/sys$common/syshlp/EVE$KEYHELP.HLB  —  Delete Previous Word
  EDT/WPS Delete Previous Word

  Erases a word, starting with the character left of the cursor.

  Key:   EDT keypad or WPS keypad
         F13, CTRL/J, or LINEFEED


     1.  Put the cursor to the right of the text you want to erase.

     2.  Press the Delete Previous Word key (see key list above).

  Usage notes:

  o  Delete Previous Word erases all or part of a word depending on the
     cursor position, as follows:

     Cursor positions         Effects of Delete Previous Word
     Start of a word or       Erases all of the previous word, including
     between words            the trailing white space.

     Elsewhere in a word      Erases left of the cursor to the start of
                              the current word.  For example, if you are
                              on the "t" in "Pertain", you erase "Per".

     Start of a line          Erases the line break (carriage return) for
                              the previous line, making the current line
                              move up.  Useful to join paragraphs for FILL.

  o  To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE WORD command (with the EDT
     keypad, press GOLD-MINUS).

  o  On VT100-series terminals, the LINEFEED key is the same as CTRL/J.

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