Library /sys$common/syshlp/LANCP$HELP.HLB  —  SHOW  DEVICE
    Displays information in the volatile device database. If the
    LANACP process is not running, displays a list of current LAN


      SHOW DEVICE device-name

1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the LAN device name. The device name has the form ddcu, where
    dd is the device identifier, c is the controller designation, and u is
    the unit number.

    LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device, which is
    unit 0. For example, the first EI Ethernet device is specified as EIA0,
    the second as EIB0, and so on. You can specify the first EI device, for
    example, as EIA, EIA0, or EIA0:.

    A partial device name selects all matching devices. For example: E to
    select all Ethernet devices, V for VLAN devices, EI for Ethernet EI
    devices, no device name to select all LAN devices.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Shows all devices. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN
    devices are displayed, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices,
    V for VLAN devices, EI to select all Ethernet EI devices.

    LIST and SHOW commands implicitly include this qualifier.


    Displays bandwidth data collected. Bandwidth data is collected once
    a second for each LAN device. Included is a column characterizing
    the bandwidth as Zero, <1Mb, 1Mb ...

    Additional qualifiers affect what data is displayed as follows:

    o  /EXPANDED

       Expands compressed data and converts the raw data into one
       second intervals.

    o  /SUMMARY

       Provides summary data only. Summary data is collected on
       one-second intervals (/EXPANDED is implied).

    o  /SINCE=time /DURATION=time /LAST=time

       Displays results for a period of time. SINCE defaults to TODAY and
       can be explicity specified as YESTERDAY or TODAY. DURATION and LAST
       are equivalent. DURATION or LAST defaults to 60 seconds if no value
       is provided.

    o  /[NO]ZERO /1MB /10MB /100MB /1GB /2GB /5GB /10GB

       To select specific bandwidths, for example /100MB selects
       intervals with bandwidth 100 MBits/sec or greater.

    o  /DUMPFILE

       Writes the binary bandwidth data to the specified output file,
       including the system name, LAN device name, and binary bandwidth
       data as read from the LAN device.

       Note: If more than one device is selected only the first device
       found is processed.

    o  /INPUTFILE=filespec

       Reads the binary bandwidth data from the specified file (created
       by /DUMPFILE and /OUTPUTFILE) rather than from the LAN device.

    The default bandwidth buffer size is 2048 buckets, total 64k bytes per
    LAN device. System paraeter LAN_FLAGS can be adjusted for different sizes
    according to this table (bits 9, 10, 11):

     LAN_FLAGS  Buckets MBytes  Bytes TimeNoCompress CompressedUpTo
    0x00000000    2048  1/16    65536      0.6 hrs       9 hours
    0x00000200   32768    1   1048576      9.1 hrs       6 days
    0x00000400   65536    2   2097152     18.2 hrs      12 days
    0x00000600   98304    3   3145728     27.3 hrs      18 days
    0x00000800  131072    4   4194304     36.4 hrs      24 days
    0x00000A00  163840    5   5242880     45.5 hrs      30 days
    0x00000C00  196608    6   6291456     54.6 hrs      36 days
    0x00000E00  229376    7   7340032     63.7 hrs      42 days



    Displays status and related information about the device.


    Clears device counters and internal driver counters after a SHOW
    SHOW commands show the counter values accumulated since the clear
    was done.

    This affects counters displayed by LANCP only.

    See the /RESTORE_COUNTERS to restore counters to the original values.

2.5    /COUNTERS

    Displays device counters.

2.6    /DLL

    /DLL or MOPDLL

    Displays LAN volatile device database information related to MOP
    downline load for the device.


    Displays internal counters. By default, it does not display zero
    counters. To see all counters, including zero, use the additional
    qualifier /ZERO. To see the debug counters, use the additional
    qualifier /DEBUG.

2.8    /MESSAGES

    Displays the console messages displayed by the LAN driver as part
    of the LAN driver internal counters. This qualifier is included
    for convenience, to avoid scanning the internal counters to get
    to the message data.



    Writes command output to the specified file.


    Restores device counters and internal driver counters prior to

    See the /CLEAR_COUNTERS to clear the counters.

2.11    /REVISION

    Displays the current LAN driver and device revision information,
    if available or applicable. Not all LAN drivers maintain revision

2.12    /TEST

    Displays test status and configuration for the test functionality
    built into LANCP for purposes of debug and validation. The test
    functionality is described in a text file on the system,

2.13    /TRACE

    Displays LAN driver trace data.

    Additional qualifiers affects the trace data output as follows:

    o  /PCAPFILE=filespec

       Without affecting any other output, LANCP writes the transmit and
       receive packet trace entries to the specified file in binary
       PCAPNG format, version 1.0. This file can be read by other
       utilities that process PCAPNG files, such as WireShark.

    o  /DUMPFILE

       Writes the trace data to the file specified by the /OUTPUTFILE
       qualifier. This file can be read using the /INPUTFILE qualifier so
       the data can be viewed later and with the /SELECT qualifier to
       select particular entries.

    o  /INPUTFILE=filespec

       Reads trace data from the specified file, which was created
       by the /DUMPFILE qualifier.

    o  /REVERSE

       Displays trace data in reverse order.

    o  /SELECT=(mask-option, keywords)

       Specifies which trace events to display.

       You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:

       o  mask-option


          Use MASK=(value1,value2) to specify the trace mask to select which
          entries should be displayed from the trace data. The first 32 bits
          consist of events common to most LAN drivers. The second 32 bits
          consist of events specific to the LAN driver for the device.

          The mask can be specified by a numerical value and/or a list of
          keywords that identify the bits to be set.

       o  keywords

          Any event can be specified - they are listed in the trace header.

    o  /[NO]HEADER

       By default, the trace masks are displayed then the trace data. To
       suppress this trace header data, specify /NOHEADER.

       To display only the trace header data, specify /HEADER.

2.14    /VLANS

    Displays a list of IEEE 802.1Q tags that are configured on the switch
    port connected to the specified physical LAN device. LANCP listens
    for the GVRP packets that contain the configuration information and
    displays the configured tags.

    The switch periodically sends GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol)
    (GARP = Generic Attribute Registration Protocol) packets to provide
    VLAN configuration information in compliance with the IEEE 802.1Q
    specification. If GVRP is not configured on the switch, or if the
    LAN device is not connected to a switch, this command displays only
    the list of tags that the VLAN driver has configured.

3  –  Examples


      Device Counters EIA0:
                   Value  Counter
                   -----  -------
                  259225  Seconds since last zeroed
                 5890496  Data blocks received
                 4801439  Multicast blocks received
                  131074  Receive failure
               764348985  Bytes received
               543019961  Multicast bytes received
                       3  Data overrun
                 1533610  Data blocks sent
                  115568  Multicast packets transmitted
                  122578  Blocks sent, multiple collisions
                   86000  Blocks sent, single collision
                  189039  Blocks sent, initially deferred
               198120720  Bytes sent
                13232578  Multicast bytes transmitted
                 7274529  Send failure
                       0  Collision detect check failure
                       0  Unrecognized frame destination
                       0  System buffer unavailable
                       0  User buffer unavailable

      This command displays counters for the Ethernet device EIA0.


      Device Listing, volatile database:
                 --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics ---
      Device     State   Access Mode      Clients           Data Size
      ------     -----   -----------      -------           ---------
      EIA0      Enabled  Exclusive    KnownClientsOnly      1400 bytes
      EWA0      Disabled NoExclusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes

      This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN
      volatile device database for all known devices.


      Device Listing, volatile database:
                 --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics ---
      Device     State   Access Mode      Clients           Data Size
      ------     -----   -----------      -------           ---------
      EIA0      Enabled  Exclusive    KnownClientsOnly      1400 bytes

      This command displays MOP downline load information in the LAN
      volatile device database for the Ethernet device EIA0.

      Device Revisions EWF0:
                        Value  Component
                        -----  ---------
                     02000041  Device hardware revision
            08020110 00000004  Port driver revision
            08020172 00000001  LAN common routines revision

      This command displays revision information for Ethernet device
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