Library /sys$common/syshlp/EVE$HELP.HLB  —  EDT Differences
  EDT Differences

  EDT is another VSI text editor which runs on VMS and other systems.
  Using the SET KEYPAD EDT command enables most of the EDT keypad functions,
  but does NOT fully implement or emulate EDT.

  The following is a list of differences between the EDT keypad in EVE and
  real EDT. For hints on converting from EDT to EVE, see help on
  EDT Conversion.

  Keys defined differently from real EDT

     PF1          GOLD. Setting the EDT keypad makes PF1 the GOLD key,
                  overriding any current definition of PF1. However, if you
                  set a different key as GOLD, the EDT keypad uses your GOLD
                  key without redefining PF1. The EDT keypad also defines
                  the EVE default GOLD key sequences, such as GOLD-FIND. See
                  help on Gold Keys.

     GOLD-PF2     HELP KEYS. Displays a list of all defined keys.

     KP1          MOVE BY WORD. Uses slightly different word boundaries from
                  real EDT. In EVE, a "word" includes the trailing white
                  space (spaces or tabs).

     GOLD-KP7     DO. Enters an EVE command. EVE does not support or emulate
                  EDT line-mode or "nokeypad" commands.

     GOLD-KP8     FILL. Reformats the current paragraph, range, or box. If
                  you want the key to fill only a range or box, redefine
                  GOLD-KP8 as FILL RANGE. Note that EVE paragraph boundaries
                  are different (see help on FILL).

     ENTER        RETURN. Terminates a command or starts a new line. You can
                  redefine ENTER, but cannot redefine RETURN or CTRL/M.

     CTRL/C       Usually halts an operation, such as a repeat or global
                  replace. However, if you are using keystroke journaling
                  (instead of buffer-change journaling), CTRL/C is not
                  recorded in the journal file. After using CTRL/C, you
                  should immediately exit, to save your edits. Otherwise, if
                  the system fails, you may not be able to recover your
                  work. This restriction does not apply with buffer-change
                  journaling, which is the EVE default.

     CTRL/K       LEARN. Starts a learn sequence, so you can bind several
                  keystrokes (commands, text, or both) to a single key.

     CTRL/R       REMEMBER. Ends a learn sequence and prompts you to press
                  the key you want to define for it.

     CTRL/Z       EXIT. Ends the editing session, typically writing out the
     CTRL/D       current buffer and asking whether to write out any other
     F10          buffers if they were modified. If you want to emulate EDT-
                  style exit-to-line-mode, redefine CTRL/Z as DO. On ULTRIX
                  systems, EVE defines CTRL/D as EXIT. On VMS systems, EVE
                  does not define CTRL/D.

     F12          EDT Backspace (Start Of Line).

     GOLD/0-      When using the GOLD key to enter repeat counts, the
     GOLD/9       CTRL/U key cannot be used to edit the number. Instead,
                  CTRL/U is repeated the number of times in the repeat
                  count. Also, EVE limits repeat counts to 5-digits less
                  than 32767.

  Other differences from real EDT

     Cursor          By default EVE uses a free cursor, which you can move
                     anywhere in the buffer regardless of the shape of your
                     text. To enable an EDT-style bound cursor, use SET
                     CURSOR BOUND. The EDT Character key (KP3) uses bound-
                     cursor motion even if the cursor is set to free.

     Exiting         EXIT creates a new file (or new version of a file) only
                     if you made changes to the buffer and have not yet
                     written it out. QUIT discards your edits, but if you
                     made changes to the buffer, EVE asks you to confirm
                     that you want to quit. If you have made no changes to
                     the buffer, EXIT is the same as QUIT. Also, on exiting
                     or quitting, if you changed attributes and have not
                     saved them, EVE asks if you want to save the changes---
                     see help on Attributes.

     Input file      When you invoke EVE, if you do not specify a file on
                     the command line, EVE creates an empty buffer named
                     MAIN, whereas real EDT prompts you to specify a file.
                     Also, EVE lets you use wildcards to specify the file---
                     for example, *.TXT. See DCL help on EDIT/TPU or see the
                     EVE Reference Manual

     Journaling      By default, EVE uses buffer-change journaling, which
                     creates a journal file for each text buffer and lets
                     you recover buffers individually and even from
                     different editing sessions. You can use keystroke
                     journaling and recovery, similar to that in EDT. See
                     help on Journal Files.

     Mode            Some commands or keys depend on the mode of the buffer
                     ---insert or overstrike---for example, the EDT Delete
                     Character and EDT SpecIns keys. For a list of these
                     commands and keys, see help on CHANGE MODE.

     Paste buffer    Commands or keys to copy, cut, and paste text use
                     either the INSERT HERE buffer or DECwindows clipboard,
                     depending on your setting---see help on SET CLIPBOARD.

     Scrolling       SET SCROLL MARGINS correspondes to SET CURSOR in real
                     EDT, except EVE scroll margins are measured fronm the
                     top and the bottom respectively. For example, with a
                     24-line screen (21-line main window), SET SCROLL
                     MARGINS 5 6 is equivalent to SET CURSOR 5:15 in real
                     EDT. Default settings are 0 0 (scrolling begins when
                     you move past the top or bottom of the window).

     Searches        Searches follow EVE rules for case sensitivity and
                     direction (see help on FIND). Because EVE does not
                     treat RETURN and ENTER differently, as EDT does, search
                     strings cannot contain a carriage return. However, you
                     can use WILDCARD FIND for these searches, or use SET
                     FIND WHITESPACE to enable searching across line breaks.

     Selections      Commands or keys that work on a select range or found
                     range also work on a box. For example, you can use BOX
                     SELECT and the EDT ChngCase key. See help on Ranges And

     Shift right     SHIFT RIGHT and SHIFT LEFT move the window right and
                     relative to the buffer; whereas the EDT "nokeypad"
                     commands SHL and SHR move the buffer relative to the
                     window. Thus, in EVE, the command SHIFT RIGHT 8 is
                     equivalent to SHL in EDT---column 9 of your text
                     appears in the leftmost column of the screen.

     Startup file    At startup, EVE tries to execute an initialization file
                     named EVE$INIT.EVE, looking first in your current,
                     default directory and then, if necessary, in your
                     SYS$LOGIN directory. This corresonds to using an
                     EDTINI.EDT file with real EDT. For more information,
                     see help on Initialization Files.

  Features NOT implemented in EVE

     o  GOLD-key equivalents for control keys. For example, GOLD-U and
        GOLD-Z are not defined, although CTRL/U and CTRL/Z are defined.

     o  Keys for tab adjustments. To change tab stops, use SET TABS or
        define a key for the WPS Ruler key. See help on EDT Conversion.

  | For a keypad diagram, press HELP or with the EDT keypad, press PF2. |
  |                                                                     |
  | For a list of key definitions, see help on Keys or press GOLD-HELP  |
  | or with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PF2.                             |

  Related topics:

     EDT Conversion     New User     Ranges And Boxes     SET KEYPAD EDT
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