Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  ACCOUNTING  /SUMMARY  Keyword

    Specifies the summary key. The following table lists keywords:

    Keyword      Description

    ACCOUNT      Account
    DATE         Date
    DAY          Day of month (1-31)
    HOUR         Hour of day (0-23)
    IMAGE        Image name (file name portion of image file
    JOB          Name of print or batch job
    MONTH        Month of year (1-12)
    NODE         Name of the node that issued the DECnet for OpenVMS
    PROCESS      Process type
    QUEUE        Print or batch job queue name
    TERMINAL     Terminal name
    TYPE         Record type
    UIC          User identification code
    USER         User name
    WEEKDAY      Day of week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, and so on)
    YEAR         Year

    If you omit these keywords, the user name is used as the summary
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