Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  MOUNT  Qualifiers  /OVERRIDE

    Inhibits one or more protection checks that the MOUNT command

    You need the user privileges OPER and VOLPRO to specify
    qualifier; otherwise, the magnetic tape is not read.

    If you specify more than one keyword, separate them with commas
    and enclose the list in parentheses.

    The following table lists the keywords for this qualifier:

    Keyword        Description

    ACCESSIBILITY  For magnetic tapes only. If the installation
                   allows, this keyword overrides any character
                   in the Accessibility Field of the volume. The
                   necessity of this keyword is defined by the
                   installation. That is, each installation has the
                   option of specifying a routine that the magnetic
                   tape file system will use to process this field.
                   By default, the OpenVMS operating system provides
                   a routine that checks this field in the following

                   o  If the magnetic tape was created on a version
                      of OpenVMS that conforms to Version 3 of ANSI,
                      then you must use this keyword to override any
                      character other than an ASCII space.

                   o  If an OpenVMS protection is specified and the
                      magnetic tape conforms to an ANSI standard that
                      is higher than Version 3, then you must use
                      this keyword to override any character other
                      than an ASCII 1.

                   To use the ACCESSIBILITY keyword, you must have
                   the user privilege VOLPRO or own the volume.

    EXPIRATION     For magnetic tapes only. Allows you to override
                   the expiration dates of a volume and its files.
                   Use this keyword when the expiration date in the
                   first file header label of any file that you want
                   to overwrite has not been reached. You must have
                   the user privilege VOLPRO or your UIC must match
                   the UIC written on the volume.

    IDENTIFICATION Overrides processing of the volume identifier
                   in the volume label. Use this keyword to mount
                   a volume for which you do not know the label,
                   or for an ISO 9660 volume whose label is not
                   unique in the first 12 characters. Only the volume
                   identifier field is overridden. Volume protection,
                   if any, is preserved. The volume must be mounted
                   /NOSHARE (either explicitly or by default).

                   The /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION qualifier is
                   incompatible with the /GROUP and /SYSTEM

    LIMITED_       Allows the Mount command to search an entire
    SEARCH         device for a home block, if a home block is
                   not found at the expected location. By default,
                   the search for a home block is limited to avoid
                   excessive search times if no valid home block is

    LOCK           Directs MOUNT not to write-lock the volume as
                   a consequence of certain errors encountered
                   while mounting it. Use this keyword when you are
                   mounting a damaged volume to be repaired using
                   the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command. You must have
                   VOLPRO privilege or own the volume to use the LOCK

    NO_FORCED_     Directs the Mount command to proceed with
    ERROR          shadowing, even though the device or controller
                   does not support forced error handling. Using
                   unsupported SCSI disks can cause members to
                   be removed from a shadow set if certain error
                   conditions arise that cannot be corrected, because
                   some SCSI disks do not implement READL and WRITEL
                   commands that support disk bad block repair.

    OWNER_         For magnetic tapes only. Overrides the processing
    IDENTIFIER     of the owner identifier field. Use this keyword
                   to interchange protected magnetic tapes between
                   OpenVMS and other operating systems.

    SECURITY       Allows you to continue mounting a volume if
                   an error is returned because the volume has an
                   invalid SECURITY.SYS file. You must have the user
                   privilege VOLPRO or own the volume to use this

    SETID          For magnetic tapes only. Prevents MOUNT from
                   checking the file-set identifier in the first file
                   header label of the first file on a continuation
                   volume. Use this keyword only for ANSI-labeled
                   volumes on which the file-set identifier of the
                   first file on a continuation volume differs from
                   the file-set identifier of the first file of the
                   first volume that was mounted.

    SHADOW_        Allows you to override the write protection of
    MEMBERSHIP     former shadow set members. Applicable only if
                   you have the volume shadowing option. see the VSI
                   Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.

                   When you mount a volume with this qualifier, the
                   volume shadowing generation number is erased.
                   If you attempt to remount the volume in a shadow
                   set, the volume is considered an unrelated volume
                   and receives a full copy operation from a current
                   shadow set member.

    The following command overrides the volume identification
    field, thus mounting a magnetic tape on MFA0 without a label

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