VMS Help  —  TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, RPC Portmapper Routines
    Portmapper routines allow C programs to access the Portmapper
    network service.

    Important: In order to maintain uniqueness for the OpenVMS HELP
    utility, some XDR routines have a "_#" appended at the end. Do
    not use the "_#" when coding the routine in a program.

1  –  pmap_getmaps_#

    Returns a copy of the current port mappings on a remote host.
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      struct pmaplist  *pmap_getmaps(struct sockaddr_in *addr);

1.1  –  Arguments

    A pointer to a sockaddr_in structure containing the Internet
    address of the host whose Portmapper you want to call.

1.2  –  Description

    A client interface to the Portmapper, which returns a list of the
    current ONC RPC program-to-port mappings on the host located at
    the Internet address addr. The SHOW PORTMAPPER management command
    uses this routine.

1.3  –  Return Values

    struct pmaplist *  A pointer to the returned list of server-to-
                       port mappings on host addr.
    NULL               Indicates failure.

2  –  pmap_getmaps_vms

    Returns a copy of the current port mappings on a remote host
    running TCP/IP Services software.
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      struct pmaplist_vms  *pmap_getmaps_vms(struct sockaddr_in

2.1  –  Arguments

    A pointer to a sockaddr_in structure containing the Internet
    address of the host whose Portmapper you wish to call.

2.2  –  Description

    This routine is similar to the pmap_getmaps routine. However,
    pmap_getmaps_vms also returns the process identifiers (PIDs) that
    are required for mapping requests to TCP/IP Services hosts.

2.3  –  Return Values

    struct pmaplist *  A pointer to the returned list of server-to-
                       port mappings on host addr.
    NULL               Indicates failure.

3  –  pmap_getport

    Returns the port number on which the specified service is
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      u_short  pmap_getport(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long prognum,
               u_long versnum, u_long protocol );

3.1  –  Arguments

    A pointer to a sockaddr_in structure containing the Internet
    address of the host where the remote Portmapper resides.
    The program number associated with the remote procedure.
    The version number associated with the remote procedure.
    The transport protocol that the remote procedure uses. Specify

3.2  –  Description

    A client interface to the Portmapper. This routine returns the
    port number on which waits a server that supports program number
    prognum, version versnum, and speaks the transport protocol
    associated with protocol (IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP).

       If the requested version is not available, but at least the
       requested program is registered, the routine returns a port

       The pmap_getport routine returns the port number in host
       byte order not network byte order. For certain routines you
       may need to convert this value to network byte order using
       the htons routine. For example, the sockaddr_in structure
       requires that the port number be in network byte order.

3.3  –  Return Values

    x                  The port number of the service on the remote
    0                  No mapping exists or RPC could not contact the
                       remote Portmapper service. In the latter case,
                       the global variable rpc_createerr.cf_error
                       contains the ONC RPC status.

4  –  pmap_rmtcall

    The client interface to the Portmapper service for a remote call
    and broadcast service. This routine allows a program to do a
    lookup and call in one step.
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      enum clnt_stat  pmap_rmtcall(struct sockaddr_in *addr, u_long
                      prognum, u_long versnum, u_long procnum,
                      xdrproc_t inproc, char * in xdrproc_t outproc,
                      char * out, struct timeval timeout, u_long
                      *port );

4.1  –  Arguments

    A pointer to a sockaddr_in structure containing the Internet
    address of the host where the remote Portmapper resides.
    The program number associated with the remote procedure.
    The version number associated with the remote procedure.
    The procedure number associated with the remote procedure.
    The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments.
    A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments.
    The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results.
    A pointer to the remote procedure's results.
    A timeval structure describing the time allowed for the results
    to return to the client.
    A pointer to a location for the returned port number. Modified
    to the remote program's port number if the pmap_rmtcall routine

4.2  –  Description

    A client interface to the Portmapper, which instructs the
    Portmapper on the host at the Internet address *addr to make
    a call on your behalf to a procedure on that host. Use this
    procedure for a ping operation and nothing else. You can use
    the clnt_perrno routine to print any error message.

       If the requested procedure is not registered with the remote
       Portmapper, the remote Portmapper does not reply to the
       request. The call to pmap_rmtcall will eventually time out.
       The pmap_rmtcall does not perform authentication.

4.3  –  Return Values

    enum clnt_stat     Returns the buffer containing the status of
                       the operation.

5  –  pmap_set

    Called by the server procedure to have the Portmapper create a
    mapping of the procedure's program and version number.
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      bool_t  pmap_set(u_long prognum, u_long versnum, u_long
              protocol, u_short port);

5.1  –  Arguments

    The program number associated with the server procedure.
    The version number associated with the server procedure.
    The transport protocol that the server procedure uses. Specify
    The port number associated with the server program.

5.2  –  Description

    A server interface to the Portmapper, which establishes a mapping
    between the triple [prognum,versnum,protocol] and port on the
    server's Portmapper service. The svc_register routine calls this
    routine to register the server with the local Portmapper.

5.3  –  Return Values

    TRUE               Indicates success.
    FALSE              Indicates failure.

6  –  pmap_unset

    Called by the server procedure to have the Portmapper delete a
    mapping of the procedure's program and version number.
      #include  <rpc/pmap_clnt.h>
      bool_t  pmap_unset(u_long prognum, u_long versnum);

6.1  –  Arguments

    The program number associated with the server procedure.
    The version number associated with the server procedure.

6.2  –  Description

    A server interface to the Portmapper, which destroys all mapping
    between the triple [prognum, versnum, *] and ports on the local
    host's Portmapper.

6.3  –  Return Values

    TRUE               Indicates success.
    FALSE              Indicates failure.
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