1 DELETE Deletes one or more files from a foreign block-addressable mass storage volume. EXCHANGE does not delete files from Files-11 volumes; the DELETE command is supported only on RT-11 volumes. Format DELETE file-spec[, . . . ] 2 Parameter file-spec[, . . . ] Specifies the names of one or more files to be deleted. You can specify wildcard characters in any of the file specification fields. To delete more than one file, separate the file specifications with commas or plus signs. The DELETE command does not delete a file with the SYS type unless you specify the /SYSTEM qualifier. EXCHANGE displays a message if it passes over one or more SYS files during a delete operation. EXCHANGE does not delete files with the type BAD if the file specification contains wildcards. When this happens, you will not receive a warning. Therefore, to delete files with the type BAD, enter their file specifications explicitly. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG Controls whether the DELETE command displays the file specification of each deleted file. The default is /NOLOG. /SYSTEM /SYSTEM /NOSYSTEM Controls whether the DELETE command deletes files with the file type SYS. Files with the type SYS are usually necessary for the operation of an RT-11 system. Only RT-11 volumes handle .SYS files in this manner. The default is /NOSYSTEM; the DELETE command does not delete an RT-11 file with the SYS type, whether matched by a wildcard specification or explicitly named. EXCHANGE displays a message whenever it skips a SYS file during a delete operation. /VOLUME_FORMAT /VOLUME_FORMAT=option Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed. RT-11 volumes are the only volumes on which DELETE is currently supported. 2 Examples 1.EXCHANGE> DELETE DMA0:COMMON.SUM/VOLUME=RT11 The command in this example deletes the file COMMON.SUM from the RT-11 device DMA0. 2.EXCHANGE> DELETE DXA0:*.OLD The command in this example deletes all files with the file type OLD from the diskette. 3.EXCHANGE> MOUNT /VIRTUAL TEST: TEST.DSK/VOLUME=RT11 EXCHANGE> DELETE TEST:ALPHA.TXT,BETA.TXT The command in this example deletes the files ALPHA.TXT and BETA.TXT from the virtual device file TEST.DSK.