Library /sys$common/syshlp/EDTHELP.HLB  —  SET
 The SET (abbreviated SE) command sets options that control other editor
 operations. Once set, these options are in effect throughout the rest of
 the edit session or until changed by the SET command.


 The SET AUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE AUTOREPEAT) command enables EDT's use
 of the DECARM VT100 control sequence to prevent keypad, function and
 arrow keys from repeating faster than EDT can update the screen.  If you
 do not want EDT to manipulate the VT100's autorepeat feature, use SET
 NOAUTOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOAUTOREPEAT).  On some VT100-class
 terminals, SET AUTOREPEAT can cause the arrow keys to repeat at the rate
 of 2 per second rather than the usual 30 per second.  With SET
 NOAUTOREPEAT the arrow keys repeat faster, but the screen is not updated
 for each repeat of the arrow key, since EDT skips intermediate updates
 if it gets behind.


2  –  CASE


 Use the SET CASE (abbreviated SE CA) command on terminals which are
 capable of displaying uppercase characters only.  SET CASE instructs EDT
 to flag with a preceding apostrophe either the uppercase characters, the
 lowercase characters, or neither.  The default for SET CASE is NONE,
 which means no characters are flagged.

 You can abbreviate the keywords as follows:

     CASE    CA
     UPPER   U
     LOWER   L
     NONE    N


 Format: SET COMMAND file-specification

 The SET COMMAND (abbreviated SE COMMAND) command is used in a startup
 command file to specify the name of the next startup command file to
 read.  EDT provides a default file type of ".EDT".  If the file is not
 present this command does nothing; otherwise it causes the current
 command file to be abandoned and the new one to be read in its place.

3.1  –  STARTUP

 When EDT starts up, it reads the installation default startup command
 file.  The name of the file is always EDTSYS.  The default name varies
 depending on the system, as follows:

                    Default Name
 RSX-11M & M-PLUS   LB:[1,2].EDT
 RSTS/E             LB:.EDT

 When opening the file, EDT combines the name and the default name
 together into a complete file specification.  On VAX/VMS, therefore, if
 the logical name EDTSYS is defined, EDT will read from it rather than

 The installation default startup command file should have SET COMMAND
 EDTINI at its end, so that the user's initialization file will be read
 after the installation default initialization file.   If EDTSYS is not
 found, EDT will try again using the name EDTINI, so there is no need for
 an installation-default initialization file that just contains SET

4  –  CURSOR

 Format: SET CURSOR top:bottom

 The SET CURSOR (abbreviated SE CU) command, used with screen editing,
 sets the limits within which the cursor is allowed to move without
 scrolling the screen.

 Top and bottom are the line numbers at the top of the screen and the
 bottom of the screen.  The line numbers must be in the range of 0 to 21,
 with 0 specifying the top of the screen and 21 the bottom.  The default
 setting is 7:14, allowing the cursor to move within the middle third of
 the screen.  If SET LINES is used to decrease the number of lines shown
 on the screen, the top and bottom of the cursor limits must be within
 the number of lines on the screen.

5  –  ENTITY

 Format: SET ENTITY entity-type 'delimiter string'

 Where entity-type is one of the following:

     WORD        (abbreviated W)
     SENTENCE    (abbreviated S)
     PAGE        (abbreviated PAG)
     PARAGRAPH   (abbreviated PAR)

 The SET ENTITY (abbreviated SE EN) command sets the delimiters for the
 user-defined change mode entities.  For the WORD and SENTENCE entities,
 the delimiter string is a set of single character delimiters.  For PAGE
 and PARAGRAPH, the delimiter is a character string that delimits the
 entity.  See HELP CHANGE ENTITIES for explanations of the entities.

6  –  FNF

 Format: SET [NO]FNF

 The SET FNF option controls whether or not an informative message is
 displayed when you attempt to edit a non-existing file.  NOFNF opens a
 new file but gives no message.

7  –  HELP

 Format: SET HELP [file-specification]

 The SET HELP (abbreviated SE H) option lets you define which help file
 will be accessed when you either give the HELP command or press the HELP
 key in keypad mode.  The default device and directory are always as
 listed below unless overriden by an explicit device and directory.  SET
 HELP without a file specification returns you to the original default
 help file.

 The following are default specifications for the various systems:

                    File specification  Name      Type
                    ------------------  ----      ----
 VAX/VMS            SYS$HELP: .HLB      EDTHELP   .HLB
 RSX-11M & M-PLUS   LB:[1,2] .HLP       EDTHELP   .HLP
 RSTS/E             LB: .HLP            EDTHEL    .HLP

8  –  KEYPAD


 The SET KEYPAD (abbreviated SE K) option controls whether or not the
 editing keypad is to be used when you are in CHANGE mode.  KEYPAD is set
 by default for VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means the alternate
 keypad is used to enter change mode commands.  For terminals with
 function keys, the function keys can also be used in KEYPAD mode.

9  –  LINES

 The SET LINES (abbreviated SE L) command controls the number of screen
 lines used in either of the screen versions of change mode.  Use this
 option to reduce the time it takes to refresh the screen image when
 editing on slow terminals.

 Format: SET LINES n

 where n is the number of lines to use.  n must be between 1 and 22.  By
 default, n is set to 22 lines.  If the cursor limits are larger than n-1
 they are reduced to n-1.  See SET CURSOR.

10  –  MODE

 The SET MODE (abbreviated SE M) command determines which mode of editing
 should be entered after all initial processing is complete.  This
 command is useful only in the startup command file.


 By default, EDT enters line mode when the startup processing is
 complete.  Use SET MODE CHANGE in your startup command file to cause EDT
 to enter change mode when startup processing is complete.

11  –  NUMBERS


 The SET NUMBERS (abbreviated SE NU) command controls the display of line
 numbers on the terminal.  Numbers are set on by default.  If you want to
 suppress numbers, use SET NONUMBERS (abbreviated SE NON).



 The SET PARAGRAPH (abbreviated SE PARA) command specifies a paragraph as
 the text between two delimiters and including any adjacent delimiters
 (WPS), or the text between two delimiters (NOWPS).

13  –  PROMPT

 Format: SET PROMPT prompt-type 'string'

 Where prompt-type is either LINE, KEYPAD, NOKEYPAD, HCCHANGE, INSERT,

 The SET PROMPT command allows redefinition of the prompt string that is
 displayed in line mode, in keypad mode, in nokeypad mode, in hardcopy
 change mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode when inserting
 with NONUMBERS, and with the /QUERY qualifier.

 EDT will become confused if the new string for the keypad or nokeypad
 prompt causes a net motion of the cursor.  If a <CR><LF> pair is not
 included in the new string for any prompt which has it in the default
 prompt, these characters will be inserted at the beginning of the new

14  –  QUIET

 The SET QUIET (abbreviated SE Q) command controls whether or not the
 bell will sound when an error is made in change mode.

 Format: SET [NO]QUIET

 The quiet option is off (meaning the bell will sound) by default.

15  –  REPEAT

 The SET REPEAT (abbreviated SE REP) command enables you to use the GOLD
 key followed by digits to represent a count.  If you do not want the
 ability to use counts, use SET NOREPEAT (abbreviated SE NOREP).  A
 warning bell sounds if you attempt to use counts with NOREPEAT set.


 By default, REPEAT is enabled.

16  –  SCREEN

 The SET SCREEN (abbreviated SE SC) command specifies the width of your

 Format: SET SCREEN w

 where w is the width of the screen line.  By default, the screen width
 is set to the terminal's width, as reported to EDT by the operating
 system.  On VT100-type terminals you can set the width to 80 or 132, and
 EDT will adjust the terminal appropriately.  On other CRT terminals you
 should only use the terminal's fixed width: 80 for VT52s and 84 for

17  –  SEARCH

 The SET SEARCH (abbreviated SE SE) command controls several options
 related to string searching.

                      CASE INSENSITIVE | CI |
                      DIACRITICAL INSENSITIVE | DI }
                    { [UN]BOUNDED }
                    { BEGIN | END }

17.1  –  GENERAL

 The GENERAL option will cause the case of letters and the presence or
 absence of diacritical marks to be ignored in search strings.  GENERAL
 is the default.

17.2  –  EXACT

 The EXACT option will require all characters to match exactly, including
 the case of letters and the presence of diacritical marks, in search

17.3  –  WPS

 The WPS option will cause a case-independent string match for lowercase
 letters in the search string, and a case-dependent match for uppercase
 letters in the search string.

17.4  –  CI

 The CI option will cause the case of letters to be ignored in search
 strings, but not the presence of diacritical marks.  CI is an
 abbreviation for CASE INSENSITIVE.

17.5  –  DI

 The DI option will cause diacritical marks on letters to be ignored in
 string searches, but not the case of the letters.  DI is an abbreviation

17.6  –  BOUNDED

 The BOUNDED (abbreviated BO) option will cause the search to be bounded
 by a page delimiter.  By default, the search is unbounded, which means
 that the entire buffer will be searched.  This option has effect only in
 change mode.

 The UNBOUNDED (abbreviated U) option causes the search not to be bounded
 by a page delimiter, which means that the entire buffer will be
 searched.  This is the default.  This option has effect only in change

17.7  –  BEGIN

 The BEGIN (abbreviated B) option causes the cursor to be left at the
 beginning of the search string when it is found. This is the default.
 This option has effect only in change mode.

17.8  –  END

 The END (abbreviated E) option causes the cursor to be left at the end
 of the search string when it is found. By default, the cursor is left at
 the beginning. This option has effect only in change mode.

18  –  SUMMARY

 The SET [NO]SUMMARY command controls whether or not summary information
 about a file written with the WRITE or EXIT commands will be typed out.
 The default is SUMMARY, which means that summary information is typed.


19  –  TAB

 The SET TAB (abbreviated SE TA) command enables the structured tab
 feature and sets the logical tab size.

 Format: SET [NO]TAB n

 where n is the number of columns in a logical tab stop.

 With the structured tab feature, EDT keeps a counter of the tab level,
 which is set to 1 when the SET TAB command is issued. When you use the
 tab key in change mode at the beginning of a line, EDT inserts enough
 tabs and spaces to move the cursor to the column defined by the level n
 times the tab size.  Change mode nokeypad commands can alter the tab level.
 The structured tab feature is disabled by default.

 The tab size set by the tab command is also used by the TABS ADJUST


 Format: SET TERMINAL { HCPY | VT100 | VT52 }
                      { SCROLL | NOSCROLL }
                      { EDIT | NOEDIT }
                      { EIGHTBIT | NOEIGHTBIT }

 The SET TERMINAL (abbreviated SE TE) command identifies to EDT the type
 of terminal you are using.  Normally, EDT will set the terminal type by
 asking the operating system what type it is.  If it does not appear to
 have set the type correctly, you can use the SHOW TERMINAL command to
 see what EDT thinks your terminal is and the SET TERMINAL command to
 correct it if necessary.  If your terminal is not a VT100 or a VT52, it
 should be set to HCPY (hardcopy).

20.1  –  HCPY

 HCPY stands for hardcopy.  EDT considers a terminal hardcopy if it is
 not a VT100 or a VT52.  On such terminals change mode does not use the
 screen as a window onto your buffer, but instead shows you the current
 line with the cursor position indicated.  You type NOKEYPAD commands and
 EDT will keep you informed by printing the current line after each

20.2  –  VT100

 The VT100 is a family of terminals, all based on the original VT100
 terminal. This class of terminals includes the VT101, VT102, VT125,
 VT131 and VT132.

20.3  –  VT52

 The VT52 terminal is the predecessor of the VT100 family.  It does not
 have reverse video, and has fewer keys in its keypad.

20.4  –  SCROLL

 This option indicates that your terminal has scrolling regions and EDT
 may use them.  This is the default for most VT100 terminals.

20.5  –  NOSCROLL

 This option indicates that either your terminal does not have scrolling
 regions or EDT should not use them.  This is the default for VT52

20.6  –  EDIT

 This option indicates that your terminal has the screen editing features
 of the VT102.  These are IL (insert line), DL (delete line), ICM (insert
 character mode) and DCH (delete characters).

20.7  –  NOEDIT

 This option indicates that your terminal does not have the screen
 editing features of the VT102.

20.8  –  EIGHTBIT

 This option indicates that your terminal contains the DEC Multinational
 Character Set, which extends ASCII to include letters with diacritical
 marks and other characters used in Europe.


 This option indicates that your terminal does not contain the DEC
 Multinational character set.  On such a terminal characters which cannot
 be displayed directly are displayed using <>.

21  –  TEXT

 Format:  SET TEXT text-type 'string'

 Text-type is one of the following:


 The SET TEXT command allows you to define the displayed string to
 indicate a formfeed character (SET TEXT PAGE), and the displayed string
 to indicate the end of the buffer (SET TEXT END).  The string can not
 contain control or escape characters.


 The SET TRUNCATE (abbreviated SE TR) command controls the handling of
 long lines in change mode.


 By default, truncate mode is set, which means long lines will be
 truncated on the display (the actual text is not altered).  If you turn
 off truncate mode by using SET NOTRUNCATE, long lines will be wrapped to
 as many screen lines as are necessary to display the entire line.

23  –  VERIFY

 The SET VERIFY (abbreviated SE V) command controls the listing of
 commands that are executed from the startup command file or from a


 Verify is off by default, which means the lines are not typed.  If you
 turn it on, each command line is typed as it is executed.

24  –  WORD


 The SET WORD (abbreviated SE W) command enables you to specify that the
 word delimiters be considered words by themselves (NODELIMITER), or
 considered as part of the word they delimit (DELIMITER).  The default is

25  –  WRAP

 Format: SET [NO]WRAP n

 The SET WRAP (abbreviated SE W) command enables word wrapping and
 specifies the right margin.  Word wrapping is a feature of EDT that
 automatically insert carriage returns when the text you are typing
 exceeds the right margin.  Word wrapping is in effect in change mode
 only and only if you have used the SET WRAP command.

 The SET WRAP command also sets the right margin for the nokeypad mode
 FILL commmand.

 SET NOWRAP (abbreviated SE NOW) disables the word wrapping feature.
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