VMS Help  —  Ext File Specs, Overview  Considerations  Mixed-Architecture Support
    All Extended File Specifications capabilities are available on
    OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2 and later systems. Current ODS-2 volume
    and file management functions remain the same on both VAX and
    Alpha Version 7.2 (and later) systems; however, extended file
    naming and parsing are not available on VAX systems.

    The following topics describe support on OpenVMS VAX and Alpha
    systems in a mixed-architecture cluster.

    Limited Extended File Specifications Capabilities on VAX Systems

    In mixed-architecture OpenVMS Version 7.2 (and later) clusters,
    the following Extended File Specifications capabilities are
    available on OpenVMS Version 7.2 (and later) VAX systems:

    o  Ability to mount an ODS-5 volume

    o  Ability to write and manage ODS-2-compliant files on an ODS-5

    o  See only \pISO_LATIN\.??? or \pUNICODE\.??? when accessing an
       ODS-5 file specification

    BACKUP Limitations

    In a mixed architecture cluster, users cannot successfully create
    or restore an ODS-5 image saveset. However, these users can
    successfully restore ODS-2-compliant file names from an ODS-5
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