Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  MONITOR  MONITOR  Command Qualifier Descriptions



    Specifies the time that monitoring begins, by using a combination
    of absolute and delta times. Observe the syntax rules for time
    values described in the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic

2    /BY_NODE


    Specifies that performance class data in a multifile summary be
    displayed as a single column of AVERAGE statistics for each node.

    The /BY_NODE qualifier displays data in a multifile summary. If
    you specify only one input file, MONITOR ignores the /BY_NODE
    qualifier because you are not performing a multifile summary.


       /NOCOMMENT (default)

    Specifies an ASCII string to be stored in the output recording
    file. The string can contain up to 60 characters.


       /DISPLAY[=file-spec] (default)

    Specifies whether information collected by MONITOR is to be
    displayed as ASCII screen images. Optionally names the disk file
    to contain the output.

5    /ENDING


    Specifies the time that monitoring ends, by using a combination
    of absolute and delta times. Observe the syntax rules for time
    values described in the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



    Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which data collected by
    MONITOR (contents of MONITOR buffers) is written to disk. Values
    must be in the range from 1 to 9,999. The default interval is 300

7    /INPUT

       /NOINPUT (default)

    Controls whether performance data is played back from one or more
    input files or collected from the running system. If you specify
    more than one file, enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
    the file specifications with commas. Wildcard characters are
    allowed in the file specification.



    Specifies the sampling interval between data collection events,
    recording events, and display events. Values can range from 1 to

9    /NODE


    Specifies the nodes (up to 48 in a cluster) for which data is
    to be collected. If you specify more than one name, separate the
    names with commas, and enclose the list in parentheses.

    Remote monitoring in an OpenVMS Cluster environment might not be
    compatible for nodes that are running different OpenVMS versions.
    The following table shows the compatibility of versions for
    remote monitoring.

                       OpenVMS Alpha and  OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5
                       VAX Version 6.n    and VAX Version 5.n

    OpenVMS Alpha and  Yes                No
    VAX Version 6.n

    OpenVMS Alpha      No                 Yes
    Version 1.5 and
    VAX Version 5.n

    To obtain data from an incompatible remote node, record the data
    on the remote node and then use the MONITOR playback feature to
    examine the data on the local node. The <REFERENCE>(VMS_SYSMAN_
    MAN) describes remote monitoring.

10    /OUTPUT


    Used with the CONVERT command, this qualifier specifies the name
    of the converted recording file. The default specification is
    MONITOR.DAT. File lists are not permitted.

11    /RECORD

       /NORECORD (default)

    Specifies that a binary disk file be created containing all
    collected data for the request. Note that recording is restricted
    to files on disks. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file
    specification. If you omit the file type, the default file type
    is .DAT. If you omit the file specification, output is generated
    to a file named MONITOR.DAT in the current default device and
    directory. If you specify an existing file but omit the version
    number, a new version of the file is created.

12    /SUMMARY

       /NOSUMMARY (default)

    Specifies that an ASCII disk file be created containing
    summary statistics on all data collected for this request.
    If the optional file specification is omitted, it defaults to



    Specifies the duration for each screen image display for /DISPLAY
    requests. Values can range from 1 to 9,999,999.
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