/sys$common/syshlp/EVE$KEYHELP.HLB  —  Delete Word
  EDT/WPS Delete Word

  Erases a word, starting with the current character.

  Key:   EDT keypad        WPS keypad
         MINUS             PF3


     1.  Put the cursor where you want to erase the word.

     2.  Press the Delete Word key (see key list above).

  Usage notes:

  o  Delete Word erases all or part of a word depending on the cursor
     position, as follows:

     Cursor positions       Effects of Delete Word
     Start of a word        Erases all of that word, including the trailing
     (non-white space       white space.

     Elsewhere in a word    Erases from the current character to the end
                            of the word.  For example, if you are on the
                            "g" in "Frigid", erases "gid" including
                            the trailing white space.

     Between words          Erases the white space until the start of the
     (white space)          next word, joining two words as one word.

     End of a line          Erases the line break, making the next line,
     (carriage return)      if any, move up.  Useful to join paragraphs
                            for FILL commands.

  o  To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE WORD command (with the EDT
     keypad, press GOLD-MINUS).

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