Library /sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  JOB
    Identifies the beginning of a batch job submitted through a card
    reader. Each batch job submitted through the system card reader
    must be preceded by a JOB card.

    JOB cannot be abbreviated.


      JOB  user-name

1  –  Parameter


    Identifies the user name under which the job is to be run.
    Specify the user name as you would during the login procedure.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /AFTER


    Holds the job until the specified time. If the specified time has
    already passed, the job is queued for immediate processing.

    The time can be specified as either absolute time or a
    combination of absolute and delta times. For complete information
    on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the
    online help topic Date.



    Specifies one or more characteristics required for processing
    the job. If you specify only one characteristic, you can omit
    the parentheses. Codes for characteristics are installation-
    defined. Use the SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command to see which
    characteristics are available on your system.

    All the characteristics specified for the job must also be
    specified for the queue that will execute the job. If not, the
    job remains pending in the queue until the queue characteristics
    are changed or the entry is deleted with the DELETE/ENTRY
    command. Users need not specify every characteristic of a queue
    with the JOB command as long as the ones they specify are a
    subset of the characteristics set for that queue. The job also
    runs if no characteristics are specified.

2.3    /CLI


    Specifies a different command language interpreter (CLI) with
    which to process the job. The filename parameter specifies that
    the CLI be SYS$SYSTEM:filename.EXE. The default CLI is that
    defined in the user authorization file (UAF).

2.4    /CPUTIME


    Specifies a CPU time limit for the batch job. Time can be
    specified as delta time, 0, NONE, or INFINITE. (For information
    on specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the
    online help topic Date.

    When you need less CPU time than authorized, use the /CPUTIME
    qualifier to override the base queue value established by the
    system manager or the value authorized in your UAF. Specify 0 or
    INFINITE to request an infinite amount of time. Specify NONE when
    you want the CPU time to default to your UAF value or the limit
    specified on the queue. Note that you cannot request more time
    than permitted by the base queue limits or your UAF.

2.5    /DELETE

       /DELETE (default)

    Controls whether the batch input file is deleted after the job
    is processed. If you specify the /NODELETE qualifier, the file
    is saved in the user's default directory under the default name
    INPBATCH.COM. If you specify the /NAME qualifier, the file name
    of the batch input file is the same as the job name you supply
    with the /NAME qualifier.

2.6    /HOLD

       /NOHOLD (default)

    Controls whether or not the job is to be made available for
    immediate processing.

    If you specify the /HOLD qualifier, the job is not released for
    processing until you specifically release it with the /NOHOLD or
    the /RELEASE qualifier of the SET QUEUE/ENTRY command.

2.7    /KEEP

       /NOKEEP (default)

    Controls whether the log file is deleted after it is printed.
    The /NOKEEP qualifier is the default unless you specify the
    /NOPRINTER qualifier.

2.8    /LOG_FILE


    Controls whether a log file with the specified name is created
    for the job or whether a log file is created.

    When you use the /LOG_FILE qualifier, the system writes the
    log file to the file you specify. If you use the /NOLOG_FILE
    qualifier, no log file is created. If you specify neither form of
    the qualifier, the log file is written to a file in your default
    directory that has the same file name as the first command file
    in the job and a file type of .LOG. Using neither the /LOG_FILE
    nor the /NOLOG_FILE qualifier is the default.

    You can use the /LOG_FILE qualifier to specify that the log file
    be written to a different device. Logical names that occur in
    the file specification are translated at the time the job is
    submitted. The process executing the batch job must have access
    to the device on which the log file will reside.

    If you omit the /LOG_FILE qualifier and specify the /NAME
    qualifier, the log file is written to a file having the same
    file name as that specified by the /NAME qualifier and the file
    type .LOG.

2.9    /NAME


    Specifies a string to be used as the job name and as the file
    name for both the batch job log file and the command file. The
    job name must be 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters and must be a
    valid file name. The default log file name is INPBATCH.LOG; the
    default command file name is INPBATCH.COM.

2.10    /NOTIFY

       /NONOTIFY (default)

    Controls whether a message is broadcast to any terminal at which
    you are logged in, notifying you when your job completes or



    Specifies 1 to 8 optional parameters that can be passed to the
    command procedure. The parameters define values to be equated to
    the symbols P1 to P8 in the batch job. The symbols are local to
    the specified command procedure.

    If you specify only one parameter, you can omit the parentheses.

    The commas (,)  delimit individual parameters. If the parameter
    contains any spaces, special characters or delimiters, or
    lowercase characters, enclose it in quotation marks (" ").
    Individual parameters cannot exceed 255 characters.

2.12    /PRINTER


    Controls whether the job log file is queued to the specified
    queue for printing when the job is complete. The default print
    queue for the log file is SYS$PRINT.

    If you specify the /NOPRINTER qualifier, the /KEEP qualifier is

2.13    /PRIORITY


    Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege
    to raise the priority above the value of the system parameter

    Specifies the job scheduling priority for the specified job. The
    value of n is an integer from 0 to 255, where 0 is the lowest
    priority and 255 is the highest.

    The default value for the /PRIORITY qualifier is the value of
    the system parameter DEFQUEPRI. No privilege is needed to set the
    priority lower than the MAXQUEPRI value.

    The /PRIORITY qualifier has no effect on the process priority.
    The queue establishes the process priority.

2.14    /QUEUE


    Specifies the name of the batch queue in which the job is to be
    entered. If you do not specify the /QUEUE qualifier, the job is
    placed in the default system batch job queue, SYS$BATCH.

2.15    /RESTART

       /NORESTART (default)

    Specifies whether the job restarts after a system failure or a


       /TRAILING_BLANKS (default)

    Controls whether input cards in the card deck are read in card
    image form or input records are truncated at the last nonblank
    character. By default, the system does not remove trailing blanks
    from records read through the card reader. Use the /NOTRAILING_
    BLANKS qualifier to request that input records be truncated.

2.17    /WSDEFAULT


    Defines a working set default for the batch job; the /WSDEFAULT
    qualifier overrides the working set size specified in the user
    authorization file (UAF).

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that OpenVMS rounds this value up to the nearest
    CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical memory
    allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    The value n can be any integer from 1 to 65,535, 0, or the
    keyword NONE. For further information, see the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.

    Use this qualifier to impose a value lower than the base queue
    value established by the system manager or lower than the value
    authorized in your UAF. A value of 0 or the keyword NONE sets the
    default value to the value specified either in your UAF or by the
    working set quota established for the queue. You cannot request a
    value higher than your default.

2.18    /WSEXTENT


    Defines a working set extent for the batch job; the /WSEXTENT
    qualifier overrides the working set extent in the UAF.

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that OpenVMS rounds this value up to the nearest
    CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical memory
    allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    The value n can be any integer from 1 to 65,535, 0, or the
    keyword NONE. For further information, see the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.

    To impose a lower value, use this qualifier to override the
    base queue value established by the system manager rather than
    the value authorized in your UAF. A value of 0 or the keyword
    NONE sets the default value either to the value specified in the
    UAF or working set extent established for the queue. You cannot
    request a value higher than your default.

2.19    /WSQUOTA


    Defines the maximum working set size (working set quota) for the
    batch job; the /WSQUOTA qualifier overrides the value in the UAF.

    Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
    Alpha. Note that OpenVMS rounds this value up to the nearest
    CPU-specific page so that the actual amount of physical memory
    allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
    The value n can be any integer from 1 to 65,535, 0, or the
    keyword NONE. For further information, see the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.

    Use this qualifier to impose a value lower than the base queue
    value established by the system manager or lower than the value
    authorized in your UAF. Specify 0 or NONE if you want the working
    set quota defaulted to either your UAF value or the working set
    quota specified on the queue. You cannot request a value higher
    than your default.
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