the source in the specified directory. CMS must be installed on your system. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 cms_class_Txt =TITLE CMS Class Text Field Specify the CMS class to direct MMS to use the macro definition "CMSFLAGS=GENERATION=class-name". By specifying a CMS class, MMS still uses the CMS elements as the sources but it uses the designated class of generations, not necessarily the current generations. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 display_Tgl =TITLE Display Action Lines toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to display action lines before executing them. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 execute_Tgl =TITLE Execute Action Lines toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to execute the action lines in the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 fromsources_Tgl =TITLE Build From Sources toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to build a target from its sources, regardless of whether the target is already up-to-date. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 force_Tgl =TITLE Force Target Update toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to execute the action lines necessary to update one specific target. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 check_Tgl =TITLE Check Status toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to return a value in the symbol MMS$STATUS instead of updating a target. This symbol contains the status of the last action line executed by MMS. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 revise_Tgl =TITLE Revise Date toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to only change the revision dates of all the targets that need updating, instead of performing the update. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 skip_Tgl =TITLE Skip Intermediate toggle button Click on the button to indicate that MMS should not build intermediate source/target files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 3 list_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable LIST macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "LIST=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF LIST LST = /LIST .ELSE LST = /NOLIST .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(LST) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will produce a listing file. If this toggle button is off, no listings will be produced. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm debug_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm diag_switch_Tgl 3 debug_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable DEBUG macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "DEBUG=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF DEBUG DBG = /DEBUG DBGOPT = /NOOPTIMIZE/DEBUG .ELSE DBG = /NODEBUG DBGOPT = /OPTIMIZE/NODEBUG .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(DBG) or the $(DBGOPT) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will be compiled with information to be included in the object module for use with the VAX Symbolic Debugger. Also the linker will be directed to generate a debugger symbol table and to give the debugger control when the image is run. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm list_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm diag_switch_Tgl 3 diag_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable DIAG macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "DIAG=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF DIAG DIA = /DIAGNOSTICS .ELSE DIA = /NODIAGNOSTICS .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(DIA) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will produce an diagnostics file. If diagnostics files are produced during a build, and LSE is running, the user is able to do a REVIEW of each compilation from MMS. If this toggle button is off, no diagnostics files will be produced. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm list_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm debug_switch_Tgl 3 dd_options_ok_Button =TITLE Definitions/Directives Options dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Definitions/Directives Options settings for any subsequent build. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_can_Button =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_help_Button 3 dd_options_can_Button =TITLE Definitions/Directives Options dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Definitions/Directives Options settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_help_Button 3 dd_options_help_Button =TITLE Definitions/Directives Options dialog box Use the Definitions/Directives Options dialog box to define options for any subsequent build. The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes up. If there are Definitions/Directives Options settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default settings. If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the Definitions/Directives Options settings will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm macro_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm rules_file_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Btn =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm sca_library_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm ignore_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm severity_Radio =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm cms_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm cms_class_Txt =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm display_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm execute_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm fromsources_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm force_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm check_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm revise_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm skip_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm compa_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm list_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm debug_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm diag_switch_Tgl =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm dd_options_can_Button 3 compa_Tgl =TITLE Extended Syntax toggle button Click on this button to enable the extended syntax features of MMS. When selected, you may use the following in a description file: o Predefined functions o Macro redefinition =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms dd_options_PopForm 2 macro_PopForm =TITLE Macro File selection dialog box Use the Macro File selection dialog box to select the Macro Definitions file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 macro_FilSelB =TITLE Macro File Selection Box Enter the name of the Macro Definitions file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms macro_PopForm 2 rules_PopForm =TITLE Rules file dialog box Use the Rules File selection dialog box to select the Rules file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 rules_FilSelB =TITLE Rules File Selection Box Enter the name of the Rules Definitions file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms rules_PopForm 2 desc_PopForm =TITLE Description File dialog box Use the Description File selection dialog box to select the Description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 desc_FilSelB =TITLE Description File Selection Box Enter the name of the Description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms desc_PopForm 2 sca_PopForm =TITLE SCA Library dialog box Use the SCA Library selection dialog box to select the SCA library directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 sca_FilSelB =TITLE SCA Library Selection Box Enter the directory for the SCA library. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sca_PopForm 2 list_PopForm =TITLE List file dialog box Use the List File selection dialog box to select the List file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 list_FilSelB =TITLE List File Selection Box Enter the name of the List file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms list_PopForm 2 output_PopForm =TITLE Output file dialog box Use the Output File selection dialog box to select the Output file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 output_FilSelB =TITLE Output File Selection Box Enter the name of the Output file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms output_PopForm 2 genfile_PopForm =TITLE MMS Description File Generator dialog box Use the Description File Generator box to specify input for the automatic description file generator. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 gen_descfile_Txt =TITLE Description file text field Enter the file specification for the generated description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 sources_Btn =TITLE Sources push button Click on Sources... to bring up a dialog box for specifying input sources to be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm 3 scan_Tgl =TITLE Scan Include Files toggle button Click on the button to indicate that C include files should be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 builtin_Tgl =TITLE Use Built-in Rules toggle button Click on the button to indicate that built-in rules are to be used; no compilation action lines will be included when generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 gen_target_Txt =TITLE Target text field Enter the build target name. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 obj_lib_Btn =TITLE Object Library push button Click on Object Library... to bring up a dialog box for specifying the object library to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. Object files from the build compilations are inserted in this object library. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms objlib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm obj_lib_Txt 3 obj_lib_Txt =TITLE Object Library text field Enter the file specification for the object library to be included in the generated description file LINK command. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms objlib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm obj_lib_Btn 3 link_lib_Btn =TITLE Additional Link Libraries push button Click on Additional Link Libraries... to bring up a dialog box for specifying any additional object libraries to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm opt_file_Btn 3 opt_file_Btn =TITLE Option Files push button Click on Options Files... to bring up a dialog box for specifying any options files to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm link_lib_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm 3 compile_sw_Txt =TITLE Additional Compilation Switches text field Enter any compilation switches that should be added to every compile command in the generated description file. These must be exactly what would be added to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking is done to ensure the proper command is created. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 link_sw_Txt =TITLE Additional Linker Switches text field Enter any switches that should be added to the LINK command in the generated description file. These must be exactly what would be added to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking is done to ensure the proper command is created. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm 3 genfile_gen_Button =TITLE MMS Generate Description File Generate push button Click on the button to save the settings indicated in the dialog box and to start generation of the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_help_Button 3 genfile_cancel_Button =TITLE MMS Generate Description File Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current dialog box settings and to simply exit out of the dialog box without proceeding with the description file generation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_gen_Button =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_help_Button 3 genfile_help_Button =TITLE MMS Generate Description File dialog box Use the MMS Generate Description File dialog box to specify input to the automatic description file generator. If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the dialog box settings will reflect the qualifier values. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm gen_descfile_Txt =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm sources_Btn =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm scan_Tgl =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm builtin_Tgl =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm gen_target_Txt =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm obj_lib_Btn =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm obj_lib_Txt =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm link_lib_Btn =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm opt_file_Btn =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm compile_sw_Txt =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm link_sw_Txt =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_gen_Button =INCLUDE mms genfile_PopForm genfile_cancel_Button 2 sources_PopForm =TITLE Select MMS Sources dialog box Use the Select MMS Sources dialog box to specify the sources to be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 input_src_Lst =TITLE Input Source list box The Input Source list box specifies the possible list of sources that will be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file. The OK button must be clicked for the list to be saved. Files are added to the list from the right-hand list box. Files can be removed from the list by means of an arrow button (which is displayed when a file is highlighted). The top-most source specifies the source for the target of the complete build. If a target is not specified in the MMS Description File Generator box, the top-most source name will be used for the target name. A file can be moved up to the top of the list by means of the Main button (which is displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm main_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm main_mod_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio 3 all_Btn =TITLE All push button Click on this button to move all the files listed in the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm input_src_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst 3 left_arrow_Btn =TITLE Left Arrow Button Click on this button to move the highlighted file from the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm input_src_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm all_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst 3 main_Btn =TITLE Main Button Click this button to move the highlighted file to the top of the left-hand list box. This top-most source specifies the source for the target of the complete build. When the file is moved to the top of the left-hand list box, it's name (without file extension) is also moved to the Main Module field. The Main Module field indicates the main module to be included from the object library during the link operation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst 3 right_arrow_Btn =TITLE Right Arrow Button Click this button to remove the highlighted file from the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm main_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst 3 select_Lst =TITLE Input Sources Selection list box The Input Sources Selection list box specifies the list of sources to choose from to add to the left-hand list box. By default, the list will contain files which are found in the current default directory. Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways: o double-click on a file specification o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the right-hand box to the left-hand box =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm input_src_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm all_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio 3 main_mod_Txt =TITLE Main Module field The field is used to specify the name of the main module which will be included from the object library in the LINK command of the generated description file. This field will be set automatically if a file is moved to the top of the left-hand list box by means of the Main button. It can (and must) be overridden manually if the main module does not have the same name as the file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm input_src_Lst 3 filter_Txt =TITLE Filter text field The filter is used to specify a mask to filter which file names are listed. Click on the Filter button to filter the selection box list. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio 3 src_Radio =TITLE Source area radio box Click on one of the sources areas in the Source radio box to specify where the files listed in the selection list box should come from. You have the option of picking different directories to list the files from or of indicating that files should be listed from the CMS library. You can go from directory to directory to list selection files from, but if you then choose the CMS library, the Input (left-hand) selection list will be cleared; and vice-versa. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cms_lib_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Txt 3 context_dir_Tgl =TITLE Context directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the default directory specified for the current context. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cms_lib_Tgl 3 curr_dir_Tgl =TITLE Current directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the current default directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cms_lib_Tgl 3 other_dir_Tgl =TITLE Other directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from a specified directory. The field to the right is used to specify the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cms_lib_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Txt 3 cms_lib_Tgl =TITLE CMS library toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the current CMS library. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl 3 other_dir_Btn =TITLE Other Directory... push button Click on Other Directory... to open a dialog box for specifying the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Txt 3 other_dir_Txt =TITLE Other Directory text field Use this field to specify the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Tgl 3 cmslib_Btn =TITLE CMS Library push button Click on CMS Library... to bring up a dialog box for specifying the CMS library from which source files will be fetched for generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms cmslib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Txt 3 cmslib_Txt =TITLE CMS Library text field Enter the directory specification for the CMS library from which source files will be fetched for generating the description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Btn =INCLUDE mms cmslib_PopForm 3 sources_ok_Button =TITLE MMS Sources dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Input Source List for any subsequent description file generation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_help_Button 3 sources_cancel_Button =TITLE MMS Sources dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Input Source List settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_help_Button 3 sources_reset_Button =TITLE MMS Sources dialog box Reset push button Click on the button to reset the dialog box settings to the way they were when the box was entered. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_help_Button 3 sources_filter_Button =TITLE MMS Sources dialog box Filter push button Click on the button to apply the filter mask defined in the Filter field to the specified directory (or CMS library), and the appropriate source files are listed in the Selection list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_help_Button 3 sources_help_Button =TITLE MMS Generate Description File Sources dialog box Use the MMS Generate Description File Sources dialog box to specify the input source list to the automatic description file generator. These sources will be scanned when generating the description file. The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible source files to choose from to insert into the Input Source List. Initially, the selection list box lists all the files in the current default directory, with the exception of the following types: .COM,.DIA,.EXE,.H,.LIS,.LOG,.MMS,.OBJ,.OLB,.OPT,.R32,.REQ The contents of this box can be limited to particular names and types using the filter text field. Any of the above excluded files types can be included by specifying the type in the filter text field. Files may be selected from a different directory or from a CMS library by clicking the corresponding radio button. Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted into the left-hand list box. The left arrow button can also be used for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Clicking the All button will move all the sources listed in the right-hand box to the left-hand box. The top-most source in the left-hand list box specifies the source for the target of the complete build. If a target is not specified in the MMS Description File Generator box, the top-most source name will be used for the target name. Files can be removed from the list or moved up in the list by means of the right arrow or Main button (which are displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm input_src_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm all_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm main_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm select_Lst =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm main_mod_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm src_Radio =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Btn =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm cmslib_Txt =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms sources_PopForm sources_filter_Button 2 other_dir_PopForm =TITLE Other Directory dialog box Use the Other Directory Selection box to specify the other directory from which source files should be listed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 other_dir_FilSelB =TITLE Other Directory Selection Box Enter the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms other_dir_PopForm 2 cmslib_PopForm =TITLE CMS Library dialog box Use the CMS Library Selection box to specify the CMS library from which source files should be fetched. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 cmslib_FilSelB =TITLE CMS Library Selection Box Enter the directory of the CMS Library. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms cmslib_PopForm 2 objlib_PopForm =TITLE Select Object Library dialog box Use the Select Object Library box to specify the object library to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. Object files from the build compilations are inserted in this object library. If the value for the object library is defined in the current context, the dialog box will reflect the context value. If no object library is indicated when the Generate button is clicked, the object library will default to MMS$OLB.OLB. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 objlib_FilSelB =TITLE Object Library File Selection Box Enter the name of the object library to be used in the LINK command of the generated description file. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms objlib_PopForm 2 linklib_PopForm =TITLE Select Additional Link Libraries dialog box Use the Select Additional Link Libraries dialog box to specify the additional object libraries to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. If the value for additional link libraries is defined in the current context, the dialog box will reflect the context value. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 add_lib_Lst =TITLE Additional Link Libraries list box The Additional Link Libraries list box specifies the possible list of additional link libraries that will be included in the LINK command of the generated description file. The OK button must be clicked for the list to be saved. Files are added to the list from the right-hand list box. Files can be removed from the list by means of arrow button (which is displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio 3 lib_all_Btn =TITLE All push button Click on this button to move all the files listed in the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm add_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst 3 lib_left_arrow_Btn =TITLE Left Arrow Button Click on this button to move the highlighted file from the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm add_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst 3 lib_up_arrow_Btn =TITLE Up Arrow Button Click this button to move the highlighted file to the top of the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst 3 lib_right_arrow_Btn =TITLE Right Arrow Button Click this button to remove the highlighted file from the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst 3 sel_lib_Lst =TITLE Additional Link Libraries Selection list box The Additional Link Libraries Selection list box specifies the list of additional link libraries to choose from to add to the left-hand list box. By default, the list will contain files with the file type .OLB which are found in the current default directory. If there are Additional Link Libraries defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default initialization. Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways: o double-click on a file specification o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the right-hand box to the left-hand box =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm add_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio 3 lib_filter_Txt =TITLE Filter text field The filter is used to specify a mask to filter which file names are listed. Click on the Filter button to filter the selection box list. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio 3 lib_Radio =TITLE Source area radio box Click on one of the sources areas in the Source radio box to specify where the files listed in the selection list box should come from. You can go from directory to directory to list selection files from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Txt 3 lib_context_dir_Tgl =TITLE Context directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the default directory specified for the current context. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Tgl 3 lib_curr_dir_Tgl =TITLE Current directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the current default directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Tgl 3 lib_other_dir_Tgl =TITLE Other directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from a specified directory. The field to the right is used to specify the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Txt 3 lib_other_dir_Btn =TITLE Other Directory... push button Click on Other Directory... to open a dialog box for specifying the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Txt 3 lib_other_dir_Txt =TITLE Other Directory text field Use this field to specify the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Btn 3 linklib_ok_Button =TITLE Additional Link Libraries dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Additional Link Libraries List for any subsequent description file generation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_help_Button 3 linklib_cancel_Button =TITLE Additional Link Libraries dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Additional Link Libraries List settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_help_Button 3 linklib_reset_Button =TITLE Additional Link Libraries dialog box Reset push button Click on the button to reset the dialog box settings to the way they were when the box was entered. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_help_Button 3 linklib_filter_Button =TITLE Additional Link Libraries dialog box Filter push button Click on the button to apply the filter mask defined in the Filter field to the specified directory, and the appropriate object library files are listed in the Selection list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_help_Button 3 linklib_help_Button =TITLE Additional Link Libraries dialog box Use the Additional Link Libraries dialog box to specify any additional object libraries that should be included in the LINK command generated by the automatic description file generator. The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible library files to choose from to insert into the Additional Link Libraries List. Initially, the selection list box lists all the .OLB files in the current default directory. But, there is the option of picking a different directory to list the files from. These options are available by clicking the corresponding radio button. Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted into the left-hand list box. The left arrow button can also be used for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Clicking the All button will move all the libraries listed in the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Library files can be removed from or up in the left-hand list by means of arrow buttons (which are displayed when a file is highlighted). If there are Additional Link Library settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up. If the /LINK_LIBRARY qualifier has been specified when invoking MMS/GENERATE, the dialog box will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm add_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm sel_lib_Lst =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_Radio =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm lib_other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms linklib_PopForm linklib_filter_Button 2 lib_other_dir_PopForm =TITLE Other Directory dialog box Use the Other Directory Selection box to specify the other directory from which additional link library files should be listed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 lib_other_dir_FilSelB =TITLE Other Directory Selection Box Enter the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms lib_other_dir_PopForm 2 optfil_PopForm =TITLE Select Options Files dialog box Use the Select Options Files dialog box to specify the user-written options files to be included in the LINK command in the generated description file. If the value for options files is defined in the current context, the dialog box will reflect the context value. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 opt_Lst =TITLE Options Files list box The Options Files list box specifies the possible list of options files that will be included in the LINK command of the generated description file. The OK button must be clicked for the list to be saved. Files are added to the list from the right-hand list box. Files can be removed from the list by means of arrow button (which is displayed when a file is highlighted). =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio 3 opt_all_Btn =TITLE All push button Click on this button to move all the files listed in the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst 3 opt_left_arrow_Btn =TITLE Left Arrow Button Click on this button to move the highlighted file from the right-hand list box to the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst 3 opt_up_arrow_Btn =TITLE Up Arrow Button Click this button to move the highlighted file to the top of the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst 3 opt_right_arrow_Btn =TITLE Right Arrow Button Click this button to remove the highlighted file from the left-hand list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst 3 sel_opt_Lst =TITLE Options Files Selection list box The Options Files Selection list box specifies the list of options files to choose from to add to the left-hand list box. By default, the list will contain files with the file type .OPT which are found in the current default directory. If there are Options Files defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default initialization. Files can be moved to the left-hand list in three ways: o double-click on a file specification o highlight a file specification, then click on the left arrow button o click on the All button, which will move all the files from the right-hand box to the left-hand box =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio 3 opt_filter_Txt =TITLE Filter text field The filter is used to specify a mask to filter which file names are listed. Click on the Filter button to filter the selection box list. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio 3 opt_Radio =TITLE Source area radio box Click on one of the sources areas in the Source radio box to specify where the files listed in the selection list box should come from. You can go from directory to directory to list selection files from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Txt 3 opt_context_dir_Tgl =TITLE Context directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the default directory specified for the current context. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Tgl 3 opt_curr_dir_Tgl =TITLE Current directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from the current default directory. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Tgl 3 opt_other_dir_Tgl =TITLE Other directory toggle button Click on this button to indicate that sources should be listed from a specified directory. The field to the right is used to specify the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_context_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_curr_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Txt 3 opt_other_dir_Btn =TITLE Other Directory... push button Click on Other Directory... to open a dialog box for specifying the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Txt 3 opt_other_dir_Txt =TITLE Other Directory text field Use this field to specify the directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Tgl =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Btn 3 optfil_ok_Button =TITLE Options Files dialog box OK push button Click on the button to save the current Options Files List for any subsequent description file generation. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_help_Button 3 optfil_cancel_Button =TITLE Options Files dialog box Cancel push button Click on the button to cancel the current Options Files List settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_help_Button 3 optfil_reset_Button =TITLE Options Files dialog box Reset push button Click on the button to reset the dialog box settings to the way they were when the box was entered. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_filter_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_help_Button 3 optfil_filter_Button =TITLE Options Files dialog box Filter push button Click on the button to apply the filter mask defined in the Filter field to the specified directory, and the appropriate options files are listed in the Selection list box. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_help_Button 3 optfil_help_Button =TITLE Options Files dialog box Use the Options Files dialog box to specify any options files that should be included in the LINK command generated by the automatic description file generator. The right-hand list box contains a list of the possible options files to choose from to insert into the Options Files List. Initially, the selection list box lists all the .OPT files in the current default directory. But, there is the option of picking a different directory to list the files from. These options are available by clicking the corresponding radio button. Any file in the right-hand list box that is double-clicked is inserted into the left-hand list box. The left arrow button can also be used for moving a file from the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Clicking the All button will move all the libraries listed in the right-hand box to the left-hand box. Library files can be removed from or up in the left-hand list by means of arrow buttons (which are displayed when a file is highlighted). If there are Options Files settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up. If the /OPTIONS_FILE qualifier has been specified when invoking MMS/GENERATE, the dialog box will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_all_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_left_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_up_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_right_arrow_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm sel_opt_Lst =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_filter_Txt =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_Radio =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Btn =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm opt_other_dir_Txt =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_ok_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_cancel_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_reset_Button =INCLUDE mms optfil_PopForm optfil_filter_Button 2 opt_other_dir_PopForm =TITLE Other Directory dialog box Use the Other Directory Selection box to specify the other directory from which options files should be listed. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 3 opt_other_dir_FilSelB =TITLE Other Directory Selection Box Enter the other directory to list from. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame =INCLUDE mms opt_other_dir_PopForm 2 Information_Info =TITLE MMS Information =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 Warning_Warn =TITLE MMS Warning =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 Error_Err =TITLE MMS Error =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 Working_Work =TITLE Work-in-progress box This box comes up when a description file is being loaded into the Description File area. It gives the user the option of canceling the operation, if it is taking too long. =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame 2 Message_MsgBox =TITLE MMS Message =INCLUDE mms Overview_frame