Library /sys$common/syshlp/EDTHELP.HLB  —  RANGE
 Range specifications select the exact lines of text on which the line
 editing command will operate.

 There are several general classes of range specifications:

     1.  Single line ranges specify a single line of text.
     2.  Multiple line ranges specify blocks of text, such as an entire buffer
         or all lines from the current line to the end of the buffer.
     3.  Compound ranges combine single line ranges with operators to specify
         multiple lines of text.
     4.  Noncontiguous ranges specify multiple lines that are not necessarily
         adjacent to one another.

1  –  ALL

 The ALL range further refines a general range specification.

 Format: [range] ALL 'string'

 While range can be a single, multiple, or compound range, the command
 being performed will only apply to those lines of text containing the
 given string. This string can be enclosed in single or double quotation

 Ex: TYPE ALL 'EDT'          When ALL is used, the default for range is
                             WHOLE.  This command will type all the lines
                             in the current buffer containing the string

     SUBS/A/B/50:100 ALL '1' Substitute B for A in all lines from 50 to
                             100 which include the string 1.

2  –  AND

 The AND range selects a group of single lines.

 Format: range-1 AND range-2 AND range3 ...
     Or: range-1 , range-2 , range3 ...

 Each of the ranges must be a single line range.  Each of the single
 lines is operated on.

 Ex: TYPE 4 AND 7     Lines 4 and 7 are displayed on the terminal

     TYPE BEGIN,END-1 The first and last lines are displayed on the

3  –  BEGIN

 The BEGIN range (abbreviated B) is a single line range that specifies
 the first line in the buffer.

4  –  BEFORE

 The BEFORE range (abbreviated BEF) is a multiple line range that
 specifies all the lines in the buffer preceding the current line.

5  –  BUFFER

 The BUFFER (abbreviated BU) specification may precede any other range
 specification and indicates that the range is to be applied to a named

 Format: BUFFER name [range]
     Or: =name [range]

 The two forms are equivalent.  Name is the name of the buffer in which
 the text resides.  If you leave out the range, the entire buffer is

6  –  DOT

 The dot (.) is a single line range that refers to the current line of
 text. For many commands, dot is the default range.  See the help text
 for a command if you are unsure of the default.

 Ex: TYPE .    Display the current line.

7  –  END

 The END (abbreviated E) range specifies an imaginary line following the
 last line in the buffer.  END does not specify the last line in the
 buffer.  The last line can be referred to by E-1 (that is, the line
 preceding END).  When the END line is typed, it looks like:


8  –  FOR

 The FOR range is a multiple line range that selects a specified number
 of lines starting at a specified location.

 Format: [range] FOR n
     Or: [range] # n

 The two forms are equivalent.  Range is a single line range that
 specifies the starting position, and n is an integer number.  If range
 is omitted, the current line is the starting position.

 Ex: TYPE . FOR 5      Display 5 lines, starting with the current line

     TYPE #5           Equivalent to the previous example

     TYPE BEGIN FOR 10 Display the first 10 lines in the buffer

9  –  LAST

 The LAST (abbreviated L) range is a single line range that refers to the
 line in the previous buffer which was the current line when you switched
 to the current buffer.

10  –  MINUS

 The minus sign (-) in ranges selects a single line that is a specified
 number of lines before a specified line.

 Format: [range] - [n]

 Range is a single line range, and n is an integer.  The line selected is
 the line that is n lines before the line specified by range.  If you
 omit range, the current line is used; if you omit n, 1 is used.

 Ex: TYPE 15 - 3     Display the third line before the line numbered 15.

     TYPE END -1     Display the last line in the buffer.

     TYPE -          Display the previous line.

11  –  NUMBER

 A line number is a single line range that refers to the line having the
 specified number.  The line number may contain a decimal point.

 Ex: TYPE 10     Display line number 10.

     INSERT 65.3 Insert above line 65.3.

 The maximum allowable line number is 2814749767.  A line number may have
 up to five digits to the right of the decimal point.

 You can change the line number with the RESEQUENCE command.  In
 addition, the INSERT and INCLUDE commands will automatically change the
 numbers of existing lines if necessary to make each line in a buffer to
 have a line number larger than the previous line.

 When lines are read from the primary input file and that file has
 sequence numbers, the line number assigned is the sequence number from
 the file, plus N*100000, where N is large enough to ensure that each
 line in the buffer has a line number larger than the previous line.
 File sequence numbers range in value from 0 to 65535.


 Format: ORIGINAL n

 The ORIGINAL (abbreviated O) range is no longer a feature of EDT.  The
 keyword ORIGINAL is ignored; the number specified is taken as an editing
 line number.  See HELP RANGE NUMBER for more information.

13  –  PLUS

 The plus sign selects, in ranges, a single line that is a specified
 number of lines after a specified line.

 Format: [range] + [n]

 Range is a single line range, and n is an integer.  The line selected is
 the line that is n lines after the line specified by range.  If you omit
 range, the current line is used.  If you omit n, 1 is used.

 Ex: TYPE 15 + 3     Display the third line after the line numbered 15.

     TYPE BEGIN +1   Display the second line in the buffer.

     TYPE +          Display the line following the current line.

     TYPE 'string'+2 Display the second line following the next line
                     continaing 'string'.

14  –  REST

 The REST (abbreviated R) range is a multiple line range that refers to
 the current line and all lines following in the buffer.

15  –  SELECT

 The SELECT range is a multiple line range that contains all lines
 between the current line and the SELECT mark.  The SELECT mark is set by
 the change mode SEL nokeypad command or the keypad SELECT function.

16  –  STRING

 A quoted string specifies a single line that contains the  specified
 string. You can enclose the string in either single or double quotation
 marks (' or ").  When you use a string as a range, EDT will search
 forward, starting with the current line, until it locates a line with
 the specified string.  If a minus sign (-) precedes the string, the
 search will be backward.

 Ex: TYPE 'abc'  Locate and display the first line forward that contains
                 the string 'abc'.

     TYPE -"abc" Same, except the search will be backward.

17  –  THRU

 The THRU range is a compound range that specifies all lines between two
 single line ranges.

 Format: range-1 THRU range-2
     Or: range-1 : range-2

 Both forms are equivalent.  Starting with range-1, EDT selects all the
 lines up to and including the line specified by range-2.

 Ex: TYPE 15:30       Display all lines with numbers between 15 and 30.

     TYPE 'glorp':END Display all lines from the first line forward
                      containing 'glorp' to the end.

18  –  WHOLE

 The WHOLE (abbreviated W) range refers to the entire text buffer.
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