Library /sys$common/syshlp/DECW$DXMHELP_HELP.HLB  —  Overview
  This is information about how to use the DECwindows
  help system. (If you are looking for help on the
  application that you are using, go to the main window
  of the application, pull down the Help menu, and select
  an appropriate topic.)

  The help system allows you to see additional topics
  that are related to the current one, to return to the
  previous topic, to see a glossary of help terms, and to
  obtain context-sensitive help.

  See the additional topics below for more information.

  To dismiss this Help window, click on the Exit button

1  –  over_basics

  To display information about using DECwindows, such
  as how to use windows, menus, dialog boxes, and scroll

  1. Move the pointer to the Help menu on the Session
     Manager's menu bar.

  2. Press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu.

  3. Move the pointer to the On Basics menu item and
     release MB1.

     The Session Manager displays a Help window, which
     includes a list of additional topics about using

2  –  Over guide functions

  Most help topics include a list of related topics
  in the additional topics area. To see one of these
  additional topics, position the pointer on the topic
  you want and double click MB1.

  To see a list of all available help topics, choose
  Title... from the Search menu.

2.1  –  buttons_goback

  To return to the help topic that was displayed just
  before the one that is currently in the window, click
  on the Go Back button. This feature is useful if you
  want to review something, or you find that you have
  taken the wrong path and you are not getting the help
  you thought you were going to get.

  The Go Back button is dimmed if the current help topic
  is the first topic displayed in the Help window after
  you chose an item on the Using Help menu.

2.2  –  cshelp

  Context-sensitive help is information about a part of
  an application window or dialog box that you identify
  using the location pointer.

  You can get context-sensitive help in two ways:

  -  Choose On Context from the application's Help
     menu. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to a
     question mark. Move the pointer to the area of the
     application window or dialog box about which you
     want help and click MB1.

  -  Move the mouse pointer or use the keyboard to get
     to the area of the application window or dialog box
     about which you want help; then press the Help key.

  Sometimes you will see information about only the
  particular field, button, or whatever the pointer
  is on. At other times you will see information about
  several screen objects. Each application determines
  how its windows and dialog boxes are divided into help
  regions, as well as what information is provided for
  each region when a request for context-sensitive help
  is made.

2.3  –  buttons_exit

  To close the Help window, click on the Exit button.

  Note that you do not need to exit the Help window after
  each use of help. If you leave the Help window open,
  your subsequent help requests will be displayed in that

2.4  –  Over guide window

  The Help window display includes the following:

  -  Menu bar with the following menus: File, Edit, View,
     Search, Using Help.

  -  Area for the help text. You can make this area
     longer or shorter by resizing the Help window,

  -  Additional topics list. You can double click on any
     additional topic to display its text

  -  Go Back and Exit buttons.

  To find out more about a specific part of the Help
  window, double click on the appropriate topic from the
  list of additional topics below.

2.4.1  –  over_guide_help_frame

  The help text area is the part of the window where the
  text that explains the topic is displayed. If the text
  is too wide or too long for the current area, you can
  resize the Help window. You can also scroll through the
  topic if the text is too long for the help text area.

2.4.2  –  over_guide_list_box

  The list of additional topics identifies other topics
  that you can select.

  To choose a topic, double click on it. Alternatively,
  you can single click on the topic and then choose Go To
  Topic or Visit Topic from the View menu.

3  –  Menus File

  The Help window File menu contains the following items:

  -  Save As...

     Saves a copy of the current help topic in a file.
     Specify the file name in the dialog box that

  -  Exit

     Closes the current Help window. Note that this does
     not affect any other Help windows that are open.

     You do not need to exit the Help window after each
     use of help. If you leave the Help window open, your
     subsequent help requests will be displayed in that

4  –  Menus Edit

  The Help window Edit menu contains the following items:

  -  Copy

     Copies a selected portion of text to the clipboard.
     This item is dimmed if you have not selected any

  -  Select All

     Selects all the text in the current topic. You can
     then use the Copy item to copy that text to the

  For more information, choose the appropriate menu item
  from the list of additional topics.

4.1  –  Menus Edit Copy

  The Copy menu item in the Edit menu copies the selected
  portion of text to the clipboard.

  This function is useful for copying details into
  another application, for example, to insert a detail
  from the text into a Calendar timeslot.

  If you want to copy the whole topic, it is quicker to
  use the Select All menu item to select all the text and
  then use the Copy item.

4.2  –  Menus Edit Select

  The Select All menu item in the Edit menu selects all
  the text in the current help topic.

  You can then copy the topic to the clipboard by using
  the Copy menu item.

5  –  Menus Go

  The Help window View menu contains the following items:

  -  Go To Topic - displays the selected topic in the
     current Help window. Equivalent to double clicking
     on a topic. This item is dimmed if you have not
     selected a topic.

     Contrast with Visit Topic, which opens a new Help

  -  Go Back - displays the previous help topic.
     Equivalent to clicking on the Go Back button.

     You can repeatedly choose Go Back or click on the Go
     Back button to step back through the help topics you
     have seen.

  -  Go To Overview - displays the Overview topic.

  -  Visit Topic - displays the selected topic in a new
     Help window. This item is dimmed if you have not
     selected a topic.

     Contrast with Go To Topic, which uses the current
     Help window.

  -  Visit Glossary - displays a glossary of help-
     specific terms.

  For more information about any View menu item, choose
  it from the list of additional topics below.

5.1  –  Menus Go Goto

  After you have selected a topic from the list of
  additional topics, you can perform a Go To or Visit
  operation on that selection. If no topic is selected,
  these menu items are dimmed. Double clicking on the
  selected topic achieves the same result as selecting a
  topic and then choosing the Go To menu item.

  If you perform a Go To operation on the selection,
  the new topic replaces the current topic in the Help

  Contrast with Visit Topic.

5.2  –  Menus Go Back

  Go Back replaces the current help topic with the
  preceding help topic. You can step back through the
  help topics you have seen by repeating the Go Back

  You can also step back through previous topics by using
  the Go Back button or by choosing the History... item
  on the Search menu. Both these methods can be quicker
  than using the Go Back menu item, especially if you
  want to step back through many topics.

5.3  –  Menus Go Visit

  After you have selected a topic from the list of
  additional topics, you can perform a Visit or Go To
  operation on that selection. These menu items are
  dimmed if you have not selected a topic.

  When you perform a Visit operation on a topic, the
  information about the new topic is displayed in a
  separate window, so that you can see the old and new
  topics at the same time.

5.4  –  Menus Go Gotoover

  Choosing the Go To Overview menu item causes the
  current help topic to be replaced by the Overview help
  topic for the current application. This topic usually
  contains general information and several additional

5.5  –  Menus Go Visitgloss

  Choosing the Visit Glossary menu item displays a
  glossary of terms for the current application in a
  separate Help window. You can then choose individual
  terms and see their definitions.

  Note: Not all applications use the Glossary menu item.
  In applications that do not, the Visit Glossary menu
  item on the View menu and the Glossary... menu item on
  the Help menu are dimmed or missing.

6  –  Menus Search

  The Help window Search menu contains the following

  -  History...

     Displays a list of help topics you have already seen
     and lets you perform a Go To or Visit operation on
     any of them.

  -  Title...

     Displays a list of all the available help topic
     titles and allows you to perform a Go To or Visit
     operation on visit any of them. You can also enter a
     word or phrase, and only those topics that contain
     it are displayed.

  -  Keyword...

     Displays a list of help keywords and allows you to
     select any of them. All topics having that keyword
     are displayed, and you can then perform a Go To or
     Visit operation on any of them.

  For more information, choose the menu item from the
  list of additional topics below.

6.1  –  Menus Search History

  The History... item displays a dialog box that includes
  a list of all topics you have viewed during the current
  help session. The list of topics is in chronological
  order, but duplicates are not displayed.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit

6.2  –  Menus Search Title

  The History... item displays a dialog box that includes
  a Title entry box and an area for displaying topic

  To display a list of all help topics containing a
  specific word or phrase, enter the word or phrase in
  the Title entry box and click on the Apply button.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit

6.3  –  Menus Search Keyword

  The Keyword... menu item displays a dialog box that
  includes the available keywords, which are subjects
  associated with certain topics. The application
  determines what the keyword names are and which
  keywords are associated with specific help topics.

  To see a list of help topics associated with a specific
  keyword, either select the keyword from the list or
  enter it in the Keyword entry box, and then click on
  the Apply button.

  You can view any of the topics that are displayed by
  double clicking on the topic, or by single clicking
  on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit

7  –  Menus Help

  The Help window Using Help menu contains the On
  Window... item.

7.1  –  Menus Help Help

  The On Window... item on the Using Help menu displays
  information about how to use help.

7.2  –  Menus Help About

  The On Version... item on the Using Help menu
  displays information about the current software
  name and version. It includes the copyright notice
  and an additional topic with trademark and product

7.3  –  Menus Help Glossary

  The On Terms... item on the Using Help menu displays
  a glossary of help system terms. (It is not a general
  DECwindows glossary.)
Close Help