Library /sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  DISPLAY  Qualifiers

1    /CLEAR

    Erases the entire contents of a specified display. Do not use
    this qualifier with /GENERATE or when creating a new display.


       /DYNAMIC (default)

    Controls whether a display automatically adjusts its window
    dimensions proportionally when the screen height or width is
    changed by a SET TERMINAL command. By default (/DYNAMIC), all
    user-defined and predefined displays adjust their dimensions


    Regenerates the contents of a specified display. Only
    automatically generated displays are regenerated. These include
    DO displays, register displays, source (cmd-list) displays, and
    instruction (cmd-list) displays. The debugger automatically
    regenerates all these kinds of displays before each prompt. If
    you do not specify a display, it regenerates the contents of all
    automatically generated displays. Do not use this qualifier with
    /CLEAR or when creating a new display.

4    /HIDE

    Places a specified display at the bottom of the display
    pasteboard (same as /PUSH). This hides the specified display
    behind any other displays that share the same region of the
    screen. You cannot hide the PROMPT display.


       /NOMARK_CHANGE (default)

    Controls whether the lines that change in a DO display each time
    it is automatically updated are marked. Not applicable to other
    kinds of displays.

    When you use /MARK_CHANGE, any lines in which some contents
    have changed since the last time the display was updated are
    highlighted in reverse video. This qualifier is particularly
    useful when you want any variables in an automatically updated
    display to be highlighted when they change.

    The /NOMARK_CHANGE qualifier (default) specifies that any lines
    that change in DO displays are not to be marked. This qualifier
    cancels the effect of a previous /MARK_CHANGE on the specified

6    /POP

       /POP (default)

    Controls whether a specified display is placed at the top of the
    display pasteboard, ahead of any other displays but behind the
    PROMPT display. By default (/POP), the display is placed at the
    top of the pasteboard and hides any other displays that share the
    same region of the screen, except the PROMPT display.

    The /NOPOP qualifier preserves the order of all displays on the
    pasteboard (same as /NOPUSH).


       /NOPROCESS (default)

    Used only when debugging multiprocess programs (kept debugger
    only). Controls whether the specified display is process specific
    (that is, whether the specified display is associated only with a
    particular process). The contents of a process-specific display
    are generated and modified in the context of that process. You
    can make any display process specific, except the PROMPT display.

    The /PROCESS=(process-spec) qualifier causes the specified
    display to be associated with the specified process. You must
    include the parentheses. Use any of the following process-spec

    [%PROCESS_NAME] proc-     The process name, if that name contains
    name                      no space or lowercase characters. The
                              process name can include the asterisk
                              (*)  wildcard character.
    [%PROCESS_NAME] "proc-    The process name, if that name contains
    name"                     space or lowercase characters. You can
                              also use apostrophes (') instead of
                              quotation marks (").
    %PROCESS_PID proc-id      The process identifier (PID, a
                              hexadecimal number).
    %PROCESS_NUMBER proc-     The number assigned to a process when
    number                    it comes under debugger control.
    (or %PROC proc-number)    Process numbers appear in a SHOW
                              PROCESS display.
    proc-group-name           A symbol defined with the
                              DEFINE/PROCESS_GROUP command to
                              represent a group of processes. Do not
                              specify a recursive symbol definition.
    %NEXT_PROCESS             The process after the visible process
                              in the debugger's circular process
    %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                              process in the debugger's circular
                              process list.
    %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose call stack, register
                              set, and images are the current context
                              for looking up symbols, register
                              values, routine calls, breakpoints,
                              and so on.

    The /PROCESS qualifier causes the specified display to be
    associated with the process that was the visible process when
    the DISPLAY/PROCESS command was executed.

    The /NOPROCESS qualifier (which is the default) causes the
    specified display to be associated with the visible process,
    which might change during program execution.

    If you do not specify /PROCESS, the current process-specific
    behavior (if any) of the specified display remains unchanged.

8    /PUSH


    The /PUSH qualifier has the same effect as /HIDE. The /NOPUSH
    qualifier preserves the order of all displays on the pasteboard
    (same as /NOPOP).


    Refreshes the terminal screen. Do not specify any command
    parameters with this qualifier. You can also use Ctrl/W to
    refresh the screen.

10    /REMOVE

    Marks the display as being removed from the display pasteboard,
    so it is not shown on the screen unless you explicitly request
    it with another DISPLAY command. Although a removed display is
    not visible on the screen, it still exists and its contents are
    preserved. You cannot remove the PROMPT display.

11    /SIZE


    Sets the maximum size of a display to n lines. If more than n
    lines are written to the display, the oldest lines are lost as
    the new lines are added. If you omit this qualifier, the maximum
    size of the display is as follows:

    o  If you specify an existing display, the maximum size is

    o  If you are creating a display, the default size is 64 lines.

    For an output or DO display, /SIZE:n specifies that the display
    should hold the n most recent lines of output. For a source or
    instruction display, n gives the number of source lines or lines
    of instructions that can be placed in the memory buffer at any
    one time. However, you can scroll a source display over the
    entire source code of the module whose code is displayed (source
    lines are paged into the buffer as needed). Similarly, you can
    scroll an instruction display over all of the instructions of
    the routine whose instructions are displayed (instructions are
    decoded from the image as needed).
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