Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  traceroute  FLAGS
    -A         Looks up the AS-number (Autonomous System) for each
               hop's network address at the whois server specified by
               the -h option.
    -a         If the destination host has multiple addresses,
               traceroute probes all addresses if this option is
               set. Normally only the first address as returned by
               the resolver is attempted.
    -c         Specifies a delay (in seconds) to pause between
    stoptime   probe packets. This may be necessary if the final
               destination is a router that does not accept
               undeliverable packets in bursts.
    -f         Disables IP fragmentation. If the given packetsize
               is too big to be handled unfragmented by a machine
               along the route, a "fragmentation needed" status
               is returned and the indicator !F is printed. If a
               gate-way returns the value of the proper MTU size
               to be used, traceroute decreases the packet size
               automatically to this new value. If the proper MTU
               size is not returned, traceroute chooses a shorter
               packet size.
    -g         Enables the IP LSRR (Loose Source Record Route)
    gateway    option. This is useful for asking how somebody else,
               at the specified gateway, reaches a particular target.
    -h server  Specifies the name or IP address of the whois server
               that is contacted for the AS-number lookup, if the -A
               option is given.
    -i         Sets the starting time-to-live value to initial_ttl,
    initial_   to override the default value of 1. Effectively this
    ttl        skips processing for those intermediate hosts that are
               less than initial_ttl hops away.
    -k         Keeps the connection to the whois server permanently
               open. This makes lookups considerably quicker, because
               connection setup for each individual lookup is not
               necessary. However, all whois servers do not support
               this feature.
    -l         Prints the value of the ttl field in each received
               packet (this can be used to help detect asymmetric
    -m max_    Sets the max time-to-live (max number of hops) used in
    ttl        outgoing probe packets. The default is 30 hops, which
               is the same default used for TCP connections.
    -N         Displays the network name for each hop. If a BIND
               resolver cannot be reached, network names are
               retrieved just from the /etc/networks file.
    -n         Prints hop IP addresses numerically rather than both
               symbolically and numerically. This saves a nameserver
               address-to-name lookup for each gateway found on the
               path. It also prevents a reverse lookup for numeric
               dotted quad addresses given on the command line
               (destination host, or -g gateway addresses).
    -p port    Sets the base UDP port number used in probes (default
               is 33434). The traceroute command presumes that
               nothing is listening on UDP ports base to base+nhops-1
               at the destination host (so an ICMP "port unreachable"
               message is returned to terminate the route tracing).
               If another process is listening on a port in the
               default range, use this option to pick an unused port
    -Q         Stops probing this hop after maxquit consecutive
    maxquit    timeouts are detected. The default value is 5. Useful
               in combination with -S if you have specified a big
               nqueries probe count.
    -q         Sets the number of probes launched at each ttl setting
    nqueries   (default is 3).
    -r         Bypasses the normal routing tables and sends directly
               to a host on an attached network. If the host is
               not on a directly-attached network, an error is
               returned. This option can be used to ping a local
               host through an interface that has no route through
               it (for example, after the interface was dropped by
               routed(8) or gated(8)).
    -S         Prints a per-hop minimum/average/maximum rtt (round-
               trip time) statistics summary. This suppresses the
               per-probe rtt and ttl reporting. For better statistics
               you need to increase the default nqueries probe count.
               See also the -Q option.
    -s         Uses the following IP address (which must be given as
    source_    an IP number, not a hostname) as the source address
    addr       in outgoing probe packets. On hosts with more than
               one IP address, use this option to force the source
               address to be something other than the IP address of
               the interface on which the probe packet is sent. If
               the IP address is not one of this machine's interface
               addresses, an error is returned and nothing is sent.
    -t tos     Sets the type-of-service in probe packets to the
               following value (default zero). The value must be a
               decimal integer in the range 0 to 255. Use this option
               to determine if different types-of-service result in
               different paths. Not all values of TOS are legal or
               meaningful. See the IP specification for definitions.
               Useful values are probably -t 16 (low delay) and -t 8
               (high throughput).
    -v         Produces verbose output. Lists any received ICMP
               packets other than "time exceeded" and "unreachable".
    -w         Sets the time (in seconds) to wait for a response to a
    waittime   probe. The default is 3 seconds.
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