Using Bookreader
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  Reading Books on 100-dpi Monitors

  Bookreader books are optimized for display on a monitor that
  uses 75-dpi (dots per inch) fonts and is set to 75-dpi bit den-
  sity.  As a result, a book displayed on a 100-dpi monitor will
  be less attractive than at 75-dpi.

  To improve the appearance of books on a 100-dpi monitor,
  you can to run the monitor at 75-dpi.  This makes windows
  and text smaller, but Bookreader books display better.  Other
  applications may display better as well.

  Follow these steps to set the monitor resolution to 75-dpi on a
  Tru64 UNIX system:

  1.   Edit the -fd and -dpi options in the appropriate line in

      /etc/ttys.  For example:
      :0  "/usr/bin/login  -P  /usr/bin/Xprompter  -C  /usr/bin/dxsession  -e"  none  on
      secure  window="/usr/bin/Xws  bc  -fd  75  -dpi  75"

  2.   To activate the changes, restart the DECwindows server
      by rebooting the workstation:

      #  /etc/shutdown  -r  now

  Follow these steps to set the monitor resolution to 75-dpi on
  an OpenVMS system:



      the bottom of the file add:

      $  do_MYNODE:
      $  decw$server_density  ==  "75,75"
      $  decw$monitor_density  ==  "75,75"

      This file also has a section for setting up a node in a clus-
      ter.  If your node is part of a cluster, add the following in
      that section (replacing MYNODE with the name of your

      $  node_list  ="MYNODE"

  3.   Restart DECwindows with the following command:

      $@decw$startup  restart

      If the changes don't work correctly, check to see
      if the 75-dpi fonts are loaded.  The fonts are in

      SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONTS.DECW.75DPI]. If the fonts
      are installed, test the logical name:

      $SHOW  LOGICAL  *font*/table=*

  Severe Bookreader display problems can occur on 100-
  dpi monitors when the bit density setting of the Window
  Manager does not match the font density setting.  Make
  sure that the same setting is used both for the fonts  and  the
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