Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$UIHELP.HLB  —  DEBUGUI  ha_options_menu_hlp
  Use the Options menu on the heap analyzer window as follows:

  Action           Function
  ------           --------

  Set Source...    Allows you to specify a search directory
                   when you display source code in the debugger
                   or in the source window.

  Add to           Allows you to specify additional segment types
  Do-not-use       to be included in the Do-not-use Type List.
  Type List...

  Save             Allows you to save the segment types listed in
  Do-not-use       your Do-not-use Type List between heap analyzer
  Type List        sessions.

  Restore          Deletes additions to the Do-not-use Type List
  Do-not-use       since the last heap analyzer session.
  Type List

  For information on other heap analyzer screen locations and pop-up
  menus, click the 'On Context' menu item in the heap analyzer Help menu,
  then click the location of interest.

  For information on using the heap analyzer, see the 'On Window' menu
  item in the heap analyzer Help menu.
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