VMS Help  —  SET  ACCOUNTING  Qualifiers  /DISABLE

    Prevents the tracking of the resources specified by the keywords.

    The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
    type of resource.

    Keyword          Type of Resource

    IMAGE            Resources used by an image

    LOGIN_FAILURE    Resources used by an unsuccessful attempt to log

    MESSAGE          Unformatted record written to the accounting
                     file by a call to the $SNDJBC system service

    PRINT            Resources used by a print job

    PROCESS          Resources used by a process

    You do not need to stop the tracking of all processes and images.
    You can prevent resources being tracked for specific types of
    process and for images running in these types of process.

    The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
    type of process.

    Keyword        Type of Process

    BATCH          Batch process

    DETACHED       Detached process

    INTERACTIVE    Interactive process

    NETWORK        Network process

    SUBPROCESS     Subprocess (the parent process can be a batch,
                   detached, network, or interactive process)

    If the system is no longer tracking any resources, /DISABLE
    closes the current accounting file.

    If you use the /DISABLE qualifier and omit the keywords, the
    current accounting file does not track any resources, and the
    system closes the file.
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