1 CONNECT 2 NODE Opens a MOP console carrier connection to the specified node. This allows a local terminal to act as the console for a remote system. Format CONNECT NODE node-specification 3 Parameter node-specification Supplies either the node name or the node address of the target node. If you supply the node name, the node address is obtained by looking up the node name in the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node address, the corresponding node need not be defined in the LAN volatile node database. The address consists of 6 hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens or colons. 3 Qualifiers /DEVICE /DEVICE=device-name Specifies the LAN device name to be used for the connection. The device name has the form ddcu, where dd is the device identifier, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device, which is unit 0. For example, the first EI Ethernet device is specified as EIA0, the second as EIB0, and so on. You can specify the first EI device, for example, as EIA, EIA0, or EIA0:. /DISCONNECT /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character Specifies a character that you can use to terminate the connection to the remote node. To terminate a connection, press Ctrl/disconnect-character. You can select any ASCII character from @ through Z, except C, M, Q, S, Y; the default disconnect character is D. /INPUTFILE /INPUTFILE=filename Supplies command input from the specified input file. Input is taken up to end-of-file or a disconnect character. If no disconnect character is encountered, the command input continues from the local terminal. If a local terminal does not exist- that is, this command is executing in batch mode-end-of-file disconnects the console carrier connection. /PASSWORD /PASSWORD=16hexdigits Supplies the password to be used when the connection is initiated, in hexadecimal (for example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF). The default password is zero. You can omit leading zeros. /V3 Indicates that MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used to make the connection. By default, LANCP determines the format by sending MOP Request ID messages to the remote node first in MOP Version 4 format, then in Version 3 format, repeating this process until a response is received or timeout occurs. You can specify the format: o To allow connection to nodes that do not support Request ID messages o As a means of getting around implementation problems with one of the formats /V4 Indicates that MOP Version 4 formatted messages are to be used to make the connection. By default, LANCP determines the format by sending MOP Request ID messages to the remote node first in MOP Version 4 format, then in Version 3 format, repeating this process until a response is received or timeout occurs. You can specify the format: o To allow connection to nodes that do not support Request ID messages o As a means of getting around implementation problems with one of the formats 3 Examples 1 LANCP> CONNECT NODE GALAXY/DEVICE=EWA0 This command attempts a console-carrier connection to node GALAXY using the Ethernet device EWA0. 2 LANCP> CONNECT NODE 08:00:2B:11:22:33/DEVICE=EWA0/PASSWORD=0123456789AB This command attempts a console-carrier connection to the given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0, with the specified password. 3 LANCP> CONNECT NODE TERM_SRV/DEVICE=EWA0/INPUT=LOGOUT_PORT_3.COM This command attempts a console-carrier connection to node TERM_SRV to send the contents of the command file LOGOUT_PORT_3.COM.