Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  SHOW  MEMORY  Qualifiers

1    /ALL

       /ALL (default)

    Displays all available information, that is, information
    displayed by the /FILES, /PHYSICAL_PAGES, /POOL, and /SLOTS

2    /BITMAP

       /BITMAP (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about memory use by write bitmaps (WBM) used
    with Host-Based Volume Shadowing (HBVS). If the system parameter
    SHADOWING is set to 0, no information about bitmaps is displayed
    because WBM is used only with HBVS.

    Note that the memory consumption displayed by SHOW MEMORY is
    often greater than that displayed by SHOW DEVICE /BITMAP, which
    displays the exact size (in bytes) of the bitmap. The memory used
    by a bitmap is allocated in units of pages; if a bitmap uses part
    of a page of memory, the rest of that page is unavailable for


       /BUFFER_OBJECTS (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about system resources used by buffer

4    /CACHE


    Displays information about the Virtual I/O Cache facility or
    the Extended File Cache facility, depending on which is loaded.
    The Cache facility information is displayed as part of the SHOW

    If the Extended File Cache is loaded, you can specify the
    following keywords and options:

    VOLUME[=device] Requests display of volume-level statistics
                    for the specified volume(s). If no device
                    is specified, defaults to SYS$DISK. Device
                    specifications may be wildcarded; if so, the
                    device specification must be based on the
                    physical device name. Specify VOLUME=* to see
                    statistics for all volumes in cache.
    FILE=filespec   Requests display of file-level statistics for
                    the specified file(s) in cache. The filespec
                    must contain an explicit or implicit device
                    specification. The filespec may be wildcarded
                    according to RMS rules. Specify FILE=dev:*.*
                    to see statistics for all files in cache for a
                    device. Partially wild file specifications that
                    are satisfied by large numbers of files on disk
                    may incur significant processing overhead during
                    display. By default, both open and closed files
                    are displayed (use the OPEN and CLOSED keywords
                    to further restrict which files are displayed).

                    Note that this command may fail if you select a
                    large number of files for display. If you receive
                    an error message, reduce the number of selected
                    files and reissue the command.
    TOPQIO[=n]      Requests display of file-level statistics for
                    the n files in cache with the highest overall QIO
                    count (n defaults to 10).
    TOPHITRATE[=n]  Requests display of file-level statistics for the
                    n files in cache with the highest overall cache
                    hit rate (n defaults to 10).
                    OPEN      Include only open files in the display
                              (default for TOPQIO and TOPHITRATE).
                    CLOSED    Include only closed files in the

5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

6    /FILES

    Displays information about the use of each paging and swapping
    file currently installed.

7    /FULL

    When used with /POOL, displays additional information about pool

    When used with /CACHE, displays additional information about the
    file data cache that is loaded (either VIOC or XFC).

    This qualifier is ignored unless the /CACHE or /POOL qualifier is
    specified explicitly.


    On Alpha, displays information about the granularity hint regions
    (GHR) that have been established. For each of these regions,
    information is displayed about the size of the region, the amount
    of free memory, the amount of memory in use, and the amount of
    memory released to OpenVMS from the region. The granularity hint
    regions information is also displayed as part of SHOW MEMORY,



    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it cannot include asterisk (*)  and
    the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of memory information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


    Displays information about the amount of physical memory and the
    number of free and modified pages.

13    /POOL

    Displays information about the usage of each dynamic memory
    (pool) area, including the amount of free space and the size
    of the largest contiguous block in each area.


       /RESERVED (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about memory reservations.

15    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

16    /SLOTS

    Displays information about the availability of partition control
    block (PCB) vector slots and balance slots.

17    /UNITS


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display memory in your choice of
    blocks or bytes.

    Keyword options are:

    Option       Description

    BLOCKS       Displays memory in blocks (equivalent to PAGES).

    BYTES        Displays memory in bytes.

    PAGES        Displays memory in page format (equivalent to

18    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.
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