1 TYPE Displays the contents of a file or group of files on the current output device. Format TYPE file-spec[, . . . ] 2 Parameters file-spec[, . . . ] Specifies the names of one or more input files to be copied. If you specify more than one input file, separate them with either commas or plus signs. You can specify standard OpenVMS wildcards in file names, both Files-11 and foreign. You can use wildcard directories with Files-11 and DOS-11 input. The syntax for the file names is dependent on the particular volume format option present or implied. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG Controls whether TYPE displays the file specifications of each file displayed. If you specify /LOG, the TYPE command displays the following for each copy operation: o File specifications of the input and output files o Number of blocks or the number of records copied (depending on whether the file is copied on a block-by-block or record-by- record basis) /RECORD_FORMAT /RECORD_FORMAT=(option[, . . . ]) Defines the internal record structure of a file and other attributes of the records. /REWIND /REWIND /NOREWIND Controls whether the DOS-11 input magnetic tape reel logically rewinds to the beginning-of-tape mark before EXCHANGE searches for the file name given in the input specifier. Use this qualifier only for DOS-11 magnetic tape devices. The default is /NOREWIND; you should use /REWIND when you want TYPE to start searching for a file at the beginning of the magnetic tape rather than at the current position. /VOLUME_FORMAT /VOLUME_FORMAT=option Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed. The default format qualifier is dependent on the device type. 2 Example EXCHANGE> TYPE DYA0:BEAM.RAT/VOLUME=RT11/RECORD=STREAM The command in this example copies the RT-11 file to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. The two qualifiers are the defaults if DYA0 was mounted as a foreign volume.