Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  ACL Editor, ACLEDIT$EDIT  Argument

    OpenVMS usage:item_list_3
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor
    Item list used by the callable ACL editor. The item_list argument
    is the address of one or more descriptors of arrays, routines,
    or longword bit masks that control various aspects of the editing

    Each entry in an item list is in the standard format shown in the
    following figure:

        |    Item code    |    Buffer length    |
        |           Buffer address              |
        |        Return length address          |

    The following table provides a detailed description of each item
    list entry:

    Item Identifier   Description

    ACLEDIT$C_OBJNAM  Specifies the name of the object whose ACL is
                      being edited.
    ACLEDIT$C_OBJTYP  A longword value that specifies the object
                      type code for the type or class of the object
                      whose ACL is being edited. These type codes are
                      defined in $ACLDEF. The default object type is
                      FILE (ACL$C_FILE).
    ACLEDIT$C_        Represents a longword bit mask of the various
    OPTIONS           options available to control the editing
                      Flag             Function

                      ACLEDIT$V_       Indicates that the editing
                      JOURNAL          session is to be journaled.
                      ACLEDIT$V_       Indicates that the editing
                      RECOVER          session is to be recovered
                                       from an existing journal file.
                      ACLEDIT$V_       Indicates that the journal
                      KEEP_RECOVER     file used to recover the
                                       editing session is not to
                                       be deleted when the recovery
                                       is complete.
                      ACLEDIT$V_       Indicates that the journal
                      KEEP_JOURNAL     file used for the editing
                                       session is not to be deleted
                                       when the session ends.
                      ACLEDIT$V_       Indicates that the session
                      PROMPT_MODE      is to use automatic text
                                       insertion (prompting) to
                                       build new access control list
                                       entries (ACEs).

    ACLEDIT$C_BIT_    Specifies a vector of 32 quadword string
    TABLE             descriptors of strings that define the names
                      of the bits present in the access mask. (The
                      first descriptor defines the name of bit 0;
                      the last descriptor defines the name of bit
                      31.) These descriptors are used in parsing or
                      formatting an ACE. The buffer address field
                      of the item descriptor contains the address of
                      this vector.
    ACLEDIT$C_CLSNAM  A string descriptor that points to the class
                      name of the object whose ACL is being modified.
                      The following are valid class names:

                      o  COMMON_EVENT_FLAG_CLUSTER

                      o  DEVICE

                      o  FILE

                      o  GROUP_GLOBAL_SECTION

                      o  LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

                      o  QUEUE

                      o  RESOURCE_DOMAIN

                      o  SECURITY_CLASS

                      o  SYSTEM_GLOBAL_SECTION

                      o  VOLUME

                      If both OBJTYP and CLSNAM are omitted, the
                      object is assumed to belong to the FILE class.
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