1 SET 2 DTE Modifies configurable characteristics of DTEPAD. Format SET DTE 3 /BREAK /BREAK=break-character Selects the break character. The break character is used to generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a carriage return. To generate a break, press CTRL/break-character. You can select the break character from any ASCII character between @ and z, except C, M, Q, S, Y or the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character currently defined as either the command character (see the /COMMAND Subtopic) or the escape character (see the /ESCAPE Subtopic). By default, the break character is the right bracket (]). 3 /COMMAND /COMMAND=character Selects the command character. You can select the command character from any ASCII character between @ and z, except C, M, Q, S, Y or the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character currently defined as either the break character (see the /BREAK Subtopic) or the escape character (see the /ESCAPE Subtopic). By default, the command character is the commercial "at" sign (@). 3 /DIAL /DIAL=(NUMBER:number[,MODEM_TYPE:modem-type]) Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is a required parameter. Before you can dial a new number, you must first log out of the current remote system. The MODEM_TYPE keyword is optional. It can be used to specify any of the following modem types: o DF03 (default) o DMCL (any modem that uses the DIGIGAL Modem Command Language) o DF112 Each modem-type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with your system manager which modem dialer codes are installed in your system. 3 /ECHO /ECHO /NOECHO (default) Determines whether the terminal input is echoed by your local system. By default, all echoing is performed by the remote system. 3 /EIGHT_BIT /EIGHT_BIT (default) /NOEIGHT_BIT Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or 7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported. 3 /ERROR_ACTION /ERROR_ACTION=CONTINUE (default) /ERROR_ACTION=EXIT Specifies the error action, either CONTINUE or EXIT. When an error is detected on the outgoing terminal line, the error is reported to the local system and an error message is displayed on your terminal. If the error action is CONTINUE, then communication with the remote system continues uninterrupted. If the error action is EXIT, then the local system immediately exits from the remote system. 3 /ESCAPE /ESCAPE=character Selects the escape character. The escape character is used to quit DTEPAD by pressing Ctrl/escape-character. You can select the escape character from any ASCII character between @ and z, except C, M, Q, S, Y or the left bracket ([). You cannot select a character currently defined as either the break character (see the /BREAK Subtopic) or the command character (see the /COMMAND Subtopic). By default, the escape character is a backslash (\). 3 /FLOW_CONTROL /FLOW_CONTROL (default) /NOFLOW_CONTROL Determines whether XON/XOFF flow control is enabled. By default, flow control is enabled. 3 /INIT /INIT[=filespec] /NOINIT (default) Sets the configurable characteristics of DTEPAD according to values contained in an initialization file. If you use the /INIT qualifier and omit the file specification, DTEPAD translates the logical name DTEPAD$INI and finds the appropriate initialization file. 3 /LOG /LOG[=filespec] /NOLOG (default) Controls whether a log file of the session is kept. By default, logging is disabled. If you use the /LOG qualifier and omit the file specification, then the log information is written to the default log file, DTEPAD.LOG. 3 /MAX_BUFFERS /MAX_BUFFERS=number-buffers Specifies the maximum number of receive buffers. Receive buffers are buffers specially allocated to receive incoming data from the modem port. The minimum number you can specify is 20. There is no upper limit to the number you can specify, but the actual number of receive buffers will be limited by your Buffered I/O quota. By default, the maximum number of receive buffers is 100. 3 /PARITY /PARITY=NONE (default) /PARITY=ODD /PARITY=EVEN Selects parity on the outgoing terminal line. 3 /READ_DELAY /READ_DELAY=delay Specifies the modem port read delay in milliseconds. The modem port read delay is the time interval during which data in the modem port is transferred into receive buffers at the terminal. By default, the modem port read delay is 50 milliseconds. This is also the minimum value. 3 /SPEED /SPEED=(output-rate,input-rate) Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify /SPEED=rate. Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates. For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult the manual for that terminal. The default transmission rates are installation dependent. The valid values for input and output baud rates are as follows: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200. 3 Examples 1. DTEPAD> SET DTE/BREAK=g In this example, the letter 'G' is defined as the break character. Note that DTEPAD is not case-sensitive. 2. DTEPAD> SET DTE/ECHO In this example, the terminal port is set so that echoing is performed by the local system. 3. DTEPAD> SET DTE/SPEED=4800 In this example, the input and output baud rates are both set to 4800. 4. DTEPAD> SET DTE/LOG=myfile.log In this example, logging of the remote session is enabled and the log file MYFILE.LOG is specified.