VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, System Services
    System services routines let you write network applications. The
    $QIO system service uses network pseudodevice and TELNET port
    driver I/O function codes.

1  –  $ASSIGN

    Provides a calling process with an I/O channel, thereby allowing
    the calling process to perform I/O operations on the network
    On Alpha and I64 systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.
      SYS$ASSIGN  devnam, chan, [acmode], [mbxnam], [flags]
    C Prototype
      int sys$assign  (void *devnam, unsigned short int *chan,
                      unsigned int acmode, void *mbxnam,...);
      OpenVMS usage:cond_value
      type:         longword (unsigned)
      access:       write only
      mechanism:    by value
    Longword condition value. All system services return (by
    immediate value) a condition value in R0. Condition values that
    can be returned by this service are listed under Condition Values

1.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:device_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit
                  descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
                  (VAX) by 32-bit descriptor-fixed-length string
    Name of the device to which $ASSIGN is to assign a channel. The
    devnam argument is the address of a character string descriptor
    pointing to the network pseudodevice name string (either
    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit reference
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference
    Number of the channel that is assigned. The chan argument is the
    address of a word into which $ASSIGN writes the channel number.
    OpenVMS usage:access_mode
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Access mode to be associated with the channel. I/O operations on
    the channel can be performed only from equal or more privileged
    access modes. The $PSLDEF macro defines the following symbols for
    the four access modes:
    Symbol         Mode      Numeric Value
    PSL$C_KERNEL   Kernel    0
    PSL$C_EXEC     Executive 1
    PSL$C_SUPER    Supervisor 2
    PSL$C_USER     User      3
    OpenVMS usage:device_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32-bit or 64-bit
                  descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
                  (VAX) by 32-bit descriptor-fixed-length string
    This argument is not used.
    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    An optional device-specific argument. The flags argument is a
    longword bit mask. For more information about the applicability
    of the flags argument for a particular device, refer to the
    OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.

1.2  –  Description

    The $ASSIGN system service establishes a path to a device but
    does not check whether the calling process has the capability
    to do I/O operations to the device. The device drivers may apply
    privilege and protection restrictions. The calling process must
    have NETMBX privilege to assign a channel.
    System dynamic memory is required for the target device, and the
    I/O byte limit quota from the process buffer is used.
    When a channel is assigned to the TCPIP$DEVICE: network
    pseudodevice, the network software creates a new device called
    BGn, where n is a unique unit number. The corresponding channel
    number is used in any subsequent operation requests for that
    When the auxiliary server creates a process for a service with
    the LISTEN flag set, the server creates a device socket. In
    order for your application to receive the device socket, assign
    a channel to SYS$NET, which is the logical name of a network
    pseudodevice, and perform an appropriate $QIO(IO$_SETMODE)
    Channels remain assigned either until they are explicitly
    deassigned with the Deassign I/O Channel ($DASSGN) service or,
    if they are user-mode channels, until the image that assigned the
    channel exits.

1.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ACCVIO         The caller cannot read the device string or
                       string descriptor, or the caller cannot write
                       the channel number.
    SS$_DEVALLOC       The device is allocated to another process.
    SS$_DEVLSTFULL     The system maximum number of BG: device units
                       has been reached.
    SS$_EXQUOTA        The process has exceeded its buffered I/O byte
                       limit (BIOLM) quota.
    SS$_IVDEVNAM       No device name was specified, the logical name
                       translation failed, or the device name string
                       contains invalid characters.
    SS$_IVLOGNAM       The device name string has a length of zero or
                       has more than 63 characters.
    SS$_NOIOCHAN       No I/O channel is available for assignment.
    SS$_NOPRIV         The specified channel is not assigned or was
                       assigned from a more privileged access mode.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      The specified device does not exist.

2  –  $CANCEL

    Cancels all pending I/O requests on a specified channel.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API function is close().
      SYS$CANCEL  chan
    C Prototype
      int sys$cancel  (unsigned short int chan);
      OpenVMS usage:cond_value
      type:         longword (unsigned)
      access:       write only
      mechanism:    by value
    Longword condition value. All system services return (by
    immediate value) a condition value in R0. Condition values that
    can be returned by this service are listed under Condition Values

2.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    I/O channel on which I/O is to be canceled. The chan argument is
    a word containing the channel number.

2.2  –  Description

    To cancel I/O on a channel, the access mode of the calling
    process must be equal to or more privileged than the access mode
    of the process that made the original channel assignment.
    The $CANCEL service requires system dynamic memory and uses the
    process's buffered I/O limit (BIOLM) quota.
    When a request currently in progress is canceled, the driver is
    notified immediately. Actual cancellation may or may not occur
    immediately, depending on the logical state of the driver. When
    cancellation does occur, the action taken for I/O in progress is
    similar to that taken for queued requests. For example:
    o  The specified event flag is set.
    o  The first word of the I/O status block, if specified, is set
       to SS$_CANCEL if the I/O request is queued, or to SS$_ABORT if
       the I/O operation is in progress.
    o  If the asynchronous system trap (AST) is specified, it is
    For proper synchronization between this service and the actual
    canceling of I/O requests to take place, the issuing process
    must wait for the I/O process to complete normally. Note that
    the I/O has been canceled. Outstanding I/O requests are canceled
    automatically at image exit.

2.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ABORT          A physical line went down during a network
                       connect operation.
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by executing a
                       $CANCEL system service.
    SS$_EXQUOTA        The process has exceeded its buffered I/O
                       limit (BIOLM) quota.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to cancel
                       the I/O.
    SS$_IVCHAN         An invalid channel was specified (that is, a
                       channel number of 0 or a number larger than
                       the number of channels available).
    SS$_NOPRIV         The specified channel is not assigned or was
                       assigned from a more privileged access mode.

3  –  $DASSGN

    Deassigns (releases) an I/O channel previously acquired using the
    Assign I/O Channel ($ASSIGN) service.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API function is close().
      SYS$DASSGN  chan
    C Prototype
      int sys$dassgn  (unsigned short int chan);
      OpenVMS usage:cond_value
      type:         longword (unsigned)
      access:       write only
      mechanism:    by value
    Longword condition value. All system services return (by
    immediate value) a condition value in R0. Condition values that
    can be returned by this service are listed under Condition Values

3.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Number of the I/O channel to be deassigned. The chan argument is
    a word containing this number.

3.2  –  Description

    After all communication is completed, use the $DASSGN system
    service to free an I/O channel. A $DASSGN operation executed
    on a channel associated with a network pseudodevice does the
    o  Ends all pending operations to send or receive data at $QIO
       level ($CANCEL system service).
    o  Clears the port associated with the channel. When executing
       the $DASSGN system service for TCP sockets, the socket remains
       until the connection is closed on both the local and remote
    o  Ends all communications with the network pseudodevice that the
       I/O channel identifies.
    o  Frees the channel associated with the network pseudodevice. An
       I/O channel can be deassigned only from an access mode equal
       to or more privileged than the access mode from which the
       original channel assignment was made.
    I/O channels assigned from user mode are automatically deassigned
    at image exit.
       Even after a $DASSGN has been issued, a TCP socket may
       remain until the TCP close timeout interval expires. The
       default and maximum timeout interval is either 10 minutes
       if the peer host is not responding or 30 seconds after
       acknowledging the socket close. Although the TCP socket
       is open, you cannot make a reference to that socket after
       issuing a $DASSGN.

3.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_IVCHAN         An invalid channel number was specified (that
                       is, a channel number of zero or a number
                       larger than the number of channels available).
    SS$_NOPRIV         The specified channel is not assigned or is
                       assigned from a more privileged access mode.

4  –  $QIO

    Queues an I/O request to a channel associated with a network
    The $QIO service is completed asynchronously; that is, it returns
    to the caller immediately after queuing the I/O request, without
    waiting for the I/O operation to be completed.
    For synchronous completion, use the Queue I/O Request and Wait
    ($QIOW) service. The $QIOW service is identical to the $QIO
    service, except the $QIOW returns to the caller after the I/O
    operation has completed.
    On Alpha and I64 systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.
      SYS$QIO  [efn],chan,func, [iosb],[astadr],[astprm],
               [p1],[p2],[p3],[p4], [p5],[p6]
    C Prototype
      int sys$qio  (unsigned int efn, unsigned short int chan,
                   unsigned int func, struct _iosb *iosb, void
                   (*astadr)(__unknown_params), __int64  astprm, void
                   *p1, __int64 p2, __int64  p3, __int64 p4, __int64
                   p5, __int64 p6);
      OpenVMS usage:cond_value
      type:         longword (unsigned)
      access:       write only
      mechanism:    by value
    Longword condition value. All system services return (by
    immediate value) a condition value in R0. Condition values that
    can be returned by this service are listed under Condition Values

4.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:ef_number
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Event flag that $QIO sets when the I/O operation completes. The
    efn argument is a longword value containing the number of the
    event flag; however, $QIO uses only the low-order byte.
    If efn is not specified, event flag 0 is set.
    The specified event flag is set if the service terminates without
    queuing an I/O request.
    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    I/O channel that is assigned to the device to which the request
    is directed. The chan argument is a word value containing the
    number of the I/O channel.
    OpenVMS usage:function_code
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Function codes and function modifiers specifying the operation
    to be performed. The func argument is a longword containing the
    function code.
    For information about the network pseudodevice and TELNET device
    function codes and modifiers, see Network Pseudodevice Driver
    Functions and TELNET Port Driver I/O Function Codes.
    OpenVMS usage:io_status_block
    type:         quadword (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32-bit reference or 64-bit
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference
    I/O status block to receive the final completion status of the
    I/O operation. The iosb is the address of the quadword I/O status
    When the $QIO begins executing, it clears the event flag. The
    $QIO also clears the quadword I/O status block if the iosb
    argument is specified.
    Although the iosb argument is optional, VSI strongly recommends
    that you specify it, for the following reasons:
    o  If you are using an event flag to signal the completion of
       the service, you can test the I/O status block for a condition
       value to be sure that the event flag was not set by an event
       other than service completion.
    o  If you are using the $SYNCH service to synchronize completion
       of the service, the I/O status block is a required argument
       for $SYNCH.
    o  The condition value returned in R0 and the condition value
       returned in the I/O status block provide information about
       different aspects of the call to the $QIO service. The
       condition value returned in R0 provides information about the
       success or failure of the service call itself; the condition
       values returned in the I/O status block give information on
       the success or failure of the service operation. Therefore, to
       determine the success or failure of the $QIO call, check the
       condition values returned in both the R0 and the I/O status
    OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       call without stack unwinding
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit reference
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference
    AST service routine to be executed when the I/O completes. The
    astadr argument is the address of the AST routine.
    The AST routine executes at the access mode of the caller of
    OpenVMS usage:user_arg
    type:         quadword unsigned (Alpha and I64); longword
                  unsigned (VAX)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit value
                  (VAX) by 32-bit value
    AST parameter to be passed to the AST service routine. On
    Alpha and I64 systems, the astprm argument is a quadword value
    containing the AST parameter. On VAX systems, the astprm argument
    is a longword value containing the AST parameter.
 p1 to p6
    OpenVMS usage:varying_arg
    type:         quadword unsigned (Alpha and I64); longword
                  unsigned (VAX)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit reference or by
                  64-bit value depending on the I/O function
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference or by 32-bit value
                  depending on the I/O function
    Optional device- and function-specific I/O request arguments. The
    parameter values contained in these arguments vary according to
    the function for which they are used. See Network Pseudodevice
    Driver Functions for descriptions of the network pseudodevice
    driver I/O function codes.

4.2  –  Description

    The Queue I/O Request service operates only on assigned I/O
    channels and only from access modes that are equal to or more
    privileged than the access mode from which the original channel
    assignment was made.
    For TCP/IP Services, $QIO uses the following system resources:
    o  The process's AST limit (ASTLM) quota, if an AST service
       routine is specified.
    o  System dynamic memory, which is required to queue the I/O
       request. System dynamic memory requirements are protocol
    o  Additional memory, on a device-dependent basis.
    For $QIO, completion can be synchronized as follows:
    o  By specifying the astadr argument to have an AST routine
       execute when the I/O is completed.
    o  By calling the $SYNCH synchronize service to await completion
       of the I/O operation. (If you want your I/O operation to
       complete synchronously, use the $QIOW system service instead.)

4.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    Each function used with $QIO has its own error codes. See the
    error codes listed under the individual descriptions of the I/O
    function code in the remainder of this chapter.

4.4  –  Network Pseudodevice Driver Functions

    The network pseudodevice allows physical, logical, and virtual
    I/O functions. The physical and logical I/O functions are used
    only with the IP layer. See the following table for a list of the
    basic I/O functions and their modifiers. The sections that follow
    describe in greater detail the operation of these I/O functions.
    The following table describes the network pseudodevice driver I/O
    Function Code and    Function
    Arguments            Modifier        Description
    IO$_ACCESS p3,p4     IO$M_ACCEPT     Opens a connection.
    IO$_ACPCONTROL p1,                   Performs an ACP (ancillary
    p2, p3, p4                           control process) operation.
    IO$_DEACCESS p4      IO$M_NOW        Aborts or closes a
                         IO$M_SHUTDOWN   connection.
    IO$_READVBLK         IO$M_EXTEND     Reads a virtual block.
    p1,p2,p3,p4,p6       IO$M_
                         IO$M_LOCKBUF    Controls the buffer
                         IO$M_PURGE      operations.
    IO$_SENSEMODE                        Reads the network
    p2,p3,p4,p6                          pseudodevice
    IO$_SENSECHAR                        Reads the network
    p2,p3,p4,p6                          pseudodevice
    IO$_SETMODE p1,p2,   IO$M_OUTBAND    Sets the network
    p3,p4,p5             IO$M_READATTN   pseudodevice characteristics
                         IO$M_WRTATTN    for subsequent operations.
    IO$_SETCHAR p1,p2,   IO$M_OUTBAND    Sets the network
    p3,p4,p5             IO$M_READATTN   pseudodevice characteristics
                         IO$M_WRTEATTN   for subsequent operations.
    IO$_WRITEVBLK        IO$M_           Writes a virtual block.
    p1,p2,p3,p4,p5       INTERRUPT

4.4.1  –  IO$_ACCESS

    When using a connection-oriented protocol, such as TCP, the IO$_
    ACCESS function initiates a connection and specifies a remote
    port number and IP address. When using a connectionless protocol,
    such as UDP, the IO$_ACCESS function sets the remote port number
    and IP address.
    For TCP, a connection request times out at a specified interval
    (75 seconds is the default). This interval can be changed by
    setting the inet subsystem parameter tcp_keepinit. The program
    can also set a specific timeout interval for a socket that it has
    created, as described in TCP Protocol Options.
    If a connection fails, you must deallocate the socket and then
    create a new socket before trying to reconnect.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API function is connect().  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_2 descriptor
    The remote port number and IP address of the host to connect.
    The p3 argument is the address of an item_list_2 descriptor that
    points to the socket address structure containing the remote port
    number and IP address.  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_NOW           Regardless of a $QIO or $QIOW, if the system
                       detects a condition that would cause the
                       operation to block, the system completes the
                       I/O operation and returns the SS$_SUSPENDED
                       status code.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error that occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  $QIO system service was specified without a
                       o  An IO$_ACCESS function was specified
                          without the address of a remote socket
                          name (p3 was null).
    SS$_BUGCHECK       Inconsistent state. Report the problem to your
                       VSI support representative.
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by a $CANCEL
                       system service.
    SS$_CONNECFAIL     The connection to a network object timed out
                       or failed.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        A network configuration error. No ports were
                       available for new connections.
    SS$_EXQUOTA        The process has exceeded a process quota.
    SS$_FILALRACC      The specified socket name is already in use by
                       one of the following:
                       o  On a raw socket, the remote IP address was
                          already specified on a previous IO$_ACCESS
                       o  On a datagram, the remote IP address was
                          already specified on a previous IO$_ACCESS
                       o  On a stream socket, the IO$_ACCESS function
                          targeted a stream socket that was already
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Illegal function.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to complete
                       the service.
    SS$_IVADDR         The specified IP address was not found, or an
                       invalid port number and IP address combination
                       was specified with the IO$_ACCESS function.
                       Port 0 is not allowed with the IO$_ACCESS
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       The size of the socket name structure
                       specified with the IO$_ACCESS function was
    SS$_LINKABORT      The remote socket closed the connection.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      The TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       A network protocol error occurred. The
                       address family specified in the socket address
                       structure is not supported.
    SS$_REJECT         The network connection is rejected for one of
                       the following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to connect to a remote
                          socket that is already connected.
                       o  An error was encountered while establishing
                          the connection
                       o  The peer socket refused the connection
                          request or is closing the connection.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.
    SS$_SUSPENDED      The system detected a condition that might
                       cause the operation to block.
    SS$_TIMEOUT        A TCP connection timed out before the
                       connection could be established.
    SS$_UNREACHABLE    The remote node is currently unreachable.


    This function is used with a connection-based protocol, such as
    TCP, to accept a new connection on a passive socket.
    This function completes the first connection on the queue of
    pending connections.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API function is accept() .  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_3 descriptor
    The remote port number and IP address of a new connection. The p3
    argument is the address of an item_list_3 descriptor that points
    to the socket address structure into which the remote port number
    and IP address of the new connection is written.
    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by reference
    The I/O channel number assigned to a new connection. The p4
    argument is the address of a word into which the new connection's
    channel number is written.  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_EXTEND        Allows the usage of BSD Version 4.4 formatted
                       socket address structures. Use this modifier
                       to operate in the IPv6 environment.
    IO$M_NOW           Regardless of a $QIO or $QIOW, if the system
                       detects a condition that would cause the
                       operation to block, the system completes the
                       I/O operation and returns the SS$_SUSPENDED
                       status code.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error that occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  $QIO system service was specified without a
                       o  A IO$_ACCESS|IO$M_ACCEPT function was
                          specified without the address of the
                          channel for the new connection (p4 was
                          null or invalid).
    SS$_BUGCHECK       Inconsistent state. Report the problem to your
                       VSI support representative.
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by a $CANCEL
                       system service.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_EXQUOTA        The process has exceeded a process quota.
    SS$_FILALRACC      The specified socket name is already in use by
                       one of the following:
                       o  On a raw socket, the remote IP address was
                          already specified on a previous IO$_ACCESS
                       o  On a datagram, the remote IP address was
                          already specified on a previous IO$_ACCESS
                       o  On a stream socket, the IO$_ACCESS function
                          targeted a stream socket that was already
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Illegal function.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to complete
                       the service.
    SS$_IVADDR         The specified IP address was not found, or an
                       invalid port number and IP address combination
                       was specified with the IO$_ACCESS function.
                       Port 0 is not allowed with the IO$_ACCESS
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       The size of the socket name structure
                       specified with the IO$_ACCESS function was
    SS$_LINKABORT      The remote socket closed the connection.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      The TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       A network protocol error occurred. The
                       address family specified in the socket address
                       structure is not supported.
    SS$_REJECT         The network connection is rejected for one of
                       the following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to connect to a remote
                          socket that is already connected.
                       o  An error was encountered while establishing
                          the connection
                       o  The peer socket refused the connection
                          request or is closing the connection.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.
    SS$_SUSPENDED      The system detected a condition that might
                       cause the operation to block.
    SS$_TIMEOUT        A TCP connection timed out before the
                       connection could be established.
    SS$_UNREACHABLE    The remote node is currently unreachable.

4.4.3  –  IO$_ACPCONTROL

    The IO$_ACPCONTROL function accesses the network ACP to retrieve
    information from the host and the network database files.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are gethostbyaddr(),
    gethostbyname(), getnetbyaddr(),  and getnetbyname().  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:subfunction_code
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
    A longword identifying the network ACP operation to perform.
    The p1 argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to this
    To specify the network ACP operation to perform, select a
    subfunction code from the first table below and a call code from
    the second table.
    The following table defines subfunction codes for network ACP
    Subfunction Code            Description
    INETACP_FUNC$C_             Get the host name of the specified IP
    GETHOSTBYADDR               address from the hosts database.
    INETACP_FUNC$C_             Get the IP address of the specified
    GETHOSTBYNAME               host from the hosts database.
    INETACP_FUNC$C_             Get the network name of the specified
    GETNETBYADDR                IP address from the network database.
    INETACP_FUNC$C_             Get the IP address of the specified
    GETNETBYNAME                network from the network database.
    The following table defines call codes for network ACP
    Call Code              Description
    INETACP$C_ALIASES      Returns the list of alias names associated
                           with the specified host or network from
                           the internet hosts or network database.
    INETACP$C_TRANS        Returns the IP address associated with
                           the specified host or network as a 32-bit
                           value in network byte order.
    INETACPC$C_HOSTENT_    Returns full host information in a
    OFFSET                 modified hostent structure. In the
                           modified structure, pointers are replaced
                           with offsets from the beginning of the
    INETACP$C_NETENT_      Returns full network information in
    OFFSET                 a modified netent structure. In the
                           modified structure, pointers are replaced
                           with offsets from the beginning of the
    IO$_ACPCONTROL searches the local hosts database for the host's
    name. If a matching host name is not found in the local hosts
    database, IO$_ACPCONTROL then searches the BIND database if the
    BIND resolver is enabled.
    OpenVMS usage:char_string
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Input string for the network ACP operation containing one of
    the following: host IP address, host name, network IP address,
    or network name. The p2 argument is the address of a string
    descriptor pointing to the input string. The input string must
    be in an area of memory that is capable of being read and written
    All IP addresses are specified in dotted-decimal notation.
    OpenVMS usage:word_unsigned
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Length in bytes of the output buffer returned by IO$_ACPCONTROL.
    The p3 argument is the address of a word in which the length of
    the output buffer is written.
    OpenVMS usage:buffer
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
    Buffer into which IO$_ACPCONTROL writes its output data. The p4
    argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the output
    The format of the data returned in the output buffer is dictated
    by the call code specified by the p1 argument.
    o  Strings returned by IO$_ACPCONTROL with a call code of
       INETACP$C_ALIASES consist of one of the following: host IP
       address, host name, network IP address, or network name. All
       IP addresses are formatted using dotted-decimal notation.
       Alias names are separated by a null character (0). The length
       of the returned string includes all null characters that
       separate alias names.
    o  IP addresses returned by IO$_ACPCONTROL with a call code of
       INETACP$C_TRANS are 32-bit values in network byte order.
    o  All hostent and netent structures returned by IO$_
       ACPCONTROL with a call code of INETACP$C_HOSTENT_OFFSET or
       INETACP$C_NETENT_OFFSET are modified; pointers are replaced
       with offsets from the beginning of the structure.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully
    SS$_ABORT          An error was detected while performing an ACP
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming or internal error. A bad parameter
                       (name or address) was specified in the call.
    SS$_BUFFEROVF      Programming error. There was not enough space
                       for returning all alias names in the call.
    SS$_ENDOFFILE      The information requested is not in the
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Illegal function.
    SS$_NOPRIV         The privilege level was insufficient for the
                       execution of an ACP function.
    SS$_RESULTOVF      The ACP overflowed the buffer in returning a
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.

4.4.4  –  IO$_DEACCESS

    The IO$_DEACCESS function closes a connection and deletes a
    socket. Any pending messages queued for transmission are sent
    before tearing down the connection.
    When used with the IO$M_SHUTDOWN function modifier, the IO$_
    DEACCESS function shuts down all or part of a bidirectional
    connection on a socket. Use the p4 argument to specify the
    disposition of pending I/O operations on the socket.
    You can specify a wait time or time-to-linger socket parameter
    (TCPIP$C_LINGER option) for transmission completion before
    disconnecting the connection. Use the IO$_SETMODE function to
    set and clear the TCPIP$C_LINGER option.
    If you set the TCPIP$C_LINGER option, a $QIO call that uses the
    IO$_DEACCESS function allows data queued to the socket to arrive
    at the destination. The system is blocked until data arrives at
    the remote socket. The socket data structure remains open for the
    duration of the TCP idle time interval.
    If you do not set the TCPIP$C_LINGER option (option is set to 0),
    a $QIO call that uses the IO$_DEACCESS function discards any data
    queued to the socket and deallocates the socket data structure.
       For compatibility with UNIX, TCP/IP Services forces a time
       to linger of 2 minutes on TCP stream sockets.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are close() and shutdown().  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Longword of shutdown flags to specify the disposition of pending
    I/O operations on the socket. The p4 argument is used only with
    the IO$M_SHUTDOWN function modifier. The following table lists
    available shutdown flags.
    Shutdown Flag   Description
    TCPIP$C_DSC_    Discards messages from the receive queue and
    RCV             disallows further receiving. Pending messages
                    in the receive queue for this connection are
    TCPIP$C_DSC_    Discards messages from the send queue and
    SND             disallows sending new messages. Pending messages
                    in the transmit queue for this connection are
    TCPIP$C_DSC_    Discards all messages and disallows both
    ALL             sending and receiving. All pending messages are
                    Specifying this flag has the same effect as
                    issuing a $CANCEL QIO followed by an IO$_DEACCESS
                    QIO without specifying any flags.  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_SHUTDOWN      Causes all or part of a full-duplex connection
                       on a socket to be shut down.
    IO$M_NOW           Regardless of a $QIO or $QIOW, if the system
                       detects a condition that would cause the
                       operation to block, the system completes the
                       I/O operation and returns the SS$_SUSPENDED
                       status code.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_BADPARAM       The IO$_DEACCESS operation failed to specify a
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by a $CANCEL
                       system service.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_NOLINKS        The specified socket was not connected.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.
    SS$_SUSPENDED      The system detected a condition that might
                       cause the operation to block.

4.4.5  –  IO$_READVBLK

    The IO$_READVBLK function transfers data received from an
    internet host to the specified user buffers. Use both p1 and
    p2 arguments to specify a single user buffer. Use the p6 argument
    to specify multiple buffers.
    For connection-oriented protocols, such as TCP, data is buffered
    in system space as a stream of bytes. The IO$_READVBLK function
    completes when one of the following occurs:
    o  There is no more data buffered in system space for this
    o  There is no more available space in the user buffer. Data that
       is buffered in system space but did not fit in the user buffer
       is available to the user in subsequent $QIOs.
    For connectionless protocols, datagram and raw socket data is
    buffered in system space as a chain of records. The user buffer
    specified with a IO$_READVBLK function is filled with data that
    is buffered in one record. Each IO$_READVBLK reads data from
    one record. The IO$_READVBLK function completes when one of the
    following occurs:
    o  All data from a record is transferred to the user buffer.
    o  There is no more available space in the user buffer. Any data
       remaining in the current record that did not fit in the user
       buffer is discarded. A subsequent $QIO reads data from the
       next record buffered in system space.
    Use the TCP/IP management command SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET/FULL to
    display counters related to read operations.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are read(), recv(),
    recvfrom(), and recvmsg().  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:buffer
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit reference
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference
    The address of the buffer to receive the incoming data. The
    length of this buffer is specified by the p2 argument.
    OpenVMS usage:buffer_length
    access:       quadword unsigned (Alpha and I64); longword
    unsigned (VAX)
    mechanism:    read only
                  (Alpha and I64) by 64-bit value
    The length (in bytes) of the buffer available to hold the
    incoming data. The address of this buffer is specified by the
    p1 argument.
    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_3 descriptor
    The remote port number and IP address of the source of the
    datagram or raw IP message (not TCP). The p3 argument is the
    address of an item_list_3 descriptor that points to the socket
    address structure into which the remote port number and IP
    address of the message source is written.
    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Longword of flags to specify attributes for the read operations.
    The following table lists the available read flags.
    Read Flag          Description
    TCPIP$C_MSG_OOB    Reads an out-of-band byte.
    TCPIP$C_MSG_PEEK   Reads a message but leaves the message in the
    TCPIP$C_MSG_NBIO   Does not block the I/O operation if the
                       receive queue is empty (similar to using
    TCPIP$C_MSG_PURGE  Flushes data from the queue (similar to using
    TCPIP$C_MSG_       Blocks the completion of the operation until
    BLOCKALL           the buffer is filled completely or until the
                       connection is closed (similar to using IO$M_
    OpenVMS usage:buffer_list
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit
                  descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
                  (VAX) by 32-bit descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
    Output buffer list describing one or more buffers to hold the
    incoming data. The p6 argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on
    Alpha and I64 systems) or the 32-bit address (on VAX systems)
    of a descriptor that points to a output buffer list. Buffers
    are filled in the order specified by the output buffer list. The
    transfer-length value returned in the I/O status block is the
    total number of bytes transferred to all buffers.
    If you use the p1 and p2 arguments, do not use the p6 argument;
    they are mutually exclusive.  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_EXTEND        Specifies the format of the socket address
                       structure to return when used with the p3
                       When specified, a BSD Version 4.4 formatted
                       socket address structure is returned that
                       identifies the source of the received UDP
                       datagram or raw IP message.
                       To operate in an IPv6 environment, you must
                       set the IO$M_EXTEND modifier.
    IO$M_INTERRUPT     Reads an out-of-band (OOB) message. This
                       has the same effect as specifying the
                       TCPIP$C_MSG_OOB flag in the p4 argument.
                       On receiving an OOB character, TCP/IP stores
                       the pointer in the received stream with the
                       character that precedes the OOB character.
                       A read operation with a user-buffer size
                       larger than the size of the received stream
                       up to the OOB character completes and returns
                       to the user the received stream up to, but not
                       including, the OOB character.
                       To determine whether the socket must issue
                       more read $QIOs before getting all the
                       characters from the stream preceding an OOB
                       character, poll the socket. To do this, issue
                       a $QIO with the $IO_SENSEMODE function, and
                       the TCPIP$C_IOCTL subfunction that specifies
                       the SIOCATMARK command. The SIOCATMARK values
                       are as follows:
                       o  0 = Issue more read $QIOs to read more data
                          before reading the OOB.
                       o  1 = The next read $QIO will return the OOB
                       Polling a socket is particularly useful
                       when the OOBINLINE socket option is set.
                       When the OOBINLINE is set, TCP/IP reads the
                       OOB character with the characters in the
                       stream (IO$_READVBLK), but not before reading
                       the preceding characters. Use this polling
                       mechanism to determine whether the first
                       character in the user buffer on the next read
                       is an OOB character.
                       On a socket without the OOBINLINE option
                       set, a received OOB character will always
                       be read by issuing a $QIO with either the
                       IO$_READVBLK|IO$M_INTERRUPT or IO$_READVBLK
                       and the TCPIP$C_MSG_OOB flag set. This
                       can occur regardless of how many preceding
                       characters in the stream have been returned to
                       the user.
    IO$M_LOCKBUF       Blocks the completion of the I/O operation
                       until the user buffer is completely filled
                       or until the connection is closed. This
                       is particularly useful when you want to
                       minimize the number of $QIO service calls
                       issued to read a data stream of a set size.
                       This function modifier supports only stream
    IO$M_NOWAIT        Regardless of a $QIO or $QIOW, if the
                       system detects a condition that would
                       cause the operation to block, the system
                       completes the I/O operation and returns the
                       SS$_SUSPENDED status code.
    IO$M_PURGE         Flushes data from the socket receive queue
                       (discards data). If the user buffer is larger
                       than the amount of data in the queue, all data
                       is flushed.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ABORT          Programming error, INET management error, or
                       hardware error. The execution of the I/O was
    SS$_ACCVIO         Access to an invalid memory location or buffer
    SS$_BADPARAM       One of the following methods was used to
                       specify a $QIO function with an invalid
                       o  An I/O function executed without specifying
                          a device socket. First issue a $QIO with
                          the IO$_SETMODE function and the proper
                          parameters to create the device socket.
                       o  An IO$_READVBLK function that does not
                          specify a correct buffer address (p1 or p6
                          is null).
                       o  An IO$_READVBLK function specified an
                          invalid vectored buffer (p6 is an invalid
                       o  The socket has the OOBINLINE option set,
                          or there is no OOB character in the
                          socket's OOB queue because the character
                          was either already read or never received.
                          This condition happens only if you use
                          the IO$M_INTERRUPT modifier or set the
                          TCPIP$C_MSG_OOB flag with IO$_READVBLK.
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by a $CANCEL
                       system service.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_INSFMEM        INET management or programming error. There
                       is not enough buffer space for allocation.
                       The INET software needs more buffer space.
                       You should set a higher quota for the dynamic
                       buffer space, or shut down and restart TCP/IP
                       Services with a larger static buffer space.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  The size of the buffer for an I/O function
                          is insufficient.
                       o  An IO$_READVBLK specified a correct buffer
                          address (p1 valid), but does not specify a
                          buffer length (p2 is null).
    SS$_LINKDISCON     A virtual circuit (TCP/IP) was closed at the
                       initiative of the peer.
    SS$_NOLINKS        Programming error. Read attempt on unconnected
                       TCP socket.
    SS$_SHUT           The network is being shut down.
    SS$_SUSPENDED      The operation is blocked for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  No messages were received, so the receive
                          operation cannot complete. The socket is
                          marked as nonblocking.
                       o  The socket has the OOBINLINE option clear,
                          and the OOB character has already been
    SS$_TIMEOUT        This applies to a socket that has KEEPALIVE
                       set. The connection was idle for longer
                       than the timeout interval (10 minutes is
                       the default). For more information, see TCP
                       Protocol Options.
    SS$_UNREACHABLE    Communication status. The remote host or
                       network is unreachable.


    The IO$_SENSEMODE and IO$_SENSECHAR functions return one or more
    parameters (characteristics) pertaining to the network driver.
    Socket names (local and remote peer) are returned by using IO$_
    SENSEMODE's p3 and p4 arguments. Other parameters such as socket
    and protocol options, are specified in an output parameter list
    using the IO$_SENSEMODE p6 argument.
    IO$_SENSEMODE p3 and p4 arguments can be used with the p6
    argument in a single $QIO system service to return socket names
    as well as socket and protocol options. IO$_SENSEMODE processes
    arguments in this order: p3, p4, p6. If IO$_SENSEMODE detects
    an error, the I/O status block (IOSB) contains the error and
    argument address or the value that was at fault.
    Refer to individual argument descriptions for details about
    specifying the type and format of output parameters.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_3 descriptor
    The port number and IP address of the local name associated with
    the socket. The p3 argument is the address of an item_list_3
    descriptor that points to the socket address structure into which
    the local name is written.
    The equivalent Sockets API function is getsockname().
    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_3 descriptor
    The port number and IP address of the remote name associated with
    the socket's peer. The p4 argument is the address of an item_
    list_3 descriptor that points to the socket address structure
    into which the peer name is written.
    The equivalent Sockets API function is getpeername().
    OpenVMS usage:output_parameter_list
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_2 descriptor
    Output parameter list describing one or more parameters to
    return. The p6 argument is the address of an item_list_2
    descriptor that points to and identifies the type of output
    parameter list.
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are getsockopt() and
    ioctl().  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_EXTEND        Specifies the format of the socket address
                       structure to return when used with the p3 or
                       p4 arguments.
                       When specified, a BSD Version 4.4 formatted
                       socket address structure is returned.
                       Specify the IO$M_EXTEND modifier to operate in
                       an IPv6 environment.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ACCVIO         The service cannot access a buffer specified
                       by one or more arguments.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  $QIO system service was specified without a
                       o  Error occurred processing a socket or
                          protocol option.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. The operation is
                       unsupported for one of the following reasons:
                       o  An invalid IO$_SENSEMODE function for the
                          interface was specified. The interface does
                          not have an IOCTL routine.
                       o  An IO$_SENSEMODE function that requires a
                          socket was specified, but the device did
                          not have one. Create a socket and then
                          issue the function.
                       o  An unsupported operation was performed on
                          at least one of the following protocols:
                          raw IP, datagram, or stream sockets.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to complete
                       the service.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       The size of a socket option buffer specified
                       with the IO$_SENSEMODE function was invalid.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      Programming error or INET management error. An
                       INET address is not in the Address Resolution
                       Protocol (ARP) table. An attempt to show or
                       delete an ARP table entry failed.
    SS$_NOLINKS        The specified socket was not connected.
    SS$_NOOPER         Programming error. An attempt to get ARP
                       information occurred without OPER privilege.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       A network protocol error occurred. The
                       address family specified in the socket address
                       structure is not supported.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.
    SS$_UNREACHABLE    The remote node is currently unreachable.


    The IO$_SETMODE and IO$_SETCHAR functions set one or more
    parameters (characteristics) pertaining to the network driver.
    Sockets are created using the IO$_SETMODE p1 argument. Names are
    assigned to sockets using the IO$_SETMODE p3 argument. Active
    sockets are converted to passive sockets using the IO$_SETMODE p4
    argument. Other parameters, such as socket and protocol options,
    are specified in an input parameter list using the IO$_SETMODE p5
    The IO$_SETMODE p1, p3, and p4 arguments can be used with the
    p5 argument in a single $QIO system service to set socket names
    as well as socket and protocol options. IO$_SETMODE processes
    arguments in this order: p1, p3, p4, p5. If IO$_SETMODE detects
    an error, the I/O status block (IOSB) contains the error and
    argument address or the value that was at fault.
    Refer to individual argument descriptions for details about
    specifying the type and format of input parameters.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:socket_characteristics
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Longword specifying the protocol, socket type, and address family
    of a new socket. The p1 argument is the address of the longword
    containing the socket characteristics.
    The newly created socket is marked privileged if the image that
    creates a socket runs in a process that has BYPASS, OPER, or
    SYSPRV privilege.
    The following table shows protocol codes:
    Protocol         Description
    TCPIP$C_TCP      TCP/IP protocol
    TCPIP$C_UDP      UDP/IP protocol
    TCPIP$C_RAW_IP   IP protocol
    The following table lists the valid socket types.
    Socket Type      Description
    TCPIP$C_STREAM   Permits bidirectional, reliable, sequenced,
                     and unduplicated data flow without record
    TCPIP$C_DGRAM    Permits bidirectional data flow with record
                     boundaries. No provisions for sequencing,
                     reliability, or unduplicated messages.
    TCPIP$C_RAW      Permits access to the IP layer; used to develop
                     new protocols that are layered upon the IP
    The following table shows address family codes:
    Address Family   Description
    TCPIP$C_AF_INET  IPv4 Internet domain (default).
    TCPIP$C_AF_      IPv6 Internet domain.
    TCPIP$C_AUXS     Accept hand-off of a socket already created and
                     initialized by the auxiliary server.
    The equivalent Sockets API function is socket().
    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_2 descriptor
    The local name (that is, port number and IP address) to assign
    to the socket. The p3 argument is the address of an item_list_2
    descriptor that points to the socket address structure containing
    the local name.
    The equivalent Sockets API function is bind() .
    OpenVMS usage:connection_backlog
    type:         byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Maximum limit of outstanding connection requests for a socket
    that is connection oriented. If more connection requests are
    received than are specified, the additional requests are ignored
    so that TCP retries can succeed.
    The equivalent Sockets API function is listen().
    OpenVMS usage:input_parameter_list
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_2 descriptor
    Input parameter list describing one or more parameters to set.
    The p5 argument is the address of an item_list_2 descriptor that
    points to and identifies the type of input parameter list.
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are setsockopt() and
    ioctl().  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ACCVIO         The service cannot access a buffer specified
                       by one or more arguments.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error that occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  $QIO system service was specified without a
                       o  Error occurred processing a socket or
                          protocol option.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        Programming error. The port being bound is
                       already in use. An attempt to bind the socket
                       to an address and port failed.
    SS$_FILALRACC      Programming error. The IP address is already
                       in use. An attempt to bind the socket to an
                       address and port failed.
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. An attempt to perform an
                       IO$_SETMODE function required a socket, but
                       the device did not have one. Create a socket
                       before issuing the function.
    SS$_IVADDR         Programming error. The IP address you
                       specified using the IO$_SETMODE function was
                       not placed into the system. This resulted
                       in an invalid port number or IP address
                       combination. The IP address was invalid for
                       one of the following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to exceed the limit
                          of allowable permanent entries in the ARP
                       o  An attempt was made to bind a raw IP socket
                          when there are no interfaces defined in the
                       o  An attempt was made to bind a raw IP socket
                          to a null Internet address.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to complete
                       the service.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       The size of a socket option buffer specified
                       with the IO$_SETMODE function was invalid.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      Programming or system management error. A
                       TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_NOOPER         Programming or INET management error. An
                       attempt to was made to execute an I/O function
                       that needs the OPER privilege.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming or INET management error. There
                       are not enough privileges for the attempted
                       operation for one of the following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to broadcast an IP
                          datagram on a process without SYSPRV,
                          BYPASS, or OPER privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use a reserved port
                          number lower than 1024.
                       o  An attempt was made to access a process
                          that requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use raw IP on a
                          privileged socket that requires the SYSPRV
                          or BYPASS privilege.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      Programming error or INET management error.
                       An attempt was made to show or delete an ARP
                       table entry failed because the IP address is
                       not found.
    SS$_NOSUCHNODE     Programming error or INET management error.
                       An attempt was made to delete a route from the
                       routing table failed because the entry was not
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. A specified protocol or
                       address family caused an error for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  An invalid protocol type was specified at
                          socket creation.
                       o  An unsupported protocol was specified.
                       o  The address family is unsupported for one
                          of the following reasons:
                          -  An unsupported address family was
                             specified. Instead, specify the
                             address family (TCPIP$C_AF_INET,
                             TCPIP$C_AF_INET6, or TCPIP$C_UNSPEC).
                          -  An unsupported address family for
                             the local IP address was specified.
                             Instead, specify the address family
                             (TCPIP$C_AF_INET or TCPIP$C_AF_INET6).
                          -  An unsupported address family for
                             the IP address of the routing module
                             was specified. Instead, specify the
                             address family (TCPIP$C_AF_INET or
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.


    The IO$_SETMODE|IO$M_OUTBAND function/modifier combination
    requests that the asynchronous system trap (AST) for an out-
    of-band (OOB) character be delivered to the requesting process.
    This is to be done only when an OOB character is received on the
    socket and there is no waiting read request. The socket must be a
    TCP (stream) socket.
    The Enable OOB character AST function allows an Attention AST
    to be delivered to the requesting process only once. After the
    AST occurs, the function must explicitly reenable AST delivery
    before a new AST can be delivered. This function is subject to
    AST quotas.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       call without stack unwinding
    mechanism:    by reference
    To enable the AST, the p1 argument is the address of the OOB
    character AST routine. To disable the AST, p1 equals 0.
    OpenVMS usage:user_arg
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    AST parameter to be delivered to the AST routine specified by the
    p1 argument.
    OpenVMS usage:access_mode
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Access mode to deliver the AST.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_NORMAL         The service completed successfully.
    SS$_ABORT          Programming, INET management, or hardware
    SS$_ACCVIO         Programming error. An attempt to access an
                       invalid memory location or buffer occurred.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error. A $QIO service with an
                       invalid parameter occurred for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to execute an IO$_
                          SETMODE function (all functions except
                          socket creation) without specifying a
                          device socket. Instead, create a device
                          socket by issuing a $QIO with the IO$_
                          SETMODE function and correct parameters.
                       o  A socket option was specified incorrectly.
    SS$_DEVACTIVE      INET management error. An attempt to change
                       the static parameters occurred. If new
                       parameters are needed, restart TCP/IP
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded but the INET_ACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        Programming error. An attempt to bind a port
                       that is already in use occurred. An attempt to
                       bind the socket to an address and port failed.
    SS$_FILALRACC      Programming error. IP address is already
                       in use. An attempt to bind the socket to an
                       address and port failed.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Programming or system management error: Not
                       enough resources to allocate new socket.
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. Operation is not supported
                       because of one of the following reasons:
                       o  Invalid IO$_SETMODE (IOCTL) function was
                          used for the interface. The interface does
                          not have an IOCTL routine.
                       o  An attempt was made to perform an
                          IO$_SETMODE (IOCTL) function that required
                          a socket, but the device did not have
                          one. Create a socket and issue the IOCTL
    SS$_IVADDR         The specified IP address was not found, or an
                       invalid port number and IP address combination
                       was specified. Port 0 is not allowed with this
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error. The socket option buffer
                       has an invalid size.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      Programming or system management error. The
                       TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_NOOPER         Programming or INET management error. An
                       attempt was made to execute an I/O function
                       that needs the OPER privilege.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming or INET management error. Not
                       enough privileges for the attempted operation
                       for one of the following reasons:
                       o  Broadcasting an IP datagram was denied
                          because the process does not have SYSPRV,
                          BYPASS, or OPER privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use a reserved port
                          number lower than 1024.
                       o  An operation accesses only processes that
                          have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
                       o  Raw IP protocol can be used only on
                          privileged sockets. The process must have a
                          SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      Programming error or INET management error.
                       An INET address is not in the ARP table. An
                       attempt to show or delete an ARP table entry
    SS$_NOSUCHNODE     Programming or INET management error. An
                       attempt to delete a route from the routing
                       table failed because a route entry was not
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. The specified protocol type
                       is not supported.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.


    The IO$_SETMODE|IO$M_READATTN function/modifier combination
    requests that an Attention AST be delivered to the requesting
    process when a data packet is received on the socket and there is
    no waiting read request.
    The Enable Read Attention AST function enables an Attention AST
    to be delivered to the requesting process only once. After the
    AST occurs, the function must explicitly reenable AST delivery
    before the AST can occur again. The function is subject to AST
    Consider the following when using IO$M_READATTN:
    o  There is a one-to-one correspondence between the number of
       times you enable an Attention AST and the number of times the
       AST is delivered. For each enabled AST, one AST is delivered.
       If you enable an Attention AST several times, several ASTs are
       delivered for one event when an event occurs.
    o  If an out-of-band (OOB) Attention AST is enabled, the OOB AST
       is delivered, regardless of the following:
       -  An enabled Read Attention AST
       -  The TCPIP$C_OOBINLINE socket option
       -  A READ $QIO waiting for completion on the socket
    If the TCPIP$C_OOBINLINE option is set, then a waiting READ
    $QIO is completed and the OOB character is returned in the data
    o  If both an OOB AST and a Read Attention AST are enabled, only
       the OOB AST is delivered when an OOB character is received.
    o  If a Read Attention AST is enabled and the TCPIP$C_OOBINLINE
       socket option is set, a waiting READ $QIO completes and the
       OOB character is returned in the data stream.
    o  If a Read Attention AST is enabled and the TCPIP$C_OOBINLINE
       socket option is not set (clear), the Read Attention AST
       is delivered when an OOB character is received, regardless
       of whether a READ $QIO is waiting for completion. In this
       case, the OOB character is not returned in the data stream.
       Therefore, if the OOB character is the only character
       received, the READ $QIO does not complete.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       call without stack unwinding
    mechanism:    by reference
    To enable the AST, the p1 argument is the address of the Read
    Attention AST routine. To disable the AST, set p1 to 0.
    OpenVMS usage:user_arg
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    AST parameter to be delivered to the AST routine.
    OpenVMS usage:access_mode
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Access mode in which the AST is delivered.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_ABORT          Programming, INET management, or hardware
                       error. The route entry already exists, so
                       the attempt to add a route entry using the
                       IO$_SETMODE function failed.
    SS$_ACCVIO         Programming error. An attempt to access an
                       invalid memory location or buffer occurred.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error. The parameter specified
                       for a $QIO function was invalid for one of the
                       following reasons:
                       o  An attempt to execute the IO$_SETMODE
                          functions without specifying a device
                          socket occurred. Instead, create a device
                          socket by issuing a $QIO with the IO$_
                          SETMODE function and the proper parameters.
                       o  A socket option was specified incorrectly.
    SS$_DEVACTIVE      INET management error. An attempt to change a
                       static parameter was unsuccessful. If you need
                       new parameters, restart TCP/IP Services.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded but the INET_ACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        Programming error. An attempt to bind a port
                       already in use occurred so the operation
                       to bind the socket to the address and port
    SS$_FILALRACC      Programming error. An attempt to bind the
                       socket to an address that is already in use
                       occurred and the operation failed.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Programming or system management error. The
                       system does not have enough resources to
                       allocate new socket.
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. Operation is not supported.
                       o  Invalid IO$_SETMODE (IOCTL) function was
                          used for the interface. The interface does
                          not have an IOCTL routine.
                       o  An attempt was made to perform an
                          IO$_SETMODE (IOCTL) function that required
                          a socket, but the device did not have
                          one. Create a socket and issue the IOCTL
    SS$_IVADDR         Programming error. The specified IP address
                       is not in the system, and an invalid port
                       number or an invalid IP address combination
                       was specified with an IO$_SETMODE function (a
                       o  An attempt to bind the address failed
                          because the IP address is not in the
                          system, Port 0 and IP address 0 are not
                          allowed, or Port 0 is not allowed when
                          using an IO$_ACCESS function.
                       o  An attempt was made to make a permanent
                          entry in the ARP table failed because of
                          lack of space. Too many permanent entries.
                       o  An attempt was made to bind an IP socket
                          (raw IP) when there are no interfaces
                          defined in the system.
                       o  An attempt was made to bind an IP socket
                          (raw IP) to a null INET address.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error. The socket option buffer
                       has an invalid size.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      Programming or system management error. The
                       TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_NOOPER         Programming or INET management error. An
                       attempt was made to execute an I/O function
                       that needs the OPER privilege.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming or INET management error. Not
                       enough privileges for the attempted operation.
                       o  Broadcasting an IP datagram was denied
                          because the process does not have SYSPRV,
                          BYPASS, or OPER privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use a reserved port
                          number lower than 1024.
                       o  An operation accesses only processes that
                          have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
                       o  Raw IP protocol can be used only on
                          privileged sockets. The process must have a
                          SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      Programming error or INET management error. An
                       Internet address is not in the ARP table. An
                       attempt to show or delete an ARP table entry
    SS$_NOSUCHNODE     Programming error or INET management error.
                       An attempt to delete a route from the routing
                       table failed because a route entry was not
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. The specified protocol type
                       is not supported.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.


    The IO$_SETMODE|IO$M_WRTATTN function/modifier combination (IO$M_
    WRTATTN is Enable Write Attention AST) requests that an Attention
    AST be delivered to the requesting process when a data packet can
    be queued to the socket. For TCP sockets, this occurs when space
    becomes available in the TCP transmit queue.
    The Enable Write Attention AST function enables an Attention AST
    to be delivered to the requesting process only once. After the
    AST occurs, the function must explicitly reenable AST delivery
    before the AST can occur again. The function is subject to AST
    There is a one-to-one correspondence between the number of
    times you enable an Attention AST and the number of times the
    AST is delivered. For example, for each enabled AST, one AST is
    delivered. If you enable an Attention AST several times, several
    ASTs are delivered for one event when the event occurs.
    You can use the TCP/IP management command SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET to
    display information about the socket's characteristics, options,
    and state.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:ast_procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       call without stack unwinding
    mechanism:    by reference
    To enable the AST, the p1 argument is the address of the Write
    Attention AST routine. To disable the AST, p1 is set to 0.
    OpenVMS usage:user_arg
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    AST parameter to be delivered to the AST routine.
    OpenVMS usage:access_mode
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Access mode in which the AST is delivered.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_ABORT          Programming error, INET management error,
                       or hardware error. The route specified with
                       the IO$_SETMODE function already exists.
                       Therefore, the operation failed.
    SS$_ACCVIO         Programming error. An attempt to access an
                       invalid memory location or buffer occurred.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error. The parameter specified for
                       the $QIO I/O function was invalid for one of
                       the following reasons:
                       o  An attempt was made to execute the IO$_
                          SETMODE functions without specifying a
                          device socket. Instead, create a device
                          socket by issuing a $QIO with the IO$_
                          SETMODE function and the proper parameters.
                       o  A socket option was specified incorrectly.
    SS$_DEVACTIVE      INET management error. You attempted to
                       change the static parameters. If you need
                       new parameters, restart TCP/IP Services.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded but the INET_ACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        Programming error. Port that is being bound is
                       already in use. An attempt to bind the socket
                       to an address and port failed.
    SS$_FILALRACC      Programming error. Because the IP address is
                       already in use, an attempt to bind the socket
                       to an address and port failed.
    SS$_INSFMEM        Programming or system management error. There
                       are not enough resources to allocate a new
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. An attempt was made to
                       execute an IO$_SETMODE function that required
                       a socket, but the device did not have one.
                       Instead, create a socket and issue the
    SS$_IVADDR         Programming error. An invalid port number and
                       IP address combination was specified with the
                       IO$_SETMODE bind function. This caused the
                       operation to fail for one of the following
                       o  An illegal combination of Port 0 and IP
                          address 0 was specified.
                       o  An attempt was made to make a permanent
                          entry in the ARP table and the operation
                          failed because of lack of space. There are
                          too many permanent entries.
                       o  An attempt was made to bind a raw IP socket
                          when there were no interfaces defined in
                          the system.
                       o  An attempt was made to bind a raw IP socket
                          to a null IP address.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error. An invalid size was
                       specified for the socket option buffer.
    SS$_NOLICENSE      Programming or system management error. The
                       TCP/IP Services license is not present.
    SS$_NOOPER         Programming or INET management error. An
                       attempt was made to execute an I/O function
                       that needs the OPER privilege.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming or INET management error. The
                       operation failed for one of the following
                       o  An attempt was made to broadcast an IP
                          datagram for a process without having
                          SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use a reserved port
                          number lower than 1024.
                       o  An attempt was made to access a process
                          without having SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.
                       o  An attempt was made to use raw IP on a
                          socket that is not a privileged socket. To
                          do this, the process must have SYSPRV or
                          BYPASS privilege.
    SS$_NOSUCHDEV      Programming error or INET management error.
                       An attempt was made to show or delete an
                       entry in the ARP table. However, because
                       the IP address was not in the ARP table, the
                       operation failed.
    SS$_NOSUCHNODE     Programming error or INET management error.
                       An attempt was made to delete a route from
                       the routing information table (RIT). However,
                       because the route was not found in the RIT,
                       the operation failed.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. The specified protocol is
                       not supported.
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.

4.4.11  –  IO$_WRITEVBLK

    The IO$_WRITEVBLK function transmits data from the specified
    user buffers to an Internet host. Use both p1 and p2 arguments
    to specify a single user buffer. Use the p5 argument to specify
    multiple buffers.
    For connection-oriented protocols, such as TCP, if the socket
    transmit buffer is full, the IO$_WRITEVBLK function is blocked
    until the socket transmit buffer has room for the user data.
    For connectionless-oriented protocols, such as UDP and raw IP,
    the user data is transmitted in one datagram. If the user data
    is greater than the socket's transmit quota, the error code (SS$_
    TOOMUCHDATA) is returned.
    Related Functions
    The equivalent Sockets API functions are send(), sendto(),
    sendmsg(), and write().  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:buffer
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit reference
                  (VAX) by 32-bit reference
    The address of the buffer containing the data to be transmitted.
    The length of this buffer is specified by the p2 argument.
    OpenVMS usage:buffer_length
    type:         quadword unsigned (Alpha and I64); longword
                  unsigned (VAX)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 64-bit value
                  (VAX) by 32-bit value
    The length (in bytes) of the buffer containing data to be
    transmitted. The address of this buffer is specified by the p1
    OpenVMS usage:socket_name
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by item_list_2 descriptor
    The remote port number and IP address of the message destination.
    The p3 argument is the address of an item_list_2 descriptor
    pointing to the socket address structure containing the remote
    port number and IP address.
    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Longword of flags to specify attributes for this write operation.
    The following table lists the available write flags:
    Write Flag            Description
    TCPIP$C_MSG_OOB       Writes an out-of-band (OOB) byte.
    TCPIP$C_MSG_          Sends message directly without routing.
    TCPIP$C_MSG_NBIO      Completes the I/O operation and returns
                          an error if a condition arises that would
                          cause the I/O operation to be blocked.
                          (Similar to using IO$M_NOWAIT.)
    OpenVMS usage:buffer_list
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    (Alpha and I64) by 32- or 64-bit
                  descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
                  (VAX) by 32-bit descriptor-fixed-length descriptor
    Input buffer list describing one or more buffers containing
    the data to be transmitted. The p5 argument is the address
    of a descriptor pointing to a input buffer list. Buffers are
    transmitted in the order specified by the input buffer list. The
    transfer-length value returned in the I/O status block is the
    total number of bytes transferred from all buffers.
    If you use the p1 and p2 arguments, do not use the p5 argument;
    they are mutually exclusive.  –  Function Modifiers

    IO$M_EXTEND        Allows the use of extended modifiers with BSD
                       Version 4.4. Valid only for datagram sockets
                       (UDP or raw IP); ignored for TCP.
    IO$M_INTERRUPT     Sends an OOB message.
    IO$M_NOWAIT        Regardless of a $QIO or $QIOW, if the system
                       detects a condition that would cause the
                       operation to block, the system completes the
                       I/O operation and returns the SS$_SUSPENDED
                       status code.
                       When using this function modified, always
                       check the message length in the IOSB to ensure
                       that all data is transferred. IO$_WRITEVBLK
                       returns a success status even if data is only
                       partially transferred.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_ABORT          Programming error, INET management error, or
                       hardware error. The execution of the I/O was
    SS$_ACCVIO         Programming error. An attempt was made to
                       access an invalid memory location or buffer.
    SS$_BADPARAM       Programming error. An I/O operation was
                       specified using an invalid parameter.
                       o  An attempt was made to execute an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK function without specifying a
                          device socket. First create a device socket
                          by issuing an IO$_SETMODE function and the
                          proper arguments.
                       o  An attempt was made to issue an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK function that did not specify
                          a correct buffer address (p1 or p5 is
                       o  An attempt was made to issue an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK that specifies an invalid
                          vectored buffer (p5 specifies an invalid
                          address descriptor).
    SS$_CANCEL         The I/O operation was canceled by the $CANCEL
                       system service.
    SS$_DEVINTACT      The network driver was not started.
    SS$_DEVNOTMOUNT    The network driver is loaded, but the INETACP
                       is not currently available for use.
    SS$_EXQUOTA        Returned when process resource mode wait is
                       disabled. There is no Internet request packet
                       (IRP) available for completing the request.
                       Increase the buffered I/O quota.
    SS$_FILALRACC      Programming error.
                       o  IP address is already in use. An attempt
                          was made to bind the socket to an address
                          but the port failed.
                       o  IP protocol (raw socket). An attempt was
                          made to specify a remote socket address
                          with an IO$_WRITEVBLK function, while an
                          IP address was already specified with an
                          IO$_ACCESS function.
                       o  UDP/IP protocol. An attempt was made to
                          specify a remote socket address with an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK function, while an IP address
                          was already specified with the IO$_ACCESS
    SS$_ILLCNTRFUNC    Programming error. Unsupported operation on
                       the protocol (UDP or TCP).
    SS$_INSFMEM        Insufficient system dynamic memory to complete
                       the operation.
    SS$_IVADDR         Programming error. The specified IP address is
                       not in the system, and an invalid port number
                       or an IP address combination was specified
                       with an IO$_WRITEVBLK operation.
                       o  An attempt to bind the socket failed
                          because the INET address is not in the
                          system, Port 0 and IP address 0 are not
                          allowed, or Port 0 is not allowed with an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK function.
                       o  An attempt to get an interface IP address,
                          broadcast mask, or network mask failed.
                       o  A send request was made on a datagram-
                          oriented protocol, but the destination
                          address is unknown or not specified.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error.
                       o  The size of the buffer for an I/O function
                          is insufficient.
                       o  An attempt was made to issue an
                          IO$_WRITEVBLK function that specifies a
                          correct buffer address (p1 valid) but does
                          not specify a buffer length (p2 is null).
    SS$_LINKDISCON     Notification. Connection completion return
                       code. The virtual circuit (TCP/IP) was closed
                       at the initiative of the peer. The application
                       must stop sending data and must either shut
                       down or close the socket.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. The address family of the
                       remote address specified with an IO$_WRITEVBLK
                       function is not supported (UDP or TCP).
                       The address family should be either the
                       TCPIP$C_AF_INET or the TCPIP$C_AF_INET6
                       address family.
    SS$_NOLINKS        Programming error. The socket was not
                       connected (TCP), or an INET port and address
                       were not specified with an IO$_ACCESS (UDP).
                       o  An IO$_WRITEVBLK with no remote INET socket
                          address was issued on a socket that was not
                          the object of an IO$_ACCESS function (raw
                       o  An IO$_WRITEVBLK with no remote INET socket
                          address was issued on a socket that was not
                          the object of an IO$_ACCESS function (UDP).
                       o  An attempt was made to disconnect a socket
                          that is not connected, or an attempt was
                          made to issue an IO$_WRITEVBLK function on
                          an unconnected socket (TCP).
    SS$_SHUT           The local or remote node is no longer
                       accepting connections.
    SS$_SUSPENDED      The system detected a condition that might
                       cause the operation to block.
    SS$_TIMEOUT        Programming error, INET management error, or
                       hardware error.
                       o  A TCP/IP connection timed out after several
                          unsuccessful retransmissions.
                       o  On a TCP socket where KEEPALIVE is set,
                          the connection was idle for longer than
                          the timeout interval. The default is 10
    SS$_TOOMUCHDATA    Programming or INET management error. The
                       message size was too large.
                       o  An IP packet that is broadcast cannot be
                       o  The Not Fragment IP flag was set and the IP
                          datagram was too large to be sent without
                          being fragmented.
                       o  Internal error. The length of the Ethernet
                          datagram does not allow enough space for
                          the minimum IP header.
                       o  The message to be sent on a UDP or raw IP
                          socket is larger than the socket buffer
                          high water allows. For more information,
                          see IOCTL Requests.
                       o  An attempt was made to send or receive
                          more than 16 buffers specified with the p5
    SS$_UNREACHABLE    Communication status. The remote host is
                       currently unreachable.
                       This indicates a hardware error. The data link
                       adapter detected an error and shut itself off.
                       The TCP/IP Services software is waiting for
                       the adapter to come back on line.

4.5  –  TELNET Port Driver $QIO Interface

    The TELNET port driver (TNDRIVER) provides terminal session
    support for TCP streaming connections using the RAW, NVT, RLOGIN,
    and TELNET protocols. Either a remote device or an application
    can be present at the remote endpoint of the connection.
    A user program can manage a TELNET connection with the standard
    OpenVMS $QIO system service by using the IO$_TTY_PORT and IO$_
    TTY_PORT_BUFIO I/O function codes.

4.5.1  –  Interface Definition

    The following definitions are used by the interface. The symbols
    are defined in SYS$LIBRARY:TNIODEF.H.  –  Item List Codes

    The following table describes the symbols used with the p5
    Item Code            Size     Description
    TN$_ACCPORNAM          64     Access port name string. When
                                  written, the string's length is
                                  determined by the item_length
                                  field. The value of item_length
                                  should not be more than 63 bytes.
                                  When read, the string is returned
                                  in ASCIC format (the first byte
                                  contains the string's length), so a
                                  size of 64 is appropriate.
    TN$_                    4     Characteristics mask. This longword
    CHARACTERISTICS               contains a bit mask of the device's
                                  characteristics read or to be
                                  written. (See Characteristic Mask
                                  Bits for a table that describes the
                                  characteristic mask bits.)
    TN$_CONNECTION_         4     Reconnection attempts. This item
    ATTEMPTS                      is the number of unsuccessful
                                  reconnection attempts which have
                                  been made on a reconnectable
                                  device. The value will be
                                  reinitialized when a successful
                                  connection is made. This item is
                                  read only.
    TN$_CONNECTION_         4     Minimum time (in seconds) before
    INTERVAL                      reconnection attempts.
    TN$_CONNECTION_         4     Current time (in seconds) since
    TIMEOUT                       the last reconnection attempt. This
                                  item is read only.
    TN$_DATA_HIGH           4     Maximum amount of output data (in
                                  bytes) buffered at the network
                                  port. This number does not affect
                                  the amount of data buffered within
                                  the socket.
    TN$_DEVICE_UNIT         4     Terminal device unit number. When
                                  written, this value must be between
                                  1 and 9999.
    TN$_IDLE_INTERVAL       4     Maximum idle time (in seconds)
                                  allowed before a connection is
                                  to be broken. Connections are not
                                  broken if the device is stalled.
    TN$_IDLE_TIMEOUT        4     Current time (in seconds) since
                                  last output on the terminal. This
                                  item is read only.
    TN$_LOCAL_ADDRESS      32     Local sockaddr of the active
                                  connection. When written, the
                                  value of item_length determines
                                  the size of the sockaddr. Note that
                                  the sockaddr is in BSD Version 4.4
                                  format, which includes a sockaddr
                                  size field. (C programs should be
                                  compiled with the _SOCKADDR_LEN
                                  symbol defined.) This item is read
    TN$_NETWORK_           64     Name of the network pseudodevice
    DEVICE_NAME                   currently bound to the terminal.
                                  When read, the data is returned
                                  in ASCIC format (the first byte
                                  contains the string's length). This
                                  item is read only.
    TN$_PROTOCOL            4     Session protocol. (See the table in
                                  Protocol Types.)
    TN$_REMOTE_ADDRESS     32     Remote peer's sockaddr of the
                                  active connection. Note that
                                  the sockaddr is in BSD Version
                                  4.4 format, which includes a
                                  sockaddr size field. The size of
                                  the sockaddr should be determined
                                  from this field. This item is read
    TN$_SERVICE_TYPE        4     Class of terminal service. (See the
                                  table in Service Types.)
    TN$_STATUS              4     Current device and session status.
                                  This item is read only.  –  Characteristic Mask Bits

    The following table describes the characteristic mask bits used
    with the p5 parameter.
    Characteristic     Description
    TN$M_AUTOCONNECT   The device supports automatic
    TN$M_LOGIN_ON_     Initiate a login when the TELNET device is
    DASSGN             deassigned. This characteristic requires the
                       BYPASS or SYSNAM privilege or executive or
                       kernel mode calls.
    TN$M_LOGIN_TIMER   Used in conjunction with TN$M_LOGIN_ON_DASSGN,
                       this bit indicates that the login completion
                       timer applies. If the TN device fails to
                       login within 60 seconds, the connection will
                       be broken and the device deallocated. This
                       characteristic requires the BYPASS or SYSNAM
                       privileges or executive or kernel mode calls.
    TN$M_PERMANENT_    The TELNET device is to remain until
    UCB                explicitly deleted.
    TN$M_RETAIN_ON_    The TELNET device is not to be deleted upon
    DASSGN             the deassignment of the last channel to this
                       device. This condition is cleared on this
                       last deassignment, so that a subsequent assign
                       and deassign will result in the device being
    TN$M_VIRTUAL_      When logging in under this device, a virtual
    TERMINAL           terminal is to be created by TTDRIVER.  –  Protocol Types

    The following table describes the protocol types used with the p5
    Protocol Type          Description
    TN$K_PROTOCOL_         There is no explicit protocol for this
    UNDEFINED              session. Data is transmitted and received
                           on the socket without any interpretation.
                           This is a raw connection.
    TN$K_PROTOCOL_NVT      Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) protocol.
                           The protocol understands basic session
                           control but does not include the options
                           negotiation present in the TELNET
    TN$K_PROTOCOL_RLOGIN   BSD Remote Login protocol. This simple
                           protocol provides some special control
                           character support but lacks the
                           architecture independence of the NVT and
                           TELNET protocols.
    TN$K_PROTOCOL_TELNET   TELNET protocol. Including the basic NVT
                           protocol, TELNET adds support for options
                           negotiation. This can provide an enhanced
                           terminal session depending upon the client
                           and server involved.  –  Service Types

    The following table describes the service type codes used with
    the p5 parameter.
    Service Type       Description
    TN$K_SERVICE_NONE  The service type is not currently known.
    TN$K_SERVICE_      The service is an incoming connection.
    TN$K_SERVICE_      The service is an outgoing connection.

4.5.2  –  Passing Parameters to the TELNET Port Driver

    The IO$_TTY_PORT function is used to pass $QIO parameters
    through the terminal driver to the TELNET port driver. The actual
    subfunction is encoded as an option mask and may be:
    o  IO$M_TN_STARTUP - Bind socket to a TELNET terminal.
    o  IO$M_TN_SHUTDOWN - Unbind socket from a TELNET terminal.


    Bind socket to a TELNET terminal.
    This subfunction will bind a created (connected) socket to a
    TELNET terminal device.

4.6.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    The p1 argument contains the channel number of the socket over
    which the TELNET session is to be established.
    OpenVMS usage:protocol_number
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    The p2 argument contains the protocol selection.
    OpenVMS usage:characteristics_mask
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:     by value
    The p3 argument specifies a mask of characteristics to apply
    against the connection. See the table in Item List Codes under
    Interface Definition help for possible values.

4.6.2  –  Description

    The IO$M_TN_STARTUP subfunction allows the application to
    communicate over a socket using the terminal driver QIO
    interface. Note that incoming and outgoing data is processed
    by the terminal driver, and that the terminal's characteristics
    may affect the format of the data. Be aware that by default, the
    terminal will echo incoming data back to the sender.
    Once the subfunction completes, the application is free to
    perform all terminal QIO functions on the connection. While the
    socket is bound to a terminal device, it will process neither the
    IO$_READxBLK nor the IO$_WRITExBLK function, and will return the
    error SS$_DEVINUSE.

4.6.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_IVCHAN         Programming error. The specified channel is
                       not valid.
    SS$_IVMODE         Programming error. The access mode of the
                       channel is more privileged than the access
                       mode of the terminal's channel.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming error. The TN$M_LOGIN_ON_
                       DASSGN characteristic was specified in a
                       characteristics mask from a $QIO in USER or
                       SUPERVISOR mode without either the BYPASS or
                       SYSPRV privilege.
    SS$_NOTNETDEV      Programming error. The specified channel is an
                       assignment to a non-BG device.
    SS$_PROTOCOL       Programming error. The specified protocol
                       number is not valid, or the network is not


    Unbind socket from a TELNET terminal.
    This subfunction will unbind a previously bound socket-terminal

4.7.1  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    The p1 argument contains the channel number of the socket to
    establish the TELNET session.

4.7.2  –  Description

    The IO$M_TN_SHUTDOWN subfunction allows the application to break
    a previously bound socket-terminal connection (created with IO$M_
    TN_STARTUP). The channel must be from an assignment to the same
    network pseudodevice in the socket-terminal connection.
    Upon completion, the application retains the assignments to
    the connection and the TELNET terminal, but they are no longer
    related. Any subsequent IO$_READxBLK or IO$_WRITExBLK function on
    the socket channel will no longer return the error SS$_DEVINUSE.

4.7.3  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_IVCHAN         Programming error. The specified channel is
                       not valid.
    SS$_IVMODE         Programming error. The access mode of the
                       channel is more privileged than the access
                       mode of the terminal's channel.
    SS$_NOTNETDEV      Programming error. The specified channel is an
                       assignment to a non-BG device.
    SS$_DEVREQERR      Programming error. The device on the channel
                       does not match the device in the socket-
                       terminal connection.

4.7.4  –  Buffered Reading and Writing of Item Lists

    The IO$_TTY_PORT_BUFIO function is used to pass $QIO parameters
    through the terminal driver to the TELNET port driver. IO$_TTY_
    PORT_BUFIO differs from IO$_TTY_PORT in that certain subfunctions
    accept buffered item lists for reading or writing parameters to
    the terminal device.
    o  IO$M_TN_SENSEMODE - Read device parameters.
    o  IO$M_TN_SETMODE - Write device parameters.
    The subfunctions of IO$_TTY_PORT_BUFIO accept an item list for
    input or output. Subfunction Item List shows the format of this
    item list.
    The item list is terminated with an item_code and item_length,
    both of which are zero.
    The subfunctions of IO$_TTY_PORT_BUFIO can be combined into
    a single $QIO. For example, the IO$M_TN_SETMODE and IO$M_TN_
    CONNECT can be combined to set the device's parameters and then
    to attempt to make a connection.
    The subfunctions are performed in the following order:
       Certain items are read only (IO$M_TN_SENSEMODE) and cannot
       be written (IO$M_TN_SETMODE). Normally, attempting to write
       such items would result in the error SS$_BADATTRIB. However,
       if a combination operation (IO$M_TN_SENSEMODE|IO$M_TN_
       SETMODE) is being performed, these items will not result
       in an error. Rather, the items will be ignored in the IO$M_
       TN_SETMODE processing, and the $QIO will continue with IO$M_
       TN_SENSEMODE processing, returning the information that the
       item specifies.


    Read device parameters.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:item_list_2
    type:         vector byte (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    The p5 argument is the address of an item list that contains a
    summary of information to be read from the device.  –  Description

    The IO$M_TN_SENSEMODE subfunction of IO$_TTY_PORT_BUFIO is used
    to read the parameters associated with a device.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_BADATTRIB      Programming error. The item code within the
                       list is not valid. This could be because of
                       its code, an attempt to write a read-only
                       parameter, or inappropriate size. The address
                       of the item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error. The length of the specified
                       item is not acceptable. The address of the
                       item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming error. An item that requires a
                       privilege which the requestor does not have
                       is present in the item list. The address of
                       the item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.


    Write device parameters.  –  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:item_list_2
    type:         vector (byte unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    The p5 argument is the address of an item list that contains a
    summary of information to be written to the device.  –  Description

    The IO$M_TN_SETMODE subfunction of IO$_TTY_PORT_BUFIO is used to
    write the parameters associated with a device.  –  Condition Values Returned

    SS$_BADATTRIB      Programming error. The item code within the
                       list is not valid. This could be because of
                       its code, an attempt to write a read-only
                       parameter, or inappropriate size. The address
                       of the item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.
    SS$_DUPLNAM        Programming error. An attempt to set the
                       device's unit number via the TN$_DEVICE_UNIT
                       item has failed because that specified unit
                       number was already present.
    SS$_IVBUFLEN       Programming error. The length of the specified
                       item is not acceptable. The address of the
                       item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.
    SS$_NOPRIV         Programming error. An item that requires a
                       privilege which the requester does not have
                       is present in the item list. The address of
                       the item's buffer is returned in the second
                       longword of the I/O status block.
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