1 SET 2 ACP Modifies the operation of the LANACP LAN Server process. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format SET ACP 3 Parameters None. 3 Qualifiers /ECHO /ECHO /NOECHO (default) Enables partial tracing of received and transmitted downline load messages (the first 32 bytes of the data portion of each message). Note that the last one or two MOP messages are displayed in full: the memory load message with cluster parameters, and the parameter load with transfer address message, where present in the load. The data is written to a log file SYS$MANAGER:LAN$node-name.LOG. To obtain the entire contents of each message, use the /FULL qualifier as follows: SET ACP/ECHO/FULL /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) When /ECHO is enabled, displays the entire contents of received and transmitted downline load messages. /OPCOM /OPCOM (default) /NOOPCOM Enables OPCOM messages from LANACP LAN Server process. Messages are generated by the LANACP LAN Server process when a device status changes, load requests are received, and loads complete. These messages are displayed on the operator console and included in the log file written by LANACP, SYS$MANAGER:LAN$ACP.LOG. /START Starts the LANACP process, by executing the SYS$STARTUP:LAN$STARTUP.COM command file. /STOP Stops the LANACP process. It can be restarted by requesting a start as follows: LANCP> SET ACP/START 3 Example LANCP> SET ACP/ECHO/FULL This command enables tracing of received and transmitted downline load messages. The /FULL qualifier displays the entire contents of received and transmitted downline load messages. 2 DEVICE Sets or modifies LAN device parameters. Requires PHY_IO privilege. Format SET DEVICE device-name 3 Parameter device-name Specifies the LAN device name. The device name has the form ddcu, where dd is the device identifier, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device, which is unit 0. For example, the first EI Ethernet device is specified as EIA0, the second as EIB0, and so on. You can specify the first EI device, for example, as EIA, EIA0, or EIA0:. A partial device name, accompanied by the /ALL qualifier, selects all matching devices. For example: E to select all Ethernet devices, V for VLAN devices, EI for Ethernet EI devices, no device name to select all LAN devices. 3 Qualifiers_(General) /ALL Sets data for all LAN devices. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected, for example: E to select all Ethernet devices, V for VLAN devices, EW to select all Ethernet EW devices. /BANDWIDTH /BANDWIDTH=(hours-option, threshold-option, default-option, restart-option) /NOBANDWIDTH You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier: o hours-option HOURS=value (default 1 hour) Specifies the size of the bandwidth recording buffer in terms of hours to collect data, 32 bytes per second, 115200 bytes per hour. The buffer is allocated from S2 space. If different from the current size, the existing buffer is deallocated and a new buffer is allocated with the requested size, and bandwidth recording is restarted. The size is limited to 81.92 hours (9*1024*1024 bytes or 294912 buckets. The size can also be specified by LAN_FLAGS system parameter bits, which can select up to 63.72 hours o threshold-option THRESHOLD=bytes (default 10000 bytes) Specifies the threshold at which a new bandwidth entry is started. Below this is considered 'noise' and not worthy of collecting second by second details. When the amount of transmit and receive data over the last second is less than the threshold, the total is accumulated in the current bandwidth bucket and we don't advance to the next bucket. Note that 0 bytes in one second does get recorded, as that is an unusual amount of activity. A 20 second period with 0 bytes of activity would be recorded as a 20 second long bucket with 0 activity. When the threshold is 0 bytes, all bandwidth buckets contain one second of activity. When non-zero, the bandwidth data is effectively compressed and a small buffer can record activity over a much longer period. o default-option DEFAULT Restarts bandwidth recording with default settings, discarding any data recorded already. o restart-option RESTART Restarts bandwidth recording, discarding any data recorded already. /DESCRIPTION /DESCRIPTION="quoted string" The quoted string provides additional information that is displayed by the LANCP> SHOW CONFIGURATION command. An example of usage is to identify the switch connection for a device. /DEVICE_SPECIFIC /DEVICE_SPECIFIC=(FUNCTION="xxxx",VALUE=(n1,n2,n3...n16)) /NODEVICE_SPECIFIC Allows device-specific parameters to be adjusted. These are used for debug purposes or to override default device characteristics. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Specify the negated qualifer to clear all device-specific parameter data. These functions are described in a text file on the system, SYS$HELP:LAN_COUNTERS_AND_FUNCTIONS.TXT. /DLL /DLL or MOPDLL=(enable-option, exclusive-option, size-option, knownclientsonly-option) Provides the MOP downline load service settings for the device. Note that defaults apply to creation of an entry in the device database. If an existing entry is being modified, fields not specified remain unchanged. You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier: o enable-option ENABLE DISABLE (default) Specify ENABLE or DISABLE to indicate that MOP downline load service should be enabled or disabled for the device. o exclusive-option EXCLUSIVE NOEXCLUSIVE (default) Specify EXCLUSIVE to indicate that no other provider of MOP downline load service is allowed on the specified LAN device at the same time as LANACP. Specify NOEXCLUSIVE to indicate that the LAN MOP downline load service can coexist with other implementations (in particular, the DECnet Phase IV and DECnet Plus implementations that include MOP support). Note that when you select NOEXCLUSIVE, LANACP responds only to MOP downline load requests directed to nodes defined in the LAN node database. o size-option SIZE=value Use SIZE=value to specify the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. The default value is 246 bytes, which should allow any client to load properly. Note that some clients may not support the larger size. The recommended size for better load performance and less server overhead is the largest size that results in successful loads of all clients. The 1482 value is derived from the maximum packet size for CSMA/CD (Ethernet) of 1518 bytes less the 802e header and CRC (26 bytes) and MOP protocol overhead (10 bytes). You can override the size on a per-node basis. See the SET NODE commands for details. o knownclientsonly-option KNOWNCLIENTSONLY NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY (default) Specify KNOWNCLIENTSONLY to indicate that MOP downline load requests should be serviced only for clients defined in the LAN permanent node database. When you select NOKNOWNCLIENTSONLY, LANACP searches the LAN$DLL directory for any images requested by clients that are not defined in the LAN node database. Note that this option is not available when NOEXCLUSIVE mode is selected. In NOEXCLUSIVE mode, LANACP services MOP downline load requests only for clients defined in the LAN node database. /MAX_BUFFERS /MAX_BUFFERS=value Sets the maximum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device. /MIN_BUFFERS /MIN_BUFFERS=value Sets the minimum number of receive buffers to be allocated and used by the LAN driver for the LAN device. /PERMANENT /PERMANENT (SET DEVICE only) Updates the device entries in the LAN volatile device database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database. /PORT /PORT=value Sets the port number to use when defining a UDP pseudo device. /TAG /TAG=value (VLAN devices only) Specifies the IEEE 802.1Q tag for the VLAN device. /TEST /LOOP /RECEIVE /TOGGLE /TRANSMIT /TEST These qualfiers implement test functionality built into LANCP for purposes of debug and validation. The test functionality is described in a text file on the system, SYS$HELP:LAN_COUNTERS_AND_FUNCTIONS.TXT. /TRACE /TRACE=(size-option, mask-option, stop-option, keywords) /NOTRACE Provides the LAN driver trace settings for the device. By default, the LAN drivers do tracing of error conditions and state changes. Tracing is controlled by an event mask that select events to trace, a stop mask that specifies when to stop tracing, and the size of the trace buffer. Keywords provide a user friendly way of specifying the event mask that consists of two hex values. You can change tracing settings at any time. The LAN driver allocates the trace buffer from non-paged pool. You can calculate the amount of pool needed by multiplying the number of entries by the size of each entry, 32-bytes. The impact of tracing on the system is negligible for error and state change events, more significant when all events are selected, and yet more significant when full packet tracing is enabled. The command SHOW DEVICE/TRACE displays trace results as well as the trace mask. Stop tracing with the command SET DEVICE/NOTRACE. You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier: o size-option SIZE=value Use SIZE=value to specify the size of the trace buffer in entries, each 32 bytes. The default is 2048 entries. The initial and minimum size is 512 entries and maximum is 1000000 entries. o mask-option MASK=(value1,value2) Use MASK=(value1,value2) to specify the trace mask to select which entries should be collected in the trace buffer. The first 32 bits consist of events common to most LAN drivers. The second 32 bits consist of events specific to the LAN driver for the device. The mask can be specified by a numerical value and/or a list of keywords that identify the bits to be set. o stop-option STOP=(value1,value2) Use STOP=(value1,value2) to specify the trace mask to select which type of entries should stop tracing. When a trace entry is made that matches one of the bits in the stop mask, the trace mask is cleared so that you can look at the trace data accumulated so far. The mask can be specified by a numerical value or a list of keywords that identify the bits to be set. o keywords DEFAULT - Requests that the trace mask be set to the LAN driver default trace mask. PAUSE - Stops tracing but does not deallocate the trace buffer so it can be read without being disturbed by more tracing. RTINT - Select receive done, transmit issue, interrupt events. RFTINT - Select RTINT plus fork start and fork done events. PK - Select full size transmit and receive packets. MALL - Select all bits for the trace mask. MNONE - Select all bits for the trace mask. SALL - Select all bits for the trace stop mask. SNONE - Select all bits for the trace stop mask. The remaining events are listed in the trace header displayed by the command SHOW DEVICE/TRACE/HEADER. The keyword is listed in all caps preceding the description of the trace entry. All of the keywords except the ones above can be negated. /UDP_DEVICE /UDP_DEVICE=device-name /NOUDP_DEVICE (Future Release, not currently supported) Specifies the physical LAN device that is to host the UDP device. The /NOUDP_DEVICE qualifier requests deactivation of the UDP device. When deactivating the UDP device, the device-name is not required because the UDP driver knows which device is hosting the UDP device. Note that a UDP device cannot be deactivated if any applications continue to use the device. /UPDATE /UPDATE (DEFINE DEVICE only) Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN permanent device database to that database. The initial entry for the device uses default values for all parameters. To update the permanent database with current information from the volatile database, use the DEFINE DEVICE command with the /VOLATILE qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /VOLATILE qualifiers in a single DEFINE DEVICE command. /UPDATE (SET DEVICE only) Adds LAN devices that are not currently in the LAN volatile device database to that database. The initial entry for the device uses default values for all parameters. To update the volatile database with current information from the permanent database, use the SET DEVICE command with the /PERMANENT qualifier. You can combine the /UPDATE and /PERMANENT qualifiers in a single SET DEVICE command. /VLAN_DEVICE /VLAN_DEVICE=device-name /NOVLAN_DEVICE Specifies the physical LAN device that is to host the VLAN device. The /NOVLAN_DEVICE qualifier requests deactivation of the VLAN device. When deactivating the VLAN device, the device-name is not required because the VLAN driver knows which device is hosting the VLAN device. Note that a VLAN device cannot be deactivated if any applications continue to use the device. Note that the LAN Failover device (LLx) is considered as a physical LAN device. It acts as a single failover device and represents a set of physical LAN devices. /VOLATILE /VOLATILE (DEFINE DEVICE only) Updates the device entries in the LAN permanent device database with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows you to update the permanent database after changing data in the volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database. 3 Qualifiers_(Ethernet_Devices) /AUTONEGOTIATE /AUTONEGOTIATE (default) /NOAUTONEGOTIATE Enables or disables the use of auto-negotiation to determine the link settings. You may need to disable link auto-negotiation when connected to a switch or device that does not support auto negotiation. After you issue this command, the Ethernet driver may redo auto- negotiation. For VM devices, auto-negotiation, duplex mode, and flow control settings are determined by the hypervisor and associated network device driver. The OpenVMS LAN driver overrides any requested setting to set auto-negotation enabled, full-duplex mode, and flow control enabled. /FLOW_CONTROL /FLOW_CONTROL (default) /NOFLOW_CONTROL Enables flow control on a LAN device. For VM devices, auto-negotiation, duplex mode, and flow control settings are determined by the hypervisor and associated network device driver. The OpenVMS LAN driver overrides any requested setting to set auto-negotation enabled, full-duplex mode, and flow control enabled. /FULL_DUPLEX /FULL_DUPLEX /NOFULL_DUPLEX (default) Enables full-duplex operation of a LAN device. Before full-duplex operation results from the use of this qualifier, additional device or network hardware setup may be required. Some devices may be enabled for full-duplex operation by default. Some devices may not allow the setting to be changed. The /NOFULL_DUPLEX qualifier disables full-duplex operation. For VM devices, auto-negotiation, duplex mode, and flow control settings are determined by the hypervisor and associated network device driver. The OpenVMS LAN driver overrides any requested setting to set auto-negotation enabled, full-duplex mode, and flow control enabled. /JUMBO /JUMBO /NOJUMBO (default) Enables the use of jumbo frames on a LAN device. Gigabit and faster Ethernet devices support jumbo frames. The jumbo frame size is 9018 bytes, i.e, MAC header + data + CRC, excluding VLAN tags. /MEDIA /MEDIA=value Selects the cable connection. Normally, the selection is made during device initialization using a limited autosensing algorithm that selects twisted pair, but fails over to AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) if twisted pair does not appear to be functional. Thereafter, a cabling change would require a reboot of the system to take effect. This command allows you to change the selection without rebooting. Acceptable values are AUI (10Base2, 10Base5), TWISTEDPAIR (10BaseT), BNC, UTP, STP, and AUTOSENSE (redo the limited autosense algorithm). The default value is AUTOSENSE. Some devices, such as the DE435, require a jumper change on the Ethernet card to switch between 10Base2 and 10Base5 (thinwire and thickwire). Other devices, such as the DE434, DE436, and DE500, have only twisted pair connections. /SPEED /SPEED=value Sets the speed of the LAN, in megabits/second. Valid values are 10, 100, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 40000, 100000, or autonegotiate. Autonegotiate indicates that the driver should determine the speed either by auto-negotiation or by device characteristics. Emulated VM devices are nominally 1000 megabits/second, but you can override the nominal speed. After you issue this command, the Ethernet driver may re-do link setup and auto-negotiation for the device. 3 Qualifiers_(LAN_Failover_Devices) /DISABLE Disables the devices in a LAN Failover set. When disabled, LAN devices can be added to or deleted from the Failover set. /ENABLE Enables a LAN Failover set, which activates the Logical LAN device. The LAN Failover driver selects a LAN device from the LAN Failover set as the active device and then allows I/O to the Logical LAN device. /FAILOVER_SET /FAILOVER_SET=(device-name[,...]) /NOFAILOVER_SET=(device-name[,...]) Specifies the members of a LAN Failover set, adding or removing. /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=value Sets the Failover priority of a LAN device. Priority is given to the LAN Failover device with the highest priority when choosing the active LAN device. When a LAN device with a higher priority becomes available, a failover transition to the newly available device is performed. This allows a system manager to set a preferred device by setting one LAN device to a higher priority than others. The LAN Failover driver uses the preferred device when it is available. /SIZE /SIZE=value Sets the packet size of the LAN Failover device. Valid values are STANDARD (the default) or JUMBO: o STANDARD is the Ethernet maximum packet size of 1518 bytes, i.e., MAC header + data + CRC excluding VLAN tags. o JUMBO is the oversize packet size supported by Gigabit and faster devices, 9018 bytes, i.e, MAC header + data + CRC excluding VLAN tags. JUMBO is allowed if all of the LAN devices in the LAN Failover set support jumbo frames. Note: This size parameter controls the jumbo setting of the LAN Failover set. The jumbo setting of the individual members of the LAN Failover set is irrelevant. /SWITCH /SWITCH (SET DEVICE only) Forces a LAN failover to another member of the LAN Failover set. You can test LAN failover operation by using this command to switch to the next device in the failover set. 3 Examples 1 LANCP> SET DEVICE/MEDIA=TWI EWB0 Sets the media type to twisted pair for EWB0. 2 LANCP> SET DEVICE EIA0/DLL=ENABLE Enables MOP downline load service for EIA0, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged. 3 LANCP> SET DEVICE EIA0/DLL=(ENABLE,EXCLUSIVE,SIZE=1482) Enables MOP downline load service for EIA0, in exclusivemode with data transfer size 1482 bytes, leaving the remaining MOPDLL parameters unchanged. 4 LANCP> SET DEVICE EIA0/DLL=(ENABLE,NOEXCLUSIVE) This command enables LANACP MOP downline load service for EIA0 in nonexclusive mode. 2 NODE Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an existing entry. Requires SYSPRV privilege. Format SET NODE node-name 3 Parameter node-name Supplies the name of a node to be added to the LAN volatile node database or an entry to be modified. Typically, the node name is the same as that given in the system parameter SCSNODE, but it does not need to be. The node name is limited to 63 characters in length. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=node-address /NOADDRESS (default) Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified). If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name, each combination may be given as a node name with an extension, for example, VMSSYS.EIA for the EIA device on node VMSSYS, or VMSSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VMSSYS. If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field. /ALL Sets data for all nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A. /BOOT_TYPE /BOOT_TYPE=boot-option /NOBOOT_TYPE Indicates the type of processing required for downline load requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: o VAX_SATELLITE-a VAX satellite cluster boot o ALPHA_SATELLITE-an Alpha satellite cluster boot o I64_SATELLITE-an OpenVMS Cluster I64 satellite boot o OTHER-the specified image; noncluster satellite loads that do not require additional data The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is OTHER. If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field. Note that I64 satellites boot using TFTP rather than MOP services. This boot type is included so that the information in the node database can be maintained, not because it is needed for booting purposes. /DECNET_ADDRESS /DECNET_ADDRESS=value /NODECNET_ADDRESS Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxx. If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier clears the field. /FILE /FILE=filespec /NOFILE Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the downline load request does not include a file name (for example, OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is limited to 127 characters. If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_ LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX. If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field. /IP_ADDRESS /IP_ADDRESS=value /NOIP_ADDRESS Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address in the standard dotted notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears the filed. /PERMANENT_DATABASE /PERMANENT_DATABASE (SET NODE only) Updates the node entries in the LAN volatile node database with any data currently set in the permanent database. This allows you to update the volatile database after changing data in the permanent database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the volatile database. /ROOT /ROOT=directory-specification /NOROOT Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service, this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file specification or the file name given in the boot request includes the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory specification is limited to 127 characters. If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field. /SIZE /SIZE=value /NOSIZE Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The default is the load data size specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less server overhead. If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting. /V3 /V3 /NOV3 Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested format. This allows systems to load that have a problem with MOP Version 4 booting. This qualifier causes the requesting node to failover from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response has been received to a MOP Version 4 load request. If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting. /VOLATILE_DATABASE /VOLATILE_DATABASE (DEFINE NODE only) Updates the node entries in the LAN permanent node database with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows you to update the permanent database after changing data in the volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database. 3 Examples 1 LANCP> SET NODE VMSSYS/ADDRESS=08:00:2B:11:22:33 - /FILE=APB.EXE - /ROOT=$64$DIA14: - /BOOT_TYPE=ALPHA_SATELLITE This command sets up node VMSSYS for booting as an Alpha satellite into the cluster. The APB.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: . Note that the is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition. 2 LANCP> SET NODE VMSSYS/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33 - /FILE=NISCS_LOAD.EXE - /ROOT=$64$DIA14: - /BOOT_TYPE=VAX_SATELLITE This command sets up node VMSSYS for booting as a VAX satellite into the OpenVMS Cluster. The NISCS_LOAD.EXE file is actually located on $64$DIA14: . The is supplied by the LANACP LAN Server process and is not included in the root definition. 3 LANCP> SET NODE VMSSYS/ADDRESS=08:00:2B:11:22:33/NOROOT This command changes the LAN address associated with node VMSSYS and clears the current root specification. 4 SET NODE CALPAL/ADDRESS=08-00-2B-11-22-33/FILE=APB_061.EXE This command sets up node CALPAL for booting an InfoServer image. It defines the file that should be loaded when a load request without file name is received from node CALPAL. Because the file does not include a directory specification, the logical name LAN$DLL defines where to locate the file. You could give directory specification using the file name or by using the /ROOT qualifier. Note that specifying the file name explicitly in the boot command overrides the file name specified in the node database entry. 2 VERIFY Controls whether command lines and data lines in command procedures are displayed at the terminal or are printed in a batch job log. Format SET VERIFY SET NOVERIFY 3 Parameter None. 3 Qualifiers None.